When Peyton Rice came to the SCW it was with a lot of fanfare. The young woman was popular among many of the stars in the SCW. They all thought highly of her especially the approach she took when it came to this business. Peyton always had a positive attitude and it brought her victory but she was starting to see that the SCW was not EMERGE, the competition was tougher, it was cutthroat and while Peyton had to deal with some of that before her time in the big leagues, she came right when Katya took over and there was a separation of staff, lines were drawn and there was a huge disrespect for her mentor, Kelcey Wallace as she was hated by Katya because of the way Mr. D treated her like a daughter, his youngest hated Kennedy and Kelcey for it. That also made Peyton guilty by association, they started to see a lot of Kelcey and others in her…..

And the young Rice was fine with it.

She didn’t care, she was still going to stand for what she believed in and it all started right before Trios when Scarlet Grey, her partner along with Chris Cannon tried to seduce and get his attention by dressing like and disrespecting Kelcey in the match which ultimately cost them the first round against a team that would have been a huge upset had they won. That still lingered in Peyton, she took a lot of the fault, burdened so much of it because that is the type of woman Peyton Rice is. She wasn’t going to make excuses, she was going to improve and be better the next time. Then came a Six-woman tag team match where she teamed with The Stewards to take on The Red Empire and Autumn Valentine. This was her chance to get her hands-on Scarlet, it really never happened as she cut out every time that Peyton was tagged in that rice was finally sick of it and at the end of the match, she tried to send Scarlet a message but to no avail, rescued by Ruby Amarant instead.

Peyton was not going to let this one go.



Denver, CO.

After the Event


Peyton wasn’t in the best of moods, she sat at the bar sipping her glass of win in red leggings, boots and a black sweater, she was ready to tuck herself into the room. She sat staring at the glass of wine after one sip, contemplating just walking away and going to bed. Her nails slowly tapped the counter top, her green eyes shifting toward the TV. That is when she heard a voice clearly in the half empty bar…

‘This seat taken?’

She recognized the voice, her eyes widened, turning around to see John Goddard standing there in jeans sneakers, a White Zombie t-shirt, beanie to old his dreads up and scarf….


PeytonCastPic3Mr. Goddard!?”

Goddard: “Call me John, please.”

Peyton: “Okay, John. I mean…. Yeah, sure please.”

Goddard: “Thank ya.”


I wasn’t expecting to see John Goddard here; this hotel didn’t seem to be his cup of tea but nonetheless he seemed like an interesting fellow. He looked over at my drink…..


PeytonCastPic-JohnGoddardGoddard: “What ya’ drinkin’?”

Peyton: “Wine, Pinot Grigio, it helps me relax when I am tense.”

Goddard: “Tense, why?”

Peyton: “Just everything in general John, this was not what I thought it was going to be and I’m a little disappointed in myself and in the way this company is ran. It’s not fair. I’m not used to this you know?”

Goddard: “Ya mean the snakes in the grass?”

Peyton: “Yeah, that is exactly who I mean. I came from EMERGE and sure there was stuff going on down there but nothing like this. I loved wrestling there, it was an awesome experience, it was about the sport, the honor and the competition. I mean, every promotion has its pitfalls, but it just seems like that SCW is out of control. Also, I’m not exactly lighting things on fire, not really used to losing much. I have one win under my belt.”

Goddard: “Excuse me, Whiskey, two doubles.”


A man that that can drink….


Goddard: “I’m sorry, I beat ya yer first match.”

Peyton: “No… no John, you do NOT have to apologize at all, really you don’t. It was a great match, you caught me, things happen. I loved our contest, tonight though, Trios…. It was different. It was not about wrestling, it was about games, it was about insulting a woman that is like my second mom. She is such a wonderful person and it angers me, John, it angers me so much that I am not concentrating on the match itself and I don’t know…..”

Goddard: “Scares ya.”

Peyton: “Yeah…. Yeah…. It scares me.”

Goddard: “Want some advice?”

Peyton: “Yes, I would love some.”

Goddard: “First off Peyton, before I do, I just have to tell ya that yer an extraordinary young woman. The way you present and carry yerself, how you react to adversity, even when ya know that the people there so NOT have yer best intentions, ya still treat them with kindness and respect, that speaks volumes of yer character, young lady.”


He made me blush, it was really nice of him to say that, I don’t get a lot of compliments unless it’s for my butt or my looks, it’s refreshing to have someone say something nice about my personality….


Peyton: “Thank you, John.”


The bartender brings the Whiskey, Mr. Goddard slides one over to me….


Peyton: “Oh…. I can’t. No way.  I’m a wine girl, I try to stay away from the hard stuff.”

Goddard: “Where I come from, it is customary fer friends to share a drink of whiskey. It is like a right of passage, a way fer us ta connect and bond. I ain’t tryin’ ta get ya drunk lil’ one. I’m old enough ta be yer dad. Trust me, ya drink that and yer gonna feel a lot better after tonight.”

Peyton: “I’m scared….”

Goddard: “Grab the glass, take it back and drink. It will go down smoothly, I got the good stuff.”

Peyton: “Okay… I am going to trust you, John.”

Goddard: “Cheers, ta yer success.”

Peyton: “And to yours, John.”


I was so afraid to take the shot, I was pretty sure the minute I did it would burn a hole in my stomach. I closed my eyes and took it down fast…..


Peyton: “Fuc…….. k…..”


He started to laugh as he slammed his glass down, I did the same after the room stopped spinning and there was only one Mr. Goddard instead of two….


Peyton: “Uggghh…. Sorry for my language I never curse unless I am drinking gasoline.”

Goddard: “Yer a funny gal. Now, let me tell ya really quick, my wife, she passed a few years ago….”

Peyton: “I am so sorry to hear that.”

Goddard: “Thank ya. My wife was the prettiest thing ya would ever meet, she was a ball of sunshine, I could talk ta her fer hours on end. I loved spendin’ time by the river with her. The world outside our lil’ circle didn’t exist. We were so lost in our love and our land that refused ta ever acknowledge the negativity and the horrors this society can bring and then the cancer hit her and I started ta understand that life isn’t always gonna be great. That with every special moment or time yer stuck in, there will be a situation that will act as a constant reminder there are folks out there that wanna hurt ya and the people ya love. When she died, I started ta see, a lot evil, so many of them lookin’ out for themselves only no matter the cost of another. The SCW is like that, Peyton. Like they said in Wizard of Oz, ya ain’t in Kansas anymore. It’s an adjustment period, at time ta reflect and ta see things the way they really are. Do ya understand?”

Peyton: “I do. It just makes me sad that so many wrestlers are out to do such bad things to others for an edge and it sucks, it upsets me. The Stewards and I worked really hard in that match but Red Empire and their games, they were just too much. Scarlet…..”


Just the mention of her name angered me. I was really starting to dislike this woman and I am usually not like that, but she was the exception.…


Goddard: “This is exactly what she wants, don’t let her win with the mind games. Yer gonna get her in the ring and when ya do. That’s when ya let it all out and show her why she can’t do that ta friends and loved ones.”

Peyton: “Thank you John.”

Goddard: “Ya got any siblings?”

Peyton: “That was out of the blue.”

Goddard: “Call it curiosity, like to see what kind of family ya grew up in.”

Peyton: “I have a sister. Her name is Rhiannon.”


At the sound of her name, he gave me this weird look, I don’t know if he thought the name was funny or what…..


Peyton: “Everything alright?”

Goddard: “Yeah, everythin’ is fine.  Rhiannon, pretty name. Ya guys have a close relationship?”

Peyton: “We did once but that changed when my mom left my dad. She left shortly after that to college and never came home. Now she travels around, she works for some computer company or something. Funny that you asked, she actually disappeared a few weeks back, she ended up texting my mom the next day, so all is cool, I guess she is somewhere in Texas, your neck of the woods.”

Goddard: “That’s good to hear. Well, it’s getting’ late, just remember what I told ya and don’t be too hard on yerself, alright?”

Peyton: “I won’t, thank you John.”

Goddard: “Good night little one.”


He stood up and left after taking out his phone and leaving some cash on the bar, he paid for my drinks too and walked out. It was nice of him to come and talk to me, I needed that little pep talk since everything seemed to be crashing down around me. I appreciated him doing so. I turned and continued to drink my wine….


Goddard: “Jasper… yeah… it’s her sister.”


I was sitting alone again, thinking to everything that had happened and how I was going to deal with it. It was obvious that Scarlet Grey was trying to make this personal, I needed to be smart about it but it was hard. I better finish this wine as that whiskey really hit me hard, I’m such a frigging wimp…




The relationship between Peyton Rice and Kelcey Wallace can only be described as close, almost a big sister/little sister type of dynamic with Kelcey even giving motherly advice at times since her real mother has been out of the picture for quite some time. Peyton cherishes every moment she spends with Kelcey, patterning herself like Wallace has with the same respect and dedication to the sport the Perfect Ten had put into it. Peyton takes pride, many believe it is one of the reasons it took her so long to leave EMERGE and make the transition to the SCW, it wasn’t so much that she was not ready, more her loyalty and passion for the brand especially as champion. She took ownership, cared about the future of EMERGE, it took the GM at the time, Vanilla Skyy to finally push her out the door. Kelcey had a heart to heart talk with her. David Helms, her originally trainer and coach convinced her it was time…
This is what it took to get Peyton into the SCW.

She was energetic, so honored and happy to be a part of such a great organization, a breath of fresh air, a person so many people could get behind because of her truthful nature and honest demeanor. It is why right now she is angry and even though in her life, she has dealt with this sort of anger more toward the situation with her family, even then it was frustration more toward herself, always wanting to provide for her father any way that she can. Peyton had every intention of making her family proud and especially those that have been supporting her for so long, the ones that brought her up in the business. Kelcey Wallace was in her third trimester, she was expected to have the baby around May. Peyton was concerned about her mentor, Kelcey’s condition was never favorable when there is a pregnancy, many doctors have told her it was risky if she went through with it.

It was another reason why this fueled Peyton more when it came to someone like Scarlet Grey. Living about 30 minutes from the Cannons, Peyton came over on Sunday night, Kelcey and Chris were home, Christian was also there after he came home from Europe. The boys were out as Peyton was with Kelcey…..


Cannon Home

Hermosa Beach, CA.



Peyton was in jean shorts and a form fitting tee, wearing flip flops, her hair down and nails frenched. Kelcey was in a maternity sundress and flats, her hair in a ponytail, she was cutting an onion, it was early in the evening, the sun was starting to sit, Peyton grabbed an apron….


PeytonCastPic-KelceyKelcey: “What are you doing, love?”

Peyton: “Uh… helping you?”

Kelcey: “No, you sit and relax, you are my guest.”

Peyton: “Kelcey, I want to help. Please?”

Kelcey: “You are too adorable….. sure, put on the apron then, love.”


Knew that my Puss n Boots eyes would catch her. She couldn’t resist my innocent looks though I will say that I am kinda innocent for the most part. Kelcey was like Superwoman, she was always on the go, very pregnant and still a go getter. I was a little concerned for her after the stuff she told me about Parkinson’s and having a baby, there was also the slight chance the cell could be in the child, that only was scary enough. I don’t know what I would do if something ever happened to Kelcey….


Kelcey: “Christian will be happy to see you. We are so glad that he is back home, it’s a blessing in disguise. It has been a pretty tough turn for him, but he is still a kid, these experiences will only make him stronger. Speaking of which….”

Peyton: “I know what you are going to say.”

Kelcey: “… Peyton, look at me while you are scooping that cookie dough.”


Looking at her, I could get lost in her eyes, they were so intense and piercing, it was actually quite intimidating……


PeytonCastPic2Peyton: “Yes?”

Kelcey: “You are talking about what has been happening in the SCW?”

Peyton: “I don’t want to talk about it, I rather spend some time with you instead and chat about fun stuff and what you are going to get the baby and yeah…. Wait… baby shower!”

Kelcey: “No, we are not having one of those. I don’t want to force anyone to buy me any gifts love, seriously. I rather just have a nice and quiet pregnancy, when the baby is born, people will here about it on Instagram or Facebook, even Twitter. I like to keep it on the down low.”

Peyton: “How about just immediate family? Like the Streets?”

Kelcey: “You are not going to relent, are you?

Peyton “Nope! Come on, it will be fun.”

Kelcey: “Okay, fine but only immediate family.”

Peyton: “Yay!”


I was all giddy clapping in excitement….


Kelcey: “Now listen, I do want to talk about this because I know you too well and something like this will eat you up inside which is not healthy and if that is constantly on your mind, it will cost you a match. Scarlet Grey.”

Peyton: “We don’t need to talk about this. I can’t believe what she did.”

Kelcey: “Do I look bothered? If Chris turned down the advances of Sienna Swann, do you actually think I am afraid of Scarlet Grey? First off, get that out of your head right now, those mind games do not bother me, it is a desperate attempt to get Chris’s attention, she did the same thing to Aaron Blackbourne. That is her game but if you allow that to bother you, then she has already won half the battle. Look love, I adore your passion for wrestling, it is like mine except for me I took it to that other level and became obsessed with it. I had to be Perfect, I had to win at all costs even if I did not break the rules, I still had it in my mind that winning was everything. Did it work for me? Yes, it did. It worked on so many different levels but that will NOT work for you. Peyton, I want you to enjoy the experience. Travel the world, the electricity of the fans, the matches you will have, the people you meet, this is what wrestling is all about. You will have people that will try to tear you down at every look, every chance they get. Is that how you want to go about it, then come home and stress?”

Peyton: “She disrespected you. She disrespected Chris. I understand that it might not be that big of a deal for someone like you because you did it all, they think I am a pushover, taking my kindness for weakness. You know that is not me. I’m not going to get into some pissing contest with anyone for sure, I can’t let them just insult everyone that I love and hold dear to my heart either and let them have a free pass, right? Then how do I establish credibility?”

Kelcey: “By being yourself. That’s it, be Peyton Rice, the gorgeous Arizona gal that loves to horseback ride, gymnastics, is a world class wrestler and such a wonderful daughter to her father. Be the woman that we all love and want to succeed in. You go to Retribution, a PPV that I have had both success and failure in, it is a huge platform, while the SCW has their war of attrition, you steal the show in the undercard. One day you will be in a match like the Main Event, baby steps, Peyton. Scarlet Grey wants to get in your head, don’t let her.”


Its hard because she is so disrespectful and sleezy, I don’t like her. I hate feeling that way but it’s true, she just wants to drive a wedge between Chris and Kelcey, I don’t appreciate that at all….


Peyton: “I’ll try not to.”

Kelcey: “Do or do not, there is no try.”


She actually said that in a Yoda voice, Kelcey and I both started to laugh because that was complete unexpected….


Peyton: “That was terrible.”

Kelcey: “Oh come on, love, it was good.”

Peyton: “Okay, it really was.”

Kelcey: “How’s your father?”

Peyton: “He’s good, he has a new fan that has been ding some nice things for him after they met at Trios.”

Kelcey: “Fan?”


I sighed, looking at her before turning toward the beach and shaking my head, she could see that I was really bothered by it….


Kelcey: “Pey, what is it? Or better yet, who is it?”

Peyton: “I landed in Arizona yesterday on my way back here to see my dad, spend the night. Visit and catch up, see how he is doing.”

Kelcey: “Sounds normal.”

Peyton: “Yeah, I thought so too and then…. I showed up at the house….


Kelcey stopped what she was doing and was completely engaged in my conversation….


Rice Home

Glendale, Arizona

The Day Before


Peyton had just finished another leg of the tour, she stopped in Arizona on her way home to check on her dad. She was able to take a late flight, that way she could sleep overnight with her dad and have breakfast the next day before she headed back out to Southern California. Peyton was excited to see her dad, there was nothing she liked more than to spend time, she hadn’t seen him since Trios and he was always her sanity, after all the craziness going on in the SCW, this time with him was her escape. She arrived, with her roll away, in jeans, red Converse, no socks, an SCW t-shirt, with her hair in a ponytail and wearing sunglasses, she stepped into the house, there was a huge bouquet of flowers, a chair she had never seen before, a huge 80-inch QLED TV and a box on the back patio….


Peyton: “Dad? Margherita?”


I looked around and I couldn’t believe all the new stuff that was all scattered everywhere, that was a very expensive TV, a Lazy Boy chair with all kinds of cool gadgets and wheelchair accessible….flowers… too? I walked up to the flowers, smelled them, they were so fresh and lovely, I love the smell of roses.  Was looking for my dad everywhere, I couldn’t not find him. That is wen I found the box in the back patio, it was empty….


peytoncastpic-margheritaMargherita: “Munequa!”

Peyton: “Margherita…. You startled me! Where is dad?”

Margherita: “He is here, outside.”

Peyton: “What is he doing outside alone?”

Margherita: “Come on, let’s go, he’s been expecting joo.”


We walked outside in the back yard, there was a concrete walkway that was built for the wheelchair, he was….. standing? There was a wheelchair there, but he was upright, standing and reaching up at the Mango tree grabbing a few fresh ones….


Peyton: “Dad!?”

Ray: “Hey buttercup! How do you like me now!?”


He slowly turned around and that is when I knew what was going on. It was that 50 K Wheelchair that Sienna Swann was talking about. Why would she do this? I know she is trying to fix her image but at times I wonder myself if it’s all bull malarkey…..


Peyton: “Wow… dad, that is awesome. I mean really awesome!”

PeytonCastPic-RayRay: “Thanks and you know what, Angels do exist!”

Peyton: “Yeah… I bet. So, it was Sienna that bought all this stuff for you?”

Ray: “She sure did, even sent some guys to put this bad boy together. The TV too, we can watch movies like we’re in the cinema now. I love that woman, sexy, kind, charismatic, she really is an angel, you need to be better friends with her. I mean, she did discover and sent you to Ante Up Academy. That’s a frigging National Treasure.”

Peyton: “Yeah, she really is, wow how kind of her dad.”

Ray: “I’m excited, I feel like I am standing up again, this is great, hey I picked some fresh mangoes, before I had to swat them down with a broom stick or wait until they fell off. I love it.”


I was not going to be a downer on my dad’s parade, I think that it was really nice of Sienna to do these things for my father but the reasoning behind it is what bothered me the most. He was happy, smiling and just all chirpy, I didn’t get to see my dad like that very often, it was refreshing even if the cause was for concern. I walk over to him and smile, he lowers the wheelchair and I give him a hug and kiss….


Peyton: “This is really nice.”

Ray: “State of the art, even has a 20cc motor in it so I can cruise town and just be that guy in the fast wheelchair that can outrun practically every moped. I’m glad you are here, we can set up the TV, she even got me Direct TV an all that Roku shit it comes with, I will be damned. I feel like I won the lotto.”

Peyton: “She has really taken a liking to you, I think it’s great she would do this.”

Ray: “You know, if you want me to send it back, I will.”

Peyton: “NO….. no way dad, keep it. Tonight, we can order a pie from Luigi’s and watch some movies.”

Ray: “Sounds perfect, here that Margherita, it is Pizza night in the Rice house.”


I looked over and saw Margherita smiling, she was all about my Father being happy too and that is what counted when it came down to it. I mean the TV was really nice, still…..

It was Sienna Swann, she wanted something in return.

Cannon Home

Hermosa Beach, CA.



I could see it in Kelcey’s eyes, she was flabbergasted, I think that’s the word, yeah. It took her a second to put the dough down and slowly take off the apron, she leaned against the sink and took a few deep breaths….


Peyton: “Kelcey, what is wrong?”

Kelcey: “Is there no fucking end to this woman?”

Peyton: “Kelcey, it was just a TV, a seat, wheelchair and flowers, that was it.”

Kelcey: “Next it will be a bloody house, a car, a lift on the staircase….”

Peyton: “It’s only a one-story house.”

Kelcey: “Knowing Sienna she will build a goddamn second story.”

Peyton: “I shouldn’t have said anything. I know that you are so upset about what had happened at Cedar’s and stuff…..”

Kelcey: “Cedar’s was different. Sure, she stole my spotlight and thunder, it was a moment I had been building up for over a year, but you know what., love? It doesn’t matter because you see, that money, that wing went to a good cause. Even if she is doing this to make herself shine in the public view, it will save lives. Your father is a good and honest man. He doesn’t see what she is or what she has become. Sienna at one point was angelic and I still believe that deep down inside that woman has a good heart but her failure to get Chris, her failures to get over with the fans, her failures with her vices has transformed her into this monster. There was a time I loved that woman. I have known her for years first in the pageantry and then in wrestling. She has been through so much, but this is bloody unacceptable.”


I didn’t know what to do, she looked to be in pain so I cam up behind her and started rubbing Kelcey’s back…..


Peyton: “Sit down, please.”

Kelcey: “You know what she is trying to do love.”

Peyton: “I… I don’t. Kelcey I don’t know what she is trying to do, I can’t read her. I want to believe that her intentions are good, I really do. She has been nothing but good to me since the first day I met her, I have never met anyone like her. She was there for me when Blake took Chris out and when he turned around and took her out and paralyzed her too? That is when this woman appeared… I am so sorry Peyton….”

Peyton: “For what?”

Kelcey: “I created this Sienna Swann and I had to bloody retire because of this fucking illness! When I should be there right now stopping her and I can’t…. I….. Ahhhhhh…”

Peyton: “Kelcey!?”


She started to shake uncontrollably, falling backwards but I caught her before she could hit the ground, I can see Kelcey grab her stomach, her maternal instincts were to protect the baby….


Peyton: “Kelcey!?”


She continued to shake, pointing at a bottle of pills on the counter, I reached over fast as I could without dropping her, I popped it open and gave her two pills….


Peyton:  “Come on….

Kelcey: “I’m…. okay…..”

Peyton: “No damn it, you are sitting down!”

Kelcey: “Peyton… I’m okay. Just give me a minute.”

Peyton: “Maybe I should call Chris or a doctor?”

Kelcey: “No…. please do not call Chris and do not call a doctor. I am okay. Once in a while I get a flare up and I was just overwhelmed with emotion now. Peyton, please, don’t say anything.”


I wanted to, I needed to but I didn’t and so I agreed….


Peyton: “I won’t, I promise. Kelcey, this is not your fault, you don’t make her, she decided to turn into this herself. If she wants to manipulate people that is on her. Someone will stop her. Maybe she will realize what she is doing and stop herself, right?”

Kelcey: “I don’t think so love. I need to get back to the pastries….”

Peyton: “No. I will take care of it okay?”

Kelcey: “I can do it, Peyton. I’m not an invalid.”

Peyton: “I… “


Suddenly I was overcome with emotion, thinking about what happened and if I wasn’t there. The way she blamed herself, the conversation I had with her in Florida about the chances of her birth, just everything came over me as I covered my face….

I’m going to lose her…. I know I am….

And Chris doesn’t even know.


Kelcey: “Come here…. Why are you crying?”

Peyton: “Because you are sick, and I can’t do anything about it….”

Kelcey: “Yes you can, you stay strong for me, alright? You fight your battles, you win your wars and you stand by my family’s side and be here when I need you. That is how you do something about it. Don’t worry about Sienna and your father, we will figure things out. I need you to dry up those tears now love, Chris and Christian will be home soon.”

Peyton: “I’m sorry, you really scared me there.”

Kelcey: “I’m fine.”


She kissed my forehead and wiped the tears from my face, I nodded, as she raised my chin and smiled, I returned the smile and laid my head on her shoulder….

I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost Kelcey.







Peyton never thought that she would be in love with two different men and while at the time it seemed like a logical thing to do and move on from Ricky Octavius, dating Jason Dillinger where her relationship with Ricky was starting to fall apart. She decided that it was best to break it off, the problem was that while she trusted Dillinger, many speculated that he was the cause of the Break-Up. Peyton believes in the goodness of others, especially those that she knows well. Dillinger loved her, she loved him, she also never stopped loving Ricky Octavius, but his career choices definitely played a bigger part to how she approached everything. Peyton didn’t need any distractions, part of her felt like the Beauty Factory were using Ricky to try and recruit her. Then part of her felt like Dillinger wasn’t always completely honest with her as well….

It was up to Peyton to follow her heart.

Miami was strange, it seemed like Sienna was trying very hard to get on her good side, she had already enamored her father, Ray Rice thought Sienna Swann hung moon and rightfully so. She had other intentions but even Peyton wasn’t for sure on that one. After coming home and seeing what she bought Ray, the 50K Wheelchair that was practically the motor home of chairs, Peyton wanted to send it all back, she could not though as he was so impressed and happy, the last thing she wanted to do was take that away from him, in the back of her mind though, it was different. She was asked by Ricky to join him at a shoot on the beach, Peyton was not going to go, she knew that there would be forces there she couldn’t control and the loyalty she had for Kelcey and Chris, would prevent her from ever hanging around that crowd. It was Ricky though and after South Florida, she was reminded how much she missed him.


Malibu, CA.



Peyton sat in her car for a moment, she could see the shoot from afar. Wearing jeans, thong sandals and a white blouse, her hair hanging down and nails Frenched, her green eyes scoped the area before she finally was able to step out, making her way toward the shoot itself. A surprised Ricky saw her and walked up….


PeytonCastPic-RickyRicky: “Pey!? Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here? Everything okay?”

Peyton: “Yeah, you invited me here, remember? I just wanted to come by, catch the rays, the beach scene.”

Ricky: “Did you want to come down to the shoot?”

Peyton: “No. I actually wanted to talk to you really fast it you have time.”

Ricky: “Of course.”


I leaned on the hood of the car, tucking my hands the jean pockets. I looked right into Ricky’s eyes….


PeytonCastPic4Peyton: “Miami….”

Ricky: “… look I am sorry. I was really drunk with your dad, I made a complete fool of myself and I would never do that again. Please do not hold that against me.”

Peyton: “You slept with her, didn’t you? Jennifer Helms.”

Ricky: “Pey, we were both hurting, it just happened. Jennifer and I good friends, she’s actually a very intelligent and well-mannered young woman. She’s not liked by these other people, even tried to get out of the Beauty Factory. Why do you ask?”

Peyton: “Valentine’s Day night, when I was walking on the beach, was that really coincidence?”


He looks away and took a deep breath, I already had my answer….


Ricky: “I think you know the answer to that one.”

Peyton: “Were you following me?”

Ricky: “No Pey, I wasn’t. I knew exactly where you were going to be.”

Peyton: “Did she set it up?”

Ricky: “Who?”

Peyton: “Sienna?”

Ricky: “Pey…. She… yeah, she did.”

Peyton: “Why, Ricky!?”


I wanted answers, after what happened at my dads and after Trios, all this stuff was a little too convenient. I hated that I had to address him like this….


Ricky: “I can’t say. All I can do is tell you that I was against it, but the feelings are real. I think that they are enamored by you and want you to model for them. That’s what I figure, they never said anything about wrestling, but you know that all ties in.”

Peyton: “Sienna is buying gifts for my dad.”

Ricky: “Wait, what!?”

Peyton: “Ricky, you are better than this. The man I loved, and I know is there somewhere under all this makeup and fake tan. You are like a son to my dad. Wen I cuddled up to you in Miami, I didn’t want to leave your side, but something told me that all that happened was a little too convenient and I am getting tired of people thinking they can take advantage of me. Fix this Ricky, tell her to back off my dad.”


I stepped off and went back to the car, I opened the door and looked over at him, he seemed so down and ashamed, maybe they had something over him too….


Peyton: “Leave this. You are better than this Ricky. Leave this and if you do…. Call me.”

Ricky: “Pey….”

Peyton: “…. I love you, I have to go.”

Ricky: “Pey… wait let me explain….”


There was no more talking, I wasn’t going to hear anymore, I had said my peace and pulled out of the parking lot. He stood there staring at me and I wanted so badly to stop the car, run out and tell him that everything was going to be okay, but I couldn’t….

Not now.

I had too many other things on my mind, especially Kelcey, with Scarlet at the PPV. I wish that I could just close my eyes and things would fix themselves, but they can’t. So, I will do my part and honor my mentor. I will stand up for what she believes in and the morals she taught me. I had hoped these gifts were genuine and yet it was another example of just how cutthroat this business has become…..

The sport I loved, I was starting to dislike it.










The Scene Opens….


875 North Michigan Avenue, built as and still commonly referred to as the John Hancock Center, is a 100-storey and 1,128-foot supertall Skyscraper located in Chicago, Illinois. Located in the Magnificent Mile district, its name was changed to 875 North Michigan Avenue on February 12, 2018.

It was constructed under the supervision of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, with chief designer Bruce Graham and structural engineer Fazlur Khan. When the building topped out on May 6, 1968, it was the second-tallest building in the world and the tallest outside New York City. It is currently the on the list of tallest buildings in Chicago and the United States, after One World Trade Center, the Willis Tower, on 432 Park Avenue, the Trump International Hotel and Tower, the Empire State Building, the Bank of America Tower in New York City, Hudson Yards and the Aon Center in Chicago. When measured to the top of its radio masts and towers, it stands at 1,500 feet. The building is home to several offices and restaurants, as well as about 700 Condominiums. It also contains the third-highest residence in the world, after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Trump Tower in Chicago. The building was named for John Hancock Insurance, a developer and original tenant of the building. In 2018, John Hancock Insurance requested that its name be removed, and the owner is seeking another naming rights deal.

From the 95th floor restaurant, diners can look out at Chicago and Lake Michigan. The Observatory which competes with the Willis Tower’s Skydeck which has a 360° view of the city, up to four states, and a distance of over 80 miles. The Observatory has Chicago’s only open-air Sky Walk and also features a free multimedia tour in six languages. The 44th-floor Sky Lobby features America’s highest indoor swimming pool. On the Skydeck is where we find the gorgeous Peyton rice, the lightning quick rookie who took the EMERGE by storm and is not looking for that same type of success in the SCW though she is seeing it is a lot more difficult to do so, staring out with a record of 1-3, Peyton isn’t exactly used to being on the other end of winning so this has become a huge adjustment period for the young, beautiful woman who has all the tools and the best training to say different and now as she enters into her first major PPV singles match, it is one that she takes rather personal against a woman who has disrespected the family which has mentored and really helped her along the way in the Cannons. Peyton is ready for the challenge, she sees this as an opportunity to fight for the honor of her mentor and show that people like Scarlet Grey will not get away with acting as such. Wearing black leggings, a hoodie and boots, her nails Frenched and hair hanging down, Peyton looks out into the city of Chicago before speaking….




She doesn’t look at the camera directly, speaking in her cute, girl voice ……


PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOT“It’s an amazing view from up here, looking out at the city of Chicago, I feel like I am on top of the world. When I first came to the SCW, I was so excited and ready to make a difference. I love competition, the honor of the sport, the challenge. I would see the passion from David and Regan Helms, Brittany Lohan, Tommy Valentine and so many others that would come and talk to us about how great this business was. When I graduated, there was only one place that I was going and that road was leading to SCW, yet I felt like I wasn’t ready, so I dipped my toes into the Cruiserweight Division in UWA, I then went full on into EMERGE….

I loved being the champion there.

Not because of the gold, what it meant and the reasoning behind the pride of being a champion in that company building the blocks used as stepping stones to get up here. When I debut, I lost my first singles match in three years, pretty crazy, huh? I was undefeated in my young career in singles competition. That was a wake-up call, it told me right then and there that things were NOT going to be easy moving forward. I loved the hill to climb, to get up there and prove so many people wrong, that is why I admire Owen Cruze, he didn’t take the baby steps, he came right up, threw caution to the wind and wrestled until he started beating the best of the best. I’m not saying that I will ever have the success of Owen, I do have the heart and the no quit attitude to never give up, that much is true….

Until recently where it has been tested.

The Trios Tournament was supposed to be a chance to show our skills, work together as a team and come home with a contract to any match you desired. Honestly, I never once considered what I would do with one, I actually am the kind the of person that needs to see it in my hands before I start dreaming of the possibilities and that could have been a reality, sure I made some rookie mistakes, I was excited, in the ring with the World Champion and future Hall of Fame, Syren. I was in the ring with Bree Lancaster, a top star that has won multiple titles. This was amazing, teaming with Chris Cannon, a man that is like a dad to me, wife of my mentor, Kelcey Wallace. Then we had Scarlet Grey who decided to start toying with me, I guess that is her shtick, maybe she just did it to get in my head, I don’t know. She seemed like a issue right from the start, so what I did?

Ask her point blank, what is your problem?

She played her games and when it came time to wrestle, she decided it was more important to degrade and humiliate Kelcey by dressing like her to entice Chris and forget about why we were there in the first place…. To win. Scarlet cost us the match all for a few minutes of taunting and harassing Chris for what? He would never throw all he has with Kelcey for someone like Scarlet, all while getting under my skin.

You know something, Scarlet, I came to the SCW to wrestle the greatest superstars on the planet, to live the life of a wrestler, to soak up the experience and hope that my hard work paid off. From EMERGE where Dylan Cent wanted to mold the company out of his own image, bitter, salty ex-SCW star who felt he could push me around, I sent him packing. Mika Kozlov, the craziest woman on this planet tried to put me down, even pile-drove my head into the canvas, sent me to the hospital, in the end I sent her packing. Drake Hemingway. A religious zealot with an army of drones, he tried to take the title from me and in the end, he left too. Do you know what they all had in common?

They underestimated my resolve.

And you Ms. Grey, are pushing it right now.”


Peyton doesn’t look into the camera yet, she continues to star out the window at the City of Chicago. The gorgeous Rice has her toughest test to date against Scarlet Grey, a woman who cost them the Trios First Round match. She was not happy about it, felt like they stood a chance but then she pulled out the ultimate insult and that was all she wrote. Mocking Kelcey Wallace. Peyton continues to speak…..


“Kelcey, David, all of my trainers, the awesome superstars I have met along the way told me that one day I would have a match that I really wanted to win for various reasons. Whether it be for gold, bragging rights, the competition or testing your skill against the top stars. I hate the way I feel right now, I have never felt like this in my career so far. See, Scarlet, from the moment I met you, to Trios and then Breakdown in Colorado, this has become personal.

All I see is “Red” right now and it shouldn’t be that way. This is the moment where I would be glad to make my SCW PPV debut against one half of a very dangerous tag team and such a talented wrestler when you get past all the show, in Scarlet Grey. I should be, ready to come out and do the best I can and showcase my abilities to the SCW Universe, interact with the fans and just compete under the banner of the top company in the world on a night where the biggest match in the company’s existence will Main Event to see who is in control.

Scarlet, you already chose a side, everything was about helping Katya. I’m, not stupid, I know exactly where all this ire toward Kelcey is coming from and all you want to do is impress your boss, show her how loyal you are by degrading a all of Famer and someone you only wish could accomplish half of what she has. Kelcey Martika Walace is more than just a mentor, she is a friend, a mother figure, an inspiration. I have broken bread in her home, I have been with her when she has had relapses from her sickness. I stood there in her proudest moments helping others who suffer from this debilitating disease. She is 7 months pregnant, and if she wasn’t sick, Kelcey would be here right now to thrust a Perfect Ending right in your face, Scarlet

But it is easy to pick on a woman that you know can never step in the ring again.

That is what you are Scarlet, a coward, no matter what stories you tell or this perception you have of all this, a woman that wants to flaunt her body like you did Aaron Blackbourne because you don’t care about this business, you don’t care about wrestling, if you did then maybe we would have Trios Contracts, maybe you would hold some tag team gold, not settle for being hence-women of Katya. This is why you find it funny to pick on Kelcey, to throw what she did, her persona, her ring presence, a wrestler that still is talked about today, the greatest technician to ever step foo in the SCW, breaking records, who else went undefeated for seven years, huh, Scarlet? The first woman to win Taking Hold of the Flame and you want to mock her? Try to break up a union so special? You want to embarrass and humiliate what she stood for. Katya talks about her disease like she wishes she was gone from it, this is what the SCW has become, this is wrestling?

I can’t accept that. I can’t, I refuse to believe that the company who made legends like David Helms would stop this low to taint the career of a woman that gave you her all. That is why Scarlet, this is personal, you have made me want to dislike you. I don’t know what games you want to play but they are not funny anymore. I am not laughing. I came here to compete, to show the world what I can do and instead you want to taunt me? Play off my looks, try to seduce me in some way like you tried with Chris and disguised like Kelcey!? I wish that I could stand here and call you every name in the book. Run down your failures, expose you Scarlet for who you are and while Ruby Amarant will be busy with Abigail Lindsay?

You and I are going to settle this in the ring!

Listen to Kandis, she knows what I am all about, walking into RTG XV, we put on a show but she knows just how much I put into this and I am not here to play games with you Scarlet, I am doing one thing, knocking a little respect for a woman that was a pioneer in this sport so Jezebels like you can have a platform to practice your craft and take the progress women have made back another ten years…..

For I will not go against my beliefs. I will stand my ground and beat you on my terms.”


She lowers her head for a moment, taking in a deep breath before lifting it back up and looking out the window. Finally, the young and determined Peyton Rice turns her head toward the camera, her green eyes narrow, not the usual chipper self. Pausing for a moment before she speaks….


“At Retribution, Scarlet I’m going to show you Peyton Rice. You may think that I am trying to be Kelcey Wallace? No, you have it all wrong, I could never be Kelcey Wallace and certainly neither could you but if there is a problem with me wanting to learn from Kelcey and master my craft in this business than I will do to you want Kelcey would have done…..

Beat you in the middle of the ring.

You made a big mistake thinking that you can have your way with the Cannon family, that you can just go to any married man and try to be a homewrecker, for lets be truthful here, after all the makeup, the extensions, the silly Marilyn Manson get up, there is a person there who is a sad excuse for a decent human being. You will not get what you want, Scarlet that I promise you because when this is over?

It’s not another phase of the game….

Oh no, it’s GAME OVER.

And then you can tell the rest of your friends?

That Peyton Rice isn’t just another “Pretty” face.”


Peyton stares into the camera for a moment before backing up and slowly walking off….





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