The gorgeous Peyton Rice has been on anything less than a roll after Rise to Greatness. She had committed herself back to the career that she had for a while started to lose concentration in, outside forces played a huge part in it. Her personal life started to fall into shambles, her engagement was called off days before Rise to Greatness, her mother came back into her life and she wasn’t having any of that, suffering from the death of Ricky over a year later, then came her suicidal thoughts because she felt that there was no grip on her life to the point she basically was forced to move out of Owen Cruze’s home after her fallout with Jennifer, thanks to her poor decision making after the Alistaire Allocco split. Things were going awry for the young Rice, that this past year thinking about her triumphs and tribulations in the ring losing some big matches to some of the top talent, she found herself at a point where she needed to make a move or get lost in the shuffle, Peyton did exactly that with the announcement of the Elimination Chamber, but the road to get there after the biggest event of the year and all that was leading to it became another journey she needed to embark in, find herself immersed in a voyage to not only the Main Event scene but Championship Gold as well, and with the tools to get there, Peyton has become driven, focused and most importantly confident, staying with Chris Cannon helped a lot. They were able to heal off each other, it was a chance for them both to fix their problems, or at least support themselves in doing so. 

Peyton also found a budding friendship in Hunter Isaacs, and he too has been a fresh air for her in times when she has found herself trying to get through some of the pressure she puts on herself, but when the Elimination Chamber came, and she walked out victorious, it was the shot Peyton needed and the reminder she was good enough to be one of the best in a company that was full of the greatest talent in all of wrestling. The challenge of Christy Matthews came next and that was a good test for Peyton, to see if she was indeed ready to step up to Xander Valentine, which many were surprised that she picked over Glory Braddock, but Peyton had her reasons she wasn’t revealing yet. After defeating Christy, Peyton knew what the next step was, but before any of that was supposed to happen, Kelcey Wallace challenged Sienna Swann to a match, and Owen instead of fighting it, decided to make it a tag team match, against Sienna and Giovanni Aries….

Peyton was not happy.

She cared too much about the well-being of her mentor, she saw what has happened to her already and was on edge, this was simply going to add more to it already….

This was not the way things were supposed to turn out.

Thanksgiving Day
Glendale, AZ.

When Peyton arrived at her dads, she was under the impression it was going to be just the two of them and possibly Margherita. That is how it had been for the last few years, as they are basically all they have of each other and nothing seemed likely to change, especially after everything that happened just before and after Rise to Greatness. However, with that said Peyton knew that Hunter really didn’t have any family to spend Thanksgiving dinner with. She knew his father had passed away and she didn’t know much about any other immediate family, something which hadn’t been brought up in conversation as of yet. There was the option for Peyton to stay with the Cannons and Kelcey, Hunter was included in the invite too, but he didn’t wish to outstay any kind of welcome. Chris Cannon had already been incredibly good to him with the work he was paying him to do on the house, invading their thanksgiving felt too much in his eyes.

Peyton could relate to that which was why she wanted to head back home and be there for her father because at the end of the day it was a tradition which was important to Peyton and Ray Rice. So, she wasn’t sure why she asked Hunter to come with her to Glendale, but she knew deep down it felt like a good thing to do. It was the time of giving after all, this was certainly a thing that Hunter would be thankful and would give her time to get to know him better. Now with a long journey ahead of them Peyton and Hunter had left California late in the night, the two opted to drive to Glendale instead of fly, it would give them more time to talk and get to know one another and the idea of a road trip sounded like a lot of fun. Hunter took the night shift while Peyton slept, with the road ahead relatively empty he looked over at her curled up in jeans and a sweatshirt, her shoes on the headboard, bare feet hanging off the chair, her nails polished white and hair hanging down over her face. Thanksgiving was supposed to be around noon, they would make it with about two hours to spare. He was distracted, seeing her sleeping peacefully or was she….

Peyton: “If your eyes are on me sleeping, then who’s eyes are on the road?”

Hunter: “What? Huh…. Oh, I am paying attention, I just looked over for a second… You didn’t seem that was comfortable the way you were laying in the seat, that why you’re awake?”

Slowly sitting up, she stretched some and sat upright, looking out the window while yawning….

Peyton: “…I was comfortable, I’ve been awake for the last twenty minutes or so… Looks like we made some good headway, I’m impressed it looks like you do know how to drive.”

Hunter: “Yeah… Wait, hey! I know how to drive!”

Peyton giggled a little which brought about a smirk on the lips of Hunter…

PeytonCastPic-HunterHunter: “If you want to crash some more, I’m okay with it. Give me some Bon Jovi to listen to, and I can sing it all night long, I will never fall asleep driving.”


Hunter: “…Oh come on, don’t tell me that you little miss who owns a Rolling Stones t-shirt doesn’t know who Bon Jovi is!?”

Hunter laughed, Peyton shrugged her shoulders innocently yet mischievously….

Peyton: “I’m kidding, of course I do… They sang that one song…. What was it now… Welcome to the Jungle, right?.”

“…Oooh you are so killing me right now…”

She started to giggle again, knowing now that would work him up a little. Of course, Peyton wasn’t sure if inviting Hunter at the last minute was such a good idea, in all honesty they barely knew each other, but with that said they did get along well. His initial plan was going to spend Thanksgiving alone, and while she had the option of staying in Southern California and sharing it with Kelcey, possibly the Cannon brothers and others, it was always about her father first….

PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2Peyton: “Am I?”

Hunter: “When it comes to music, yes even if I know you’re just screwing with me.”

Peyton: “To be fair you make it easy for me.”

Hunter: “Guilty there…”

Hunter keeps his focus on the road while Peyton looks out at the scenery she can see in the black of night. She lets out a small sigh while in deep thought about something which Hunter catches…

Hunter: “Everything okay?”

Peyton: “Yeah just thinking about what to say when we arrive at my dad’s is all.”

Hunter: “
He’s gonna love seeing you back home I imagine.”

“It’s not that…”

“Then what is it then, is it me?”

Peyton didn’t want to say anything, it was her idea to invite him but still was a little concerned about what her father would think…

Hunter: “Yeah it’s me…”

Peyton: “I mean you are in the car with me heading to Glendale to have Thanksgiving Dinner with me and my dad, two months ago, I didn’t even know you.”

Hunter: “If it helps tell him you felt bad for punching me in the face.”

Peyton: “I bet that will go down well. Hey dad this is Hunter, he’s here cause I thought he was spying through my window so hit him and the only logical choice was to invite him to dinner…”

Hunter: “Hmm… When you say it like that I can see your point… Then why not tell him it is my magnetic personality and….”

Peyton began to laugh while reaching around to a bag which was behind them to grab a bottle of water. She cracked open the bottle and offered one to hunter which he accepted which she put into the drinks holder.

Hunter: “Well just tell him the truth, that you felt sorry for me because otherwise I was going to be sitting by myself sat on a beach while strumming my guitar in front of a campfire… Actually, now that I think about it, why am I here?!”

Peyton: “Oh stop it, no you were not, and this wasn’t about feeling sorry for you. I really didn’t want to see you spend it alone. These two months have been fun, and you are my friend and I enjoy your company.”

Hearing those words put a smile on Hunters face as he picks up his bottle and takes a swig.

Peyton: “Besides if I’m honest, between my dad and I, with Margherita always cooking like she’s back home, she makes enough food for twenty people.”

Hunter: “She a good cook then?”

Peyton: “You have no idea, one of the best. She is a sweetheart, a real angel, a god send for my dad especially after the accident. I don’t know what he or I would have done without her back then.”

Hunter: “That’s good to hear, it’s always important to surround yourself with people you can trust.”

Peyton: “I couldn’t agree more. Which I guess is kinda telling because I’ve let you in that circle now.”

Hunter: “I know, which you realize this is a huge step in our relationship, right? Bringing me home to your dad?”

Peyton: “Bringing you home to dad… C’mon it isn’t that big a deal…”

“Oh I dunno… I think we are talking some big steps, here.”

Hunter began to smirk a little which Peyton at first didn’t notice, however even when she did he was making a valid point…

Peyton: “Ok please stop before you actually begin to make me nervous…”

Hunter: “Sorry… If it’s any consolation I am actually kinda nervous to meet him. You only ever get to make one first impression and I don’t think I could live it down if he punched me as well…”

Peyton couldn’t help herself but laugh, it put her mind at ease which is what Hunter had gone for.

Peyton: “Look don’t be. My dad is not one of these fathers who is going to be loading a shotgun when we walk in through the door and then act like he is about to shoot you while giving you the third degree about how much of an angel I am.”

Hunter: “Well that’s good to know at least.”

Peyton: “Yeah, my dad is really down to earth, he has always had a good connection with my boyfriends… and friends… So, don’t worry, because I told him you were some homeless dude who showed up at Mr. Cannon’s home and we brought you in after feeling sorry for all that luscious hair you have, I told him I donated all my hair products to you.”

Hunter sarcastically laughs….

Hunter: “Ha Ha…. Funny. I see how it is, you get some sleep into you and suddenly you wake up a stand up comedian, one that is telling jokes which are actually funny! You know I actually like this Peyton; I think she needs to make more appearances.”

Peyton: “She is actually trying, and I guess I am feeling more comfortable around you… You know when you’re not staring at me sleeping like some weirdo.”

Hunter: “Oh my god I wasn’t staring…”

Peyton: “You totally were.”

Hunter: “I wasn’t.”

Peyton: “Then why are you blushing?”

Hunter: “Well now that you ask, It’s actually the beginning of heat stroke in the desert…”

Hunter kept his eyes on the road hoping that would work but obviously it didn’t, he was blushing a little…

Peyton: “It’s 60 degrees right now, you are so full of shit.”

Hunter: “Okay yah got me boss, I’m not a good liar.”

Peyton: “No, you’re not, and that is what I like that about you. Keeps us honest. Seriously though, I am happy you came with me to my dad’s house for Thanksgiving, I really am. I’ll admit I had some reservations at first, but the ride has been fun and well, sometimes it sucks when it is just me and the dog which is back with Kelcey now… After getting used to Bear I think I will need a new dog when I eventually find a place of my own.”

Hunter looked over, a smirk on his face….

Peyton: “Just so you know that was NOT a Christmas idea just F-Y-I.”

Hunter: “No… of course not. Not at all.”

“Hunter, I’m serious. I don’t want you buying me anything alright. You work hard for your money, and I respect that, which is another reason I enjoy spending time with you, when you’re in the business I’m in it’s hard to watch those you trust or love get corrupted by it all… What you do is refreshing compared to my other friends.”

“Well this is kinda awkward then…”

Hunter chuckled a little to himself a little uneasily…

Peyton: “What is?”

Hunter: “What if I told you, that I was thinking about maybe training to become a pro wrestler? I mean just thinking about it right now…”

Hearing that Peyton’s heart sank to her chest, just thinking about the idea of this sweet, guy who has a heart of gold being influenced or manipulated by the business? She didn’t like the idea of that at all, she has seen it in her, even Ricky Octavius at one point, wrestlers like Kelcey Wallace and Chris Cannon as well, the thought of him going through that possible experience as well, was too much. She quickly shook her head…

Peyton: “Why? Aren’t you happy doing what you’re doing at the moment?”

Hunter: “Yeah, I am… It was always my dad’s business though you know, and while I am good at it… Sometimes I think about what if there was something better out there for me, you know?”

“Unfortunately I do… But you have to understand that something like this is a long and arduous road, it took me a year and a half just to be ring ready, another three years to get up to the SCW. With Ante Up closed, I don’t know what else to tell you other than what you are doing I think is great as it is. I wouldn’t change a thing to be honest with you, Hunter. Don’t do it for me.”

Hunter: “I wouldn’t be doing it for you, it would be for me. To do it for anyone but myself would be stupid wouldn’t it? But I sense you’re against the idea and understand why. It was just a conversation I had with Mr. Cannon a while ago after he caught me back flip off the roof to the beach.”

“Yeah and… I’m sorry what!? You did what now?”

Hunter laughed after seeing the look on Peyton’s face…

Hunter: “I was on the roof one day and didn’t think he was around, couldn’t be bothered to climb a ladder so back flipped off the roof to the sand… Nothing I haven’t done a hundred times before and…”

Peyton: “I can’t believe I didn’t know that… I thought Chris would have told me something like that…”

Hunter: “I asked him not to, so don’t blame him yeah? But if you don’t think it’s a good Idea, then I won’t look into it anymore.”

Peyton: “What? No…. no Hunter it’s not that. I …. Never mind, do whatever you think is best and makes you happy, I don’t have a right to state otherwise.”

Hunter: “No, but you have a valuable opinion that matters to me, is that so bad?”

Peyton: “No it isn’t, I just don’t want you to think that I am trying to control the narrative in your life, I just….. I have seen the business corrupt some of the best people I have ever had the honor of being associated with, that is including me and even Ricky… I just couldn’t bear to see that happen to you too Hunter.”

Hunter nods.

Peyton: “I will tell you this much, the business changed me. I don’t particularly like it, but at the same time, I had to mature and accept the world as we know it. It’s not just the fucked-up politics anymore, Hunter. It hits home.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Peyton: “I don’t know, I guess I mean… maybe this is one of the reasons the loss of friends like Ricky have hit me so fucking hard, or when Kelcey was in the hospital, or seeing Chris go off with Sienna Swann… I thought better of how people are or were, hence why I challenged Xander Valentine, something needs to change yet I am just one woman, a very small one at that which has no business being in the same ring as him…”

Peyton lets out another sigh before falling back into the car seat a little more, she has a lot on her mind and some of what she said while aimed at Hunter isn’t necessarily something she believed wholeheartedly would happen to him… All of a sudden Hunter pulls over to the side of the road, Peyton looks a little surprised as he puts the car in gear, turning to her….

Peyton: “Why are we stopping?”

Hunter: “Because I needed to tell you that’s bullshit.”

Peyton: “What is?”

“That you believe one person can’t make a difference or change. One person can, it always starts with one person. These ideas of change and actions don’t just pop out of thin air after all.”

Peyton: “Well no, it’s just…”

Hunter: “We’ve all done something we regret, it’s what makes us human Peyton. You live n learn after all, it’s how we grow. You might think you’ve changed, other people might think you’ve changed, but so what? I’m positive there are some little girls right now finding the courage to stand up to their bullies because of you. Every action you do, people pay attention. I know it’s why I was attracted….. maybe I shouldn’t have said that…. What I meant to say was….”

She grabs his hand….

Peyton: “No… I am actually glad you did because what has attracted me to you besides that fabulous hair, is the fact you are so open, so honest and so real, Hunter. Those are qualities that we don’t see much in people these days, and I appreciate you telling me these things, I really do…”

Peyton smiles as she looks at Hunter, the way he carries himself reminding her of someone else…

Peyton: “Look I’m sorry if it sounded like I’m being selfish, I care about you, and all I am doing is looking out for a good guy, that’s all.”

Hunter: “So you like my hair, huh?”

Peyton: “It’s fantabulous, and I know many girls who would be jealous, maybe even me just a little bit… But as much as I like sitting on the side of the road talking if we don’t get on the road and are late for Thanksgiving, my dad is going to run you over with his motorized wheelchair and let me tell you something, Hunter, it’s fast and it hurts…”

Hunter: “That sounds awful.”

Peyton: “Oh, it will be. But seriously though, if you decide to wrestle, I’ll always have your back, I may not be happy that you are exposing yourself to this, but you know what I mean… I think.”

Hunter: “Right, don’t wrestle naked… got it…”

Peyton: “That isn’t what I meant…”

Hunter: “I know… What did I ask you the last time we hung out and you questioned me?”

Peyton: “At the Hollywood sign?”

Hunter: “Yeah.”

Peyton: “You asked me to trust you.”

He points at her and winks, before squeezing her hand, putting the car in drive and heading toward Ray Rice’s house.

90 Minutes Later


As they arrived at her father’s house, she noticed a Lexus SUV parked in the driveway, Peyton already knew whose it was, it belonged to her mother, Jolene, but everyone called her Jo. While sat in the car Peyton stared in silence as she was a bit confused by the sight of it, Hunter easily picked up on this, and knew something was troubling her. He wanted to make sure that it was okay he was there, didn’t know how her dad would take a stranger coming with her, but in all honesty that was the least of her worries. Peyton sighed, shaking her head a little disappointed and a little annoyed while yanking the suitcase out of the trunk which fell to the ground with a thud.

Hunter immediately rushed over to help as she pinches the bridge of her nose trying to think…

Hunter: “Is everything alright, Peyton?”

Peyton: “Yeah, yeah…. It’s just peachy.”

“Okay, there wasn’t any sort of sarcasm behind that at all.”

Peyton: “It’s fine… Seriously it’s fine…”

Peyton begins to walk towards the house however Hunter didn’t buy what she was peddling right then. He hurried after her after grabbing his hold all and tapped her on the shoulder, she turns to look at him…

Peyton: “What? Ugh… Sorry… What is it?”

“Honestly, I would love to know what I am walking into right now.”

: “Nothing.”

“C’mon now Peyton, you can do better than that. We arrive and everything suddenly changes. I know we’re just friends but, despite that this is my first time meeting your dad….”

Peyton: “…. And Jo.”

Hunter: “…Jo?”

Peyton: “Yeah… The lady who gave birth to me. The woman who owns that SUV…”

Hunter: “Oh… Wait your mo….”

Peyton quickly cuts him off….

Peyton: “… don’t call her that please.”

Hunter: “Okay… I’m sensing maybe I shouldn’t be here… Should I just go check into a motel and then maybe, I don’t know, eat dinner at the Waffle House? I wouldn’t want to intrude if there is gonna be fireworks.”

Peyton: “What? No. Look, I am going to be on my best behavior, it’s just there is a long history between Jo and I, something I don’t like to talk about much and if I’m honest she was the last person who I thought was going to be here.”

Hunter: “I see, maybe she is just popping by to say hey?”

Peyton: “Maybe… She shouldn’t be here. You see she left my dad and I during a very difficult time in our lives and it took a real toll on me Hunter, but you know what? The more I think about it maybe it is good you come, you can keep me in check, I will just go with the flow, the last thing I want to do is get you into a very uncomfortable situation.”

Hunter: “That is appreciated, but seriously, I can leave, and go if you want….”

Before finishing his sentence, she grabs his hand, slowly pulling him away from the car and toward the house. Peyton was not going to allow this development to make Hunter feel any more uncomfortable than he already did thanks to his nerves, she wanted him to be a part of their Thanksgiving, and maybe he was right, if she was lucky her mother was only there to visit and nothing more. Peyton continued to pull him as he grabbed the rest of the luggage….

Peyton: “… come on….”

Hunter: “If you pull any harder, you’ll have a weapon to take to the Pay-Per-View with you…. Jesus, Xander stands no chance compared to your brute strength!”

Peyton: “See!? Don’t fuck with me dude.”

Hunter managed to wrestle free of her grip and stands there a moment looking at Peyton, she was clearly riled up by her mother being here…

Hunter: “You need to calm down.”

Peyton: “I’m calm.”

Hunter: “No you’re not, take a few deep breaths because you don’t want to go in there with this anger.”

Peyton: “What anger? I’m fine seriously come on, do not worry about anything, I promise, everything will be alright. If you want me to trust you, then please trust me. It’s a two-way street isn’t it?”

Hunter: “Okay…. Okay I trust you.”

This was the first time that Peyton was bringing someone home for her father to meet since the days of Ricky Octavius, she didn’t even take Alistaire Allocco to Glendale though she wanted to. It was a little complicated at times because there was just a lot going on between her and her dad at the time and didn’t want Ali to be involved in that hot mess. Of course, she was nervous, because deep down inside while she was protecting her emotions, she also really liked Hunter a lot and didn’t want to ruin whatever this was… Peyton arrived at the door which was already unlocked and walked inside, she could smell the turkey and all the fixings already. She smiled while turning to Hunter who nodded, he was quite impressed as he looked around, what he liked most, the Rice family was not rich socialites that lived in a huge manor, they were normal people. There was a sound ahead of them as a door opened and Margherita left the kitchen and immediately squeals in delight as she greets Peyton and Hunter, she was so glad to see them, excited they arrived and on time….

peytoncastpic-margheritaMargherita: “Ah, you are here preciosa!”

Peyton: “Hi Margherita! How are you?!”

Margherita: “Oh you know me; I am all the better for seeing you!”

Peyton: “It’s great to see you again, you’ve been busy i bet It smells so good in here!”

Margherita: “Always busy in this household, you know this! But tell me, who is this handsome young man?”

Peyton: “Oh this is Hunter, he’s a friend who had nowhere to really go for Thanksgiving so invited him here.”

Margherita: “Aww, she has a heart of gold this one, please come in, and leave the luggage there, I will take them to your rooms later.”

Hunter: “You know you’ve probably been cooking all morning haven’t you, I can take the bags up to the rooms.”

Margherita: “Oooh, Peyton I like him.”

Peyton: “I knew you would. I hope we are not too late, hit a little traffic and Hunter has the bladder of an eighty-year-old man.”

Hunter: “Wait…. That was yo…… yeah that was me, guilty as charged.”

Peyton turns to him and winks. Margherita is just excited to see Peyton and they made it there safely. She looks around but doesn’t see her father inside the house….

Peyton: “Where is dad?”

Margherita: “He is outside, with your moth….”

Peyton: “You mean with Jo?”

“Yes, yes of course. Jolene…”

Peyton: “Did she arrive this morning or something? Is she staying for dinner?”

Margherita didn’t give a confident look when asked that, instead tried to deflect which both Peyton and Hunter caught on to..

Margherita: “Maybe you should go outside and say hi to them, take your friend too so he can meet your papa.”

Peyton: “I will, but now you are making me nervous…”

Margherita: “Peyton, it’s Thanksgiving, you know it is time for family and this is important for Ray.”

She knew that Margherita was right and took a deep breath before being startled when grabbed her by the hand surprising her a little, as he smiled to Margherita and then to Peyton, trying his best to make her feel a little more comfortable before they went outside. Margherita smiled before leaning into Peyton and whispering in her ear…..

Margherita: “I really like him.”

Peyton: “Yeah, he’s not too bad. Okay, come on.”

Margherita hugged Peyton once more before the two headed out to the back of the house through a hallway before reaching a set of glass doors which led outside…

Hunter: “She seems nice.”

Peyton: “Who Margherita? She’s the best. Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever will be, can’t help feel a little nervous.”

“So am I, trust me…”

“Well in that case let’s hope I can control this eighty-year-old bladder…”

The two shared a light laugh with each other before walking outside where they saw Jo in her jeans and cut off top, Peyton’s mother was a former model and a real looker, she was sitting by Ray as they were laughing, having a drink together. She looked like she had been there for a bit, was wearing no shoes, and her hair was down, Peyton had her green eyes as she looked over and saw her…

Peyton: “Here goes nothing…”

PeytonCastPic-JoleneJo: “Oh my god, Peyton!”

“Hey! There she is!”

Peyton: “Hi dad….. Jo.”

Ray: “Give your old man a hug.”

Hunter noticed that Ray and Peyton embraced, but she and her mother did not, there was obviously a big rift between the two and he didn’t want it to get caught in between it instead opted to standing there quietly awaiting to be introduced….

Ray: “Wow look at you, every time I see you it looks like you’re get more n more beautiful. That California sun doing you a world of good isn’t it, sweetheart?”

Peyton smiled hear that, there was a moment where she wouldn’t get that kind of loving praise from her father who was always her biggest fan. He then turned to look at their guest…

PeytonCastPic-RayRay: “So who is this stud then, didn’t realize you were bringing a rock star with you?”

Peyton: “Oh, yeah, this is Hunter…. This is my dad, Ray and Jolene.”

Jo: “Please call me Jo, everyone else does! It is a pleasure to meet you, Hunter.”

Ray: “Shit, he has better hair than you Pey.”

Peyton: “…Dad!? You did NOT just say that.”

Ray: “Pleasure to meet you Hunter.”

Ray laughed while they shake hands, Hunter nods….

Hunter: “Thank you sir for having me over, I appreciate your family’s hospitality.”

Ray: “Any friend of my Peyton’s is a friend of ours. Besides, I finished cleaning my shotgun by the way, so it’s nice and ready just in case.”

Peyton: “See? I told you.”

Hunter: “You did warn me. At least it would be quick I suppose.”

Ray: “Oh no, it’ll long and painful.”

Hunter: “…”

Ray: “Ah, I’m just screwin’ with ya man. You are in good hands here, Hunter. Mi casa es su casa, so please feel at home. Dinner will be in about an hour, why don’t you two wash up, and get ready.”

Peyton: “We would love too, why don’t you shower first, and I will follow, gives me a chance to talk to my dad and Jo, catch up a little.”

Hunter: “Sure. I’ll take the luggage to the rooms too.”

Jo: “I can show you the way, not a problem.”

Hunter: “Thanks’. See you in a bit Peyton.”

They two share a nod before Jo heads back into the house with Hunter following, Peyton turns to her father, a bit confused about all of this with her mother while her dad watches Jo walk away… He is quick to give his daughter his undivided attention when she interrupts his thoughts.

Peyton: “How does she know what rooms we are staying in?”

Ray: “I wanted to talk to you about that Peyton but wanted to wait to see you in person before doing so.”

Peyton: “Well I’m here now.”

Ray: “That you are sweet pea. I’ve been meaning to talk to you because it’s definitely an important talk, but you had that tour of yours and I didn’t want to distract you.”

Peyton: “Ok, but none of that is explaining why she is here.”

Ray: “Why don’t you take a seat you know I don’t like it when you stand over me like that.”

“Like what?”

She said it with such a tone she immediately stopped whatever else she was going to say.

Ray: “Like THAT. So, let’s sit down and talk as Hunter seems like a good kid and I don’t want him to feel awkward by hearing us all yelling.”

“Like I do? First off, I was surprised she was here, then I realized she is wearing clothes like hanging around the house, I don’t see her suitcases or purse.”

Ray looked to be getting a little frustrated with Peyton now, the loud sigh escaping his lips a telling tell.

Ray: “You going to sit your ass down or what? The last time I checked, I was still your damn father even if I don’t have the use of this legs.”

Peyton: “Fine…”

Peyton took a deep breath and walked over to the table Ray and Jo were sat at, finally Peyton took a seat…

Ray: “Thank you, was that so hard?”

Peyton: “No, but now you got to understand Dad, I am not stupid, I can put two and two together, but I want to hear it from you first.”

Ray: “Alright. I’ll cut right to it then, Jolene has moved back in with me.”

Her eyes widen, shocked to the core that her mother and father are living together, this had to be some sort of arrangement, it had to be some sort of mistake…..

Peyton: “I don’t understand.”

Ray: “What is there not to understand pumpkin? Jo and I have been talking since the end of the summer when she came over to talk to you, I felt like maybe I shouldn’t have said anything yet because well, look how you are reacting now, can’t even call her mom.”

Peyton: “Do you remember what she did to us, dad?”

Ray: “I thought about it every day Pey, but I never stopped loving your mother. Sure, it hurt and it was one of those things that I didn’t know if I could ever get over.”

Peyton: “And what you have now is that it?”

Ray: “I’m too old to hold grudges darling, I’d rather enjoy life than wallow in self-pity. Is there a chance she could do it again? There is always that but since she has been here the last three months, it was like before the accident. Jo has changed and so have I. You are quick to blame this all on her and Rhiannon….”

Peyton: “Don’t even get me started on her.”

Ray: “She is still your sister, Pey just like Jo is your mother.”

Peyton: “Yeah, unfortunately.”

It looked like Ray was about to respond but opted to bite his tongue…

Ray: “Why are you so unwilling to at least give it a chance and try to fix things? I didn’t expect this from you, seriously. I thought that maybe Thanksgiving would be the chance to bring us all back together. We extended the invite to Rhiannon too, but we never heard from her.”

Rolling her eyes, that was expected when it came to Peyton who was not impressed or surprised at her sisters actions, but her dad and Jo together bothered her more than it probably should have, though she needed to keep her cool and try her best to get along for the sake of her father and Hunter, that still didn’t mean she wasn’t going to let it be known how she felt…..

Peyton: “Rhiannon not showing up, why am I not shocked?”

Ray: “Okay, what do I have to do to convince you to try and help me work this out, this is extremely important to me, and I am not getting any younger. We had some bad years, but now I want to see them come through and hopefully make up for some lost time is that so wrong? Jo is the love of my life, she always was, it is hard living with just Margherita, Pey. I pushed Jo away too, it wasn’t just her and I hope you remember that.”

Peyton: “I don’t excuse her for leaving us, dad. I know you acted like an asshole at times, you also were just paralyzed and going through depression. It’s totally understandable why you were like that. But you know you are asking me for a lot to try and fix things with Jo and…”

Peyton could feel that Jo was standing behind her, turning around, she nodded, overhearing her daughter, as Hunter was getting showered upstairs. Peyton sighed, and instead of dealing with it, she stepped away from the chair and walked past her….

Jo: “Peyton, wait. Can we just talk about this, please?”

Peyton: “I feel grimy right now, having been on the road for almost twelve hours… I need to clean myself up, I’ll be ready for dinner, dad.”

“Okay Pey… We’ll see you both in a bit.”

The young Rice didn’t say another word and instead walked inside. Jo started to tear up a little, frustrated that Peyton wasn’t even trying to work things out, or at least come to some sort of agreement…..

Ray: “Give her a chance to come around, she just needs a little time.”

Jo: “I am giving her all the time she needs. I don’t blame her for how she feels, Peyton has a right to hate me.”

Ray: “No, she doesn’t, but she has a right to feel some animosity. She had to grow up fast when you left Jo, if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have survived…”

“I know and that is why I will give her all the time in the world. I’m sorry for what I did, Ray. I truly do mean that if I could turn back the clock, I would…”

Ray: “I know you are, and so am I. Come on, let’s go help Margherita set up for dinner.”

She smiles, pushing the wheelchair inside and toward the kitchen. Upstairs, Peyton has taken off her sneakers and socks, sitting at the edge of the bed Waiting for Hunter to get out of the shower. Her long hair hanging down, running her fingertips across her scalp in deep frustration and annoyance. He opens the door with the towel wrapped around his waist, his hair wet and for the first time Peyton had seen his physique, which was impressive….

Hunter: “The Shower is yours and …… are you okay?”

Peyton: “Yeah, I’m fine, dinner is shortly, I better shower, you better left me some hot water.”

Hunter: “Peyton, if you want to talk…”

Peyton: “Hunter I am fine, okay. Get dressed, your chest and abs are….. distracting enough. I need to get into the shower.”

Hunter: “Your parents are back together, huh?”

As she is grabbing her towel and change of clothes, toiletry bag, she shrugs her shoulders and starts to walk out but stops…

Hunter: “I know it isn’t my place to say anything but from what I see your parents are happy, that should mean something.”

Peyton: “My life changed forever when Jo left my dad and I, I can’t just turn the switch and be okay with this, Hunter. I want my dad to be happy, but I just don’t trust her.”

Hunter: “Well maybe you need to, someone has to take the first step.”

Peyton: “I don’t need to do anything, end of discussion. Now excuse me…”

Hunter: “Okay, maybe you don’t, but let me tell what it is like losing your father and never getting the chance to show him just how much you loved and appreciated him. I understand you were hurt by her, I can relate my mom is somewhere in New Mexico I think… But what I’m trying to say is…”

“God damn it, Hunter.”

Hunter: “What?”

She turned around, glaring right into his eyes….

Peyton: “I didn’t know I would have my own Jiminy Cricket here, Ricky would have said the same thing.”

“Sorry, you’re right I’m just a guest here. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

Peyton: “Don’t be.”

She walks up to him, placing her hands on his bare chest, taking a deep breath before leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips….


Thirty Minutes Later

They all sat around the table, there was a huge Thanksgiving spread, looking at one another, before sitting down, Ray grabbed Jo’s hand who took Hunter’s, he reached over to Peyton and she to Margherita….

Ray: “I want to give thanks to my family and friends and honored guest for being here with us. There is nothing that I want more than to spend this time of year with the people I love and new ones to welcome into our homes. Jo?”

Jo: “I want to give thanks for getting a second chance with my husband.”

Ray smiled as he kissed the top of Jo’s hands, the eyes shifting to Hunter who looked to be in deep thought…

Ray: “You got anything to be thankful for son?”

“Yeah… I want to give thanks to the opportunities I’ve been given recently. I’ve had the chance to meet new people and make new friends and forging new connections with people…”

Jo: “That was sweet. Peyton do you have anything to be thankful for?”

Peyton looked down, as Ray saw but tried to play it off. Peyton was going to be in for a long night, but a reserved one. For the sake of Hunter, and the great dinner they were about to eat, but sooner rather than later, this was going to be addressed with her mother….

Peyton: “Yeah, I’m thankful for…”

Just it wouldn’t be tonight.


Two Weeks Later
Hermosa Beach, CA.


After a very hard-fought match with Christy Matthews, what was next on the docket, the match with Xander Valentine, and it was coming, she needed to be prepared and Chris Cannon noticed just how hard Peyton was pushing herself. Every morning at 6 AM she would be outside as the sun rose practicing her KATA, in the afternoons she was in the gym working out or training in the ring. He was starting to get a bit concerned as she was pushing herself to brinks even, he knew had limits. He too was getting ready to face Regan Street and Selena Frost, for a shot at the World Tag Team titles, which to him was definitely an opportunity that he cherished to have, and with Lucas Knight, there was a lot of history there between the two as in he and Regan. Selena as well with Chris, on all accounts it was a very personal match, but his concern was on Peyton and he needed Kelcey to know about it. Kelcey thought maybe it was just a prime example of maybe Peyton overworking herself, or was it something more underlying, she didn’t know for sure but whatever it was, it was definitely alarming. Chris walked out into the sand, in shorts and a tank top with a cup of coffee, Peyton was in her marine green yoga tights and top, her hair in a ponytail, barefoot. Bear was walking out with Chris when he approached her, already talking to Kelcey the night before about a few things….

Chris: “You’re like a machine, love. I don’t know if I should offer you some water or an oil change.”

Peyton stopped for a moment and smiled as did Chris. He was incredibly proud of the competitor Peyton was turning into even if he was concerned about what she might be walking into at Last Laugh.

Peyton: “It’s the biggest match of my career. I need to be ready.”

PeytonCastPic-ChrisChris: “Preaching to the choir love. I have been in the ring with him before, so has Trinity and Kennedy so if you need to pick our brains at all we’re all there for you. Xander is a beast but he is not unbeatable. Stick to what you know and everything else should fall into place.”

Peyton: “I will, promise.”

Chris: “So other than training like you’re about to take on the biggest supervillain in SCW history, how are things? Was your Thanksgiving good?”

Peyton: “It was eventful if nothing else. It was good fun though, Hunter being there was a nice addition.”

Chris: “Yeah he’s a good guy, couldn’t believe I caught him back flipping off the roof like it was the normal a few weeks back.”

Peyton: “I know right? He told me about that, mentioned you talked to him about wrestling?”

Chris: “Yeah guess I did do that but he never really give me an answer.”

Peyton: “Seemed like he might be interested, he was talking to me about it over Thanksgiving.”

Chris raised an eyebrow curious now to hear how that went.

Chris: “How’d that go?”

Peyton: “I may have not painted the picture he wanted to be honest. I’ve seen this business do so much to change people and I really didn’t want to see that happen to him.”

Chris: “Yeah, I know what you mean. So I take it you like him then?”

Peyton didn’t say anything at first, but she did nod to confirm that she did… there was a silent approval between the two since Chris liked Hunter as well.

PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTPeyton: “That’s enough about me though, I heard some commotion last night, I didn’t want to leave my room, wasn’t going to disturb you, saw a car out front I don’t recognize. I know It’s none of my business, just wanted to make sure that you are okay?”

Chris: “Ha, yeah I am fine love. I had a friend come over last night, she is still sleeping upstairs. Look, that is why I came out here, as well as for other reasons too. I don’t want you to be surprised if you see her, she came to me in confidence about something I already knew last night, and just the fact she did spoke volumes to me. Besides, she is a very good friend and we have been…. “close” in the past.”

Peyton: “Chris, you don’t have to explain yourself to me, I am not here to judge, I have always had respect for you, and I consider you a great friend.”

Chris: “I appreciate that love. You’ve been a great friend to me as well.”

Peyton: “Yeah, even when you were Sienna, and all that stuff happened, you never once judged me either. Even now after all I have done you never once were the type who knowingly saw the mistakes I made with your son, you could have told me to go to hell, instead you helped me more than you will ever know.”

Chris: “I know that Peyton, besides the business with you and Christian wasn’t any of my business. You’re both adults at the end of the day. Hell, I am the last person to judge anyone, but I am allowed to be concerned, about a lot of things like I can tell that you are not a big fan of Kelcey getting back in the ring.”

Peyton didn’t want to say anything, but he already had his answer when she didn’t immediately respond. Lowering her head, he placed his hand on her back supportively….

Chris: “Hey, it’s okay to feel that way, I feel the same to be honest with you. But you know Kelcey always has to fight the good fight.”

Peyton: “I know it’s just I have seen her in the hospital enough, I cringed every time that she stepped in the ring, Giovanni has already hurt her twice, he is stalking Mr. D’s lady friend and what was those pictures that they are insinuating that Kelcey and Mr. D were….”

Chris: “None of that happened, they were just trying to get a rise out of people.”

Peyton: “I know that but the point I am trying to make is this, Sienna and Gio want to hurt Kelcey. Owen can handle himself. I know Kelcey can too, I just can’t get the thought of her in the hospital again and the last time wasn’t even wrestling related, it scares me, Chris. I have to concentrate on the biggest match of my career, and worry about my mentor’s safety, because I will probably be in no shape to help out after my match with Xander.”

Chris: “Yeah, about that, it is what I wanted to talk to you. You’re concerned about Kelcey and it’s warranted, she is concerned about you.”

Peyton: “Why? Because of Xander Valentine? Do you know why I chose him?”

Chris: “Why? He eliminated you from Taking Hold of the Flame, didn’t he?”

Peyton: “That factored into it but it is not the reason why I did it. I could have gone after Glory, the safer pick if you ask me, when it comes to my physical well-being sure. We would have had a wrestling match though the last time we faced, she cheated, so I’m sorry if I’m not going to put all my trust in her, I never will. That woman changes her attitude like the seasons.”

Chris: “Then why Peyton? Ricky?”

Peyton: “No, he had nothing to do with my decision, though if he was here now, he would probably slap me upside the head and ask me what the hell I was thinking choosing Xander. I did it…. Because of Kelcey.”

Chris looked on a little perplexed at her answer, he didn’t know what she meant by doing it for Kelcey. Looking over at Bear, who tilted his head, he then turned back to Peyton, she could see in his face that he seemed a little confused by it….

Chris: “Kelcey?”

Peyton: “2013, I sat on the floor of my bedroom watching Kelcey win the Elimination Chamber at Under Attack, later that night Blitzkrieg won it and the World Championship, and I thought that Kelcey was going to be killed. Kelcey though wasn’t, she went into that match with the undefeated monster and won her first World Championship, it was on that day, I made the decision to become a wrestler because she was like my idol, my hero. I know that I can beat him, Chris. Yes, he is dangerous, one of the most violent and unrelenting men in all of wrestling. I watched how he manhandled Regan and Trinity, they are women who are Hall of Famers, I know what he can do, but I also saw someone like Alexis Quinne surprise him. Selena Frost, Regan, and Kennedy. I want Kelcey to see that what I learned from her I can use it to make her proud of what and who I have become.”

Chris nods and lets out a small sigh after taking a sip from his coffee…

Chris: “Peyton, I was with Kelcey when all that happened love and she lost half of the Perfect World because of Blitzkrieg, do you know how much that affected her because you only see so much on T.V? It was to the point that she almost quit the business. She went missing because of it and I had to fly to Scotland and convince her with Harmony Fisher and Shawn Mason to come back to the SCW, for she was ready to leave permanently.”

Peyton: “Really?”

Chris: “Yes, it was one of the first times she truly began to come to terms with the idea that maybe she wasn’t perfect. But you won’t really hear about that in the history books, people see what they only want to see or remember. Blitzkrieg was a monster, but he was controlled by a man who had his own intentions. Xander is a monster who no one controls, and he has a purpose with his own intentions and I’m not saying that what you want to do is not noble and the right decision, what I am saying is Kelcey has always been on another level and she was filled with resolve to push through the darkest of times its what made her so inspirational to others. Peyton….”

Peyton: “No, I get it. See, you don’t have to tell me Chris that Kelcey doesn’t think I have any chance in winning. You don’t need to tell me that anyone does, even Regan tried to talk me out of it the other day, because of her concern for my health and career. While I appreciate the gestures, I am not a fucking kid anymore and I wish people would stop treating me like some damsel in distress!”

Chris: “Did I ever say I didn’t believe you could defeat Xander?”

Peyton: “No, but I know you were thinking it. Because everyone is.”

Chris: “On the contrary, I was thinking the complete opposite, the night is called the Last Laugh for a reason, right? I mean we both could come home with Championship gold after Sunday, because you see, maybe I am sick of getting the short end of the bloody stick. Maybe I want more. Regan is practically family, but she knows what has to be done on both ends. I think that you have a hell of a bloody shot to win the United States Championship, far better than I ever did but you have to go in there with a clear mind. Don’t worry about Kelcey, don’t worry about me, worry about yourself, and wrestle your match, your way. Do not let him dictate the match, let him come to you.”

“It’s hard not to worry about Kelcey though you know, what if she has another fainting spell like on the yacht in the ring?”

Chris let out an audible sigh, turning to look at the water and the sun rising on the ocean like glass….

Peyton: “What is it?”

Chris: “She’s not going to have another fainting spell, Peyton.”

Peyton: “
You can’t be sure, none of us know that for certain.”

Chris: “I do Peyton.”

Peyton: “How? Is there something that you are not telling me, because if there is then I should know about it, Chris.”

Chris: “Stop getting worked up and calm down.”

She let out a frustrating groan, placing her hands on the hips, pacing a little, the sand getting in between her toes now, she was obviously at her boiling point, and it has been building up for months about Kelcey. Worried sick, she didn’t know how much more she could take…. She hated being out of the loop of things.

Peyton: “Just tell me.”

Chris: “Kelcey didn’t collapse because of motion sickness or dehydration, after they did blood work for toxicology there was evidence that she…. She was drugged.”

Her eyes widen….

Peyton: “…What? Drugged?! How?! By who…”

Hearing that revelation sent Peyton thoughts into overdrive as she tried to think back to the party, it didn’t take long to come to a conclusion of her own…

Peyton: “Sienna!? It was Sienna wasn’t it?”

Chris: “They found traces of an anti-depressant Sienna uses to sleep, it had to be her.”

Peyton: “Why that bi….”

Before she could finish though, Peyton stopped as the sliding glass door in the back open and a tall figure walked out, her hair was down, she wearing one of Chris’s shirts and underwear, Peyton couldn’t believe her eyes as she was staring at Xiomara Diaz whose modesty was protected by merely one button of the shirt which left little to the imagination….

Peyton: “What…..”

“Peyton, Let me explain…”

Peyton: “Explain!? You just told me that you think Sienna purposely made Kelcey sick, and yet you are what… Sleeping with her!? I wasn’t going to judge, but this changes fucking everything!”

Chris: “Xio didn’t know what happened, she wasn’t privy to any of it all she knew was Kelcey wanted to talk to Sienna to discuss Nathaniel and the future.”

“And you believe that?”

Chris: “Yeah I do, she has never lied to me before and has no reason to now. She came here last night to tell me she thinks Sienna drugged Kelcey, but I already knew, and she just confirmed it for me, despite what you think of her Xiomara doesn’t always agree with Sienna. She is a good person. I trust her.”

Peyton: “Wait…. You and Her? Sienna?”

Chris: “It’s complicated, I’m going inside to cook breakfast, join us.”

Peyton: “I…..”

Chris: “Hopefully I’ll see you in fifteen. Come on Bear, let’s go mate.”

Peyton was flabbergasted and shocked, she didn’t know how to respond to Chris, that alone was a stunner for her. Watching him walk back inside, kissing Xio before stepping in, the sultry Puerto Rican and Peyton locked eyes for a moment before she went inside. Pacing around, trying to catch her breath and all the information she was taking in was sensory overload. Peyton wanted to get back to her workouts, she had to be ready for Xander Valentine, she needed to be okay in case Kelcey and Owen needed her, but at the same time, she had to keep an open mind and lately she hadn’t. Slowly grabbing her things, Peyton walked back inside. Chris was in the kitchen, Xiomara was sitting on the bar, turning around to face her…

PeytonCastPic-XiomaraXiomara: “Good morning munequa.”

Peyton: “Uh… Good Morning.”

Xiomara: “Look, I know this seems weird but….”

Peyton: “Seriously I don’t need an explanation., this is between you and Chris, I’m just the girl renting a room right now.”

Chris: “No, you are not Peyton. Besides, you are a part of this, like I said Xio and I…..”

All of a sudden the door opens from the garage, Kelcey Wallace walks in unannounced, wearing jeans, slip on sandals and a purple blouse, her nails polished a bright red, long sandy blonde hair hanging down, she stops, noticing that Xiomara is sitting at the bar, Peyton’s eyes again widen….

Kelcey: “Oh…. I didn’t know that you had company…”

“Kelcey!? I didn’t know you were coming over; did you call? I am making some breakfast, care to join?”

Kelcey: “I… no, thank you I’m alright. I….”

It was obvious something was on Kelcey’s mind as her eyes would shift between looking at Chris and then looking at Xiomara dressed barely in a shirt and his shorts…

Xiomara: “I can leave, it’s okay.”

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “No… no…. I wouldn’t want to intrude… I came to see Peyton anyway.”

“Kelcey, is everything alright?”

“Yeah… yeah everything is fine, I’m only going to be a few minutes, but thanks for Breakfast offer, I appreciate that.”

Peyton opens the sliding glass door as both women step outside, closing the door behind her. Xiomara glances over at Chris….

Xiomara: “I shouldn’t have come…”

“No, Xio, I am glad you did. It’s just weird and we are all trying to get on with our lives, right?”

“Sure papi. Long as Sienna doesn’t find out I am here.”

“Right…. That’s the last thing we need.”

As Chris continues to cook, he looks out the kitchen window to see Kelcey and Peyton walking out toward the beach, he sighs a little wishing that Kelcey hadn’t come over and seen Xiomara there, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He didn’t expect her there, normally she’d call but this time she never and it seemed that she was a bit off, not really sure what her intentions were, maybe she was there to see Peyton, but he knew Kelcey better than anyone….. There was a reason she came.

Outside though, Kelcey folds her arms, looking out at the ocean, her eyes seemed to get a little teary-eyed which Peyton catches….

Peyton: “Are you upset because of Xiomara being here?”

“No, I shouldn’t be. Chris and I need to get on with our lives, things have changed in recent years. I am surprised a little by that. I didn’t think he had something going on with her, but that is his choice, not mine.”

“I understand, that still doesn’t mean you have to like it.”

“I don’t like it, Peyton. I hate it. I know that Xiomara is a businesswoman, I have known her a very long time, and she is a good person, but money talks and bullshit walks with her, hence why she helps Sienna anyway possible that she can. And after the Halloween Party….”

Peyton: “She didn’t know apparently.”

Kelcey’s eyes widen and turns to Peyton as she wipes away a tear….

Kelcey: “Chris told you?”

Peyton: “Yeah, this morning, he was trying to put my mind at ease as I was worried about you…”

Kelcey: “Great. Look, Peyton, I can tell you’re not happy that I am getting back in the ring with Sienna and Gio, I get that, but you need to trust in my abilities. You need to trust in Owen’s too.”

“It’s not about trust, but since we are on the subject, look me right in the eyes tell me that you trust me against Xander.”

Kelcey: “I don’t trust Xander.”

Peyton: “That doesn’t answer my question. I can defeat him, Kelcey.”

Kelcey: “That is not the point.”

“Yes, it is.”

Kelcey: “NO IT IS NOT!”

Kelcey screaming at her startled Peyton, bouncing back a little as Kelcey was now flustered, there was obviously something else bothering her, as even Chris could hear her yell. He quickly turned off the hob and went outside as Peyton stood there quiet….

Kelcey: “I’m sorry…. But you don’t get it. Do you think I wanted to step into the ring to face Sienna and Gio!? No, I did not! I wanted for you, Aaron, and Owen to shine, but they forced my hand, and the last straw was when you were almost killed after the Elimination Chamber. Do the names Shaya Blackley and Robert Joseph Kelly ring a bell, Peyton!?”

Peyton: “Yes…. They were apart of Perfect World.”

Kelcey: “Yes… They are two people I cared deeply about. RJK and Shaya were thrown into a trunk and the car was rammed into the wall by Blitzkrieg, after that RJK never wrestled again, as for Shaya I have no idea what she is doing now. But that isn’t what is important, this is because after that moment I almost left wrestling after that. It was the price I paid for challenging Blitzkrieg and winning the Elimination Chamber and if you think I didn’t catch that you’re taking the same road I did, then you give me no credit!”

Peyton: “Kelcey…. I….”

Kelcey: “No, you listen to me. Since RTG you have been full of piss and vinegar, rightly so, I will never deny that but at the same time you have started to lose the one thing I admire about you most, the faith in this sport. Look at me, I lost my way once, I became everything I hated and look where it took me. You are the best of us, you haven’t allowed this sport to change who you are much as you think it has and I know it has tried a lot this year alone. Look at Chris and I, our marriage failed because of this fucking sport!”

Chris is speechless standing by the sliding glass door. Peyton glares at him for a second, before back at Kelcey who now realizes that he was standing there behind her this entire time…..

Kelcey: “It’s true. See, Peyton, unlike RJK and Shaya, I lost them, forever. They are gone, and never will they come to wrestle again, that much I know but if something happened to you like it did to them? I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself. Xander will kill you if you’re not careful, that is what I am worried about because…”

Peyton: “I will take care of it, you don’t have to worry.”

Kelcey: “I do worry because you’re not listening to me.”

Peyton: “I can handle myself!”

Kelcey: “YOU CAN’T WIN!”

Peyton froze the minute Kelcey said that, realizing the words that just came out of her mouth, it was gut instinct and pent-up emotion, because while Peyton was so worried about Kelcey and her match with Gio and Sienna, what she didn’t realize was that Kelcey was more concerned about Peyton, all she could do was think about what happened to her friends, even to Chris when he was taken out for a long time by Blake Mason. She slowly closes her eyes and lowers her head….

Kelcey: “I didn’t mean it that way.”

Tears started to trickle down the cheeks of Peyton as Kelcey tried to hug her, but she pushed her away and stormed inside even bumping into Chris who looked back at Xio as she nodded and walked back upstairs. Chris closed the door and walked outside to where Kelcey stood, arms folded and looking out to the ocean…

Chris: “What is going on, Kelcey?”

Kelcey: “I fucked up that is what. I shouldn’t have said that to her, I believe in her more than I believe in myself right now. I’m just so afraid of something bad happening to her like what happened to Shaya, to RJK, to you. I can’t do this, it was a mistake coming here, and it was a mistake coming back to the SCW.”

Chris: “What are you talking about, how can I help you if you won’t talk to me?”

Kelcey: “How do you think I feel seeing you with her. I don’t care how you live your life, Chris, but of all people Xiomara!?”

Chris: “What’s that got to do with anything?”

Kelcey: “Your brother had a conversation with me last night and I’m sure he is going to tell you about it, but he basically said that he and I are better off as friends than anything else, because his true love is Taylor Chase.”

Chris: “What?”

“I know… The irony I found in that was astronomical. But you know what, I came here to talk to you about it, I needed an ear to vent, for these days I don’t know what the hell to do anymore, and all I can focus on is Last Laugh on so many levels.”

Chris stood there dumbfounded by what he was just told by Kelcey, Scott actually did it, what was he thinking?!

Chris: “Kelcey… I…”

Kelcey: “So you can imagine what I’m feeling right now, especially knowing that despite my best effort to reach out to her, Sienna tried to make me sick and possibly even kill me… Then I see her here and I’m thrown through a loop and…”

Kelcey looked like she was about to cry all over again, emotions running high in the Perfect Ten and Chris wasn’t sure what to do… He wanted to pull her in and hug her tightly, it’s what he would have done when they were married but now things were different. They were two very different people or so he thought… He approached and rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezes it reassuringly, in a moment of weakness Kelcey rests her hand on his and loses herself in it before shaking her head and pulling away…

Kelcey: “Sorry… I understand this is complicated for everyone, but If you want to take Xio’s word for it, then fine. I need to talk to Peyton.”

Chris: “Let her cool down, then talk to her. As for my brother, I didn’t know he was going to do that.”

Kelcey: “Now you do. I need to go, please tell Peyton I’ll call her later.”

Chris: “Kelcey….”

Kelcey: “Don’t….. please don’t.”

She starts to walk away as Chris stands there watching her leave through the side gate, he didn’t know what to make of it, the pressure was getting to Kelcey. He wanted to chase her down, tell her to stop and stay, talk things out, but he didn’t and instead he walked back inside, where Peyton was upstairs sitting in her bed, Xiomara was getting dressed in his bedroom. Chris walked in where Peyton was…

Chris: “She knows you can win; Kelcey is afraid for your safety and blames herself for all that has been happening to you lately.”

Peyton: “I know she does and It kills me that she feels that way. I can’t fail.”

Chris: “You won’t, love. There is room for only one failure here, I have that covered.”

Peyton: “Chris, I need to tell you something…..”

Chris: “Tell me later, I need to talk to Xiomara.”

He turns and leaves the room. Peyton lies back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about all that has happened since Rise To Greatness, and in that very moment, all it took was a moment to understand that this was her make or break moment, it was her chance to become a United States Champion, and show both Chris and Kelcey….

That she could indeed do the impossible.


Glendale, AZ.


Arriving a few days early to spend with her father, since the Last laugh PPV was in her hometown, Peyton came ahead of everyone else, Hunter wanted to come along, and she honestly enjoyed his company. They hadn’t really done anything but hang out, which in many ways was a blessing in disguise because whatever this was between them was going at a very slow pace. Peyton was outside watching Hunter help her dad out with some stuff in the backyard, some brush, fixing the fence, a few other odd jobs that would really help Ray a lot. This was definitely the chance for them to get to know each other better, even though Peyton didn’t know what she wanted out of the relationship, it was going by slow and she was content with it. After a very tumultuous Thanksgiving and what had happened in the last few weeks, there was a bit of tension among Peyton and the people she loved and cared for. Her father was worried about her safety, so were many others but she didn’t care, all Peyton wanted was to be ready for Xander Valentine. What she didn’t know was that her mother was behind her, wanting to talk. Wearing jeans, sneakers and a long sleeve pull over University of Arizona shirt, with her hair hanging down and nails polished white, she watched Hunter and Ray working on the fence when her mother walked in…..

Jo: “Hey…”

Peyton: “Hey, I didn’t know you were behind me.”

Jo: “Sorry. I see your dad and Hunter are starting to get on well. He’s a good guy, I like him a lot.”

Peyton: “Yeah, me too. Alright, I’m going to the market I’ll be back later…”

Peyton turned to leave but Jo stepped into her path

Jo: “Can I come, I need to pick up some things?”

Peyton: “I won’t be long, I’ll go alone.”

As Peyton was about to leave, grabbing her car keys, Jo followed her outside….

Jo: “Peyton, it has been months now, why won’t you talk to me? How can we fix this if we don’t open up some sort of dialogue which doesn’t include you ignoring me every chance you get.”

Peyton: “What is there to talk about Jo? You and dad are working things out, I am happy for you two, what else do you want from me? I have been cordial, the last thing I wanted was for Hunter to feel uncomfortable, so I have done what I can to keep the peace, I mean, I don’t know what else you want from me?”

Jo: “Your time. I want my daughter back.”

Peyton: “My time, for what, Jo? We know how the conversation is going to go. You can apologize to me, explain why you did it, and I will have to accept it and move on.”

Jo: “Peyton I love your father and I want this to work but we both agreed that it will not unless you are on board one hundred percent.”

Peyton sighed and brushes some hair from her face…

Peyton: “Great so it’s on me then, is that what you’re telling me? Just like it fell to me when you left us.”

Jo: “Peyton…”

Peyton: “No, it’s fine I’m on board. You changed my life when you walked out those doors, and never looked back to see if I was going to be okay. I had to drop out of school, I worked in places I would never be caught dead in, did things for money just so I could support dad and keep the house. I even went with a couple of hundred dollars in my pocket to Ante Up in Southern California to become a professional wrestler, I had to lie to dad about what I was doing, he hates it, thinks I am going to end up paralyzed like him, which could happen come Sunday if I’m honest. If you want be on board with this, fine if you want me to forgive you like he has I don’t know. I can’t just turn off the switch after the hell I have been through since you left our lives.”

Peyton didn’t have to say much more, instead getting to her car….

Jo: “I’m sorry for the hell I’ve put you through, I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you need me the most….”

Peyton: “Okay, fine. Are we done now?”

Jo: “Not until you listen to me, I am not going to make any excuses here. I was weak, your father was going through some tough times and I should have been more sensitive to his feelings, but I couldn’t take the abuse anymore verbally, and now in hindsight, I should have never walked out on my family, especially you. It was not fair that I quit being a mother and a wife to you and Ray, even Rhiannon, for I blame myself as a result of her behavior and what she is doing these days, but my hope is to bring her home. I am not saying that I deserve your love or forgiveness, Peyton. But I want you to know, the day you were born, I knew that you were going to be something special.”

Peyton stood there silently listening to what Jo had to say, some of it actually getting through the armor she had put up lately…

Jo: “Your dad and I could see it in your eyes, and we worry, what you do is dangerous, and we have seen the size of the man you are facing, no matter what happens though, I can be proud to say that is my daughter right there. I know that you can’t call me mother, I deserve that, but before you leave, just know that I am here to make up for my past mistakes with your dad. And I will spend my entire life if I have to trying to make things right between you and me. I love you Peyton. Please don’t ever forget that.”

She turns to leave and go back inside. Peyton standing by the car door, sighs, trying to speak but no words are coming out until she finally can….

Peyton: “Come on, hop in we can kill two birds with one stone.”

Jo: “…Really?”

Peyton: “Yeah, why not.”

Jo: “Okay.”

Peyton and Joe get in the car and drive off, Ray and Hunter could see them both pulling around the block, Peyton, and Jo wave as they do the same….

Ray: “What the shit…..”

Hunter: “Did we miss something Mr. Rice?”

Ray flicked some of the paint on the brush at Hunter before shaking his head.

Ray: “Cut that Mr. Rice crap, kid. Call me Ray.”

Hunter: “Yes sir.”

Hunter very respectful to people he was still getting to know, and when it came to Ray Rice, he was the most important of them all right now when it came down to Peyton. Which was something Ray could tell and respected as well.

Ray: “Tell me son, did you talk to her about doing that with her mother?”

Hunter: “Who Peyton? I may have given her a little perspective of things…”

Ray: “Thank you. Beer?”


Hunter was finally starting to feel like he was welcomed into the family, and the relief of seeing Peyton and Jolene together heading to the store was a reassurance. Now all he had to worry about was her safety, because like everyone else, she was facing a monster, and everyone was worried….

Not that she couldn’t win but survive.

But Hunter would be there, front row and center to watch…


Camelback Canyon
The Following Day


Peyton had made the climb like she has done a hundred times over. She went with Hunter, though he was still making his way up because she had asked for some time alone. It was a special place for her father and she, but it was also the place where Ricky told her that he loved her for the first time. It was hard for Peyton, but as Last Laugh approached and the end of the year, Peyton needed to clear her head, and finally do the one thing she never thought she would be able to do….

And that was let go.

As Peyton looked out into the desert in her black track suit, she held a selfie of the two she downloaded and printed in her hand. She sat down on the ground and starts to dig a small hole; it was the exact place they kissed after pronouncing their love for one another.

Peyton: “Hey Ricky, I know you can hear me, remember this place, I was just up here with dad not too long ago, and I admitted to him that I had thought about ending it all, just so I could see you again, and then it came to me, you’d hate me if I did that… I have struggled so much lately, and even in death you have become my rock, but also my burden and I think you knew that already because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have ever sent Hunter…”

Hunter makes his way to the top and stops a stone’s throw away from Peyton, listening to her talking to Ricky. Her back is turned…

Peyton: “It’s funny, because I never thought in a million years I would meet someone that was like the spitting image of who you, sometimes and I know this sounds stupid, I actually think he is you, it’s like you were cut from the same cloth… Don’t get me wrong I know he isn’t but has the same traits and that means so much to me because you were always so honest and real with me, just like he is…”

Peyton can feel a tear beginning to form and wipes it with her thumb…

Peyton: “I couldn’t ever picture my life without you Ricky, and it never will be, because you will always be in my heart and your memories will live on forever, but I know you have been wanting me to do this for a while… I know right, you are looking at me wondering what the hell I was thinking challenging someone like Xander Valentine, but listen, I am going to do the impossible, I am going to win this. I don’t know how, but I am. I’m going to make you proud of me after I pushed away like I do so many people. I have not let Hunter in, but I’ve decided I am giving him a key to the door, I can’t screw this one up, Ricky.”

Peyton begins to smile a little now, Hunter standing there taking in all she is saying…

Peyton: “I am going to do it for you, you want me to be happy, and I promise that I will do my best. Before I go through with it and say goodbye, I want you to know something….”

She goes into her pocket and takes out the engagement ring that he was going to give her, kissing it gently and placing it in the hole she dug up, covering it with dirt along with the photograph…..

Peyton: “The answer is and always will be yes. Now I have to go and be with him. I love you Ricky…. Goodbye.”

She stands up and turns around seeing Hunter there, tears start to trickle down her cheeks, she nods as he walks up to her with a huge embrace…..

It was time to move on…..

Only gone, but never forgotten.









Glendale, Arizona, the home of Peyton Rice and a chance to wrestle in front of her family, friends, peers and those fans who see her as a hero to their city. There is some added pressure to the young Wildcat and prodigy of the state. Peyton found one of her favorite places to hang out today before her huge match tomorrow against Xander Valentine for the United States Championship, the perfect spot where she and her father always went, even as recently right after Rise to Greatness where they had a long, and very informative talk where he realized that his little girl was hurting. Camelback Mountain was very special to her. The English name is derived from its shape, which resembles the hump and head of a kneeling camel. The mountain, a prominent landmark of the Phoenix metropolitan area, is located in the Camelback Mountain Echo Canyon Recreation Area between the Arcadia neighborhood of Phoenix and the town of Paradise Valley. It is a popular recreation destination for hiking and rock climbing. Two hiking trails ascend 1,280 feet to the peak of Camelback Mountain. The Echo Canyon Trail is 1.14 miles, and the Cholla Trail is 1.4 mi. Both trails are considered strenuous with steep grades. The hiking path has dirt, gravel, boulders, and some handrail-assisted sections. The average hike requires a round trip time of 1.5 to 3 hours. The Praying Monk is a red sandstone rock formation which is used for rock climbing. Located on the northern slope, the formation resembles the silhouette of a person kneeling in prayer. It rises approximately 100 feet and the eastern face has several permanent anchor bolts for attaching a belay rope. This time she came with Kelcey Wallace, she wanted to show her a piece of home and with it, seeming to be a little therapeutic, the chance to share what she loves, most importantly what she grew up with and a stark reminder what is at stake with this huge match she has coming up.

Peyton knows what is at stake, most importantly, she knows that this could be an encounter where she could get hurt, where Xander Valentine can go out there and use her as a message to Regan Street. Peyton is not going to allow that to happen, and instead she wants to put all concentration on what is there in front of her and why she chose to go against him instead of Glory Braddock who she matched up better again, but Peyton is not here for the easy payout. The gorgeous Rice was in black tights, hiking boots and a long sleeve cut off tight top, her long hair was slicked back in a ponytail and nails polished white. Kelcey was also in purple tights, boots and a form fitting long sleeve shirt, her hair was down, nails polished a bright red. She stood in the back, she too had a huge match with Owen against Sienna and Giovanni so it was a question of how much could she play in Peyton’s Match….

Rice didn’t expect her to be there, but if she were, it would be to neutralize Artemis.

Peyton looks into the camera as the recording begins, Hunter Isaacs is the man behind the camera.




Peyton looks around, enjoying the sight, before turning toward the camera and speaking in her cute and sexy girlish tone…


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“This whole journey since after Rise to Greatness has been so surreal and I could end the year right with the biggest win in my career. The Elimination Chamber was the platform I needed to even get this opportunity, and it was I who made the choice, and many had been asking me why Xander Valentine, especially now, when I could have challenged Gloria Braddock and tried to win back the title she stole from me. I look at the woman behind me, who at times has been tough, at others compassionate, and study her career, Kelcey Wallace never did things easily, she always had the big matches, she came to wrestle against the very best and made a career out of it. It is no secret that I am nervous about her stepping into the ring again with Owen Cruze against Sienna Swann and Giovanni Aries, but like she has told me so many times over, I need to concentrate on what I have sitting in front of me and that is the chance to become the United States Champion and yes, I feel like this is going to be my make or break of 2020. I want to set myself up, for I have had a rough road in recent months, yet I showed a veteran like Christy Matthews that I can defeat the big names. Wrestlers like Glory, Ace Marshall, Matt Hodges and others, exploited me for my willingness to never waver, they capitalized on my weaknesses, and I learned a lot from that, but the process of wrestling is always a learning experience so I must believe things are only going to go up from here, and looking at what is ahead for me, I am terrified, I am shaking in my boots at the possibility of what could happen to the woman that I love and cherish most, in Kelcey. As for me, well I just need to do my best, and if that is not good enough then so be it, but I have this feeling that it will be. I need to stay positive and remember that even though I have had these huge ups and downs, I always find a way to right the ship, surrounding myself with loving people and family who help each other is a testament to it and all I can ask for…

Because for once, I feel like myself again.

I have been home back in Glendale for a few days now and I don’t think I have ever been this nervous about a match in my entire career. Part of it has to do with Xander Valentine, the other part has to do with Last Laugh taking place in my hometown in front of my parents, friends and family who have come to support and cheer me on, there seems like a lot of pressure that I am putting on myself and it is the only way I would want it. I knew that when I had a choice between the Adrenaline and the United States Championships, that whichever choice I would have made was going to be difficult no matter what. On one hand, I could have gone after Glory Braddock, but in all honesty, this would have been more revenge minded than anything. Sure, I would love to get a win back from her especially after she took away my moment cheating at Rise To Greatness, but I cannot be petty like that, I need to be a professional and think about my future and the titles at stake.

The United States Championship would be the next step in my quest to one day hold the World Title which is my ultimate dream, yet for me, like Regan Street once said, the one who holds the Championship makes it, and she did that with the United States Championship, she wrestled the absolute best and arguably for a while it was that title which was most contested and wanted, a testament to who she is, and I want to be like that, the proud women who stood before me with the belt, which is why when I made the choice, I looked at one man, that was Xander. To be truthful, I wasn’t even thinking about Last Laugh, or it being in my state of Arizona and my hometown, I was so concentrated on making the right choice for me, that I surpassed all that, and when it started to sink in, then the realization of what I was getting into is what hit me like a ton of bricks.

This monster could destroy me on my own soil.

I cannot go in thinking like this, and Xander Valentine, I am not Regan or Selena, the women you have pointed your ire and hatred toward. I can see this ending very badly for me, thing is though Xander, I knew that coming into match, it was the risk I had to take as a professional wrestler and a member of the SCW roster….

… one I was willing to.”


With a slight sigh, Peyton looks over at Kelcey who nods, they had their little disagreements here and there, but everything is back on the same page and it was Peyton who realized that Kelcey like her is simply worried about her safety. She looks back at the camera to speak…


“Xander, I know that you think I am weak, brave and probably stupid all at the same time. I am like a fly on a rhino’s ass when it comes to you, swat me off and focus the grand prize, The Hellcat. I want to apologize first and foremost, because I know that you would have more than likely been given the match with her, then you two could settle everything and be done with it. There is a respect there between you and Regan, I know there is no way that you feel the same about me, and again, I can accept it. What you are very good at Xander is pointing out the obvious, our flaws. I saw how you tore Selena Frost up, one of the most decorated women in this sport, tried to prey on her feelings toward Regan and vice versa, getting into her head, I guess to an extent it worked, making her sister in arms watch her choked unconscious, this could be my fate too, there are so many different scenarios which play in my head and none of them end good except for the one where I somehow defeat you. See, this started long before Taking Hold of the Flame, though you ended my night and the chance to Main Event Rise to Greatness, I don’t forget that, picking me up like I was a bag of carrots and launching me was pretty crazy, showing just how strong and powerful you are.

Yes Xander, I am scared of you, I think most wrestlers are, but I use my fear as a motivator, it gives me goosebumps thinking there is another chance for me to step into the ring with a Hall of Famer and take from him one of the biggest prizes in all of the SCW. I look at Kelcey as inspiration, though I will be honest, she hates the reasoning behind my choice. I watched her win the chamber seven years ago, I was still in high school, and when she went on and ended Blitzkrieg’s undefeated record, much like you at one point had one, it was at this very moment I decided I was going to be a wrestler. I’m not trying to mimic what Kelcey did, not in the slightest, if I could accomplish half of what she has done, I will be a success. It doesn’t always work out the way we plan though Xander, I chose for it to be my turn to slay the monster, to come up and try my best to be the one to take the title from you, not living vicariously through Kelcey, but instead making my own path, because this little holding pattern I have been in the last few years in the SCW was getting tiresome. I am here watching wrestlers that came after me or I have defeated getting the top billing, II had to do something, which is why I claimed the Chamber…

And now look right into your eyes and test me against the most dangerous man in professional wrestling today.

Don’t for one second think I am some dreamer, the men and women you have faced in your career are a plethora of Hall of Famers and legends, my name doesn’t compare to them, for I am nowhere near what they have done, but that is the caveat to all of this Xander, I am another victim to you, a chance to send a message to Regan Street, one of David Helms prized students at Ante Up Academy, and you would love nothing more than to practically wipe the mat clean with my face, sure as Artemis looks on and smiles, but Xander, we are on my turf, I can’t allow this to happen, I can’t just let it all become one big massive failure in front of my people. They see me as hope, more than I see myself admittedly but still, there is no way I can break it, yet again though, I understand sometimes those things are out of my control.

I have screwed up a lot of stuff in my life, there is nothing less I expect then for you to exploit it, matter of fact I would be disappointed if you didn’t. I was engaged to Alistaire Allocco, I should have handled the situation better. I pushed Ricky Octavius away and looks where he is now, it seems like I am good at making mistakes, this could be another of them, and still, it seems like each one have strengthened my resolve. See, Xander, I in good conscience cannot look into this camera and talk about how big my heart and desire are, the determination to go into this match to win. I have the courage to step into the ring with a monster like you Xander, knowing the consequences to my actions, but one thing I have learned is life isn’t always going to be fair. We lose matches, loved ones and battles in and out of the ring.

I know this…

… and physically you are imposing, but mentally, you see me as nothing more than an annoyance…

And I plan to capitalize on that.”


Kelcey nods as Peyton paces some to the edge of the Canyon, taking a deep breath, knowing the battle ahead, and where the focus of Xander is, she has seen the messages, she knows what he can do, and now it is her turn to test the skills she has acquired against the monster. She turns, glaring into the camera with her green eyes….


“Could this be an opportunity lost, sure. Don’t think I didn’t watch you try to hurt Mikaela Street and Dylan Howell, Konrad Raab, and others just to send a message to those you despise. I get it Xander, this has always been your game of intimidation and it works. I am right now, not going to lie for the sake of trying to look poised and ready, but if I knew that I was going into every match winning, then why compete. See, Xander, you must be stopped, I am not physically able nor willing to take you out, but winning the Championship is a start, slowly chipping away at the stronghold that you possess. Every single superstar in the SCW has a defining moment in their careers that pave the way to their rise. Kelcey Wallace’s was Blitzkrieg, after that she was a Main Eventer until she retired. Sienna Swann was Kennedy Street, Regan was Syren, I could go on and on where every single athlete that has laced a pair of boots has come in to the SCW and made it be known that they were all going to have their moments. I lost mine at Rise To Greatness, I made it back at Under Attack, but while this is a title defense for you and a chance to chew on my bones before the big prize, this is the biggest match in my career and this alone should worry you, because I am looking right at you Mr. Valentine, with nothing but truth here, wanting you to know I am pulling out every stop that I have, I will go beyond limits I never thought to harness, for if I am going to go down to you, it will be in a fight and when this is all over, you will look at me with respect….

…. Because this 5’8” 120-pound gal from Glendale, Arizona in front of her hometown with the crowd sternly behind me will see not a David versus Goliath story, not this is too cliché. They will see a Peyton Rice versus Xander Valentine tale which tells how I persevered and did the absolute impossible. I have been extremely hard on myself, sometimes giving up on what I loved most in this sport. Dealing with so much the last few years, my eyes have opened up and in the last year, I have always felt empty, there was something missing, and maybe it was my passion and love for what I do, because the business and those in it have disappointed me with their actions and words. Xander Valentine, there wasn’t a second from the minute you tried to attack Selena’s family to Regan’s to even the fans who surround the ring, that I do not fear you would do the same thing to my dad and others at ringside…

… This is why you have always been the most dangerous man in all of wrestling. It is my turn now, and I don’t need to stand here looking over the desert, a special place for me as a kid and feed you some bullshit lines about how I am going to beat you on good will alone, oh no Xander….

…. If I win it won’t be a miracle or even a shocker. An upset, sure, I can go with the underdog story here. Instead, what will lead me to victory is the one element everyone forgets when challenged with an obstacle where the odds are not in their favor.


This is why I came to the SCW, to be the best wrestler I can, and no fear, anxiety, jitter, and dismay are going to change it. Bring your worst Xander, and when this is all over? You along with this entire roster will see a new United States Champion….

For like I have said a thousand times over, Peyton Rice is not just Another Pretty Face.”


Her eyes narrow as Kelcey walks up behind her, caressing her shoulders……


“I’m home.”


Peyton winks while Kelcey smiles.







PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOT“Stepping into the Elimination Chamber, I knew that it was going to be one of the hardest fought matches of my life. Being the first one in was a challenge in itself, having to go the distance along with Kandis was one of my greatest achievements especially with all the talent that was in the match, from Jake Starr to Crystal Zdunich, Aaron Blackbourne and yes, Christy Matthews. This was all for one thing, an opportunity at a chance to win either the Adrenaline Championship or the United States, both so prestigious in their own right. I wasn’t thinking about what title I would compete for, more if I was going to survive, since honestly things haven’t gone all that well for me going back to even before Rise to Greatness. I try to balance my personal and professional life, it is rather hard though, as I have still been dealing with the stages of grief, I can freely admit it, Ricky Octavius death hit me pretty hard and well, I thought I would be over it by now. With my piss poor decision making as of late, unintentionally hurting the people closest to me, I needed to walk into the Chamber and prove my worth, remind everyone why I was the Rookie of the Year in 2019, why I was one of the longest TV Champions of all time, and why I left EMERGE never beaten for the title there, and a lot of that is my fault, I will take full responsibility for my actions, that still doesn’t mean I can’t focus one what I may not be able to control, but at least what I am able to dictate with my wrestling.

The Chamber was just that.

A lot of my wounds are self-inflicted, and I was not in a good place when I went to the ring at RTG against Glory Braddock. This is far from an excuse, for this all falls on me, so looking back on how I let down so many people and allowed for Glory to rob me of the Adrenaline Championship, I had no other choice but to go out there and perform to the best of my abilities. Does it bother me what happened afterwards? Of course it does, The Wonderland could have killed one of us or at least severely injure me, or referee Demitra or even Kandis though hindsight now, its 20/20 and she didn’t care about my well-being, but is that supposed to change my approach in any way?


I made a promise a long time ago to the one man I love and respect more than anything that I would never change the way I am, and yes, I have made some awful choices in the last year or so, probably more so since I have been in the SCW, I am trying to amend those now, and the Chamber was the start. Now I have some grueling matches coming up against Hall of Famers…

It’s time to show them all that I am back on track.”




Winning the Elimination Chamber was one of the highlights of Peyton’s career, if not the biggest match she has ever won, and that was saying something, as she has been climbing the ladder of success for quite some time now but like anyone in the sport, she has at times taken some crushing defeats. The key to her success is how she has bounced back, and when the huge loss at Rise to Greatness occurred, the one thing that Peyton Rice is very good at bouncing back quickly, she did it at and before leading into Trios, she did it right before RTG and then again entering the monstrous Chamber first and outlasting everyone to the very end. With the help of her training regimen outside the ring, and trying to fix her personal problems, especially suffering from PTSD when it comes to the murder of Ricky Octavius, Peyton has found it a challenge, a welcomed one to stand her ground and find a way to heal. Within her personal life, she was having issues with Jennifer Helms after having a couple of one night stands with Christian after breaking off her marriage to Alistaire Allocco, which it hit her a lot harder than she even imagined, for Peyton, really trying to get back into the groove of things was most important and unknowingly staying at Kelcey’s old beach house which Chris Cannon had moved back to was a bit of a welcomed change. Staying with Chris really helped her focus on the Chamber, she started to take Kata again, a form of martial arts she used to do when younger. Peyton was also able to talk to her father and unveil some very troubling thoughts she had when in her dark places. She was even able to talk to her mother, who Peyton had issues addressing as mom, for what she had done to the family after Ray Rice’s injury on the job that left him paralyzed from the waist down. Peyton has had to do a lot of soul searching lately, where she felt that maybe she had lost her way, and that alone scared her, but with the help of Kelcey and her family, Chris as well, she has been able to find herself some, including challenging the monster Xander Valentine. Nothing has troubled her more than the fact she has had to watch Kelcey go through hell with The Wonderland, the same people that could have seriously injured or even killed Peyton after the Chamber win at Under Attack. Peyton wanted some semblance of order, she yearned for her life to go back to normal, this was never going to be possible, but with meeting Hunter, the handyman at Chris’s house and inviting him to the party, Kelcey’s Halloween Bash, she would have thought the night would be interesting, but nothing like this.

Cannon Home

Hermosa Beach, CA.


Peyton was outside wearing her tight marine green Yoga Pants and sports bra, barefoot with her nails polished white and long hair slicked back in a ponytail. It was early in the morning, doing her Kata routine on the beach. Bear was digging a hole again not too far away from her, it seemed like the norm for both of them. Kelcey was inside drinking a cup of coffee, she had come over to talk to Chris, bringing Nathaniel so he could see his father. She was in jeans, wedge sandals and a black halter top, her toenails polished a bright red, long sandy blonde hair hanging down. Chris had Nathaniel in his arms playing with him on the couch, Kelcey watching Peyton from the house…….

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “You know I never knew that she had so much knowledge of this martial art. Did you?”

Chris: “I’ve only known about it recently, one day I woke up and saw her outside doing it, the night after she was attacked, since then it is an everyday occurrence.”

Kelcey: “I see…”

Chris: “Yeah, Peyton told me she used to practice it a lot in private, it was when Ricky died, she stopped. Something they started to do together after he pushed her to do it, even she admitted it helped her mentally and physically, but it was too painful to continue it after his death.”

Kelcey: “Time heals all wounds, love.”

Chris: “…Does it?”

Kelcey took a deep breath, turning to Chris and nodding, a small smile formed across her face as she watched him hold their son in his arms….

Kelcey: “Yes, yes it does.”

Chris nods and looks down at Nathaniel while doing so, something clearly on his mind and Kelcey could tell…

PeytonCastPic-ChrisChris: “Kelcey, can we talk about what happened on Halloween….”

Kelcey: “I rather not talk about it, Chris.”

Chris: “Why not, I think it deserves to be talked about.”

Kelcey: “I don’t know what needs to be discussed I was seas sick, maybe it was something I ate or could have been I drank a little too much cognac with Sienna.”

Upon hearing that, Chris slowly sat up, the idea of her drinking with Sienna caught him by surprise, then he started to think about the possibilities, as Sienna was not above trying to make Kelcey sick and he knew that…..

Chris: “Drinking with Sienna? I thought you wanted to talk Kelcey, why in the bloody hell would you go and do that?”

Kelcey: “I was trying to extend the Olive Branch to her, you know this. We can’t keep doing this with her, for the sake of you, Nathaniel, all of us. If you are implying that was the reason, I was sick you’re mistaken, I assure you….”

Chris: “Maybe you’re right, I just don’t think you should be getting mixed up with her right now. She is dangerous and erratic.”

Kelcey: “That we can both agree on, she is.”

Chris: “Besides, I am beginning to think I need to handle this with her, she will listen to me.”

Kelcey: “I don’t know Chris, her getting involved with The Wonderland, costing Owen the shot at facing Bree for the World Championship… I thought I got through to her at the party, I really did…”

Kelcey sighed before taking another sip of her coffee…

Chris: “I don’t know how much more I can handle staying quiet and not doing anything about it, Kelcey. After I was told about what happened at the party, all I wanted to do was request that I be on the other leg of the tour with you all. I still believe I should have been there.”

Kelcey: “No, you can’t let what she is doing get to you Chris. You’ve done a lot to repair your image as of late with thanks to Lucas. This is my issue, I don’t want you involved, it will only make things worse, you know that. Besides if something was to happen to me, I need you here to care for Nathaniel.”

Chris: “Nothing like that is EVER going to happen to you, Kelcey. Not if I have anything to say about it.”

She wanted to believe him, but Giovanni Aries was on a whole new level lately. He was testing the SCW and the Perfect Pack more than ever before. His antics were getting more dangerous by the week, to the point eventually he was going to severely injure or even kill someone it felt. A lot like he almost did to Peyton at Under Attack when dismantling the chamber while she was still inside it….

Kelcey: “Let’s hope not.”

Kelcey turns back to the sliding glass door, watching Peyton do her Kata routine when she would stop occasionally because Bear wanted to play and leapt up at her. Despite the latest going’s on, Kelcey was happy to see Peyton laughing a little while she kicked off her sandals and was ready to open the door….

Chris: “What are you doing?”

Kelcey: “I need to talk to her about everything…”

Chris: “You know she fears your safety, love.”

Kelcey: “I know, and I don’t need that to be a distraction, she has Christy Matthews soon who we both know how vicious she is in the ring when she wants to be, and then she has Xander Valentine at the PPV… Who again we both know what he can do in a ring as well, I only hope he does do anything serious to Dylan on Breakdown…”

Chris: “Me too… But before you go out there, I need to ask you something.”

Kelcey: “Sure, what is it?”

Nathaniel: “Dada!”

Nathaniel blurted out those words, as both Kelcey and Chris smiled, hugging his son, hearing him call him it more and more meant the world to him….

Chris: “That’s right, I am your dada.”

Kelcey: “See, he knows.”

Chris: “Yeah he does…”

Kelcey: “So what is the question?”

Chris: “Do you think she can beat Xander?”

Kelcey doesn’t say anything, instead she smiled uncomfortably at Chris, before opening the sliding back door and walking out. Chris turns and sighs, returning his attention to Nathaniel, his son starts to laugh as Chris begins to tickle him.

Outside, Peyton continues her Kata routine before stopping, looking over at Bear who returned to digging some holes in the sand. She giggles a little, before turning back toward the house, looking at Kelcey opening the sliding glass door. Peyton closes her eyes, thinking of all they have been through lately, that including Kelcey’s Halloween party. Peyton sits on her Yoga mat, facing the ocean, it felt almost like she could hear the music on the yacht on the Ocean breeze….

The Halloween Party
10:00 PM

Peyton at first had not planned on going, but she decided that it was probably in her best interest to because of how important it was to Kelcey. There were quite a few people there, she watched Christian and Jaina seeming to get very comfortable with each other, which she thought was actually cute, considering the young Lancaster was never a fan of Peyton during her time with Owen… She then turned to see others mingling, Sienna Swann kept to herself mostly which she found interesting. Hunter, her date was there as well, he was dressed as Tarzan, she was not dressed as Jane, instead as a devilish witch. Peyton sat back drinking, watching everything unfold when a familiar voice approached her, that being Owen Cruze dressed as Clyde…..

Owen: “Hey Pey…”

Peyton: “Hey, Owen.”

There was an awkward silence between the two for a moment…

PeytonCastPic-OwenOwen: “I know we haven’t really had a chance to talk much after you moved out, and with all that has been happening in SCW and with the tours and such… It’s like we haven’t really been connecting much and….”

Peyton: “Yeah there is a reason for that.”

Owen: “Oh yeah?”

She knew he wasn’t that stupid, but she also wasn’t one who would beat around the bush either and spelled it out as plain as day to him just in case he was…

Peyton: “Yes. I have been avoiding you, Owen.”

Owen was caught off-guard with what she had just stated….

Owen: “…Peyton?”

Peyton: “God, do you blame me? Look, I know how much you and Jennifer are in love, I have been your biggest cheerleader since the very beginning, but let us be honest here, she hates me now for what I did, and you know what? I have accepted that, much as I hate it, because well, I don’t really care to rehash this anymore.”

Owen: “Okay hold up, that’s not…”

Peyton: “What, it’s not true? You don’t expect me to believe that do you, I fucked up, I get that and well, rather than fight it, I decided it’s time to move on. I wish we could co-exist, but that is not possible. The last thing I want to do is put a strain on your relationship with her, so yeah…. I have been avoiding you. I’m sorry. Enjoy the party and….”

As she is walking away, Owen gently grabs her hand which she retracts back instantly with a slight scowl….

Owen: “Please don’t go, and just give me a chance to talk?”

Peyton: “Owen, what is there to talk about, huh? Things are the way they are, and it’s alright, you are still my friend, I still love you I just need to keep a distance and….”

Voice: “No you don’t.”

It was Jennifer’s voice, slowly turning around Peyton looked up at the taller Helms dressed as Bonnie to complete the look Owen was in. Peyton was a little surprised to see her there willing to talk. She turns back to Owen…

Peyton: “Are you two trying to screw with me right now?”

Owen: “What?! No! Will you two please just talk? I know that a lot of hurtful things have been said, but I would really wish that you gals can look beyond that and just talk? I know it is a lot to ask for, but please, for me? I don’t ask for much…”

Peyton: “I don’t know… I don’t want to leave my date alone, I can see some of the vultures looking at him.”

PeytonCastPic-JenniferJennifer: “Owen can go over there and introduce himself while We talk over there by the bow of the yacht, just give me a few minutes? Please Peyton… After you hear me out you’re free to do whatever you want.”

Peyton: “I….. I don’t know. You were pretty harsh to me the last time we tried to talk.”

Jennifer: “I was, but I think we need to talk, just a few minutes.”

It took a few seconds for Peyton to come up with a decision, turning and looking over at Owen who was basically pleading with her to listen at what Jennifer needed to say. Finally Peyton let out a sigh and nodded reluctantly…..

Peyton: “Okay, a few minutes.”

Owen: “Thank you, and don’t worry about your date I’ll go introduce myself.”

Peyton: “Alright… Be nice to him, he isn’t like anyone else here.”

She and Jennifer walk toward the back, glancing over at Hunter, Peyton signals that she going to talk to her in the back, he gives a thumbs up while sipping on a water as Owen approaches him….

Owen: “Hey bro, I’m Owen I’m a friend of Peyton’s.”

Hunter: “Oh hey, I have heard a lot of good things about you man, nice to meet you dude. I’m Hunter.”

They shake hands…

Owen: “So you and Peyton are….?”

PeytonCastPic-HunterHunter: “We’re just friends, this is the first time we have hung out, she didn’t want to come alone, I was there when she was talking to Mr. Cannon, and I was there, and here I am now. I was a bit apprehensive at first, but I’m glad I came everyone seems… Nice?”
Own laughed, given how Hunter was dressed it wasn’t a surprise people were taking a interest in him. He was in incredible shape. But Owen just nodded while watching Peyton and Jennifer talking in the distance…

Owen: “Hunter, mate… Peyton is a very special woman to me, she’s like a sister.”

Hunter: “Yeah I got that vibe when she’d talk about you bud.”

Owen: “Well she is a great person and has been through a ton of shit. You know where I am going with this right?”

Hunter: “Totally and I get it, I think she would appreciate to know what a great friend she has trying to protect her. Don’t worry, like I said, we are just friends, bro.”

Owen: “Well, any friend of hers is a friend of mine, come on, I’ll get us some drinks and introduce you to a few of the folks here who probably won’t have their wicked way with you.”

Hunter: “… Yeah, I appreciate that.”

They guys laughed as Owen starts to introduce Hunter to other fellow wrestlers and friends, Jennifer and Peyton make it to the back of the ship, as she passes, seeing Kelcey inside the cabin with a bottle of Cognac and Sienna which she found quite odd. She want to stop and go see just what was happening but thought better of it and should talk to Jennifer first.

Jennifer: “Just a little further…”

Peyton: “Yeah, I just…”

Jennifer: “Peyton, I just need a few minutes, that is all.”

Peyton: “Fine…”

Peyton gritted her teeth for a moment before sitting in a chair, Jennifer did the same…

Jennifer: “You are angry, and I get that, I acted like a total bitch when I should have been more sensitive to the situation you were going through, like you were with me when I broke up with Christian. That was hard for me, but as time went by, I started to realize just how stupid and selfish I looked with the way I acted toward you, and for that I apologize.”

Peyton sat there patiently listening, although part of it was being ignored as she was a little more concerned about Hunter…

Peyton: “Okay. Are we done?”

Jennifer: “Uh…. Yeah, okay.”

Peyton: “Have fun at the party.”

As Peyton stood up and turned around to leave, she started to think about Ricky and how it would break his heart to see them fighting like this… Jennifer watches unsure what she is about to do, but was ready to accept anything Peyton would do in this instance… Peyton takes a moment to compose herself, she could see the sincerity in Jennifer’s eyes, they were really close friends, and she was even going to be in her bridal party. Peyton turns back around, the two lock eyes….

Peyton: “You really fucking hurt me, Jenni…”

Jennifer: “I know.”

Peyton: “No I don’t think you do… Some of the things you said pierced my heart, I lost count, then the night away as I cried myself to sleep after the things you told me especially about Ricky. You already knew how much I blamed myself for his death, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I still do, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop doing it because, this is something I will take to my grave, Jennifer.”

Peyton takes a moment, she felt the flood gates opening and she wasn’t about to stop it this time…

Peyton: “So to hear you say it though, to hear you of all people blame me as well that is what finally turned me off from all of this bullshit and I knew that our friendship was over, because you fucking knew how much I have beat myself over the head with that notion and the guilt which everyday eats away at my soul… I don’t even know if I am capable of loving anyone like that again. Yes, I broke your trust, I should have never slept with Christian the first time let alone the second, but I was in a really bad place and wasn’t thinking straight, and I’m only now recovering from it all which I owe a lot to Chris for letting me stay at the beach house.”

Jennifer nodded, she was aware she was staying at Chris Cannon’s and did for a moment think that they might have been doing something but realized how much Peyton loved Kelcey to ever dare do that.

Jennifer: “I’m glad you’re getting through everything; you’ve been through a lot and I shouldn’t have piled on like I did.”

Peyton: “I didn’t deserve that.”

Jennifer: “No, you didn’t. There are things that I have said I wish I could take back. So many times, I have found myself putting my foot in my mouth and I have a size 10, it’s a pretty big foot, but the things I said to you, especially that is unforgivable.”

Jennifer looked down at the deck and bit her bottom lip as she felt a tear starting to form…

Jennifer: “I don’t expect you to forgive me for that, or how the way I acted, it was immature and uncalled for. That is on me. Yes, you broke my trust, yes, I felt betrayed, but it was because you didn’t come to me for help, you didn’t even want to talk about it when Owen and I were there… That hurt me, and then you did it again knowing how much it hurt the first time that I started to think you didn’t give a damn at all about my feelings.”

Peyton sighed as she retook her seat and grabbed hold of Jennifer’s hands, the two women once again looking each other in their eyes.

Peyton: “No… I would never hurt you intentionally. I have made mistakes Jennifer in my life, I have owned up to those mistakes, I just never thought it would have come down to this type of fighting and you know that Ricky would have hated it. All I can think about is how proud of a moment it was for both of us to be in the ring in the finals of his memorial tournament. It was magical, and I thought…. I thought that it solidified our friendship and….. and….”

Her eyes start to tear up, covering her mouth trying to fight off crying when Jennifer embraces her, she starts to cry as well, continuing saying in her ear….

Jennifer: “I am so sorry, I will do whatever it takes for your forgiveness, I don’t care if it takes the rest of my life, I will make it up to you in every possible way imaginable to show how much I love and missed you.”

Peyton: “I love….. and missed you too….”

“I will never hurt you again, I promise that.”

Peyton: “I never wanted to hurt you Jenni…… I’m just a mess and my makeup is now running, do I look like a Panda now….?”

They both share a laugh as they wipe tears from each other’s eyes, while Owen and Hunter look on, he turns to him…..

Owen: “Not going to lie mate, this makes me happy.”

Hunter: “So they are like best friends, she’s your girlfriend?”

Owen: “Yeah, but they were friends longer than we have been dating. Peyton actually was the one that brought us together.”

“I see.”

He looks on smiling while watching Peyton and Jennifer make up from their huge fight. After a few more minutes, Peyton is seen saying something to her before heading over to the cabin, again she looks up at Hunter signaling that she is going to the cabin, where she steps up to the deck and Sienna walks out dressed like The Black Cat. Peyton and Sienna glare at each other for a moment, metaphorically speaking Sienna bares her claws…

PeytonCastPic-SiennaSwannSienna: “Peyton… Are you still living with my husband?”

Peyton: “Yes.”

Sienna: “Be careful Peyton, that is all I am telling you. Get any ideas and….”

“Okay, stop. You already attacked me on the beach, and Chris dog almost tore your arm off, are you really going to stand there and threaten me again on this yacht? What is your problem? This is the one night we put our differences aside, can’t you be nice for one fucking night and act like the person most of us thought you were?”

Sienna: “I’m sorry what?”

Peyton: “You heard me, Sienna. I understand you’re angry and want to show everyone that you’re not the bitch to mess with, I get it, but please, can we just lay off the husband shit for once!? God….”

As Peyton goes to storm past her, Sienna grabs her arm, but Peyton quickly yanks it away….

Peyton: “Don’t you ever touch me!”

Sienna: “I don’t care who you think you are now, and what you feel is entitled to you, Peyton. We are all drawing battle lines now and I suggest you fall in line, because if you thought what happened at Under Attack was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. Now, if you will excuse me….”

Peyton: “Don’t threaten me, bitch.”

Sienna’s eyes widen at the candor of Peyton who is standing up to her for the first time, this isn’t even about her trying to play nice or even defusing a situation, she is ready to fight if need be which then brings a smile to Sienna’s face….

Sienna: “Cute, I like the spunk, but like you said, tonight is not the time for this, just stop looking at my husband with those lustful eyes, we all see what happens to all your exes.”

Peyton: “I…. grrrrr……”

The gorgeous South African winks, before walking down the stairs back to the deck where Bree Lancaster and Xiomara can be seen. Peyton held herself together, fists clenched ready to throw Sienna overboard when she instead stormed into the cabin and slammed the door behind her startling Kelcey….

Peyton: “What the hell was that just now!?”

Kelcey wide-eyed looks a bit shocked, turning around after putting the liquor away, she wasn’t expecting Peyton to barge in, but understood why, she just saw Sienna walk out….

Kelcey: “Please lower your tone with me Peyton, there is no need for that.”

Peyton: “Isn’t there? After all she’s done and likely planning to do to not only me, but you and everyone else in SCW? Why are you even talking to her let alone drinking with her?!”

Kelcey: “I don’t have to explain myself.”

Peyton: “Actually I think you do! Does Chris know you’re talking to his wife? What would everyone else think if they see you two together like that?”

“I wouldn’t care what others think because it frankly has nothing to do with them. But if you must know, yes Chris is aware because I was trying to reach out to her.”

Peyton: “Reach out to her?”

Kelcey: “Yes… I decided to do it before the night really had a chance to start. I felt like we had a good conversation, and maybe, just maybe I was able to get through to her. This isn’t about SCW, it is about the baby and her future role in his life…”

Peyton: “You know, a year ago, I would have applauded this effort and been proud of what you did, but honestly, now you can’t help that bitch.”

Kelcey was startled again by the suddenly out burst from a usually much kinder Peyton…

Kelcey: “Whoa! Peyton slow down, since when did you start cursing so much?! Since when were you ever against trying to make peace not war!? There is one person who always tried to see the good in people, that was you, love.”

Peyton: “Yeah, I grew up. This is not going to end well, she doesn’t want to bury the hatchet, if anything, she wants to drive it into your back, Kelcey! I understand that you want to help, she can’t be helped. No matter what you try to do, she is not going to stop until you are out of the picture and that could be permanently!”

Kelcey: “Peyton, come on, we have to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don’t want to fight with you, we are here to have a good time, we can talk about this later, I would like for you to give me the benefit of the doubt at least, trust me okay?”

Peyton scoffs a little at the notion in which Kelcey is telling her to trust in what she is doing, if there is one person she trusts as much if not more than her father, it is Kelcey. Her mentor knew it the second those words left her mouth….

Kelcey: “Peyton….”

Peyton: “Kelcey, I trust you more than anyone else not named Ray Rice. I admire that you are trying to take this road, but for crying out loud, she is in cahoots with Gio, she is trying to destroy your family, she wants us all gone and out of the way so she can have Nathaniel. I’m sorry, but I have this thing about almost getting killed after the Chamber match, and I don’t take things like it lightly. I trust you in every possible way, but in this, I must disagree.”

Kelcey: “That is alright to not agree with me, Peyton. Listen love, we are all going through a lot and….”

She stops and holds her head for a moment, shaking it off….

Peyton: “Are you okay?”

Kelcey: “Yeah, maybe I need to work on my sea legs a little more, it has been a while. Should probably slow down on the drinking too. Look, I have faith in her Peyton, I have to for my family’s sake… I gave her a pamphlet of a place that can help her, hopefully she obliges.”

Peyton: “And what if she doesn’t? She’s always trying to accuse me of waning in Chris’ pants.”

Kelcey: “She is trying to goad you, pay no mind to her. I better get back down to the party; Blake wants to have some huge get together down on the deck later, I hope to see you there.”

Peyton: “Kelcey, I worry about you, so just be careful, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing on this yacht and they will do whatever they can to undermine and hurt you, I don’t want to see that happen.”

Kelcey: “You will not. How is Hunter doing?”

Peyton: “Getting acquainted. I am sorry I barged in like that I just had a emotion conversation with Jennifer and we kinda finally buried the hatchet….”

Kelcey cups Peyton’s face, kissing her forehead…..

Kelcey: “Shhh…. I’m glad to hear it. Go enjoy the party, I will be down in a moment and don’t worry…”

Peyton: “Okay, I’ll see you later….”

Kelcey: “I know.”

They both sheepishly smile at each other before Peyton leaves the cabin and goes back to the deck. Kelcey starts to perspire a little, grabbing a napkin and dabbing herself some, leaning against the cabinet a bit lightheaded.

A Couple of Hours later

Hunter and Peyton had been mingling, drinking some, and doing a little bit of dancing, they were getting to know one another when Blake Mason had called a get together, standing on stage with Kelcey. Peyton looked on, she smiled, and everyone cheered at the gracious hosts before Blake had taken the mic to raise his glass….

PeytonCastPic-BlakeMasonBlake: “I want to thank everyone for coming, I know that many of us have our differences, but this has become a yearly tradition with Kelcey and her Halloween bashes. It is nice to put our disdain for each other on one night a year though it has been a crazy night already with a lot of yelling and even one person falling overboard which we are all glad they are okay. Thanks for coming, you all knew I was going to say that but before I finish, I would like to turn my attention to Kelcey, because I have something I need to say.”

Kelcey: “Than… thank you.”

Peyton could tell that Kelcey was not being herself, she looked ill, maybe she was sea sick, or had drank too much, Kelcey wasn’t exactly a heavyweight when drinking, she was a cheap date, that combination was definitely one that could spell some trouble. She was about to speak…..

Kelcey: “Blake…. I……”

Suddenly she collapses, hitting hard on the stage with a huge thud as there are some gasps, Peyton was one of the first to jump on the stage to help her with Blake, they quickly moved her down to the cabin and the bed where they took off her heels, she was burning up, Regan put an ice pack on her, lifting her feet as well, putting ice on her legs as well, Kelcey was slowly stirring, barely conscious, slipping in and out of consciousness as Blake made a call to turn the yacht around and have emergency services ready….

This was not the way the night was supposed to end.

Long Beach Hospital

A Few Hours Later


After Kelcey had collapsed and Blake Mason had the yacht taken back to the port, she was rushed to the nearest hospital where Peyton sat quietly in the waiting room. Hunter had brought her a cup of coffee; she was a little tipsy and pretty upset. Almost everyone else had already gone home. Blake was pacing, he looked terrified, Peyton had been there way too many times already with Kelcey and it was weighing heavily on her, for she was tired of spending nights at the hospital because of Kelcey, she had put everything on hold just to make sure she was alright. This though was fishy, Owen was there with Jennifer, they were talking in the corner, even Christian was there without Jaina. Peyton didn’t say anything, until she could see Blake almost losing it, he was worried sick, she stood up and started to make her way over to him, wanting to do whatever she could to help him out in anyway, for if there was one thing that scared every single one of them was the unknown. Still in costume, she stood in front of him…

“You should try to calm down, you’ll make yourself sick. She has had worse, Kelcey is going to be alright. I hate hospitals, I always have but I have in many ways been used to it with her after last year. She’s going to be alright, I’m positive…”

“I know, I know, I keep telling myself that and then this happened, and I can only think of the worst-case scenario. I don’t know what the hell happened, she was fine, maybe I was so preoccupied with other crap, I didn’t notice her being sick, damn it I knew the yacht was a bad idea that thing is cursed…”

“Can’t blame yourself Blake, things happen which sometimes are out of our control. If she was seasick, maybe it was the meds she is on, I don’t know. I have faith, there is no stronger woman than Kelcey, you know that.”

Blake: “I know…. I know…..”

Peyton: “Just think about the good moments with her, like what were you going to ask her?”

Blake: “Yeah…. Sure…. Of course….”

Peyton: “I know.”

Blake tilted his head, glaring at Peyton for a moment before she nods….

Peyton: “Women’s intuition. It’s okay, I won’t say anything. Listen, She….”

Before Peyton could finish her sentence, Chris Cannon enters the waiting room, he looked furious and concerned. Peyton had called him the minute she could, as he walked right up to Blake Mason, punching him right in the face dropping him to the ground….

Peyton: “CHRIS!?”

Chris: “You were supposed to keep her safe!”

Peyton tries to grab Chris but he is too strong, Hunter and Christian rush over and hold Chris back as Owen and Jennifer grab Blake who is back up on his, charging toward Chris….

Blake: “What the hell was that for!?”

Chris: “You had one job mate! Keep Kelcey safe and now we are at the bloody hospital!”

Peyton: “Oh my GOD Please STOP….”

Blake: “You are blaming me for this!? You have some nerve, for all I know you’re behind it! She became ill! I didn’t even know she was until Kelcey passed out on stage with me!”

Chris: “Let go of me.”

Chris glared at his son and Hunter wo begin to release their grip, Blake shaking his head as Jaxson starts to take a step forward but Blake motions for him not to do anything…

Blake: “I’ll let that one slide Chris, but next time you try something like that I won’t hesitate to drop you where you stand. You don’t think I am not already blaming myself for this Chris!? You had no right to come in here and punch me in the face! I would never do anything to hurt Kelcey! I love her!”

Chris: “No shit! I love her too! She is the mother of our son.”

Hearing Chris say he loved Kelcey made everyone do a double take for a moment, Blake especially…

Chris: “But none of that is the point! It was your yacht! You were the host! For fucks sake Blake, all you had to do was look after her! There are enough people on the boat that want to hurt her, all you had to do was stay close, but no! You fucked that up again like you do everything!”

Peyton: “Please stop….”

Blake: “You are one to judge! You’re the reason this is all happening in the first place! Yet you want to pin this all on me, how convenient!”

Chris: “Convenient?! How funny that anything that ever happens to Kelcey you are somehow always around or involved! That is the mother of my son in there, don’t you ever come to lecture me about my actions! I know what I have done, and I will do whatever it takes to make things right! But you…..”

“PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Screaming from the top of her lungs Peyton automatically silenced the room as both Chris and Blake stopped yelling at one another to look at her….

Peyton: “Why are we fighting amongst ourselves where the same woman we all love needs us to be strong right now!? Why!? I….. I can’t do this shit anymore…..”

Peyton let’s go of Chris and storms out, Hunter is ready to run after her, but Chris shakes his head, glaring at Blake….

Blake: “I don’t want to fight with you, Chris. We are on the same side here no matter what you think of me.”

Chris: “Are we?”

Blake: “Really Chris!?”

“Blake calm down, not here at the hospital, alright? This is not the place.”

PeytonCastPic-Christian4Christian: “I’ll go talk to Peyton.”

Chris: “No, I got this, just stay here in case there is any news on Kelcey.”


As Chris leaves to chase after Peyton, the rest stay in the waiting room, hoping to hear some news soon about Kelcey. Outside Peyton is pacing, she is visibly angry as Chris walks out. She turns and he is standing right in front of her….

Chris: “Peyton, I’m sorry…”

Peyton: “It isn’t me you need to apologize to. As much as I’m sure you would love it to be true, it wasn’t his fault!”

Chris: “Isn’t it? Everywhere that wanker goes there is always problems and I tend to take it very personal when he is involved in anything after the stunts, he has pulled on me in recent years.”

Peyton: “I know that, but it wasn’t him.”

Chris: “I understand you have no issue with him, that’s fine, but I do especially when it comes to Kelcey. That son of a bitch in there has…..”

“Stop! Chris you are better than this and how do you think Kelcey would feel if she knew that both of you were fighting right now? I can answer that, she would hate it. I was at the party, Kelcey was mingling the whole night, she was dancing, having fun, hung out with all of us, she was even in the bar alone talking to Sienna and….”

Chris: “Yeah I knew she planned to do that.”

“Well I wish I knew; I wasn’t too thrilled about it either, but Sienna was on her best behavior. She danced, drank, kinda kept to herself with Xiomara and Bree, but after the conversation she seemed very relaxed and content. When I approached Kelcey about it, she said they had a good convo and she even offered to help Sienna and gave her some pamphlet for some retreat.”

Chris: “So what are you trying to say?”

Peyton: “Honestly, I don’t know, it seemed off since she still thinks I want to sleep with you, but whatever, I am not going to get into that nonsense, and neither should you. Punching Blake might feel good, but it is only going to complicate matters and make things worse, right?”

“Peyton, I have a lot of regrets and not fighting for Kelcey was one of them, this should have never happened….”

Peyton: “
Just like In there should have never happened. Chris, you have been like a big brother to me since I started living at the house, all you have done is protect and nurture my physical and mental well-being… I owe you a lot so let me be the one to help you this time. What happened in there is a no-no, we cannot have that we need to think about Kelcey. Hate Blake on your own time if that is what you want to do, but I thought this was all buried.”

Chris: “Peyton, I don’t know if Blake and I will ever be buried, love. What he did is unforgivable, almost as much as what Lancelot Crane did to Ricky because I could have ended up just like him that day on the road…”

Peyton closed her eyes, she finally begun to understand what was going on with Chris when it came to Blake.

Peyton: “I understand, could you at least be civil, please? I can’t handle this fighting and turning on each other shit anymore. We may not like each other, but we are on the same side, Chris whether you agree with me or not, we are on Kelcey’s side, right?”

She could see that he was flustered and angry, it was hard trying to get through to him, but she was hoping that her attempt was actually worthwhile. Chris was not himself and it showed which in many ways was how he felt about Kelcey, she caught on to that, just like Blake. She was not going to get in the mix of it, and sighed, hands on her hips waiting for an answer….

Chris: “Yes, we are all on Kelcey’s side.”

Peyton: “Okay, I know you are upset at yourself for not going, but there was nothing you could have done, Chris.”

“I beg to differ…”

Peyton: “Whatever, I am not going to argue that point, I just want her to be alright. Can we keep the peace, please?”

“Yeah…. Okay. I’m sorry.”

She took him at his word, hugging Chris before the two went back inside. Chris on the other hand was thinking about Sienna and Kelcey having the conversation alone over drinks. They both stepped back into the waiting room, Chris and Peyton see a Doctor coming out talking to Blake and Owen, they quickly run up there….

Chris: “What is going on, how is she!?”

Doctor: “I was just telling Mr. Mason and Mr. Cruze here that she is going to be alright. I want to keep her for observation tonight, but she will be released in the morning to go home. We took blood samples and I have sent them to the labs for a toxicology report. Should get them in a few weeks. In the meantime, she was running a high fever, we were able to get that down, and she was very dehydrated. She is awake, but only a few people at a time to see her.”

“Thank you Doctor.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Peyton: “I think Chris and Blake should go first.”

Both men turn around to face Peyton as she smiles, they then look at one another and Chris says something surprising probably everyone in the room other than the doctor…

Chris: “You go see her first Blake. I can wait.”

: “Are you sure?”

Chris nods before resting a hand on the shoulder almost reassuringly. He was trying to do his best to keep his word to Peyton. Blake nods and heads into the Kelcey’s room as Chris walks off towards a coffee machine as Peyton looks on, relieved that she is alright. Hunter walks up to her to make sure she’s okay while Christian looks on, she glances over at him and half smiles, before heading with Hunter to sit down until she is able to see her and end this night hopefully on a positive note.

Cannon Home

Hermosa Beach, CA.


It was not easy for Peyton to accept what had happened to her mentor, and then all that was piling up with The Wonderland as well, things were starting to get extremely dangerous, and while they were waiting for the toxicology report from her incident on Blake Mason’s Yacht, Peyton was worried that this was only going to carry over further until things seemed to get worse In just a few days she had a match with Christy Matthews, then in a few weeks it was Xander Valentine at Last Laugh. Just thinking of everything that has happened and seeing Kelcey in the hospital again was enough to really rattle Peyton though she never really said anything to her mentor or anyone else, keeping it all to herself. Peyton wanted nothing more than to make sure that her mentor was safe, but that was starting to become an insecure thought now as Kelcey had on many occasions been attacked by The Wonderland and Sienna Swann while on tour and made what happened at the party to be a little suspicious, Peyton had already lost faith in trying to see the good in others. She has tried for the last almost two years in the SCW, but enough was simply enough. Sitting on her Yoga mat, she could hear someone walking toward her, turning to see it was Kelcey, holding her sandals in hand, she sat next to Peyton…..

Kelcey: “It’s a beautiful day out here, I do miss the beach…”

Peyton: “I’m surprised you are here so early.”

Kelcey: “You know I’m an early riser, more so with the Baby now. Besides I wanted Chris to spend some more time with Nathaniel, you too.”

Peyton: “Me? He is a cute baby but…”

Kelcey: “I meant I wanted to, I can’t speak for the baby for now but imagine he will cling to you like a baby panda given half the chance. I had no idea you studied Kata.”

“I only started doing it again after a few weeks ago when I first moved in…”

Kelcey: “Chris mentioned it was something Ricky got you into?

Peyton: “Yeah he did…”

Peyton lets out an audible sigh…

Kelcey: “I Is everything okay Peyton, is it? Christy Matthews?”

Peyton: “A part of it is, yes…”

Kelcey: “Well you know full well just how relentless she can be, just remember what I taught you and what you already knew from Ante Up and that should steer you in the right direction.”

Peyton: “You really believe that?”

Kelcey: “Of course I do, why wouldn’t I? You have been in the ring enough times with her, despite what she says she is actually more concerned about you and honestly, probably wants to hurt you more than she is letting on which will make her lose focus, if there is one thing that goes against Christy is her ability to get too emotionally invested in her matches, use that against her, stay with the plan, last couple of times you took it right to her and caught Christy by total surprise. You can do this Peyton. Obviously it is not really the ideal match right before a huge title opportunity at Last Laugh, but I know you can do it.”

That put a smile on the face of the beautiful Peyton Rice, she takes in a deep breath and exhales while closing her eyes. Losing herself for a moment with her own thoughts about what has happened over the last few years…

Peyton: “Can I ask you something, Kelcey?

Kelcey: “You know you can ask me anything, love.”

Peyton: “Do you think I was a fool for taking this match with her?”

Kelcey: “What? No. I have never turned down a challenge and I wouldn’t expect you to turn one down either, love. I just think that this can be a situation where she wants to hurt you and prove a point, she doesn’t like you Peyton because you threaten her very SCW existence, this has always been her M.O., and really Infamous too if you think about it. Stick to the plan, and I will be there, don’t worry about outside interference.”

Peyton: “You mean like Owen, last week?”

Kelcey: “Peyton, come on that is unfair.”

She was being testy, part of that was due to her overprotectiveness of Kelcey, and she was starting to worry more and more about her safety as things progressed in SCW…..

Kelcey: “You’re angry with me, I should have known better and maybe been more prepared…”

Peyton: “No, I am worried sick about you Kelcey. I don’t want to visit a hospital with you in it again the rest of this year let alone ever again. What more do I need to say, this is getting extremely dangerous, and it terrifies me when I think what could happen to you and what I would do if something did? Under Attack was bad enough, but the picture over your head, the choking out, the constant attacks by Sienna and Gio, now Christy, Xander, it is becoming overwhelming… I know you’re physically better now but you’re still taking medication… Aren’t you?

Kelcey sat there quietly for a moment, it was all Peyton needed to hear…

Peyton: “Your silence tells me all I need to know. There is always going to be a risk if you’re out there I can take care of myself and I know that you can too. I just…..”

Kelcey: “Exactly! I can take care of myself. I’m going to be alright, I am in the best shape of my life, what happened on the yacht was most likely a combination of alcohol, not enough sleep because of the baby and motion sickness that is all. I need you to concentrate on what is happening this week and next weekend, neither one of them are going to relent and they will do whatever it takes to put you down, but I know that will happen over my dead body.”

Peyton: “Can we please not say that?”

Kelcey: “Okay, I’m sorry it was a poor choice of words… You know what I mean. We are going to get through this. Xander, Christy, The Wonderland, Sienna…. All of it, okay?”

Peyton nods, then turns to Kelcey….

Peyton: “So answer me this, do you think I can beat Christy?”

Kelcey: “Absolutely.”

Peyton: “What about, Xander?”

Kelcey was silent a little too long for Peyton’s liking, however the Perfect Ten was still able to get an answer out…

Kelcey: “O…. of course.”

Peyton: “No you don’t, you don’t have to pander to me…”

Kelcey: “It’s not that I don’t, it is that I have dealt with big monsters like him before and I have seen some good people lose their careers because of them. I lost the Perfect World to Blitzkrieg; I’m not losing the Perfect Pack to the Wonderland or Xander Valentine.”

She gets up to her feet, clearly upset as she recalls the horrifying moment Blitzkrieg locked her friends inside a car and caused it to crash into a wall with them in it… Peyton stands with her, holding Kelcey’s hand….

Peyton: “That’s not going to happen to any of us.”

Kelcey: “I hope so Pey, because I can’t go through that again… Anyway, that is enough doom and gloom, we need to remain positive. This Kata you were doing, do you think you could possibly show me how to do it as well?”

Peyton: “You want me to show you how to do something…? Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

Kelcey: “Contrary to popular belief, and while some believe I walk on water, piss champagne and crap diamonds. I do not know everything. But not today swing by the lake house and we can do something there.”

Kelcey forces out a smile and starts to make her way back to the house while Peyton laughs, but Peyton stopped to chase after her a moment and called to her….

Peyton: “Kelcey?”

Kelcey: “Yeah, Pey?”

“Honestly, I am not the one to pry but while you were in the hospital, Chris and Blake had a small fight…”

Kelcey: “A fight? Over me?”

Peyton: “Not because of you, but because of what happened. I don’t think I have ever seen Chris like that before… He was really concerned so was Blake…”

Kelcey: “Thank you for telling me.”

Peyton: “I wouldn’t keep something like that from you, but what’s going on isn’t fair to them either… I think you need to make a choice.”

Kelcey: “A choice?”

Peyton looked at Kelcey wondering if she was really going to be that coy with her, if that was the case, she wasn’t…

Peyton: “Despite what is going on with Sienna he still loves you in there. Blake loves you; Even Scott loves you… At some point you need to pick one or you may lose them all.”

Peyton turns and walks back and grabbing the yoga mat, turning and getting Bear’s attention as well while Kelcey stood there trying to digest what Peyton had just said. Kelcey sighs knowing what Peyton told her was likely true and heads back to the house, walking in and seeing Chris playing with Nathaniel, which instantly brings a smile to her face.

The Following Day

Hollywood Hills, CA.

Hollywood Sign


Peyton saw Hunter as a breath of fresh air, meeting him of course was a total accident after thinking he was a peeping tom or someone trying to break in which was understandable on Peyton’s part with what she experienced after RTG, it was easy to see she was a bit on edge, but once she was able to get to know him better, he was actually a really cool guy. Peyton didn’t know much about Hunter; his late father was a family friend of Chris and Kelcey who used to take care of the handywork in and around the beach house when needed. After the split between Kelcey and Chris, that work dried up with both moving on and the house standing by the beach empty for over a year. But with Chris’ return to Hermosa Beach, there was a lot of work that needed to be done and it was Hunter who started to do it after taking over the business, and this was something she saw as a really great thing, because he wasn’t a wrestler, and that in itself was refreshing.

Peyton had a busy morning, running some errands for herself and Chris along with visiting Kelcey to be true to her word and show her some Kata basics. When she returned, she see Hunter had been busy, after finishing the new fence, installing the new alarm system along with a series of nest cameras for security. He was happy to see her much like she was to see him, she enjoyed having a friendly face around the house. So, it came as a surprise when he invited her out to jog in the hills. It took a while to get there in his car, a rickety old mustang his father owned which he was still working on but they did get there in one piece.

Peyton: “You ever thought about investing in a new car, I think I smelt a fire earlier…”

It was a joke and Hunter knew that and laughed along with her.

Hunter: “Probably, though once I’m done with it, she’ll look good as new. She was my dad’s car, so only feels right I keep the tradition going you know?”

Peyton: “Oh… I’m sorry I didn’t realize…”

Hunter: “It’s alright how could you know?”

Peyton: “Well now I feel like a jerk.”

Hunter: “So you should, this only means you have to be punished.”

Peyton looked at him while he smirked, she wasn’t sure what it was he meant…

Peyton: “Punished…?”

“Yeah, you get a head start while we run up the hills.”

Peyton: “This hardly sounds like a punishment…”

“It will be when you still lose…”

“Ooooh there it is, well then you’re on.”

The two share a laugh as they exit the Mustang, he locks the car up and the two begin some warm up stretches to limber up and Hunter does exactly as promised, lets Peyton have her head start which certainly didn’t help matter as he caught up to her pretty quickly much to her surprise… After jogging down the trail, Peyton in her black leggings, sneakers and matching sports bra, with Hunter in shorts, sneakers and a tank top, they arrived at the Hollywood sign, of course there is no trespassing, but it was something Hunter didn’t pay much attention to. He was a rebel in a way, but not one that would hurt anyone or break serious rules intentionally, but this place was an exception to the rule with it being special to him. Peyton stopped; a bit perplexed looking over at him….

Peyton: “Uh… Hunter? What are we doing here?”

Hunter: “Have you ever been on the Hollywood Sign before?”

Peyton: “Uh, no it’s illegal isn’t it?”

Hunter: “We are not vandalizing it or anything, it is only against the law if you get caught, come on, I want to show you something it won’t take long..”

Peyton: “We could get in a lot of trouble you know.”

Hunter: “Trust me, take my hand. I do it all the time.”

Peyton stood there in deep thought for a moment, she thought what Kelcey would tell her and realized it would probably be the normal thing to do and walk away. But she instead went ahead and trusted Hunter, taking his hand as they entered the gates, he quickly started to climb the Hollywood sign, turning and grabbing her hand, lifting her up as well, it took her a moment to realize what she was doing, she was running almost on auto pilot but that stopped as they stood there looking out at the LA Basin, on top of the world. She smiled, amazed at the view…

Peyton: “Okay, this is pretty awesome…”

Hunter: “See, I told you. My dad used to bring me up here, he loved the view, would hang out for hours, shooting the shit.”

“You would be here for hours? Didn’t Security come here at all?”

Hunter: “Yeah, but my dad knew em. He had a lot of friends in this city between you and me. When he died, it was too painful to come back, took me a while pluck up the courage, I guess to come back…”

“Really? How long’s it been since you came here?”

“Today is the first time back…”

Peyton: “Hunter!?”

She wasn’t expecting him to be so honest with her, this place was one of significance for him and he wanted to share it with her? That took her back a little… She wasn’t sure how to process it…

Hunter: “What!? After the last few weeks, I thought maybe you needed a break and change of pace, so I brought you here, a place that means a lot to me. Besides, you said it yourself, this is a hell of a view…”

Peyton: “Thank…. Thank you. Seriously, but since we’re being honest with each other, I have to say I didn’t expect this rebellious part of you. It’s charming.”

“You talk like it is a bad thing. Being a rebel isn’t always a bad thing, sometimes it takes one to do it to instigate change. Whether it’s a place of work or one’s life, we all need a little adventure other what is the point of all of this you know?”

Peyton: “I couldn’t agree more and no it isn’t a bad thing, actually it is just refreshing. I was with someone for a while and let’s just say he was less than willing to try anything out of his comfort zone. I guess I forgot what it was like to be spontaneous, not since…. Well never mind. Like you visiting this place, for me it has been a while also.”

Hunter walks over to Peyton, raising her hand up to the sky, she doesn’t know what he is trying to do so she follows suit with a smile….

Peyton: “So what are we doing?”

Hunter: “Before I tell you, I just want to say, it’s okay to miss him. A lot of people may seem uncomfortable with it, but when losing a loved one, it takes a lot of time to heal. My dad has been gone a while now and so far, I’ve not been able to get over him yet.”

Peyton can’t help but stare at Hunter who smiles…

Peyton: “Hunter, you are a nice guy, a sweet and very cool person to hang out with, but if I am being honest I am damaged goods, and I don’t know if I will ever get back to the person I was before.”

Hunter: “You’re the furthest thing from damaged goods, all the people you surround yourself with tell me that.”

“That is very nice of you to say, but it is totally unfair to you for me to do that to someone who is very attractive and could be dating anyone. I do not want to bring you down with me. I appreciate this, I like the time we spend, but I am worried I will only hurt you.”

Hunter: “I understand that Peyton, but you’re not the only one who hurts or is still trying to heal, I think it would be beneficial for you to maybe give people a chance to come back inside when they knock on the door. I am not saying me per say, I am not trying to play on your emotions at all. Instead, I wish that we could just hang out, get to know each other and instead of predetermining our fates now, we should just see where it goes.”

Peyton knew that Hunter was right, but even deep down inside she didn’t know if she could dive into another relationship so fast, but hanging out with Hunter had been fun, they haven’t even kissed or anything, he was more of an escape that Peyton appreciated, a welcomed distraction from everything going on in SCW…..

Peyton: “I will try my best, that is all I can say.”

Hunter: “That is all you need to say. Now, close your eyes, hold your arm up in the air and feel the warmth on it.”

Peyton: “What are we doing?”

Hunter: “I usually climb the tower to get to the highest point I can, to be closer to my dad.”

Peyton’s eyes open, she turns to look at Hunter who still has his eyes closed, realizing that he is hurting too, and she could never imaging losing her father, it was bad enough Ricky was taken from her…..

Hunter: “I know you’re looking at me, close your eyes, and you can feel Ricky too.”

Peyton: “I….. Hunter……”

Hunter: “Trust me, it works. Even if it’s in our own mind.”

Peyton: “I……. “

Closing her eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun, a single tear trickles down her cheek as she smiles. Hunter now opens his eyes and looks over, drying the tear with his thumb, when she turns to him and in that moment, she feels something, nothing like she has ever felt in a long time, she felt peace in front of Hunter….

Like she did with Ricky.



PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOT“I have unfortunately learned the hard way in this business there are not too many people who want to see you succeed. I mean, sure those who will say it to your face, then behind your back wish for the worst. Others are straight forward and tell you exactly how they feel, never sugarcoating anything. From the very beginning I had this hope the wrestling business would be about competition, it was a rude awakening when I saw differently which had me very upset, confused and even appalled to the point I started to hate the dream I had of becoming a professional wrestler. To see so many wrestlers especially those who have been here for so long, winning championships, accolades and being respected as competitors in the ring, take shortcuts and shit on the younger talent who want the same chances they had, trailblazing for young women like me and to see their reaction of selfishness and abhor is downright insulting and heart-wrenching at the same time. I came to the SCW to make a name for myself and do what I love, compete against the very best in the world, instead after the BIGGEST win of my career in the Elimination Chamber I am caught dodging chains and objects from the top of the cage. I am punched in the face by a man that leads Christy Matthews, I am told that Peyton Rice is nothing, and yet here I am with the chance to become a United States Champion. I will not brag, for I am on a road ready to climb to the very top and one day become a World Champion. Many sleep on me, they think that I am nothing more than a pushover, and this is alright, I want them to think it….

For when I shock the SCW and I go on to defeat two of the very best, then maybe all of you will start to listen to me instead of brush me off as some girl trying to get attention. The Chamber and what happened afterwards fired me up, these senseless attacks on Kelcey Wallace, Aaron Blackbourne and Owen Cruze have finally hit me to the core, I cannot and will not stand by and watch it happen. Yes, I have some big challenges ahead, this, is why I came to the SCW, to face the World’s greatest wrestlers, but in doing so, I know what I am up against. They don’t care about competition; they care about themselves and destruction. I know what I must do now, something that I had refused a long time ago without hurting the integrity of the sport and my own moral code and compass. I don’t care if anyone thinks I am soft or that I don’t have some killer instinct, I don’t need to, the passion alone to be successful is enough. The Wonderland, Christy Matthews and so many others have taken my kindness for weakness….

Well, I am about to show them, this is my greatest strength of All…

The ability to do things right and leave you without any excuses.”






The Strong National Museum of Play is part of The Strong in Rochester, New York, United States. Established in 1969 and based initially on the personal collection of Rochester native Margaret Woodbury Strong, the Museum opened to the public in 1982, after several years of planning, cataloguing, and exhibition development for the Museum’s new building in downtown Rochester. For at least fifteen years after its opened, the mission of the Museum was to interpret the social and cultural history of average Americans between 1830 and 1940, under the direction of H.J. Swinney and William T. Alderson. Mrs. Strong’s collections of dolls and toys, American and European decorative arts, prints, paintings, Japanese crafts, and advertising ephemera provided a firm foundation for this mission and were supplemented with collections purchased and donated to more fully support the Museum’s early mission. The Museum received considerable local and national publicity and support and substantial financial support from the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Exhibitions and Public Programs division. In the 1990s, the Museum’s Board of Trustees and Director changed the Museum’s mission to collecting, preserving, and interpreting the history of play. Since then it has refined and increased its collections, hundreds of thousands of items, and expanded twice, in 1997 and 2006.

The Museum is now one of five Play Partners of The Strong, which is also home to the National Toy Hall of Fame, the International Center for the History of Electronic Games, and the Brian Sutton-Smith Library and Archives of Play, and produces the American Journal of Play. Here is where we find the gorgeous Peyton Rice and her manager/mentor Kelcey Wallace. Peyton has a couple of rough weeks ahead after her huge win at Under Attack, walking out as the sole survivor in the Elimination Chamber against some of the best, but she knew that her issues with Christy Matthews were far from over and they solved nothing in the Chamber. For some reason Christy took issue with Peyton, maybe it was because she saw a young her in the prodigy or it could be her hate for Kelcey Wallace, and this is her way to get back at her, there were many reasons why but this was a dangerous match to have right before she faced the monster, Xander Valentine. The reasons why she chose him were still unknown, but at this point it didn’t matter, she had made the commitment, but first thing was first, proving to everyone that she could indeed defeat one of the best in Christy Matthews, and the chance to walk into Last Laugh with some momentum, considering there were other factors working here, like The Wonderland and their “partnership” if anyone can call it that with Sienna Swann. Outside the museum in the colorful statue of blocks was Peyton in jeans, white boots, a white jacket and beanie, her nails polished white and long sandy blonde hair hanging down. Kelcey was in jeans, black boots, a matching leather jacket, red sweater, her nails a glossy polish, long hair hanging down, blowing in the cool 35-degree weather breeze….




Peyton takes a second to compose herself before she is clearly ready to speak, turning and looking at the camera with her green eyes, Kelcey standing a little to the side as the young former Adrenaline Champion speaks in her girlish tone….


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“I love this time of year as the weather cools off, and when it comes to New York, it will always have a special place in my heart, for when I first started my career in professional wrestling, I was in upstate, sharing an apartment with the late Ricky Octavius as we both competed for the UWA. I am also well aware that Rochester is the home of SCW’s Executioner, none other than Xander Valentine, along with my ex-fiancé, Alistaire Allocco, six months ago, this would have been exciting, but now, it gives this Breakdown tomorrow night a huge, big fight feel. I have heard the rumblings, there are a lot of people in the back and who surround me thinking I may have too much on my plate, well I may be a small gal but you should see me at the buffet, I can eat like a horse and sometimes I don’t want to make another trip, so I stack it all on one shot. I think what nobody really understands is that for almost two years I have been here in the SCW and in many ways, while I have made some impact, I have not made THE impact I had been hoping for, and to see what so many others have accomplished in that time, how they are recognized, revered and even held to a higher standard than me at some point starts to really pull on your strings. I am not the type to be envious of anyone’s career, matter of fact, I cheer them on, I want every single person who puts in the work to get the rewards, show that hard work does pay off….

…. And now it is my turn.

Personally and professionally I have struggled in recent months leading into Rise To Greatness, I had to take some time off and contemplate if I really wanted to continue doing this, for the sport I love has in many ways torn my heart more than the relationships I have screwed up. Having my engagement broken off, the poor decisions I have made following it, seeing the woman I love and admire in Kelcey Wallace go through absolute hell with Sienna Swann and The Wonderland has lit a fire under me. There was a time I wanted to simply compete, happy to be here, a part of the roster, wrestling the absolute best, that is not enough anymore, at some stage in my career it changed, morphing into something deeper, not about championship gold or even outright success, it was about standing up for what you believe in and doing whatever you can humanly possible to preserve it. I have been criticized for choosing Xander Valentine and going after the United States Championship but there are reasons behind it that I have yet to unveil and until I do, I will keep them close to my chest until we reach Last Laugh. I could have gone after Glory Braddock, but that would have been solely on revenge and wanting the win back from RTG, it would have had nothing to do with the Adrenaline Championship and the title deserves much better. Sure, she has changed some, I still wouldn’t trust her far as I can throw her, unfortunate really that I have to feel this way but that is how things have turned out, I am okay with it. Here is the thing, I walked out to the ring and called the Elimination Chamber, I made the statement, I wanted in before anyone made an announcement, I knew the only way people were going to remember my name and take me seriously which many still do not, I am okay with that too, is to grab the one structure which has changed lives and careers, step inside and see how well you do, and all of you know that I owned it, from the very beginning to the very end I survived, I Main Evented Under Attack, I was able to knock off another item off my bucket list, wrestle in the Main Event of one of the big five SCW PPV’s. Not only did I do it, I came out the winner in a match that many cannot say they have been a part of or have come out victorious.

This is what makes Christy Matthews angry….

I embarrassed her, not once but twice.

 Even before the Chamber happened, when I walked out to the ring, she was the first person to challenge me on it, she didn’t like the young girl out strategizing her, she didn’t do it first and it pissed Christy off that I actually had the courage to waltz down to the ring and lay the gauntlet. I was tired of it, I couldn’t wait any longer, this was about more than just a win or a loss….

This was about establishing myself as a major player in the SCW….

…. And by the looks of what I have going in the next few weeks?

I’m there.”


Kelcey looks over at her and smiles, nodding, proud of what Peyton has done by grasping the bull by the horns and taking control of her career. She was spiraling out of control and now she is extremely focused and ready to do whatever it takes to not only defeat and survive the onslaught of Christy Matthews, but also the monster in Xander Valentine. She turns and continues to speak…


“It seems like some people have questioned my focus, that includes Christy’s mentor in Rey Anillo. I don’t mind him coming out when I was speaking, matter of fact, I expected someone too, and I found it rather interesting that he would try to intimidate me with the talent Christy has, but the one thing that caught my attention that he said was this. “Christy can’t stop thinking about you”? Why? See, Rey Anillo did his job, he promoted the woman that is a Hall of Fame inductee, who basically has done everything in the SCW, and for the longest time one of the most respected wrestlers in the world. Rey Anillo, I will say this though, I wasn’t intimidated, I do my homework, I know my opponents, I breath, eat, sleep and shit this business, I will NEVER walk into a match not knowing who the hell I am wrestling and this right there, the notion that I am supposed to be scared of her and Xander, frankly is insulting. Yes, I have fears for my physical well-being, there isn’t a wrestler alive that isn’t, but I don’t fear Christy Matthews, if this was the tactic you were looking for, it was an epic fail. I don’t know if Christy sent you out there, but when I saw the previous week her going out to Xander and telling him that she was going to break my face and I would be in no condition or less than 100% against Xander at Last Laugh, well I took that a little personal, because here is one of the most renown superstars in this company trying to bully me, and I found it both sad and pathetic….

I am looking at you now Christy, do I really grind your gears?

Why do you hate me so much? What is it with you and wanting to end my chances to become a United States Champion? Is it because I could possibly win the only title you need to become a Supreme Champion? Is this the reason you came out when I made the Chamber request, didn’t want little Pey Pey here leapfrog you over to the contention? Maybe if you were not the third wheel in Infamous that would have never happened, had you stayed the course of a career that every young woman has admired, and I get it Christy, for years you have stated that NO ONE ever gives you credit for breaking ceilings and paving the way for the young females who want or are wrestlers today, and I am here to tell you right now with absolutely no conviction I have always seen you as one of the best, your heart, fire, desire and passion have been awe-inspiring, the wars you had in the past have been nothing short of extraordinary, as I took lessons from your matches, how could I not, Christy What you fail to realize though is that there is this feeling you need Infamous? There is this desperation that comes out when you’re acting all tough that the legacy is slipping away, the younger talent is starting to get their just do and you cannot stand that, why? Hanging out with Syren too long? What are you so afraid of Christy, what you have done is cemented in SCW lore, there isn’t a single person including me that can ever take it away from you, and yet it seems like you’re so threatened by my existence, and I think it is for one reason….

You see a lot of yourself in me.

I am sure your gasping right now at the sound of this, I can picture your hand on the chest, mouth wide open thinking to yourself, “What is this bitch smoking”, right? No, as you can see Christy, I was always a fan of your work before you decided to turn your back on the business for your own selfish greed and watch Syren and Ravyn practically use you to advance their careers. A proud mother, a woman that has been the centerpiece to so many memorable matches, one of the greatest Adrenaline Champions to ever exist, I can praise you over and over, but the bottom line here is Christy, we both shared the same love for wrestling, there was nothing we wanted more than to come to work every night and perform in front of the fans, the energy we fed off them, there was a time it was appreciated but as the days, months and years went by, what happened?

You became paranoid, salty at the same sport which made you Christy, you didn’t make SCW. This is where the wheels came off, wasn’t it? When it slowly started to become apparent that this was all about you now, like every other bitter and despondent veteran I seem to face, they do not care about the why or the how anymore, they care about the ME, and the day I ever feel that way will be the day I leave this sport forever, this is where it separates us Christy, I will never become you in that aspect, a self-entitled trope who thinks she has a license to push people around and old them down. Look at me for a second, through all the insults, all the petty little jabs and even Richter punching me in the face, your little play with Xander Valentine, Rey Anillo coming out, challenging me at every turn, an itch that you obviously need to scratch, ask yourself one question….

Why Peyton Rice?

I’ll tell you, because I could become the next Christy Matthews and the idea alone scares the hell out of you.”


Taking a deep breath, Peyton glances over at Kelcey who nods in approval. There is so much Kelcey wants to say too as she has faced Christy in the past, but this is about Peyton, not her. Peyton has a lot to say, she is ready for this challenge, she needs to be ready especially for someone like Matthews. Pacing a little outside the Strong Museum, she turns and speaks….


“Christy Matthews was someone everyone could have looked up to. Your knowledge and experience could be so vital to the young men and women who have dreams of becoming professional wrestlers, but it seems like I pissed in your Wheaties, when I started to make my claims, yet at some point I had to Christy, how the hell was I going to stay stagnant, I could not accept defeat anymore, I have been here longer than some wrestlers who are already World Champions or on the way, and yet here I am in the middle of the card just another body in a crowd of many, that I had to make my move, seeing that as stepping on your toes, and I know what I am going to hear, that no one will ever remember my name, or I am fanboys dreams come true and nobody cares about me when I am gone because I have done nothing newsworthy, right?

I won the Elimination Chamber, they will remember that, for it cannot be taken from me either, Christy.

I could be the next United States Champion, how would that make you feel, huh? This is the biggest mistake you’re making, judging a book by its cover, sure I may not look like a wrestler, I look like a model in a sea of beautiful women in the SCW, I get it. I can’t compare to you physically, but that is where you are wrong for, I recall our first singles match when we went toe to toe and I brought the fight to you Christy. What about a year or so ago when I faced Jordan Majors, defending the TV title and Infamous decided to jump me, you knew then that sooner or later I was going to breakthrough and be a contender, where you would have to deal with me and here we are.

I know about your pasts, the ups and the downs, professionally and personally, I am not one to judge, I have done a lot of stupid shit too lately in my life, but I learned from my mistakes, I don’t think you ever learned from yours. I don’t care what Richter, Anillo, Xander or anyone else in the SCW tries to do in order to psyche me out of this match, far as I am concerned, I already proved I can defeat you Christy, I know that I can go with the best, from our first match to the Elimination Chamber, all the excuses you want, and maybe nothing between you and I was proven at Under Attack but what was?

I was the better wrestler on that night, and I went the distance, I earned a shot at the United States Championship, you even had the advantage where your pod opened last and still couldn’t pull it off, what does that say about your claims and trying to water me down as some talent that cannot match yours?

I already did.

This is what I wanted, and I knew women like you and Kandis would jump at the opportunity when I decided to open the flood gates and let it all out. See, Christy, there came a time when I needed to make a choice, and maybe part of why you hate me is because of Kelcey Wallace, who knows, but what I see right now is a woman hanging on to the last knot on her rope, for you are already overshadowed by the rest of Infamous, I don’t see you as anything less than being better than your two partners, which is why this is the match many are saying is the one that I need to make a statement, and if I defeat you which I have every confidence in the world that I will?

It will be the final exclamation point to the sentence, I have arrived!

Christy, I respect what you have done for this business, thank you for the contributions and the memories, and I know you will continue to be a force here in the SCW, winning gold and major matches, but this is not your story being told now, this is mine and it will have a Happily Ever After ending, it will be the moment in front of this crowd who I love and admire, see a more determined and focused me. Then Christy, when it is all over, after I already went fist to fist, steel to steel, words to words, like everyone else, you will know….”

Flinging her hair back, she glares into the camera with her gorgeous green eyes, Kelcey standing next to her….


 “Peyton Rice, is NOT just another “Pretty” Face.”


… and for the first time a scowl forms on the face of Peyton as Kelcey firmly places her hand resting on the shoulder of her protégé as the Perfect one cracks a smirk.








Peyton found herself in a place she never thought possible, the old home of Chris Cannon and Kelcey Wallace. She had started to look for her own place, even thinking about leaving Southern California and moving back to Arizona, there wasn’t really much left for her to stick around. Ante Up Academy was sold, a new school by David Helms opened, her friendship with Owen Cruze was on the splits, all because of the stupidity she showed in hurting Jennifer the night Peyton’s marriage ended, and what hurt more for Jennifer was the fact Peyton helped her with the break up from Christian Cannon, which made this all the more heart wrenching and in Jennifer’s eyes, cruel. She was ready to live at an extended stay until she closed on a house or a beachside condo, yet Peyton wasn’t completely sold on even saying around town anymore, too many memories, lost friends and the feeling of overstaying her welcome became that much more of a letdown. How did she end up at Chris Cannon’s home, simple, Kelcey directed her there. She offered to let her stay with her and Scott, but Peyton refused, was too much of a burden, she was finally with her son, the last thing she needed was to have Peyton there when she was reunited with him at last, the fact Kelcey lived not too far from Owen was another obstacle.

Peyton simply didn’t want to deal with it.

Kelcey had the house up on the market with Chris, she was unaware at the time Chris had decided to take it off the market, told Peyton to go there, and when she showed up, Chris had already comfortable moved in, still unpacking, much to her surprise. It seemed like there was turmoil in Peyton’s life constantly, the calamity was becoming too much to bear and handle, all she wanted was to live her life happily and wrestle, thinking that she was going to have that with Alistaire Allocco who had plans of his own without ever talking to her about it first. Everything seemed to be falling apart, and her career was in a holding pattern, watching everything happen, seeing Kelcey get into it with The Wonderland, with Sienna, with anyone and this all happened so fast, after Rise to Greatness, Peyton felt lost, maybe what she needed more than anything was to just take a step back and reflect….

This was a start.


Chris Cannon Home

Hermosa Beach, CA.

A Few Days After Apocalypse


Peyton was in the laundry room, she was washing some clothes, wearing shorts, flip flops and a Perfect Ten t-shirt. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and nails polished white. She was listening to some music, Adele’s Rolling in the Deep played through her air pods while folding some clothes, which was something that always helped Peyton when doing a few things around the house and the chores. It was nice change of pace and also comforting to know the house was right on the beach, the backyard led into the sand, so she would go out later, take a swim, work on her tan and exercise her options were limited only to her imagination. She was lost in the song even singing a little of the lyrics while looking at Bear who laid on the floor…

Peyton: “Baby, I have no story to be told. But I’ve heard one on you. Now I’m gonna make your head burn. Think of me in the depths of your despair, make a home down there cause mine sure won’t be shared.”

She smiled while humming some more of the song to herself but shortly notices Bear raise his head and stood to attention, his tail begins to wag excitedly…

Peyton: “Oh you liked that huh? You mean to tell me Mr. Cannon didn’t serenade you with songs?”

Bear barks which causes the Arizonian to giggle a little, she removes one of her air pod’s and picks her cell up to sift through her music collection…

Peyton: “So that’s how it is huh, now you’re making requests? What do you want stud?”

She scrolls through a variety of artists and nods to herself, after putting her air pods back in the case she hits play and places the phone down on the laundry. Dua Lip’s Don’t Start Now starts up immediately. Peyton now dancing towards Bear…

Peyton: “If you don’t want to see me…. Did a full 180, crazy thinking bout the way I was…”

As the lyrics stated Peyton too did a 180 and jumped back in surprise to see Chris Cannon leaning against the door frame watching…

Chris: “Oh don’t stop on my account.”

“Oh my god… Mr. Ca… Chris, how long was you there?”

Chris: “Not too long love, but long enough. You seem happier that’s good.”

Peyton nods while walking over to her cell and pausing the song…

“So what have you been up to, teaching Bear how to do laundry or having yourselves a private party?”

Peyton laughed as she turned back to the laundry she was folding, Bear walked towards Chris who kneeled down to give him a good scratch behind the ear…

PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTPeyton: “Something like that, I’m sorry if I was making noise with my singing but it helps me sometimes. Besides, I think Bear liked it. But he is like my shadow now, which I don’t mind at all, we have become best friends.”

Chris: “It’s fine love, whatever helps cheer you up. That is what is important they tell us.”

Peyton: “Yeah… Anyway, I’m sorry if you I overstepped my boundaries, but I took the liberty of doing your laundry as well while doing mine. Hope that is okay…”

Chris rolled his eyes and walked over to where Peyton stood, he looked down at the basket and laughed while resting a hand on her shoulder..

Chris: “Peyton, just because you are staying here doesn’t mean that you have to do my laundry love, I am capable of doing it myself.”

Peyton: “I never for a second imagined that Sienna did your laundry.”

Chris: “Good call, now if you want to help out around here more feel free to give that guy a bath he’s starting to need one.”

Bear immediately bolted out of the room into the kitchen area, both Chris and Peyton share a laugh as she continued to take the clothes out of the dryer while Chris followed after the dog….

PeytonCastPic-ChrisChris: “I went to the market and bought a few things, think I am going to make some stuffed cabbage rolls tonight, some good protein. Before I do, I wanted to see if you were going to have dinner, I’ll make you some as well.”

Peyton: “I’d like that, thank you.”

“Good, I think I’m going for a run on the beach later, as well. You’re more than welcome to join me if you like.”

Peyton: “Uh yeah sure though I wouldn’t want to impose.”

Chris: “You’re not imposing love. It’s been nice having someone around to talk to. There is only so much you can say to Bear before you start thinking you’re going mad.”

It was a relief to Peyton hearing those words, ever since breaking the engagement with Alistaire and her fight with Jennifer she had the overbearing feeling of being unwelcome in most places. A lot of the time she believed she was being judged by everyone. But staying here has certainly helped her mental state if nothing more… With the basket in hand she walks into the kitchen and placed it on the counter while Chris put things away…

Peyton: “Well I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather talk to than Bear, he’s a great listener. Besides I did decide that I should get out of the house, I know in Downtown Square there are a few clubs, figured I should go out and mingle, I haven’t gone dancing in a long time, and I bet neither have you.”

Chris: “Oh love, I’m a little too old to go clubbing. I mean, I don’t mind going to a bar and having a few drinks but dancing…..”

“Then it’s settled, I know a good bar it’ll be my treat.”

Chris: “Peyton, I appreciate the offer but you don’t have to.”

Peyton: “And you didn’t have to let me stay here or hook me up with my new boyfriend.”

Chris: “…New boyfriend?”

She turns and hugs Bear, kissing the Akita on the face as he turns and licks her and begins jumping up at her….

Peyton: “Bear!”

Chris: “You two make a great couple.”

: “Thanks!”

It was the first time that he actually saw Peyton smiling again and in a good mood. She was settling in nicely living there, though Chris knew that she was in the process of looking for a place but was undecided if she would move back to Arizona or stay in Southern California. Now she was feeling a little more comfortable around him even after everything that he had done before splitting from Sienna. But Peyton was not going to touch that subject, instead she kept to herself, didn’t really try to interfere too much into his work, as Chris was going through a lot too, he had been with Sienna, married for a bit, they were planning a life together, and she was not about to let things go. That was one worry she had, the possibility of Sienna showing up at the house and assuming the worst, but for now, Peyton was trying to get by, she had decided to do whatever she could in order to get back into the groove, and Under Attack was the goal. With the basket by her side, she had folded all of Chris’s clothes, he was both very grateful and surprised that she went to those lengths…

Chris: “The rate you’re going Peyton, I should be buying you the drinks.”

Peyton: “No, seriously, it is the least I can do for taking me in with your warm hospitality while I look for a place, I really do appreciate it. Again, I know you didn’t have to.”

Chris: “No I didn’t have to you’re right, but I would have no matter what.”

Peyton: “And that means a lot to hear you say that.”

Chris: “It’s like I said, you never gave up on me and I know it has been tough for a while, breaking up is hard to do, we are both going through it and while it sucks, it gives us a chance to start fresh. Of course our situations are different, you don’t have a kid involved and well, there is no sugar coating it and a very unstable, estranged wife right now either, but I think getting away from everything and dealing with it in our own ways is the best therapy one could ask for.”

Peyton: “I totally agree. I was a hot mess when I came here, I think things are starting to improve and I just need to find some direction now in the SCW, really the only way for me to get back into the thick of things and…..”

Chris: “Yeah about that…”

Chris puts his hand onto one of Peyton’s stopping her from finishing the folding of clothes. He opens the door back into the beach where a couple of lawn chairs are placed in the sand…

Chris: “You have a few minutes?”

Peyton: “Sure.”

He leads her outside as they both sit down and take a moment to enjoy the cool breeze and the sound of the water on the beach. Bear walks out and sits next to Peyton while she pets him…..

Chris: “I’m glad you brought SCW up because I wanted to talk to you about that. I know what is going on in your personal life is something I can’t really help with, but your professional I like to think I can at least give you a pointer or two.”

Peyton: “Well I’d appreciate anything right now if I’m honest… I mean…”

Chris turned to look at the gorgeous Peyton who sat there glistening in the sunlight…

Chris: “Now, before I continue, I want you to understand that I am going to be very real and frank with you, love, do you think you can handle that?”

Peyton: “Yes, I would like you to be brutally honest with me, Chris. Kelcey is very honest with me too, but she tries to do it without hurting my feelings, at this point, if it does so be it, I need the constructive criticism.”

Chris: “Okay, Peyton, you are a very kind, respectable and honorable young woman. You’ve always followed the rules, played the game to the best of your ability, and have a love of the sport unmatched.”

Peyton: “Thank you, that means a lot.”

“It’s true. Just like the notion that you are a very huge inspiration to young girls out there who one day will want to become professional wrestlers because of women like you. They will look up to you because if anyone is honest, you are one of a few blueprint’s on how to do everything right in this business. Let’s forget what you are going through now in your personal life, I am talking about walking into the arena every single week, the house shows, Pay Per Views with a positive attitude, a face that no one, especially the fans would know how much shit you are going through right now and I commend you for that, it is how professionals act.”

She nods, very appreciative of the kind words by Chris Cannon, but she knew there was more coming he said he was going to be frank and well, all he had done so far was praise her….

Peyton: “There is a “but” somewhere though isn’t there?”

Chris: “Yes there is.”

He takes a moment to think about his words and how he was to address them…

Chris: “You allow for people and the company to walk all over you, and I don’t mean it in a bad way, you follow the rules, you do as you’re told, there are steps in the process where you trust and simply do not cross and for someone that has only been here for a little bit of time, I can understand that, you don’t want to walk right into a new company and alienate the roster which again I commend you for it. But in a few months you will be entering year three of the SCW, that is two whole years that you have been with the company and NOT once have I ever seen you storm out to the ring and call your shots.”

Peyton: “That’s because I want to earn my opportunities, Chris not have them handed to me. It’s how Ricky always did it, he said it was all about having the respect of everyone.”

Chris: “And I agree, but there is a thin line between respect and straight up aggression, and this is one of those moments where you need to start showing the SCW what you have by calling their attention on you.”

Peyton takes a deep breath; this wasn’t what she imagined he would be saying. Not that she had an idea of what that would be to begin with…

Peyton: “I don’t know if I feel comfortable doing that…”

Chris: “I understand, I do. It’s not easy but how do you think Sienna became one of the top faces of the company or Regan Street? Selena Frost? Syren and Ravyn? Bree even? Look at Matt Hodges calling his shots right now. They made sure the attention was always on them love.”

Peyton: “What are you saying? That I storm out to the ring and make demands? Become the same thing I’ve been against my entire career?”

“No, of course not. I’m just saying step up to the challenge and don’t give Sasha the chance to do it for you. This is where you need to get up to the plate and knock it out of the park. Don’t be like Sienna and I did, or how so many others that get lost in the shuffle, we made our demands and threats, look where that put us, but Owen? He was given what he asked for because he came out and issued the challenges without allowing anyone to tell him different. I wanted to slap the taste out of that cunts mouth back then… sorry, that slipped out, but at the end of the day I can respect the kid for what he has done, now it’s your turn or all you’re going to see is the Jordan Majors and the Subarashi’s and Holly Adams get all the press and again you’ll be left out in the cold. Is that what you want?”

Peyton: “No, of course not and I understand what you’re saying Chris and appreciate the words…”

Chris: “I know it isn’t easy, I’m in the same boat. If not for Lucas, I’d be retired right now. But I am trying to help you best I can. We can train together, we can share experiences in the ring, I can give you pointers, but you have been around long enough to know what is happening. The training wheels came off you a long time ago.”

Peyton was appreciative of what Chris Cannon was saying, he was being brutally honest with her and that was something that she really appreciated. He was right, it was time for Peyton to finally step in on her own, to go out there and make it happen, she didn’t know what yet, been sitting backstage waiting for a chance, it was time to make it, the question was always….


Peyton: “Thank you. I think I know what I have to do.”

Chris: “I know you do, love. That’s why you have always been the best of us.”

Blushing a little, Peyton smiles, flattered by his compliment but also feeling down deep inside that she is nowhere near that. Sighing some, she digs her toes in the sand and stands up….

Peyton: “So… You want to go for that run?”

Chris: “Barefoot?”

Peyton shrugged while kicking off her flip flops…

Peyton: “It’s the beach.”

“Okay, let’s do it….. but try to keep up.”

“That is so a challenge.”

They both start to jog on the sands of the beach as Bear follows, before heading toward the water and continuing their run, it was all part of what Peyton needed most right now, direction…

Later That Night

As promised, Peyton and Chris walked to the Downtown Marketplace about two blocks from his house. Chris was in a polo shirt, jeans, and loafers. Peyton had on a pair of tight white bells, wedge sandals and a tan colored halter top, her hair was slicked back in a ponytail. They sat at one of the tall boys at the bar, they ended up getting a dessert, a Crème Brulee to split. Peyton was drinking a glass of Red Wine, a Malbec, Chris had a whiskey sour…..

Chris: “Go on, get it out I know you want to say it.”

Peyton sipped her glass of Red and chuckled…

Peyton: “Never in a million years did I think you and I would be sitting at some random little local Hermosa Beach Bar and restaurant having drinks and sharing a dessert, I would be laughing right in the face of whomever would have suggested that.”

Chris: “I know right, funny how the world works. I think it’s good therapy, I can be myself, you can be yourself, and we can both get away from the world together and just let it pass by paying us no mind.”

Peyton: “Well, just to let you know, I have narrowed down my search to a few houses, well condos in the area, not here in Hermosa Beach but around. I am also keeping it open about Arizona, living with my dad while it isn’t the most private place, and I can’t really do whatever I want, we can at least be together and I can look out for him, and he for me.”

“Your dad loves you very much, Peyton. He is a good man. He should be proud of his daughter, that is how I hope I am with Nathaniel when he’s older. I wasn’t in Christian’s life much, but I am trying to make up for that the best I can. As for Nathaniel, I want my son to grow up and not make the same mistakes and take the same road I did. Which is why I know he belongs with Kelcey.”

Peyton: “If I ask you a question, would you be honest with me?”

Chris: “Sure love.”

Peyton: “Do you still love Sienna?”

Chris took a sip of his whiskey sour, taking a moment to answer the question truthfully….

Chris: “Yes, but I don’t know if I am in love with her anymore if that makes sense. Despite what everything thinks of her right now, I can’t deny Sienna was a good mother, even though the way we were able to get Nathaniel to begin with was questionable, well, you know I don’t need to explain it…”

Chris sighed a little while thinking about all that happened. Peyton wasn’t showing any signs of judgement however, just listening like has to her problems…

Chris: “I know deep down she is a very loving woman, and very loyal to those who are closest to her, but the problem she has, is the inability to handle adversity, she panics and does rash things which you have seen already yourself on shows. I do love her, and I honestly don’t know what the future holds, I have already filed papers, so we’ll see.”

That surprised Peyton hearing about the papers, she wasn’t aware things were at that stage… Immediately her brain begun to swirl with other thoughts as one does…

Peyton: “So does that mean you want to get back with Kelcey?”

Chris: “Wow, Peyton, going for the bloody jugular I see. Was this your plan all along, to get me drunk and spill my heart out?”

Peyton: “What, no of course not… I didn’t mean to pry I’m sorry…”

Chris “I’m kidding love, but as for wanting to get back with Kelcey? I don’t if that will ever be possible even if I wanted to. Right now, she is with my brother, Scott. So, I guess the answer would be no.”

“I’m sorry I am asking these personal questions, just was always interested in what you were thinking between Sienna and Kelcey I guess.”

“It was a very rough situation, one I don’t ever want to revisit again, but yes, a lot of wrong decisions were made, ones we regret.”

: “Tell me about it.”

Chris knew that she was talking about Ricky, it wasn’t hard for him to figure out that even after an entire year she was still not able to get over her trauma…..

Chris: “He was a good man, Peyton. But you already know that don’t you. There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t miss him.”

Her eyes started to tear up some, Peyton started to try and laugh it off, touching the sides of her eyes so her makeup wouldn’t run…..

Chris: “I remember when I met Ricky, I looked at him and I knew he had it. A great young man, so polite and vibrant, a breath of fresh air, especially when he joined the Beauty Factory. I know Orlando loved that kid too, so many hall of famers and legends had respect for him and you.”

“Yeah Ricky never disappointed anyone, I did.”

“No Peyton, you haven’t, you’re just going through a rough time love. Just like me. Whatever doesn’t kill us can only make us stronger.”

Peyton: “We rough it together, right?”

Chris: “Yeah, you’re becoming like my partner in crime.”

Peyton: “Superman always needs his Supergirl. Though I am nowhere near a Supergirl, more like Lana Lane, not even Lois.”

Chris: “Well you’re in luck cause I’m the furthest thing from being Superman.”

Chris laughs some, enjoying the company and seeing that Peyton does have a sense of humor. He takes the last of his drink….

Chris: “Right, I better head back, it’s getting a bit late love. What are you going to do?”

Peyton: “I don’t know, check out that Liquid Crystal club, I need to let loose a little tonight and not be judged, you know? I’ll be home later; I can come in through the back.”

Chris: “Whatever works for you it’s just… I’m not trying to be your dad here, but I am ten years your senior and did say I’d look out for you so don’t be out too late, a beautiful woman like you, the last thing I want is for you walking down these streets late at night. I know how they can be.”


Chris: “Okay, shut up.”

Peyton: “…. That is so cute, you care about me.”

Chris: “Peyton, I am being serious and Kelcey would never let me hear the end of it if something happened to you, alright? Humor me if nothing else and promise that you will come home right after.”

Peyton: “I promise, I just want to maybe spend an hour, get on the dance floor. All I do is sit home and mope, think of Ricky and cry myself to sleep. He wouldn’t want me to do that. I mean, just a month or so ago I was planning my wedding, now nothing. I just need a night out, I wish you would come with me are you sure I can’t convince you?”

Chris: “Oh no, the club scene is not for Chris Cannon.”

Peyton: “You sure…. Don’t know how to dance, huh?”

He chuckles some and rather not say. He goes for his wallet, but Peyton grabs his arm….

Peyton: “I told you, I am paying for this.”

Chris: “You don’t have to.”

Peyton: “I want to. Go home, old man.”

She grins, sticking her tongue out as he points, with a smirk….

Chris: “Old man? Well in that case, be back by midnight or you’ll be grounded young lady.”


Peyton jokingly salutes Chris and chuckles…

Chris: “Don’t stay out too late, if you need a lift give me a call.”

Peyton: “I won’t and I will.”

Chris winks at Peyton and heads out leaving her at the bar though he was thinking better of it and not leave her alone but he trusted Peyton to do the right thing and go for a little while and come back to the house, It was around 11, and Chris headed back. Peyton gestured for the Bartender to hand her the check, before she grabbed her purse, paid, and walked out, as every man there turned to look at the gorgeous young SCW Superstar. Walking out, she saw the Liquid Crystal Club and proceeded inside…

Three Hours Later

Chris couldn’t sleep, crawling out of bed, he was in shorts and a tank top, deciding to sit outside in the back with bear, maybe the sound of the ocean, the cool breeze and moonlight would do him some good. He figured Peyton was already home from the club, he was curious, so went upstairs and slowly cracking her door open, much to his surprise she wasn’t there. He turned on the light….

Chris: “Peyton? Pey, are you home?”

He went down the stairs to the living room, she hadn’t even been home. Now he was starting to get a little concerned after looking at the time. He opened the back door with Bear and walked around to the side of the house and then the sidewalk, he didn’t see her. Now really worried, he walked back inside to get dressed, as he stepped back out, Bear suddenly smells something and starts to bark and takes off….

Chris: “Bear!?”

Chris chases Bear when suddenly he sees someone jump out from the bushes by the alleyway and run off as Bear begins to sprint after him….

Chris: “BEAR!?”

Then, much to Chris’s horror he looks in the bushes and sees Peyton semi-conscious, some of her clothes was ripped, it looked like she had been hit in the mouth….

Chris: “PEYTON!?”

Chris could hear Bear growling as he had tackled the man who had run off, Chris quickly runs and tackles him down again as he tried to get back up….


The man didn’t have a chance to say anything, Chris starts unloading fist after fist on him, Chris was relentless, the anger and utter angst on his face was scary. He felt a hand on his shoulder Peyton behind him trying to pull him off to no avail, Chris was like a man possessed….


“NO! He hurt you Pey!”

When Chris said that, she froze, falling back some, it was as if Ricky was channeling through Chris, he sounded just like him, he even looked like him for a split second…

Peyton: “…Ricky?”

Chris stopped, the assailant was unconscious, his face beaten bloody, turning to Peyton who’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and fainted…..

Thirty Minutes Later

The Hermosa Beach Police were questioning Chris when Peyton started to get her bearings, she was on the front step drinking some hot tea as an EMT tended to her scratches and wounds. The man who attacked her was loaded into an ambulance and taken away. After Chris gave a statement to the police, Peyton then had to give one, they wanted to take her to the hospital, but she refused, she had some bumps and scratches.

Police Officer: “I suggest you take her to a hospital tomorrow since she refuses tonight. So, it looks like it was someone from the club that followed her home. He tried to rob and maybe even possibly rape her, luckily you and your dog came before he could do the latter. Seems like he struck her on the side of the head, blindsiding her and knocking her unconscious. She was a lucky woman. We keep telling them these streets aren’t like they used to be.”

“Thanks officer, I will do that, and I hope that son of a bitch gets what he deserves.”

Police Officer:
“Mr. Cannon, I think he already did, we may be in contact. Goodnight sir.”

Chris: “Goodnight mate.”

As the EMT’s and officers leave, Chris helps Peyton up and brings her inside. He takes her to the bed where she sits down. Chris takes off her sandals and vest…..

Chris: “Peyton…. I told you to call me if you needed a lift back.”

Peyton: “I know…. I should have just come home with you.”

Chris: “It’s okay, the important part is you are safe. Come on, try to get some sleep.”

“I think I want to shower first…”

Chris: “Okay. I’ll be right next door.”

Chris stands up to leave the room when Peyton grabs his hand, which showed signs of heavy bruising of its own. He turns and looks over at her as she stands up looking at the abrasions on his knuckles and everything she could recall in that instance and without hesitation hugs him….

Peyton: “I don’t want to think about what would have happened if you and Bear…..”

Chris: “It’s like I told you, he was your new boyfriend.”

Bear hops on the bed sitting next to Peyton, drying her eyes, leaning up against the Akita as Chris walks out of the room. Peyton proceeds to get undressed and takes a shower, inside she squints her eyes, water running down her bare back, believing that she is starting to go crazy, because for a second there, she thought that Chris was actually Ricky…..

That was not possible.

Slamming the walls of the shower multiple times, she crumbles to the floor, covering her face of tears as the water from the shower drowns them away. Bear looks on sensing her distress and he sticks his head into the shower and starts licking Peyton making her cry harder.

A while had passed for Peyton and after showering and getting into her shorts and tank top, she crawls into bed, Chris opens the door, with a glass of water which he puts to the side before covering her up with the blanket, he then sits next to her.

Chris: “Are you okay?”

She shakes her head, “no”, trying to hold back tears. She sits up and Chris embraces her again, holding her tight as she continues to cry but soon it stops, as Peyton had fallen asleep in his arms from the stress. Chris slowly lays her down, he stands up to walk out of the room, Bear lays next to her….

Chris: “You stay and protect her tonight mate. You did good Bear….. you did really good.”

Bear lies his head on Peyton’s legs as she sleeps. Chris smiles and closes the door. Taking a deep breath, he walks back into his bedroom, he sits down looking at his cell phone, before reaching over and dialing Kelcey’s number, but he then stops. Instead placing it on the nightstand, laying down, and staring at the ceiling thinking about one thing….

Why Peyton called him Ricky.


The Following Morning

Chris gave Peyton some tea to help her sleep, as she dozed off, but the next morning, the memory was still there, and her life continued to fall from one chaotic event to another. Peyton didn’t know how to thank Chris Cannon for what he did, now she didn’t even want to go anywhere alone, that is when she was still lying in bed, having woken up after a deep sleep, doing nothing else but stare at the ceiling. She was in her Yoga tights and sports bra. Peyton had a bruise on her lip and a cut, most of her other bruises were around her body but she knew she was lucky not to get hurt seriously. Slowly she crawled out of bed, washed up, brushed her teeth, Bear was on the bed, looking on as he had slept with her all night.

She steps out and grabs her Yoga mat, doesn’t even think about what had happened to her just a few hours before, opening the door, Bear ran out, making her way down the stairs, she walks out to the beach and lays the mat down. Stepping on it, Peyton closes her eyes, trying hard to erase the negative thoughts surrounding everything that has been happening to her. Thinking about the attacks be it in SCW or just the other night, this time she started to phase out the memories, thinking of Ricky and all those who have helped her along the way…. Peyton starts to do her Kata routine, a deep form of Asian Karate and Yoga. Preparing herself to go back on Breakdown and make some waves, she couldn’t let the attack, or all her misfortunes hold her back. Her gorgeous body and form is on the beach as the sun is up, Bear is off to the side digging a hole in the sand.

Chris walked in from the garage, he has a cup of coffee in hand, he is preparing breakfast when he stops, seeing Peyton on the beach doing her Kata. For him it is the first time he has seen her doing this form of exercise, gazing at her presence, a smile forms on his face. He heads to the back sliding glass door and continues to watch, her eyes closed, doing strikes and kicks, it was like something just snapped in her and suddenly she looked determined and focused, it intrigued Chris, even after what happened just hours before, she was not lying in bed, scared to get out.

It was time for a turnaround maybe.

Peyton turned, continuing with her motion, all she could hear is his voice talking to her the entire time…

“You can do it Pey, don’t disappoint me, ass.”

… it gave her strength, determination, drive and most importantly the one thing she had lost in the process…..

Hope that the future could be better.

Chris looked on at a woman he not only respected, felt a connection reforming between the two. One that while he was trying his best to help her, by doing so at the behest of Kelcey in turn she was unexpectedly helping him as well…

After Breakdown
Two Weeks Later

Peyton Rice somehow was inspired by her string of bad luck and the talks she has had with both Chris and Kelcey. They were right, Peyton needed to for once finally call her shot, she had to be the one to walk out to the ring and make something out of nothing, that is where the challenge to the Elimination Chamber came in. For Peyton, this was her time, this was the only chance she had to get into the thick of things, a win inside the Chamber meant she was right back on track. She had been training hard, ready to go all out and a huge match with Christy Matthews showed just how determined and ready Peyton was, but as she went back to Hermosa Beach, contemplating moving back to Arizona or finding a new home in the Los Angeles Basin or by the beach, tragedy happened….

Alistaire Allocco was hit by a car and is now in the ICU up in Rochester, New York.

And then just like that again, Peyton didn’t know how to react…

She had come back after hearing what had happened, all her feelings for him resurfaced, most were of the good times, and it was then she realized just how much he had meant in her life, he was going to be her husband… Peyton had walked outside on the beach, she had on a white sundress, barefoot with her long sandy blonde hair hanging down, nails polished white. Her green eyes stared out into the beautiful sunset across the ocean, she had a large bottle of water in her hands. Her makeup had run some, there were like 20 missed calls on her cell that sat next to her from friends, family, and fellow wrestlers alike. All she could think about was a few nights before RTG and how everything had gone down. That is when the sliding glass door opened, she could hear it and Chris Cannon walked out. Lowering her head, she didn’t want to face him or anyone. He sat down next to Peyton……

Chris: “I heard what happened, are you okay?”

Peyton didn’t know how to respond to that question because there was no obvious answer. She sat there in silence not saying a word for a few minutes, Chris didn’t want to push her into speaking if she didn’t want to…

Chris: “Well we can just sit here and say nothing if that’s what you prefer. I’m not going anywhere; I have nowhere to be.”

Another minute passes and Chris had just started to get to his feet and head back inside to leave her be, but then Peyton spoke from behind her sandy blonde hair of hers….

Peyton: “I used to think that I was bad luck, maybe even cursed.”

Chris: “I don’t believe that to be true at all.”

Peyton: “Really? Because bad things always happen to the people I care about, and it always occurs after I hurt them emotionally. For the last 16 months I have blamed myself every single day from the moment I wake up in the morning until the minute I go to bed, that it was my fault Ricky is dead. I have lived with this torture and I can never escape it. I have changed because of this and not for the better…”

Chris didn’t know how to respond to that, she blamed herself for Ricky’s death which was the furthest thought on his mind…

Peyton: “I tend to make so many mistakes now, I live in fear of people I care about and I look at myself in the mirror and hate what stares back at me. I lost Ricky and I never was given the chance to tell him how much I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him… Then along came Alistaire, and for a while I thought that I found the man of my dreams. Ali can be a nuisance at times, but he cared and I know he loved me, he did things in his own way, I don’t know maybe it scared him that he allowed someone into his life, a situation he just couldn’t control by himself, I don’t know. But now he is in an ICU, I can’t even see him, I can’t fly up to be with him, even if I am his ex-fiancé… I’m not welcome there.”

“This was not your fault; Peyton I hope you know that.”

Peyton: “No? You don’t think that what I did to him didn’t play a part on him emotionally? Maybe he was distracted, maybe he was thinking about what I did to him and that led to him not paying attention to the car that hit and almost killed him? I am trying so hard right now to wrap my head around everything. Who is next? Kelcey? Owen? Jennifer? Christian? You?”

Chris retook a seat beside the young Peyton who was going through a lot, it pained him to see her this way because it looked like things were on the up for her both mentally and career wise.

Chris: “Peyton, you need to stop blaming yourself for all of this, look what you have done in the last few weeks, finally took control of your career, you bloody went out to the ring and called your shot to the Elimination Chamber of all matches. What happened to Alistaire was an accident, that had absolutely nothing to do with you these things happen.”

She wasn’t buying it, it hit too close to home, always wondering who or what was next, it was the guilt and grief she was suffering from as it had taken its toll on her and all she could do is think about all things she could have done to change what has happened. Peyton truly believed that breaking up with Alistaire caused this accident…

Peyton: “I’m going crazy, aren’t I? I swear it feels like I don’t know whether I am coming or going… I just want the world to swallow me up whole…”

Chris: “No love, you are not going crazy. You’re a young woman that has been struck with grief and rather than face it, buried deep for a long time… Now you need help, and I know this hurt’s, and it is easy to blame yourself for what happened, but you can’t keep this up Peyton, it is torture, you are too young to be thinking like this. Alistaire is a grown man that makes his own decisions, my son and I have both been in that situation with car’s, and I wish I could blame Blake Mason for this, but I know for a fact he wasn’t in New York.”

Peyton took a moment to pause and think about what he just said, she slowly turned to Chris who smiled, she let out a chuckle before it turned into tears, he brought her in close, placing his arm over her shoulder. After her attack, he has seen how Peyton has used it as a pillar of strength, intensifying her workouts, the morning Yoga, the claim of the Elimination Chamber even taking a shot by Richter, then going toe to toe with Christy Matthews the week after in a Double DQ. He saw that Peyton was starting to get her footing and that alone made him happy, but now this had to happen and the concern is back, she was retreating back into her own head something he knew all too well with his own experiences…..

Peyton: “I have always done what I thought was right and followed the rules, I made mistakes, sure but I tried to amend them the best I can, own up to the ones that really affected others as well. I loved Alistaire, I really did. I didn’t mean to hurt him, he just hurt me, he took away the joy of a partnership because he became too overzealous. I didn’t want this to happen to him, Alistaire didn’t deserve it.”

Chris: “Everyone knows that Peyton.”

Peyton: “I want to see him, hold his hand and tell Ali that everything is going to be alright, but I know that I am not welcomed up there, they would throw me out faster than I arrived and it kills me. He did this to me though, he alienated me from his family and now I can’t even go, and fucking see him…. I just want to see him!!”

Now she was starting to get angry, sitting up and then getting to her feet, pacing some in the sand as the wall which held back her raw emotions began to crack…

Peyton: “It was Adam Allocco’s fault; he did this to him! He was part of the reason this engagement never worked! I am always blaming myself, thinking that I did so much wrong and yet this bastard, this…. This jerk uses and treats his son in that way!? He tries to cop a feel on my ass, he had a bunch of Russian thugs’ chloroform and kidnap me, he…”

Chris: “WHOA! Peyton!? What are you talking about love!?”

Peyton: “There was so much you don’t know Chris. You have no idea the hell that man put me through just because I loved his son. Since RTG, I have been a wreck. Then finally by mistake of all things because Jennifer wants to be a bitch about your son and I, end up at his dads which shockingly has become the best thing that has happened to me in the last year… I end up almost getting raped by some sicko at a Night Club that you told me not to go in, but I didn’t listen…”

Peyton stops in the sand and just trembles with all manner of emotion now… It was like the cracks in the dam she had built were about to break…

: “But I tried to focus on my career, I finally used how I feel as a motivator, the anger and frustration I had, turned and used it for my advantage and now… Now Ali may be dying in some hospital, and I… I just can’t… and now you think I’m crazy and I …..”

Chris now stands, he goes to comfort Peyton, but she steps back….

Peyton: “No…. no. I can’t be in your arms…”

Chris: “Peyton, what’s going on.”

Peyton: “I am not going to try and cross that line, for every time I am, all I think about is Ricky.”

She starts to walk away, back into the house leaving Chris there standing, seeing what this young woman and the turmoil within herself is going through. Now he was convinced that he wasn’t going to be able to do this on his own. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed his cell…

Chris: “Hey Siri, call Kelcey Wallace…”

A Few Hours Later

Peyton wasn’t eating, she was a complete mess. For all the good she had done to get things on track, it felt like it was all for not with it all beginning to unravel… Chris didn’t know what else to do, there was only so much he could do and so he called for Kelcey to come over and help him with her. He was slowly seeing her deteriorate, even though she was ready to step into the Elimination Chamber, but with her head in the state it was in Chris was starting to really worry about her, just like her parents. Peyton was lying in bed in shorts and a tank top, curled up on a body pillow watching Cobra Kai on Netflix. She had no idea that Kelcey was coming over to see her, as she hadn’t really come out of her room since her conversation with Chris on the beach. Downstairs the front door opened, Kelcey walked in wearing jeans, peep toe pumps and a blue blouse, her long sandy blonde hair hung down, nails polished a matte sky blue. Chris smiled as she went ahead and hugged him, catching him by surprise….

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “Hey love, thanks for calling me.”

Chris: “If I didn’t think it needed your touch, I probably wouldn’t have if I’m honest. How’s the arm and neck?”

Kelcey: “You know I have had a lot worse; everyone still doesn’t believe I’m better now.”

Chris: “Are you really?”

Kelcey: “There are times I’ll admit I worry, but the doctors say I am and because of that people like Giovanni Aries will get his again, that I promise. How have things been going?”

Chris: “Can we sit for a second?”

Kelcey: “Sure, what is it?”

They both sit down on the couch. Chris and Peyton never told Kelcey about the attack near the house, she didn’t want anyone to know, but Chris felt like Kelcey should know. You never go into a situation without having all the facts…..

Kelcey: “Something’s happened with Peyton hasn’t it?”

Chris: “Look, I don’t want you to be alarmed, but a few weeks ago Peyton was attacked walking home from one of the local bars…”

Kelcey: “CHRIS!?”

Kelcey sat up right ready to go upstairs but Chris grabs her by the hand and shakes his head…

Chris: “Peyton didn’t want me to worry you, she is fine, nothing happened except for that bruise on her cheek and lip which she told you happened in training.”

Kelcey: “So that’s what happened…”

Chris: “Yeah, for what it’s worth I made sure that son of a bitch paid for what he did, but that incident triggered something in her… She went out and made her call for the Elimination Chamber spot, her workouts have intensified, I have never seen her more focused Kelcey, things were actually going very well, she has also been looking for a place although I admit, Bear and I love having her around….”

Kelcey looked at Chris a little confused…

Kelcey: “Who… is Bear?”

Chris: “He’s a dog I rescued a while ago, he’s an Akita and absolutely adores her.”

Kelcey: “How big is this dog?”

Chris: “Big enough, anyway he and Peyton are like a couple now. If not for him I wouldn’t know something was wrong, Kelcey and….”

He pauses, and now Chris starts getting a bit emotional, his eyes tear up a little, much to Kelcey’s surprise, as she starts to rub his back…..

Chris: “I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to her under my watch… You asked me to do this favor for you and I was hesitant as you know… and if…”

Kelcey: “Well nothing happened okay, so don’t put weight on your shoulders Chris.”

Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed…

Chris: “I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it sometimes. She…. While you asked me to help her there is no denying she’s helped me as well… Peyton has given me hope, made me feel like I am actually doing something important by helping her through these struggles she faces and there is no denying it has become therapy for me too, because the way she looks at me…..”

“Like how?”

Chris: “Like how you used to look at me, back when things were simpler. She’s a good kid Kelcey, I want to help her, I want to set Peyton straight, and there is nothing more I would want than to see her win that Chamber, but more importantly, she needs to get over the grief from Ricky’s passing…”

Kelcey: “I was afraid of that. I want to help her… But I’m not sure where to begin.”

Chris looks to his eye wife and nods…

Chris: “Yes you do Kelcey, you understand better than most about grieving, I recall how you were after Remington passed. I know how I felt when it happened, it took us both a while to get over that.”

Kelcey: “Yeah…”

Chris half smiles and rests a hand on Kelcey’s…

Chris: “That said, admittedly for the most part you and I kept up appearances like she has, but we were fortunate back then to have each other to lean on at our most vulnerable. She doesn’t seem to believe she has that right now and with Jennifer acting the way she had with her, I don’t blame her for feeling like that. But we need to do something about that.”

Kelcey: “Then we need to show her that she isn’t alone. There have been studies that show the grieving process can take up to four years, maybe even longer. She can’t fight this battle alone.”

Chris: “No, she can’t. I remember how I felt when they told me that you died during Nathaniel’s birth… I never want to feel that way again and if it is remotely half of what she is feeling, then she doesn’t need to be judged for her mistakes she may have made.”

Kelcey’s eyes widened some, she didn’t expect to hear that from Chris. Her hand gently rests on his face as she smiles some….

Kelcey: “You won’t. Where is she?”

Chris: “In her room, it used to be my study.”

Kelcey: “Okay, I’ll be right back.”

Chris nods, Kelcey stands up and walks up the stairs, while he looks on, sitting back on the couch and thinking what he once had with her, and how she and Peyton compare in similarities, two very smart, loving women that have been through hell but he was positive much like Kelcey, Peyton would come out of this better for it..

Kelcey walks in. Peyton and Bear are sitting on the bed. She slowly turns surprised to see Kelcey, Bear hops off, doesn’t even bark, instead playfully jumps on Kelcey and licks her face…


Kelcey: “You must be Bear!”

Peyton: “Yeah, that’s Bear.”

Kelcey: “Handsome fella!”

Bear drops down and walks out of the room, back downstairs with Chris. Kelcey offers her hand…

Peyton: “What?”

Kelcey: “I loved this house, every afternoon, when the sun was setting, I would go for a walk, allow the water to brush against my feet, there was no feeling like it. Come, let’s go for a walk.”

Peyton: “Okay.”

She takes Kelcey’s hand, as they both walk out, Chris and Bear are out in the back as the ladies take off their shoes and walk out into the beach….

Kelcey: “We’ll be right back.”

Chris: “Okay, are you going to be staying for a while?”

Kelcey: “I can, Nathaniel is with Trinity, your brother is on business.”

Chris: “Stay for dinner?”

Kelcey: “I’d like that.”

Chris: “I’ll order from Pazzini’s.”

Kelcey: “Yum, haven’t had that in a long time.”

Chris smiles and grabs his phone. Peyton and Kelcey walk out and head to the water, taking a small stroll….

Kelcey: “Chris cares about you, and you know I love you like a daughter. He told me what happened a couple of weeks ago and I need for you not to be mad at him.’

PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2Peyton: “I can’t be mad at him and I didn’t want you to worry. Chris and Bear saved me, and they have become a part of my life. I honestly don’t want to move out, but I know eventually that you two….”

Kelcey: “Wait…. Peyton. Do not put the wagon before the horse love, we are all living our lives now, you know that.”

Peyton: “I do, I don’t know, but I may move back to Arizona with my dad.”

Kelcey: “No, you are staying.”

Peyton: “I can’t.”

Kelcey: “Peyton listen to me; I understand that you are going through some tough times right now. What happened to Alistaire is terrible, I cannot believe that, he is such a vibrant and talented young man that I wanted to guide, but unfortunately he had his own way of doing things, I blame a lot of that on his father. What happened to him was an accident Peyton, Chris told me you were taking it pretty hard, well all I can say is that you had nothing to do with that. Don’t allow this to affect you in this way, you’re already carrying a heavy burden.”

Peyton doesn’t respond, looking down at her feet as the water brushes over them. Kelcey turns as Peyton glances over her….

Kelcey: “When my father died, it took me a long time to get over his death. There were moments when I could hear him talking to me. I went into a bit of self-destruction. One night I got so drunk, I passed out on that sand hill over there and Chris had to carry me inside, that night I thought I saw him, it was so real, and ever since then, I have had to slowly let go. Then my mother died in a car accident, that was tough too, though she and I never always saw eye to eye, the one thing she wanted for me was to be Perfect. I never reached that goal, but the one caveat to all of it, I became stronger. Sometimes we lose people that are a vital part of our lives and it is hard to get over it. Did you know that I too contemplated ending my life?”

Peyton stops, turning toward Kelcey…

Peyton: “You talked to my father?”

Kelcey: “I did. Why don’t you come to me? Why don’t you confide in me, Peyton, I am the closest family you have here.”

Peyton: “I…. I can’t.”

Kelcey: “Why?”

Peyton: “I…. just can’t.”

Kelcey: “WHY!?”

Peyton: “BECAUSE I DON’T WANT YOU TO GET HURT! I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. That is why I sat bedside with you the entire time, I paused my career and my life to make sure that yours didn’t end and when Breakdown went off the air and you were being choked out by Giovanni Aries while Sienna screamed that he break your arm, while I can’t speak for Aaron or Owen, I can sure as hell speak for myself, that I am worried they will use you to get to us, Owen and Aaron may not see it that way, but I sure as hell do! Don’t you see it, Kelcey!? Every single person that I love end up getting hurt or dead!”

Kelcey: “That is not going to happen to me, I am alive and well and if you are worried about Giovanni Aries and The Wonderland, don’t be. Look at me, Peyton. I am in the best shape of my life and can defend myself. I will make sure those battles are won at my hand, he and Sienna, but that is not your concern, you made your call to the Elimination Chamber, and I wish you would have talked to me about it first, but you didn’t. That is a structure which is unrelenting and unforgiving.”

Peyton: “And you won it. So, can I. A couple of weeks ago, I didn’t know what I was going to do, I was lost in my own little world trying to feel sorry for myself, wondering if I was even going to wrestle or go back to school and do something else, because let’s face it, you have spent more time with Owen and Aaron then me. I’m not mad, I get it, priorities and all that good stuff, but now Aaron is in the Chamber too, and if you think I am going to hold back, you’re wrong. I am frustrated, I am angry at so much right now, all I want to do is scream and what happened to Ali was wrong, it hit me hard because I don’t want him to end up like Ricky, I don’t want my decisions to cost someone’s life like it did Ricky’s and….”

Kelcey holds up her hands, gesturing for Peyton to stop for a moment…

Kelcey: “Peyton, if I came across as giving more time and attention to Owen and Aaron, I am sorry, then that means I am not doing my job as a manager and mentor. You were my centerpiece since day one, I built the Perfect Pack around you, and there is nothing I want more than to see you succeed, and I know you will, I also know that you have a great chance in winning the Elimination Chamber, but that doesn’t mean you will, look at the heavy hitters in the match. I am worried about your state of mind right now, and this grief you are experiencing is crippling, I have been there, I know! It smothers you in every sense of the word but you can’t let it and we all know that Ricky wouldn’t want you to be this way, and instead celebrate and honor his life, do it by living as Peyton Rice would, and wrestle like Peyton Rice would…. And win the Elimination Chamber like Peyton Rice would…. While Ricky was still alive.”

Peyton’s eyes widen some, before in a sobering way lowers her head….

Peyton: “I’m going to win that Chamber and not allow all that has been happening to me outside the ring affect what I do. You saw me bring the fight to Christy, you saw me go out there and make the call to enter the Chamber, and I did so with the advice by Chris. He never pointed me to the Chamber, but he told me the greats make things happen and that is exactly what I did. At Under Attack, I’m walking out of there the winner, there is no other option…..”

Kelcey: “…. I know you are and….”

Peyton: “… but I am doing it without you.”

Kelcey was taken back by what Peryton had just said. Kelcey didn’t exactly know what she meant but the young Rice quickly cleared it up…

Peyton: “You are and will always be my manager and mentor, but at Under Attack, I need to do this on my own. You have become a target and a huge distraction. I have to worry about five other wrestlers and not worry about you. I hope that you understand.”

Kelcey: “I do, and I am sorry that it had come to that, I never meant for my issues with these maniacs to spill out into your path to the top. I promise moving forward I will make sure they don’t. I respect that about you Peyton, that you are willing to go into this fight alone, but you will NEVER be alone, Chris and myself along with so many others will be back there cheering you on.”

Peyton: “Thank you, for everything you have done for me, I won’t let you down again, I promise.”

Kelcey: “You never let me down.”

As they embrace and the cool ocean water brushes across their feet, Kelcey kisses her on the forehead, for Peyton is not just her protégé, she has stated many times that she is like her daughter and how she has also helped Chris, it shows what kind of person the young woman is, one that while she may have her own issues and has made a lot of mistakes, Peyton is learning from them, growing and focusing now on what she can control. They hold hands, walking again down the beach, no words, just the sea.

The Next Day

Shady Grove Cemetery


Peyton had taken her sandals off, wearing a black sundress, her hair down and nails polished white. She sat on a blanket, she felt at peace when she talked to him. This was her way of staying sane, but at the same time, Peyton needed to somehow have closure, let go and when she thought it happened last year, it didn’t, once the engagement was over and RTG, the realization that she was suffering from stricken grief was a slap to her face, and she needed to get help, as it had started to affect her life to the point she wasn’t being herself anymore…..


Peyton: “So yeah, I walked right into the ring and I grabbed the mic and how you taught me, I go…. “But there is one thing that I can throw myself into and challenge myself to take the best step forward in the remaining part of 2020. A year that’s had so many ups and downs for everyone, me included. It’s a bit of a tradition around here and I haven’t heard it mentioned. The Chamber!”, I was so pumped, the crowd went nuts, I didn’t think they knew I was going to mention that. It was like, forgotten so I took it upon to remind everyone of it, throw six of us in there and make it for something, right? I’m probably going to get myself killed.”

She let out a laugh, thinking that Ricky would be doing the same thing right now, shaking his head at her but proud that she took the initiative to make that call….

Peyton: “I figured you would be proud of me. So also, Chris is no longer with Sienna, I’m sure that makes you smile, considering that bitch tried to get you to recruit me, and let’s see what else…. I am living with Chris Cannon right now; he is my new beau… I’m just kidding babe, but I will say that sometimes I think he channels your spirit somehow and I….”

Peyton looks up at the sky, chuckling a little as her eyes tear up again, always finding it difficult to deal with the loss….

Peyton: “…. I’m not getting married anymore, because like Mr. Blake Mason told me a month or so ago, that any guy that I date will be measured by you, so in other words I’m going to grow old and alone. Ricky, I came here because I wanted to tell you I need to get over this and I don’t know how. I think that is why I chose the Elimination Chamber, because I need to prove to myself that I can do it without you or anyone for that matter, as I have to be me, Ricky. I have to be that girl who loved life when you were in it, and still to this day….”

She wipes tears from her face….

Peyton: “…. I can’t let my soul rot away and die inside. I love you so much and I miss you, God, I fucking miss you. I’m lost without you, Ricky….. I am. That is why I have to find myself again. And maybe the Chamber is a start. I promise you, that I am going to give it my best, and walk out a winner. Wrestling is all I have left….. it is all I have left.”

Placing her hand on his gravestone, she lowers her head and cries, feeling at the end of her rope, and looking for anything to give her hope…..

… and maybe Under Attack will be the start.



Centennial Olympic Park is a 22-acre public park located in downtown Atlanta, Georgia owned and operated by the Georgia World Congress Center Authority. It was built by the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games as part of the infrastructure improvements for the 1996 Summer Olympics. It plays host to millions of visitors a year and several events, including a summer popular music concert series and an annual Independence Day concert and fireworks display. The park is surrounded by many major Atlanta Landmarks; the Georgia World Congress Center, College Football Hall of Fame, State Farm Arena, the CNN Center, and Mercedes-Benz Stadium are all on the west side of the park and the Georgia Aquarium, National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and the World of Coca-Cola on the north side of the park. It is bounded by Marietta Street to the west, Baker Street to the north and Centennial Olympic Park Drive to the east and south. Andrew Young International Boulevard, named for the former Atlanta mayor and United Nations ambassador, runs through the southern portion of the park. Since 2008, the area around the park has been marketed, and increasingly referred to in the press, as the Luckie Marietta District. The Atlanta Streetcar passes along the east side of the park, with a stop for the park on Centennial Olympic Drive.

Here is where we find the beautiful, young and talented Peyton Rice along with her manager, Kelcey Wallace and though Peyton doesn’t want to put Kelcey in harm’s way, she will enter the chamber and has requested she concentrate on Owen and stay in the back for her match. After all that has been going on recently in the SCW, Peyton is worried about her, and yet not herself as she has been going through a difficult time both in and out of the ring. Peyton seems to have been always dealing with things in her personal life, the latest was the breakup of her engagement to Alistaire Allocco, the loss of the Adrenaline Championship at Rise to Greatness, her inability to somehow find her footing, and some other personal issues which have led to her moving out of Owen’s house and now in the process of buying a home herself, or more like a condo, she has decided to stay in Kelcey’s old beach house with Chris Cannon, though she was very unaware that he was living there now, as the house never sold and Chris decided to take it off the market in Hermosa Beach. Now it is about the Elimination Chamber and five other wrestlers, a mix of veterans and newer stars ready to make the jump, elevate themselves to a shot at the United States or Adrenaline Title.

Peyton is ready to become a champion again.

She knows what is at risk, and ready to go all out. Wearing jeans, wedge sandals and a tan halter top, her hair in a high ponytail and nails polished white, the gorgeous Rice with Kelcey in jeans, a blue blouse, thong sandals with her nails polished a matte sky blue and long sandy blonde hair hanging down stands back and allows Peyton to address her opponents…




She takes a second before finally taking a deep breath and speaking in her girlish yet sexy tone….


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“Centennial Olympic Park has a lot of history, the bombing, Richard Jewel, but it is also a home full of memories, a dedication to the great athletes who competed, their sweat, blood and tears representing their various countries in honor to be the very best. I chose to come here for a little inspiration, the City of Atlanta was a hot bed for professional wrestling for a long time, this is the capital of the South if you ask anyone, and it is also the home of this year’s SCW Under Attack PPV, famous for the Elimination Chamber. It is no secret how I have been feeling since right before Rise to Greatness and afterwards, to the point I even had Damian Angel concerned about my well-being, and that shows me something, where even a man that dangerous and influential in the wrestling spectrum could see that I was going through some dark times. See, I bleed this sport, I have dedicated my life to it, for when I was at Ante Up with so many others who came up the ranks, it was Ricky Octavius and I all the way, thinking that in this business we would always be together, wrestling for the biggest company in the world, that was always our goal….

One that was never reached.

How many times do we set out to do something special, enter an arena and proclaim that tonight is your night to make a name for yourself, to actually take what you want, grab it, hold on to it and never let go? For two years I have done things the right way, followed the rules and never questioned authority. I was able to grow within this company, take my lumps, learn some valuable lessons and most importantly mature within myself, but during all of that, many wondered why I wasn’t at the very top already, considering so many others had who came after me or I had been successful against had, I can tell you why…

I never once came up to the plate like Babe Ruth, pointing to left field.

It was time that Peyton Rice made the move, which is the reason I chose the Elimination Chamber. No one had talked about, there wasn’t one mention of it as the entire roster was so focused on the titles already booked and being defended or the tag team league where so many of the best are involved in right now, but I wasn’t. It was time that Sasha, Katya, whoever was in charge to look me in the eyes after I spoke those word and give me what I wanted. As I stood there talking though, Christy Matthews comes out and interrupts me and has some very nasty things to say, but before I even get to that, I know what I am stepping into, I have watched this structure be so unforgiving to the wrestlers who have stepped inside, it has changed lives and careers, you are never the same again when walking out of the “Belly of the Steel Beast” as Kelcey Wallace used to call it. The very best in this sport have at one time experienced the structure and look at all the legends and Hall of Famers that can never say they won it….

I’m going to change my fortunes and be one of the select few who can say they survived and won the Chamber.

What is at stake was the cherry on top, another chance to hold the Adrenaline Championship or the opportunity to elevate my game further and go after the United States title. Whatever the case, the prize is nice and rewarding, but that is not why I came out to the ring a few weeks ago and laid it all out there. I did it for me. Not in a selfish way, I needed to remind myself why I came to the SCW, why I chose professional wrestling, and why I am here now, not sitting in the back watching the rest of the wrestlers elevate themselves as I brood backstage moping, wondering if my time will ever come again, no….

I made it my time.

For some of us this is a chance to put ourselves back on the playing field. Jake Starr who is not only a veteran but one of the greats in the SCW, Hall of Famer, and Mr. Everything finds himself filling in for Jason Helms who went down with injury. He not only gets to enter the Chamber; he also now needs a new tag team partner in the League Series. Problem is Jake thinks I demanded this and haven’t earned anything, where yet again this is a disappointment coming from the same guy who used his Trios Contract to get a shot at every title in one night. I didn’t demand a damn thing, Mr. Starr, I did what every one else like you had done, made a play. Don’t disrespect me, Jake Starr, I haven’t done that to you. Jake Starr though isn’t the only one that can benefit from this, Crystal Zdunich has the chance many do not get to elevate herself to another level by walking out the winner of the Chamber and getting a shot at one of those prestigious championships. They are in the same boat I am, but unlike Jake, who has been in the Chamber before, for a girl like me, this is a new experience, and I must deal with that unknown entity which hovers over me.

At some point I needed to get over my fears and take a leap of faith…

Under Attack is the ledge I jumped off.”


Peyton paces a little, knowing that the Elimination Chamber is the most dangerous contraption that exists in the SCW and with five other hungry competitors there, what Peyton knows better than anyone, is that she is in it for not only to survive but to win, and while Jake Starr and Crystal Zdunich are threats, there are three more wrestlers who are gunning for her elimination, one of them is her stablemate and good friend, Aaron Blackbourne. She turns, continuing to speak to the camera…


“While I am a participant in the Chamber, and decided to bring the subject up, that is when I saw women like Kandis, and Christy Matthews jump at the opportunity. There was something Christy had said to me that stuck, before I was punched by her yes-man, Christopher Richter, and that was, if I left the SCW tomorrow and faded into obscurity, no one would give a damn about what I did with the exception of a few college guys who masturbate to my picture. Well, I don’t know about the last part, but I can’t disagree. She is right, if I left tomorrow, sooner or later I would be a trivia question at the local watering hole. I want to thank you though Christy, because while you are completely wrong about Kelcey Wallace trying to live vicariously through me and the rest of the Perfect Pack, she can handle her own self in the ring and you know it. Unlike you though Christy who belongs in the Hall of Fame and has had one of the most memorable careers, you talk about people forgetting you, they didn’t, they never forgot what Christy Matthews the wrestler has done, they have forgotten the bitch Christy Matthews became.

The sellout who needed to be a part of Infamous instead of going on her own, the one who was about to rip Ravyn into pieces for messing with her family and then helped Syren become a World Champion to be a part of her little circle, not as an individual or the star of the show like you should have been, but instead as a third wheel. The fans do not respect that, they don’t want to see a talented former World Champion take a backseat to some self-entitled spotlight hog like Syren. The real reason you came out during MY airtime, when I finally decided to speak up for once was because you couldn’t stand the fact, I was calling a shot. You could have done the same thing Christy, instead decided to interrupt me, have your gorilla punch me in the face and then have to deal with Jason Helms until I found my opening to remind you why I was out there in the first place, shame that Jason was hurt,  and he is not able to participate in the Chamber, that still leaves you and I. Last Breakdown I went toe to toe with you, Christy. I can say without any conviction in my voice that you are one of the toughest women I have ever wrestled, and I know that inside the Chamber you are the most dangerous competitor in it. Christy, unlike you I will never degrade your talent, and yes you have done MILES more than I have, the problem is the company never forgot about Christy Matthews, you did that to yourself, and young as I am, while I may not even be close to the same accolades as you, and have gone down to defeat to vets like Hodges and losing my Adrenaline Championship to Glory Braddock, yet with each one of those fights, I continued to grow, I learned more and more what not to do, and one thing I can say that even throughout my struggles, everything that has been piled on me since whether it is in the ring or my personal life, one thing is certain…

I will never change how I feel about the SCW.

This isn’t going to become an excuse for me to change my attitude, suddenly becoming bitter and upset with the powers that be, I leave that play to the veterans like Christy and Glory who want to blame their failures on everyone else. Christy, you are looked upon as a working mother who has broken ceilings for young women in the sport like me….


I refuse to become you, veterans think they can push their weight around, I don’t care if you think I am incapable of surviving the Chamber or defeating you, Christy, I know that I can walk out of there the winner whatever entrant I come out as, for I knew what I was signing up for, I had a strong feeling that whatever was going to happen, I would not allow anything less than victory to define me. Your act to berate me was out of desperation, you hate to see the younger talent get the attention, when you don’t need it, the accolades alone that you have Christy is the attention you receive but that is not good enough, so let me ask you this…

What happens if I eliminate you? What happens if you are not the person to walk out of the Chamber and it is me? This is the reality you must deal with for like I have been saying all week, I am on stage now, I am the one who is taking control of her career, I went through my motions, I earned my stripes, I put in the work and now I will reap in the rewards, for I control my own path now and if you want to come out and tell me how things are going to play out in my career, let me tell you, they will not. I have too much faith in the SCW, the fans and wrestlers in the locker room who are not looking for hand me outs. I promised my father and the woman standing behind me, I will NEVER be corrupted by the shine of gold or some rough patches here or there….

It is part of the journey….

And they will remember you not just by how many titles and huge matches you won, but by the person you are….

…. That is why, your experiences will never be mine, I am not nor will I ever be Christy Matthews.”


Kelcey takes a deep breath at the speech Peyton just spoke, she has really turned a corner the last few weeks for when things started back after RTG, she was in really bad shape. Her personal issues too have become a huge problem for her as well, which is why it is refreshing to see Peyton try to deal with all and stay so focused on the Chamber. She turns back to the camera….


“While Christy, Jake and Crystal all look to make their moments become a reality inside the Chamber, an old nemesis from EMERGE in Kandis is also a part of it, who we have had our matches before here too, also steps inside, but unlike the rest of them, Kandis seemed to be inspired after what I had done a few weeks back on Breakdown, but again, it was for her own gain and nothing more. See, Kandis is one of those women who is extremely deceiving, you see her size, yet she moves with precision. A very strong and skilled wrestler with a huge butt, yet that she uses to her advantage. I have been on the other side of what she can do in the ring, we are no strangers, and we are also not friends. I think and maybe I am out of line here, but there is at least a mutual respect between the two of us, this is about competition and though I will never agree with how she handles her business in and out of the ring, I was not a fan of how she and Tommy Valentine, one of my old trainers, played a part in David and Regan Helms journey to Rise to Greatness, it was disrespectful. Kandis is looking to break out, with Tommy having a chance at the World Championship, she would love to stand next to him with an Elimination Chamber win holding one of those titles that will be the prize to whomever survives, I can relate to how hungry Kandis is, the tag team division has been her bread and butter, and now she wants to be a singles champion, always so condescending in her approach toward me like she did right after I mentioned the Chamber and suddenly she wants in?

You’re welcome Kandis, that I gave you the idea, for as I look at it, the more the merrier. I am actually glad that you chose to step into it with me, we are the two members of the old EMERGE who have really made our names here and shown just how talented the first season was, but the two of us have taken different paths to get here, and I for one am not surprised that yours never changed. See, the Elimination Chamber is going to be that career defining moment for one us including Crystal and Aaron, or another day in the office for Christy and Jake. I’m not in the mood to allow you to walk out of the Chamber a winner Kandis all so you can share the limelight with Tommy, proving you can do it without him, we all know you can, that was never in question, this Elimination Chamber though Kandis, is not going to be the platform you use to get there….

… it will be mine.

I have never been a bitch to you, times have changed and I am more determined and driven then ever to walk into the Chamber, the relentless steel and take my lumps as they come, broken or not and that goes to you too Aaron, my friend, my stablemate and a man that Kelcey sees a World Champion in. Let’s talk about truth though Aaron, when I was ready to break the TV Title record, you stopped me one defense shy of it. Then you went on to face James Evans and Bree Lancaster for the World Title in classics, matches that everyone still talks about today, while I had to settle for any type of match I could get to stay afloat. I’m not mad at you Aaron, I don’t hold grudges, what I do is never forget. All I have seen is a guy doing everything he can to become the very best in this business, and I have nothing but admiration for you…..

All part of the process.

So am I though Aaron, and somedays I feel like I have taken a backseat to you and Owen, while you guys have done so much here in the SCW and rightfully so, I am the one person in the Perfect Pack that has fought through quicksand and the more I struggle, the further I sink, I can’t drown anymore Aaron…..

It’s time for me to swim and if that means I have to take out and eliminate my own friend and partner to do it, you know I will, for if there is anything that is more important than this Chamber to me right now, I invite you to find it. I have nothing but love for you, Aaron, I do there will be no rift or animosity after this, but, in this match, you are no different than the other four standing in my way. Kelcey knows it, and so do you Aaron, which is why I have had to do a lot of soul searching these past few months….

And decided it was time that I took my place at the dinner table too.

I have allowed for my personal issues to interfere with my life. So oftengrief causes me to freeze up and remain stagnant in pain and doubts leaving me to hide in the darkness alone. I have had a hard lesson since RTG to not allow this grief and pain, sever my relationships or control my existence….

For as I enter the Elimination Chamber, I take back that control and will do so as a woman focused on one thing….



Peyton tilts her head as Kelcey stands behind her protégé, Rice’s green eyes glare into the camera before speaking….


“When this over, the Elimination Chamber will claim five victims, and only one will stand tall. That individual will remind the entire SCW….

Peyton Rice is not just another “Pretty” face.”


She continues to glare into the camera before finally cracking a smirk as Kelcey stands behind her, proud and nodding in approval.







“I called my shot for the Elimination Chamber and many are wondering why. I have been in the SCW now for almost two years, in that time I had the chance to become a Television and Adrenaline Champion. I started my career losing my first singles match to John Goddard, I was wondering right off the bat if I even belonged. In time I started to score some pretty big wins, against some of the more established talent, even Jordan Majors who is a huge star now headlining the last two PPV’s including the biggest one of the year, and this is nothing against Jordan at all, oh no, but I use her success as a measuring stick because let’s face it, I have had her number, yet I am not put into those types of matches, I am not promoted like she is, and I was the second longest reigning TV Champion of all time, outlasting the likes of Aaron Blackbourne, Christy Matthews, Syren, Cookie, Regan and Kennedy Street. I’m not bragging at all; I’m simply pointing out a fact. I defeated Jordan for the Adrenaline Championship when she was coming off some huge momentum including outlasting me at Day of Infamy and the Trios Tournament, the wave was riding on her when she won the title at Retribution against Asher Hayes and Marie Jones while I was lighting up the ring in a rematch with the then TV Campion, Kelsai Adamson-Mason. I have had my ups and downs, they have been at times a struggle, but in all that I was still able to maintain course and defeat some of the best this roster has….

And they have gone on to bigger and better things….

…. I have not.


Lack of talent? 


Lack of enthusiasm? 


Lack of opportunity?


So then why, I continue to ask me, no one else, just me, they get all the attention and I find myself relegated to the back watching this all go by right in front of my eyes? I’m not blaming the SCW or the people in charge, this falls all on my shoulders as I control my own destiny, no one else. For the longest time I am the type of person who wears her heart on the sleeve, I always take everything seriously and maybe to the point it has become detrimental to me. In the past I have tried to shake things off and move on, but the love I have for this sport has stopped me from moving forward and this right here is where I feel like I am holding myself back. I sat and broke down everything that happened at Rise to Greatness, trying to come up with answers, bottom line, I left myself susceptible to a veteran who has no scruples…. 

And now as I finally was sitting in the back wondering what was next for me, I decided, I was going to take control of my own career and make things happen, and so I stormed out to the ring knowing it was all or nothing. I stated the Elimination Chamber, it was my turn to take back what I lost, the love and the desire to compete in this sport. Trust me, the minute I did it, there was going to be backlash, those who would storm down to the ring and take some of the lightning in my bottle because they didn’t think of it first or I beat them to the punch. Even Kelcey didn’t know what I was going to do, but enough is enough, I am tired of waiting, I am tired of beating myself up and losing the love of this sport and….

…. I am tired of screwing up all the time in my personal ventures.

Everyone thinks I am this really nice, loving and respectful person who can do no wrong, they believe I am some naïve and at the same time very well-mannered woman who carries herself like a lady should and for a while, I used to think it, too. Then I look at all the people I have hurt with my stupid decisions, the way I have reacted to stressful situations that not even I know how to deal with it correctly. I wish I were this person you all see in me….

But sadly, I’m not. 

I have severed relationships because I couldn’t handle the fallout, I broke trust in lovers and family who I should have stood by all this time and will never get the chance to do so again, and finally, I have disappointed the one woman I care about and respect more in this business, Kelcey Wallace. I freely admit it, I can see her attention going more towards Owen and Aaron, why not, they are getting it done and I am not….

Come Sunday though, that is going to change.

The Elimination Chamber is my chance to make a difference in the SCW, the opportunity to step up and defeat, outlast and outwrestle five great stars, two of them Hall of Fame legends, one a former rival in EMERGE who has pinned me before, another a close friend and stablemate and finally a wildcard who has made quite the name for herself outside the SCW. This was what I had been waiting for, no matter what happens to my body, will not make a single difference, as of right now, I NEED this. Christy Matthews is one of the best, a bitch but one of the best and I know because I went toe to toe with her in the ring two weeks ago. Kandis is grossly underrated, she can beat anyone with a blink of an eye and make you pay for it, ask The Hellcat. Jake Starr and what he has done for the SCW is written in history books. Aaron Blackbourne is like a brother to me and I am so glad to share the ring with him. Crystal Zdunich is a star in the making here and has proven it outside the walls of this promotion….

And me? 

I’m going to win this thing and become a champion again, it’s all I have left.”






Peyton had a good rest and a time away from the hustle and bustle, the talks with her dad helped, being with family, even with the clash she had when her mother had arrived, though from where she stood, it looked like her mother and father were on speaking terms again, trying to work things out, which in a way was progress, but for Peyton, it was hard to let go, forget exactly what she had done to her back when her high school and college years were just starting and basically had to give up all of it to grow up fast which could have attributed to some of her recent mistakes. Peyton knew that she wasn’t perfect or would ever be, perfect, embracing her faults, learning from them best she could be all she could possibly ask for. As the SCW was ramping back up though, Peyton was back in the gym though the young 24-year-old was always training and in the best shape of her life. Now though, back home she was going to have to deal with the consequences of her actions, that being none other than Jennifer Helms, Owen’s girlfriend and love of his life. It was a very difficult and uncomfortable situation, one that Peyton was trying so hard to get an audience with Jennifer as the feeling of breaking her trust had succumbed her in so many ways.

Peyton had to own up to her mistakes.

She and Christian were at an understanding or so she thought, even if they did get back together briefly on that night after RTG, Peyton stopped and knew that was not the right thing to do. She was frustrated, the pain of breaking up with Ali only brought back those memories of Ricky Octavius, what she once had with him, pushing him away, never giving Ricky the benefit of the doubt, was that true here as well with Ali? Was she right in doing what she felt was at the time the correct action and choice, though coming off sounding like a real bitch? It hit her pretty hard and now was the time, the moment where it was at an impasse was here, returning back home, knowing that Jennifer during her off weeks at EMERGE was always in town, though she was staying in her own condo and Owen with her. She arrived home, driving back and after Kelcey was awarded custody of Nathaniel, so much had changed in just the month she was gone….

Owen Cruze Home

Hollywood Hills, CA.

Weekend Before First BD Back


Peyton grabbed her suitcases and headed inside. She had on ripped jean shorts, flip flops, a Pink Floyd t-shirt, light makeup, a ball cap and nails polished white. As she walked in Owen was in shorts inside the kitchen, he didn’t expect her back yet…


PeytonCastPic-OwenOwen: “Pey, you’re back?”

Peyton: “Uh, yeah. What, you didn’t expect me to come back?”

Owen: “No… no… not at all, it’s good to see you. I thought you were coming home tomorrow, that is all.”

Peyton: “Oh, she’s, here isn’t she?”

Owen: “Jennifer? Yeah, she’s in the shower right now. It’s okay, I’m sure that you two can talk it out and everything is going to be alright. It was a bad time for you, we all understand that, we all do stupid things, I am the king of it.”

Peyton: “So you’re not mad at me for what I did?”

Owen: “Me? No, why would I be? What you went through sucks and honestly, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I know that RTG weekend wasn’t what you hoped, we both went through some tough things leading into it, but you’re my roomie and one of my best friends. I’m not going to judge you for what happened. Jenni is upset but I’m sure she is over it by now, hasn’t really talked about it much lately. Everything will be fine.”

PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTPeyton: “I hope so Owen, because I never meant to hurt her in anyway. I’m mad at myself for what I did and I wish I could turn back the clock and not do it again, but as you saw after RTG, well it happened again, I was very impulsive and sometimes don’t think before I react. I’m sorry if I hurt you in anyway, I never meant to.”

Owen: “You don’t have to apologize to me, Pey. You and I are good.”

As Peyton smiled, she hugged Owen, and kissed him in the cheek just as Jennifer walked in in a robe, her wet hair hanging down, barefoot with her nails polished a glossy coating….

PeytonCastPic-JenniferJennifer: “Ahem…. So now you are going after my boyfriend too?”

Owen: “Come on Jen, you know that’s not going on here.”

Jennifer: “I don’t know, with her you never know.”

Peyton: “Okay, I deserved that. I haven’t been able to really have an audience with you, since everything that went down at RTG weekend and then at the show and after it, I wanted to really talk to you but I know you were pretty upset with me. I AM SORRY, I made a mistake and I promise you that I will never do it again.”

Jennifer: “Yeah, sure whatever.”


Peyton turned to Owen, as Jennifer started to walk away….

Owen: “Jennifer? She’s trying to apologize.”

Jennifer: “Oh, is that what this was, gotcha.”

Owen: “Jenni….”

Peyton: “No… Owen it’s alright. She is mad at me right now and I need to accept it. I just want you to know that every single night all I have done is thought about hurting you and how that was a huge mistake, if getting on my knees and begging for your forgiveness would work, I would totally do it. There is no excuse for what I did Jennifer, there isn’t, all I can say is that I was in a bad place. Everything fell on my shoulders at one time and I didn’t know how to handle it….”

Jennifer: “Obviously.”

Owen: “Jennifer…. She is trying to apologize.”

Peyton: “No Owen, again I deserved that. I should have been more aware of everyone’s feelings. I sometimes have issues dealing with situations that throw me off, and what happened with Alistaire, I didn’t expect, though I had some doubts, I was trying to make it work but different factors started to play into my decision. Like that Claire Bailey gal, who was so condescending to me and she lived with Ali, Owen never acted like that about me with anyone, yet she had to go out of her way to make sure she made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be with Ali. That set everything in motion, then I kept trying to travel to upstate New York with him because he was hurt and I wanted to be with him and it’s like he never wanted me to ever meet his side of the family, and honestly after the whole Russian Mafia thing with Mr. Allocco, the writing was on the wall….”


Jennifer looked confused, turning to Owen who shook his head….

Jennifer: “Russian Mafia?”

Owen: “Long story, I will tell you about it later.”

Jennifer: “Whatever. Then if the writing was on the wall, why did you drag it out, Peyton?”

Peyton: “I wanted to make it work, Jennifer, I did love Ali, he had his quirks, but he was a gentle soul that meant well, he just didn’t know how to go about things. He used to drive me up the wall. That still doesn’t make what I did right, so I just wanted to say that I am sorry, deeply and humbly sorry and please, find it in your heart to forgive me, for I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back, I promise you that.”


The young Helms scoffs, before heading back upstairs

Jennifer: “Don’t promise me anything, you’re not very good at keeping them.”

Peyton: “Jennifer…..”

Owen: “Peyton, let her go, she will get over it.”

As Jennifer leaves, a dejected Peyton sighs, pacing a little, running her fingers through her hair, first dealing with her parents, especially her mother and now with Jennifer, it was not what Peyton had wanted, Jennifer and she became so close especially after Ricky’s death and were best of friends, even sisters, but Peyton knew like the old adage goes, time will heal all wounds. Peyton grabs her things and heads to her room….

Owen: “Pey, everything is going to be alright, I will talk to her.”

Peyton: “It’s okay Owen, give her time, maybe she will be ready to listen then, I’m not going to push the subject anymore. I’ll stay out of you guys way today.”

Owen: “We are going out, and I’ll stay with her tonight, the house is yours.”

Peyton: “You don’t have to. I’m going upstairs and sleeping pretty much the rest of the day. Good to see you.”

Owen: “You too Pey. We love you.”

Peyton: “I love you guys too.”

She didn’t say much more and went up to her bedroom, closing the door and kicking off her shoes, she laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling wondering if anything was ever going to be the same again. At this point, she didn’t want to be there, felt like an outsider in her own home, and that was not a good feeling. After the trip to Arizona, and opening up to her dad about having suicidal thoughts and stricken with grief for so long, that it ultimately ended her engagement, she reaches over to a picture of her and Ricky together, her eyes tear up, lips quiver before kissing the picture, and placing it close to her heart…

As she cried herself to sleep.

Two Weeks Later


It didn’t feel like things were the same, Ali had pretty much moved on, he was mentoring Alex Jr, CHBK’s son who had returned after some drug issues, she wasn’t even getting booked, instead listening to Glory Braddock gloat about how she was so much better than Peyton. Kelcey seemed busy with Owen and Aaron Blackbourne, getting them ready for huge matches at Apocalypse after Owen and Aaron were both victorious at Rise to Greatness. Peyton was starting to feel like the odd girl out, the attention and focus were on her teammates, and while she was never one about jealousy, this did hurt just a little. She couldn’t allow it to bother her, instead Peyton seemed more focus than ever as she was training, doing what she could to be ready, though she hadn’t talked to Kelcey much, though she was spending a lot of time with Nathaniel, and Peyton wanted to visit him. Peyton though was feeling like she was sitting on a powder keg, where she was with Owen and the situation with Jennifer that seemed like there was no end in sight, and Peyton only blamed herself.

Now things were changing, Peyton didn’t seem to have any direction, she didn’t know what else to do but to figure things out on her own and maybe choose her own path. After working out, she wanted to see Nathaniel, texting Kelcey who invited her down to the marina which she found a bit odd but went ahead to go see her, had the address and everything.


Blake Mason Yacht

“The True Story”

Long Beach Marina

A Few Hours Later


Realizing it was Blake Mason’s yacht, Peyton climbed on board. It was the first time she had been on one since right before Day of Infamy with Kelsai Adamson-Mason, Jordan Majors, Ace Marshall, and Asher Hayes, what a crazy night that was. This was obviously nothing of the sort, no lube pool battles or drunken debauchery. She had on ripped jeans, a black halter top and thong sandals, nails polished white and long sandy blonde hair hanging down. Kelcey was sitting on the hammock in a blue sundress, barefoot with her toenails polished a watermelon red, her long sandy blonde hair hung down, she was smiling as Blake who was wearing shorts and a polo shirt had Nathaniel’s hands showing him how to walk. The first thing Peyton thought of was if Sienna could see this now. Kelcey turned, noticing Peyton was on the deck….


PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “Hey you found it, welcome aboard, we have a visitor Blake.”

Blake: “Hey Peyton, come aboard, make yourself at home.”

Peyton: “I’m not like intruding or anything, right?”

Kelcey: “Don’t be silly, wanted to spend some time with Blake and Nathaniel, he has to get his sea legs at some point, right?”

Blake: “That’s right. Drinks are in the cabin, snacks too, help yourself.”

Peyton: “Thank you.”

It was a nice change of hospitality for Peyton, she had been obviously going through a lot of emotions, so for her being alone with Blake, Kelcey and Nathaniel was a really nice getaway, she wasn’t expecting. Peyton went into the cabin and grabbed a White Claw Seltzer, Kelcey was drinking one too, she sat next to her on the hammock…

Peyton: “So this is the famous hammock, huh?”

Kelcey: “That’s the one.”

PeytonCastPic-BlakeMasonBlake: “You told her the July 4th story?”

Kelcey: “I did, God that was like seven years go. It was the first time Blake ever saw me drunk, well, no I was demolished, been drinking all day with Taylor in the Florida sun, somehow I ended up on Blake’s yacht, cursing up a storm and acting belligerent, I definitely killed my mystique on him that night.”

Peyton: “Ha, really?”

Blake: “We laid in the hammock, all she kept saying is, I want to see the fireworks, so I planned it all out, we laid in the hammock, fireworks started and all I hear is snoring, it was so loud I couldn’t hear the fireworks, I thought I also heard other boat horns answering back thinking it was mine.”


Kelcey blushed, looked a little embarrassed but giggled it off as Peyton laughed, turning to her mentor….

Peyton: “You totally snore, like loud.”

Kelcey: “Yes, I know I have been told…. ON MANY OCCASSIONS.”

Her blue eyes narrow, pointing at Blake who smiles then laughs it off, still helping Nathaniel walk across the deck…

Peyton: “If Sienna could see this now.”

Kelcey and Blake both break out in laughter….

Kelcey: “Right before you came on aboard, Blake and I had said the same thing. I think that Nathaniel is adjusting well, admittedly it was a little rough at first, you could tell that he was looking for Sienna for quite some time, but it has gotten a lot better since, love. I think overall, we are going to be alright, he is adjusting well to his surroundings, meeting new people like Uncle Blake there, I’m sure that Chris will come over soon to see his son, he has been opening up to his uncle Scott too, I think we are going to be okay and that makes me really happy. The break has helped also, really had a chance to spend some time with him, which was huge you know. How are you doing? Just came back from Arizona?”

PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2Peyton: “I did, stayed with my dad, and was able to spend a lot of time with him, get the chance to reflect on a lot of things and sulk at the same time after RTG and Ali. It hasn’t been great, but I am surviving.”

Kelcey: “Peyton, we all lose matches, don’t get yourself worked up over it. I have lost a few matches that really hit me hard, and it took me some time to get over, but in the end, I did and had a Hall of Fame career. Losing to Ravyn Taylor and Selena Frost hurt, I had my revenge on Ravyn, but Selena…. That’s another story. One day, I will step in the ring with her, or better yet, manage you as I see you defeat her.”

Peyton: “I doubt I could beat her, Kelcey.”

Kelcey’s blue eyes glance over at Blake while Peyton sips her seltzer. She nods as Blake picks up Nathaniel and walks over to Kelcey, handing him over….


Kelcey: “You stink little man. I think I need to change him; I will be right back.”

Peyton: “Okay.”

As Kelcey gets off the hammock, she whispers in Blake’s ear, “Talk to her”, he nods. Kelcey walks into the cabin of the yacht with Nathaniel, Blake sits next to Peyton, she looks over and smiles…

Peyton: “You have a beautiful yacht.”

Blake: “Thanks, I like it too. Peyton, can I give you some advice?”

Peyton: “What kind of advice.”

Blake: “The kind that will help you in the long run.”

Peyton: “Okay, sure.”

Blake: “Throughout the years I have gained a reputation of being the type of guy that can never handle too much commitment. Every time that I decide I want to finally settle down and marry, something happens which throws it all off and suddenly I find myself all alone again. Take for example Cameron, you never had the pleasure of meeting her, she was my wife for a little over a year, on a whim we ended up getting married and it was nice for a while, and then I realized I couldn’t do this forever. I split from her, we ended up getting a divorce. There was Rachel Tatum Lee….”

Peyton cuts him off…

Peyton: “I like her, she is really pretty.”

Blake: “She is beautiful, feisty, strong, wild, and everything you would want in a woman. I wanted her, I had convinced myself that she was my future, the one for me and well, that didn’t work out as I ended up with Bree.”

Peyton: “Say no more.”

Blake: “Peyton, my point is I thought that Bree was the one, that she was going to be the woman I spent the rest of my life with, much like Cameron, much like Rachel, I mean there were others, but overall it was that trend which then put me into a spiral, I stepped away from the sport, tried some new ventures, losing some matches, hurt as well, which you and I both know is part of the business. But then, then I thought Taylor Chase was going to be the woman of my dreams, and she was for a long time the object of my desire. Taylor and I hit it off, we had fun together, spent many of nights here on the yacht just making each other laugh, and then it happened…. I realized that I was cheating myself and hurting Taylor which she did not deserve.”

Peyton: “Is this because the entire time, from the very beginning after all these women, you knew that there was only one that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and she is in that cabin right now changing a diaper?”


Blake didn’t answer the question, instead he smiled and slowly nodded….

Peyton: “Even after all the hell you two put each other through?”

Blake: “Yes, but at the same time, I am destined to live alone the rest of my life, because I know I am chasing a fools dream. We put ourselves in situations that only we can get out of, and at times we try to fit a square peg into a round hole in hopes we find happiness. I think for you and Alistaire, that was the case, you wanted this to work, you wanted the marriage to happen, but deep down inside you were not completely sold on it, instead settling. Tell me I am wrong?”

Kelcey was at the doorway to the deck, listening the entire time to this conversation. Peyton lowered her head some, before finally responding….

Peyton: “I think so, you are not wrong Mr. Mason.”

Blake: “Call me Blake, please.”

Peyton: “Yes sir.”

Blake: “It’s because like me, you have a true love.”

Peyton: “Yes, but my true love isn’t coming back. My true love is buried at a cemetery about 25 miles from here. I don’t get a do over, Blake, I don’t get the chance to look Ricky in the eyes and tell him, I am sorry I ever doubted you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you Ricky. I don’t get that, but you do.”

Blake: “It’s not that easy.”

Peyton: “Sure it is, Blake. Go up to her and tell her how much you love her, that you basically worship the ground she walks on, you would be very surprised at how she reacts. The worse she could say is no.”

Blake: “She has been saying that a lot to me in the last 8 years I have known her. I messed up a long time ago, I did a lot of bad things to Kelcey that I don’t know if she could ever forgive me. I know that this is the same way you felt about Ricky, and you are right, you don’t get any do overs, you don’t get the chance to fix this, and I am sorry, it must be heart wrenching for you, but I understand how you feel, that there is a measuring stick, and every single person you meet in your life will be measured against that one person you know is your soulmate. For me, it is Kelcey, for you it was Ricky, is that fair to the others we meet? Of course not. That doesn’t change who we are and our feelings. I just wanted to talk to you about that is all, because I know how hard it is and breaking off an engagement is not easy, I did it and I was a little scared, nervous but then realized it was the best thing for both parties. Do I miss Taylor? Yes, I do but at the same time, I made the right decision for both of us. You may feel guilty now about it, but trust me, you will remember why you were the one to break it off in the first place.”


Peyton forces a half smile, knowing that Blake is right. She appreciates what he is trying to do, give her some advice on her failed engagement, and she was happy about that, worried she was going to get lectured about losing at RTG and how she had handled it, but for Peyton, it was more about the meaning behind her decisions, and it was true what Blake had said, she was trying to have Ali fill the role that was left vacant by Ricky. Nothing will ever change though for Peyton; she will always live with the guilt of pushing him away only to lose him when he came back. After the conversation, Peyton drinks her Seltzer….

Blake: “I’ll get you another one.”

Peyton: “Thank you… for the conversation and the advice.”

Blake: “You’re welcome and….”

Kelcey stepped right out with Nathaniel, a smile on her face, Nathaniel looks like a happy baby as she sits down next to Peyton on the hammock, trying to play dumb….

Kelcey: “Everything alright?”

Peyton: “Yeah, we had a nice talk about marriage.”

Kelcey: “Oh good. Well, just to let you know I returned the dress, so I didn’t lose anything on that, I also made sure whatever deposits were made are returned, so again you don’t have to worry about that either. I am sorry that happened, and I know you beat yourself over it that night and made some decisions, I will never hold against you.”

Peyton: “I know you won’t, even after I disrespected what you have done for me, it wasn’t right, and I am so sorry for it.”

Kelcey: “Water under the bridge, love. We all have our moments, and when they happen, it all comes down to how we react to them. I know that you meant no disrespect by it, never had. I am just glad you are okay. How are things with Jennifer?”

Peyton: “Not good, she still hates me.”

Kelcey: “She will get over it.”

Peyton didn’t share Kelcey’s enthusiasm when it came to that subject, but either way, it didn’t matter, it was her cross to carry, and she knew it. Peyton was handed another Seltzer by Blake…

Peyton: “Thank you.”

Blake: “Anytime.”

Kelcey: “I’m going to take Peyton to see the bow of the Yacht, show her where we are going to have the Halloween Party.”

Peyton: “Wait…. Halloween Party?”

Kelcey: “Yeah, Blake and I were talking, we decided that I am bringing back the party, and we are going to have it right here.”

Peyton: “That would be pretty cool.”

Blake: “I think so, she convinced me, I mean, I did offer.”

Kelcey: “He offered, don’t let him fool you.”

The young Rice smiles as Kelcey gets up and takes Peyton’s hand, Blake takes Nathaniel from her…

Blake: “Me and the little man are going to walk some more, go show her.”

Kelcey: “Aye Aye, Captain.”

Blake: “You say that in a very Scottish way.”

Kelcey: “I did grow up in Scotland, love.”

Blake: “And we all love you for it.”

Kelcey smiles and kisses Blake on the cheek, turning and walking with Peyton to the back of the boat, she could see the emotions and the electricity between the two, but she also knew that the Cannons were in play, Kelcey pretty much was a woman that was wanted, made Peyton a little jealous…

Peyton: “When I grow up, I want to be you one day.”

Kelcey: “Ha ha… what is that supposed to mean.”

Peyton: “He is madly in love with you Kelcey.”

Kelcey: “His bodyguard gave me this…..”


The Perfect Ten reached into her pocket and showed her an engagement ring ….

Peyton: “WOW…. I mean…. Wait, his bodyguard wants you too?”

Kelcey: “No, Blake threw the ring into the ocean, or so he thought, Jaxson never put the ring back in the box, because he thought that I should have it. I want to confront him about it, I need to talk to him about us, about my feelings too, but I am afraid too. I was going to do it tonight then you came and saved me.”

Peyton: “Oh, I am leaving like right now.”

Kelcey: “No, you are not. You are staying with me until we both leave later. He has dinner catered, under the sunset over the ocean, its aa beautiful sight, and you are staying with us.”

Peyton: “Kelcey, talk to him tonight.”

Kelcey: “No, you are more important right now, Blake and I, there is a love there, no question about it. I always loved him, that was never the problem, hence why I had such a difficult time feuding with him and Bree. I knew it was her web of influence and not his, but that is the past, I’m not revisiting that. Things are going to work out between us, I know. I am talking about you. I know that loss took a toll, I know that some decisions you made were not the best and I know that while your engagement was something I always questioned, the truth is, I was not surprised you ended it and honestly I am happy that you did.”

Peyton was a bit surprised by that stamen, though she always knew that Kelcey was always very iffy when it came to Alistaire. She nodded….

Peyton: “I understand that you were not a fan of his. Part of me regrets it, most of me doesn’t. I know that whole weekend affected me, both actually and I feel like, I let you down. I didn’t want to hang out that night, I was jealous of Aaron and Owen’s victories, you seemed to pay more attention to them, especially Owen and the Wonderland, then when you were physical and the crowd popped, well, that was it. I should have been better support; I wasn’t and for that I apologize.”

Kelcey: “You don’t have to apologize, I love you none the less and I understand, I have been there too, we all have at some point, especially RTG, that is the one event you want to come out on top, I get it. Losing the Adrenaline title to a bitch like Glory Braddock is a tough pill to swallow but remember one thing, she had to cheat to beat you and take the belt, do not let any other narrative tell you different.”

Peyton: “I know but it is hard shaking off the feeling of failure and now I feel lost, like I have no direction.”

Kelcey: “I will never let you wander astray, Peyton you know that. Also? Maybe it is time that you start calling your shots.”

Her eyebrow arched, looking at Kelcey with a bit of intrigue….

Kelcey: “That’s right, find a moment and take it for yourself, that’s how people never forget you, love. I’m going to head back over to Nathaniel, come join me.”

Peyton: “I will be there in a second, thanks.”

Kelcey smiled at Peyton as she headed back to the deck of the yacht. Peyton stood there for a moment thinking about the conversation she just had with Kelcey and what she had just told her. It made sense, maybe it was time for Peyton to call her shot, go out there and make a statement, find the right time to do it and make a play. It made all the sense in the world, as the greatest wrestlers in the SCW always took their turn when it came time, and now it was hers. It was the one moment of clarity she has had in the last month or so, and it was a feeling of promise. Peyton headed back to Blake, Kelcey and Nathaniel, where she would spend the rest of the day with him, this time it was her turn to get acquainted with Kelcey’s son….

….and remember how precious life really is.


The Following Day

Hollywood Hills, CA.


After going for a morning jog, Peyton had gone inside, taken her sneakers and socks off, walking around in her tights and sports bra top, she didn’t leave much to the imagination, and coming home late, she didn’t know who would there, so decided heading straight for bed was probably the best port of call. The Arizonian had gone out for her run to try and clear her head, but it was a temporary fix because she didn’t know what to think of her situation and an onset of depression was certainly beginning to take hold of her, it began to feel like she was drifting apart further and further from her friends and those she had trusted, and yes that even includes Kelcey who had a assortment of new things to focus on, the baby being top of that list. Peyton walked back downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing herself a glass of orange juice before bed. After closing the refrigerator door, she noticed Jennifer Helms standing there in shorts, and O-Cru t-shirt and flip flops, her long brunette hair hanging down and nails a glossy coating…

Peyton jumped a little and placed a hand on her chest while sighing with relief…

Peyton: “Jennifer!? Shit… you startled me.”

Jennifer: “Nice outfit, those tights look painted on and I can see your thong. What are you doing here?”

Peyton: “Uh….. Last time I checked, I lived here and these are comfortable.”

Jennifer: “Right, you have been gone so long, I must have forgot…”

Jennifer bumped Peyton heading into the refrigerator, Peyton looked on a bit annoyed but trying to be understanding by the gesture so bit her tongue. The young Rice was well aware that she had hurt Jennifer, and by their altercation the first go around and how Owen had to separate them, all Peyton wanted was a little peace and quiet. Jennifer reached into the fridge and grabbed a Breakfast sandwich that was Peyton’s, she didn’t even bother asking if she could have it and begun to placing it in the microwave….

Peyton: “Uh, that…..”

Jennifer: “…What?”

“That was my egg white, spinach and chorizo sandwich, I was saving that for the morning.”

“Oh, okay.”

Jennifer didn’t say another word, once the microwave beeped, she took it out, sat on the counter and started eating it after pouring herself a glass of Peyton’s Calcium Orange Juice and not Owen’s who drank a regular type….

“And that is my orange juice.”

Jennifer: “Oh? Okay.”

Peyton: “But it’s okay, mi casa su casa.”

Jennifer: “Well technically it’s Owens, but whatever.”

Jennifer sat down on a stool and began to eat the sandwich and drink the juice while Peyton stood there and watched, almost disappointed and sad that Jennifer would act this way, but it didn’t surprise her. Peyton rolled her eyes and started to walk away mumbling something under her breath believing it was out of ear shot…

Jennifer: “Excuse me?”

“Excuse you, what?”

“If you have something to say to me, just say it.”

Peyton wanted to ignore it and started to walk away but something inside forced her to do otherwise, she wasn’t a fan of this attitude…

Peyton: “All I said is typical childish bullshit, that is what I said if you must know.”

Jennifer: “Oh really? That’s rich coming from you.”

Peyton: “Look I get it, you are angry with me, I hurt you but how many times do I have to apologize for it, huh? How many times do I need to beg for your forgiveness? How many times do I have to subject myself to this mean girl act you keep throwing on me because I had a one-night stand with your ex?”


“You know what, I don’t need this from you because I have enough to deal with already. I tried the best I could to ask for forgiveness, I am here practically on my knees two weeks ago asking you to give me another chance to make it right, let me make this up to you Jennifer, anything to prove to you how sorry I am but after right now, I am convinced you don’t want that. Fine, I am done trying, I can’t do this anymore. I screwed up, I admit that but at the same time, I don’t deserve this treatment from you, either.”

Jennifer: “Are you listening to yourself? You have the audacity to play the victim when you broke my trust.”

Peyton: “I broke your trust? HOW?! Because I had sex with your goddamn EX? Christian and you are done, you have been done for quite some time, there is a guy upstairs that loves and worships the ground you walk on, the same guy I solicited the hook up! I was the one that tried my best to get you both together after you and Christian broke up and this is how you are going to treat me?”

Jennifer shakes her head, laughing a little before taking another bite of the sandwich and washing it down with some more juice….

Peyton: “This is funny to you Jennifer?”

“A little…”

Peyton: “I expected more benefit of doubt here you know? I mean your parents are my trainers, my mentors, we are friends with the same people in the same circles, we’ve shared so much together, including last year with Ricky’s death… I mean we even wrestled in the finals of his Memorial Tournament in Emerge, where he wouldn’t have it any other way. But you can’t even look back at that and put that into consideration when you’re stealing my breakfast, acting like a self-entitled bitch.”

Jennifer: “What DID you just call me?!”

“I called you a BITCH because you’re not even giving me the chance to apologize let alone hear me out? Whatever Jennifer, have it your way, I am not going to entertain this any longer.”

Peyton’s blood was boiling now, these thoughts had been bubbling on the surface for a while… Jennifer having finished the sandwich wiped her mouth with a cloth and stared daggers at Peyton…

Jennifer: “Do you want to know what pisses me off the most about this? You and I had a conversation last year about Christian, and it was you who convinced me that maybe he wasn’t the right guy for me after all the crap I went through with Lancelot Crane. What bothers me most, I feel like you were saying those things so you could have him, after we promised each other that we would never hurt one another with our exes, or anyone, we would NEVER allow boys to get in-between this, what we had, right? Well surprise you did. Not once, but twice and when you two walked out of your room, and you’re standing there naked under the robe, he winked at me, I hope you are happy being one of his conquests.”

Peyton knew that the second time around was definitely a mistake, much like the first time, but she couldn’t control herself yet again, allowing her emotions to dictate her actions which she has seen a lot of lately. Peyton really didn’t want to fight with Jennifer, but she was making it extremely difficult to deal with and this was not helping. It was better to avoid it as Peyton turned around to walk away because she didn’t want to say anything, she would later regret….

Jennifer: “As always you walk away Peyton, brush it under the rug like you always do. Pey Pey can do no wrong.”

Peyton stops at the foot of the stairs, slowly turning back to face Jennifer…

Peyton: “Really Jennifer? I’m not going to stand here and split hairs with you.”

Jennifer: “What is that supposed to mean?”

Peyton: “What is that meant to mean? You know the saying pot calling the kettle black right? You’re not innocent hon, you have done some pretty shady things too and people forgave you for them. See, you want to chastise me for hooking up with Christian, he’s your ex, I get that, but did you once see me raking you over the coals because you lost your virginity to Ricky?”

Jennifer’s eyes widen….

Peyton: “Oh, you didn’t think I knew that little titbit of information, bitch? Did I ever ONCE approach you about it, knowing how I felt about Ricky!? No, I didn’t because it wasn’t my place! I had no business telling you how to live your life and who you can get together with, I never said anything as it was a time when I wasn’t with Ricky, but I point blank asked him and he could have said nothing, he could have said no but in his usual honest to good heart he said yes, and judging by your reaction it’s true.”

Jennifer: “He told you?”

“Yeah he did but I kind of figured it out beforehand, as you made it pretty obvious being over the moon with him, that is beside the point because the problem you have Jennifer is you think I am doing this to hurt you, that I did this on purpose when I never. YOU ARE WITH OWEN NOW, NOT CHRISTIAN! Whatever he does on his free time, well that is none of your business, and while I wouldn’t be like that to you and say something that mean, right now, that is how you are making me feel! Ricky right now is crying watching us fight and you can’t even fathom that right now! I messed up! I admit it! Twice, if it makes you feel better, alright! I’m not in a good place right now and I rather have my friend that I can confide in and have her help me figure things out instead of stealing my breakfast and acting cold like I mean nothing to her! For once think about what this is doing, for ONCE!”

“You always bring up Ricky, it’s your crutch.”

Peyton: “Yeah, I do and maybe I do! The reason is because I miss him so fucking much and I haven’t figured out how to deal with his death over a year later! I…..”

Jennifer: “And he would still be alive right now, if it wasn’t for you!”

Those words were like a dagger which pierced the heart of Peyton. Her eyes instantly swelled up just as Owen ran down the stairs after listening to the commotion. Peyton and Jennifer stared at one another, she couldn’t believe Jennifer had said that… Peyton clenched her fists, Jennifer could see that and stepped off her bar stool and walked right up to Peyton….

“If you want to blame anyone for his death, you go look in your fucking mirror. He died trying to find out what happened to your sister and you let him, knowing full well how dangerous Lancelot Crane was.”

Jennifer: “Don’t put this on me! If you want to mourn a year later go ahead! But stop acting like you are the only one that misses him! I….”

But before Jennifer could finish the sentence, Peyton slapped her so hard across the face that she caused Jennifer to lose balance and fall against the kitchen counter….


Peyton: “Right…. It’s all my fault!? Fuck this…”

Owen: “Peyton!?”

Owen tends to Jennifer who sits up holding her cheek which is already starting to bruise some. Peyton stormed up the stairs as Owen helped his girlfriend to her feet….

Owen: “Why is this still a thing!? She is right, Christian is your ex!?”

Jennifer: “That is not the point, she broke my trust!”

“Did she!? As this keeps going on, I am here thinking that you still have feelings for Christian!?”

“What?! No…..no…. babe, look at me that is not true! I am upset because she broke my trust, we made a promise to each other. Sure, I hooked up with Ricky, she with Christian, I just can’t help that she is using it as an excuse because her engagement failed, she dumped Alistaire! After he prepared all these functions for her!? After all the time and money, we sent and…”


Jennifer: “Tell that to her!”

“She has been trying to apologize to you Jenni for ages! She was…..”

Owen hears Peyton running down the stairs, she has a couple of suitcases packed up and her makeup kit. Owen pulls away and stands in front of Peyton and shakes his head….

“Get out of my way Owen.”

Owen: “Pey… let’s all sit down and have a talk, alright!? We can figure this out once and for all.”

Peyton: “She doesn’t want to talk; she wants to accuse me of killing Ricky! She wants to act like a complete bitch when all I have done is try to make things right!’”

Owen: “She didn’t mean that, Peyton. You gotta see that she is just upset.”

: “What about me?! What about MY feelings here? I am not doing this anymore! I am done Owen! I will come back and get the rest of my things at a later date! I am moving out!”

Owen: “Peyton! No! Let us figure this out!”

Jennifer is watching both Peyton and Owen arguing by the door, the realization beginning to set in that she may have gone too far…

Jennifer: “Peyton….”

Peyton: “No! No! You had your chance, I opened myself up to you, I gave you the doorway to walk in, I was trying my best to be humble here, you don’t get to talk to me anymore Jennifer! You wanted to be done, then WE ARE DONE! I am sorry Owen… I am so sorry.”

Peyton walks right past Owen, bumping him to the side as he wanted to try and stop her but that wasn’t going to happen. A furious Owen immediately turned to Jennifer who now wasn’t speaking, instead she was trying to calm him down….

Owen: “Don’t….. I need to be alone.”

Jennifer: “Owen…. I’m sorry….. I……”

Owen: “Just…. Stop.”

Walking away from his girlfriend, Jennifer quickly runs out the front door, but she is too late as Peyton has already driven off. Jennifer lowers her head, mad at herself for acting that way and pushing Peyton over the edge, letting out a scream. Inside Owen picks up the phone and calls Kelcey…..

While Driving….

Peyton is wiping the tears from her face, she has no idea where to go, heading to a hotel or extended stay until she can figure out what to do when the phone rings, its Kelcey. She thinks about not answering at first, but then picks it up, directing it through her car’s speakers….

Peyton: “Now isn’t a good time, Kelcey.”

“I’m aware love, where are you!?”

“I…. I’m driving away.”

Kelcey: “Owen called me. Come back, you can stay with me tonight and we’ll figure everything out tomorrow.”

Peyton: “No…. no. You have Nathaniel, no way. I won’t burden you with my bullshit. I just can’t stay there anymore with Jennifer there; it has become too toxic. I will be fine, maybe I will take my dad on his offer and move back home to Arizona, I have nothing left here and……”

“Nothing left!? What are you talking about? You’re like a daughter to me, I don’t want you to go, please come back. Maybe I can call Blake to….”

Peyton: “No offense, I would feel really odd staying with him…”

Kelcey: “Okay… look, go to my old Hermosa Beach house. Stay there for as long as you like, make yourself at home, alright, we can figure this out later. I pop by in the morning.”

“Kelcey, I can’t…. I…..”

Kelcey: “PEYTON! This is not open for discussion, alright!? Please, don’t make me come out right now and make me drag you there.”

Peyton: “Okay…. Okay….. I will. Thank you.”

Kelcey: “I’ll call you tonight, alright?”

Peyton: “Okay, thank you.”

Kelcey: “I love you, alright?”

“I love you too.”

As Peyton hung up, she did feel a little better that she was going to stay at the Beach house, could use some time away, maybe hang out alone by the ocean and spend some quiet time. After Kelcey hung up, she let out a huge sigh, because she knew that the Beach House was not empty, picking up the phone, again she dialed….

Kelcey: “Hey it’s me. Something has happened and I need a favor….”

One Hour Later
Hermosa Beach, CA.

Peyton parks in the driveway and steps out, it had been a long time since she had been at the house. Walking up to the front door, she removes a rock with the key inside, opening the door with her luggage. She looks around, switching on a light, when she heads down the hallway and to the room she would stay at whenever she had come over. After settling in, Peyton goes into the kitchen and grabs a piece of paper, ready to make a list for some groceries, curious to see how much refrigerator space she has, opening it she realizes it is full, which she pauses, tilting her head some….

Peyton: “What the hell?”

Voice: “While you’re there love, you want to grab me a water?”

The voice startles Peyton, she screams and turns around not sure who to expect but breaths as slight sigh of relief when she sees Chris Cannon sitting in the corner of the bar leaning against the wall, there is a huge Akita laying at his feet….

Peyton: “Oh my God! Mr. Cannon! I am so sorry! I didn’t know you were here! I will be grabbing my things and leaving now, I’m so sorry!”

She bolts to the room as Chris gets right up, the Akita stands by the door blocking it as Peyton had her luggage in hand ready to dart out the door…

“From my understanding you are staying.”

“Look, I am so sorry to intrude! I didn’t know you were here. I will just go stay at a hotel, no worries. I am….”

Chris could see that something was going on inside her, she was fighting back all manner of emotions. It probably didn’t help that he was there or there was a giant dog blocking her way out…

“I’m really, really sorry… I just… I…”

PeytonCastPic-ChrisChris: “Peyton! Calm down, love! Calm down, you are not going anywhere! Kelcey called me okay.”

Peyton: “She did… I have to go I….. that is a big dog.”

Chris: “He really is… His name is Bear.”

Peyton: “Bear…. Fitting. I’m so sorry for this I have to go and…..”

Chris didn’t want to keep chatting; it wasn’t helping matters instead he stood in front of Peyton and hugged her. His massive arms swarmed the much smaller Rice. She dropped the suitcases and began to cry, she had nothing left in the tank to keep her emotions in check… Chris held her there as Bear came up to Peyton and started licking her shoulder and arm. Chris allowed her to have the time to just release all the hurt and frustration she was feeling….

It was the least he could do.

A Few Hours Later

She sat across from him, comfortable, on the thick rug, barefoot, eating a slice of pizza from a local pizzeria, they both were sipping a couple of cold beers and Peyton seemed to be a little more relaxed….

PeytonCastPic3Peyton: “I’m sorry about earlier… I wish I know what come over me…”

Chris: “You don’t have to apologize love.”

Peyton: “Thank you for being so nice to me and allowing me to stay here, I just couldn’t stay at Owens any longer…”

Chris: “You’re welcome. The place here has felt pretty empty as of late. I like the company, with Sienna always being around and Xiomara, Laura, I never had much peace and quiet if I’m honest. So after things happened, I came here and adopted Bear, me, and him we hit it off right away, and it’s been nice.”

Peyton: “Well he is a beautiful dog.”

“Yeah he is. Lucas has been a good friend as well all things considered, been getting back in the good gracious of Trinity, things are looking up. But I needed some time alone and I am happy that I did get it. Kelcey called me and she told me something happened. I don’t know all the details but I’m sure things will get better, I promise.”

Peyton: “I don’t know if they ever will, and I am sorry about your son and I.”

Chris: “Peyton, you’re both adults you don’t need to apologize to me or anyone as far as I’m concerned. I’m just glad that I can help anyway possible. Don’t feel like I am obligated to keep you around or something, I feel like I owe it to you to give you a place to stay until you figure out what to do. It’s the least I can do.”

Peyton: “Mr. Cannon, you don’t owe me anything. I literally just embarrassingly broke down in your huge arms and monstrous chest. Honestly, this isn’t how I pictured the day to go with you are giving me some delicious pizza and beer. This is probably the best thing that anyone has done for me since RTG. Thank you.”

Chris smiles, but he had some things on his mind that he wanted to share with Peyton. She took another bite of her pizza then gave a pepperoni to Bear who inhaled it instantly…

Chris: “You do know that now you two will be inseparable.”

Peyton: “He is so cute and so big.”

With her free hand, she scratches under his chin as he sits expecting some more pepperoni which she gives him with a giggle…

Chris: “Peyton, if I could tear your attention from that handsome fella there for a moment there is something, I’ve wanted to say to you for a long time now.”

Peyton: “What is that Mr. Cannon?”

“Okay… make that two things. One please cut the Mr. Cannon stuff out, love. Call me Chris.”

“Okay, Chris. I’m sorry it’s a force of habit… What did you want to tell me?”

Chris motioned for Bear to come over which he did instantly and sat beside him, he began to stroke his back while looking at Peyton…

Chris: “I wanted to say thank you.”

Peyton: “Thank you, for what? I haven’t done anything to warrant that.”

Chris: “That isn’t true love. You were the only person who never really gave up on me.”

She looks down for a second, taking a deep breath before gazing back up at Chris. Slowly nodding….

Peyton: “Honestly, you never gave me a reason not to.”

Chris: “No, Peyton. I gave plenty of reasons for people to give up on me, but you never did. You never left Kelcey’s side despite everything going on around her over the last year, that shows character.”

Peyton: “Well Kelcey has been good to me…”

Chris: “Yeah I know she has which is why you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like. I don’t know what the hell you are going through right now love, but it seems like you are giving up on a lot of things and maybe feel like they are going the same with you.”

“I feel alone, yes. I don’t know what I’m doing with myself, and that scares me more than anything…”

“Well you don’t have to feel scared anymore. You are not alone, and I will never give up on you. Scratch my back and I scratch yours, right?”

Peyton: “I’d like that.”

Chris: “Then you’ll stay with the big boss and I?”

She thought for a second, before smiling and nodding yes, lifting up her beer as they both toast, just then Bear walked back over and started to lick her face, she broke out in a giggle…..

Chris: “See love? You’re stuck here.”

Her green eyes glanced over at the smiling Chris and for the first time since RTG she didn’t feel angry or frustrated, instead she had a sense never thinking would be felt around Chris Cannon….







“When I look at the competition and those who were chosen or outright volunteered to be a part of the Elimination Chamber, what I see is anyone’s game. Listen to me very carefully, I’m not going to come out here and state that I am winning this so arrogantly without any basis or substance, there is a difference between those who act self-entitled and those who are grounded and understand the way the business works but if there is one caveat to the Elimination Chamber is this…. 

There are no rules. 

For the first time in my career, I don’t have to worry about being cheated, or someone working outside the regulations of the match, we are all on the same platform, everything applies to us all and that alone changes the dynamic of this extremely important and critical bout in my career. I look at what the other five competitors bring to table, who they are and what they have done in the short or long time here, and yes, I am among giants, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. Look at the past Elimination Chambers, who have won them, Kelcey Wallace is one, and Jake Starr was in the same Chamber on that night. What about my ex-fiancé, Alistaire Allocco, shocking the SCW and becoming World Champion? There is Blitzkrieg who tore right through the competitors including Syren, Shilo Valiant, Rachel Tatum Lee, Rachel Foxx and Regan Street ALL Hall of Famers or soon to be. What about tag teams like James Evans and Angelica Jones or the Truelove Twins that wrestled beginning to end only to lose, Sienna Swann last year walking out as World Champion as well against Evans, Owen Cruze, Syren, Glory Braddock and Alistaire. I have sat back and watched every single Elimination Chamber the SCW has had and there is nothing more terrifying than knowing what the structure can do to you…. 

This is the thing though, honestly, I have had it easy in my career when it comes to match types. 

From UWA to EMERGE and now the SCW, I never stepped into a cage, any type of hardcore encounter, it has always been my wrestling skill and nothing more. Now I must rely on something I have never had to my entire life; just how vicious and how dangerous I can be, to someone who has never needed to until now. Yeah, I can hear someone like Kandis or Christy laughing at me, they think I don’t have what it takes to step into the Chamber, maybe I am not ready to put my body on the line, testing myself and what limits I can go to get there, if you believe that, then you don’t know Peyton Rice. In many ways, they are right about my inexperience, I don’t know how I will react, what I will do the minute I step into the cage, whether in a Chamber and wait my turn or start off the match, doesn’t really make a difference, for I WILL be there in the end, and I WILL walk out with the chance to either win back the Adrenaline Championship against Gavin Taylor or a rematch with Glory Braddock? Or I could go up against Selena Frost, a woman I have idolized  for many years or Xander Valentine, the monster that threw me out of the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal earlier this year, deciding to go after the United States Championship instead. Right now, my focus is on five wrestlers who have their own agenda. They are looking to do whatever they can to win. Each one of them are in this match for a reason, some to recapture the glory, others to open doors for them and get a chance at something they normally wouldn’t…

And then there is me… 

… done being in some holding pattern waiting for something to happen, for I chose this path for myself, I came out and called my shot, say what you will, but I am DONE coasting here in the SCW, when I see other wrestlers I have defeated stand tall at the top of this company revered in adulations and praise. I’m not looking for that, I don’t want the whole pie, just a piece of it and maybe it was a wake-up call losing to legends like Matt Hodges and Ace Marshall, the feeling I felt listening to Glory’s name announced as the NEW Adrenaline Champion, while I watched ready to cry for I didn’t know how to handle it then, yet the disappointment is always going to be a part of this business whether we like it or not and five wrestlers are going to feel that way come Sunday Night….

I will NOT be one of them. 

See, some take a long time to learn the ropes, others catch on quick and for the rest, well it becomes a curve that depending on how strong willed a person can be is how they will respond. I know that Christy Matthews is the biggest threat in this match, she knows it too. Kandis will be firing on all cylinders with her huge ass ready to pull the biggest win of her career. Jake Starr wants to get back to prominence, Aaron Blackbourne is on the same boat I am, he wants to reach up into the skies and part the clouds for one more day of sunshine, and Crystal is ready to prove that she belongs here among the Elite in the SCW….

What about Peyton Rice? 

For two years I have been looking for an identity, I came into this company nervous as hell, not knowing what to expect. When Mr. D approached me and said that there were enough “Pretty” girls around here and I needed to be myself, I didn’t know what to think. I started to play with gimmicks, find something flashy that sticks, even played around with “Perfection”, but none of that is me. Do you want to know who Peyton Rice is?

You’re looking at her.

Many call me attractive, beautiful and alluring, thank you for that, I was gifted with it, but I am not here to captivate your eyes with what I look like from head to toe, no. I want to be known as a great wrestler, a champion, a woman that did things her way without needing to be flashy or silly, break rules or cheat the competition, with some niche or catchphrase, only me…. 

And that maybe boring for a lot of people, but that never mattered for Peyton Rice, the person I am in and out of the ring? 

Is walking out the Elimination Chamber….

…. A winner.”






“I haven’t really said much since Rise to Greatness, maybe it was this feeling I had about losing the Adrenaline Championship on the biggest stage of the year in the opening match setting the tone for the rest of the night, and while Owen Cruze came out on top with his huge win over Giovanni Aries, Aaron Blackbourne had a career defining match defeating Shilo Valiant putting on a hell of a showing, with the “Perfect Pack” doing their due diligence, and me failing to defend the title, losing it to Glory Braddock, allowing her, the so-called “Best in the World” at cheating, I guess now I have to look at myself in the mirror once again and question what is next for me in the SCW if anything? I look at what has happened to my career, the ups and downs, something I never really struggled with in EMERGE or even before, which I knew when stepping into that next level, being this company, the greatest wrestling promotion in the world. It was tough and there is no excuse, I am disappointed that I lost the Adrenaline Championship especially in that matter on the one show you want to actually Rise to Greatness, like the name of the PPV. So, as I sulked for a month and wondered what was next, I decided that I needed to understand as one door closes, I must search, finding another to open and see where it leads. Am I done wanting to be Adrenaline Champion again?

Of course not, but I am not the one who books the matches, I come to work, I punch in and I wrestle to the best of my abilities, win, lose or draw…

Even if lately, I feel like I haven’t.

I think my biggest hindrance though, and I am NOT trying to make any excuses is simple, I can’t get my damn life straightened. A lot of people who know me well have stated in the past that I am the dumbest smart girl they have ever met, and I am really starting to believe that to be quite honest. I make a lot of mistakes, some are really stupid, compulsive decisions that I feel at the moment are better for me, when they really are not. I have always been a victim of my own harsh criticism which is why I must realize now more than ever instead of letting things I have done in the past eat me up inside and affect what I am doing in and out of the ring, I simply need to own up to them. Glory Braddock took a lot more away than just my title, she took away a little bit of the hope I had left in this industry, and since then all I am seeing is her prancing around acting like she beat me by outwrestling Peyton Rice, or even outsmarting me, skullduggery and breaking the rules is none of that, it is desperation, the only word I can think of to best describe it, and since then I have been a bystander, looking on from the sidelines, seeing my stock drop tremendously, with barely a blip on the radar…

Well, looks like I get a chance to make something happen and after Sunday?

You will all remember who Peyton Rice is.”







It had been a aver trying time in the life of Peyton Rice, the young wrestling talent had been in the SCW now almost two years and hadn’t gone where she wanted, accomplished what she believed was capable of. All of that was on her shoulders, as this young woman would never blame anyone else for it, though she had seen how things could rapidly change for her as quickly as they seemed to be going so well, hence why Rise to Greatness for her was a disaster. Losing to Glory Braddock and the Adrenaline Championship in the opening match of the show was one thing, but having her engagement with a man she truly loved in Alistaire Allocco crumble right before her eyes and a lot of it was her own feelings she never bothered to deal with is a whole another story, one that she didn’t know would ever be told in any other light than in her own eyes and she was questioning herself at this point, not knowing if she overreacted or if she was justified for it. Breaking up with Alistaire was hard for her especially when she was ready and committed to marry him, but the early warning signs were there, and it was at the very moment she had decided, it was time to cut the ties before it became any worse, but it didn’t end there, Peyton ended up going to a bar, getting drunk and sleeping with Christian Cannon, the son of Chris Cannon and former boyfriend of her bestie, Jennifer Helms which didn’t sit too well with Jennifer and ended up creating a huge rift between the two women, this all happened in the weekend leading up to her biggest title defense of the year on the grandest stage….

And she failed.


The Night of RTG

Minneapolis, MN.

Peyton was alone in her hotel room; she wasn’t sharing one with Ali anymore or Owen and Jennifer after what had happened earlier in the weekend. She was quiet, sulking a little. She had on a red summer dress, barefoot with her nails polished white and long sandy blonde hair hanging down. Her wedge sandals sat by the couch as a knock came at the door….


Peyton: “Nobody is here!”


The knocking continued, Peyton rolled her eyes, standing up and walking to the door, taking a deep breath, not even bothering to put her sandals back on, she opens it to find Christian Cannon there in dress slacks, a polo shirt and loafers, he was the last person she wanted to see besides Alistaire Allocco….


Peyton: “Ugh… This is all I need, what do you want?”

Christian: “Whoa there, I just wanted to check in on you before I made my plans to fly back to the U.K.”


Peyton rolled her eyes at that young Brit..


PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTPeyton: “Well as you can see, I’m getting ready for bed.”

Christian: “Then can we talk for a second?”

Peyton: “Any other time or place, maybe but right now Is not a good time, go back to your hotel room, Christian. Maybe in the morning before you leave, we can talk.”


He thought about it for a moment looking down both hall ways of the floor…


PeytonCastPic-Christian3Christian: “Okay, I’ll leave but Let me get this right first, everyone, and I mean everyone is partying right now because of Rise to Greatness. Kelcey, Owen and Aaron are drinking it up with Blake, Jennifer, Regan, Selena, David, Jordan even are all beat up, you name it.”

Peyton: “Your point?”

Christian: “Well I found it strange you’re not among them, you’re here… Moping?”

Peyton: “You came back to the hotel to tell me that? That is EXACTLY what I needed to hear, thank you. Good night.”

She goes to close the door, but Christian holds it open, she tries again to force it, but he stands his ground, again forcing an eye roll, this time she was not amused…


Peyton: “Listen, I already am in a lot of shit because of what we did Christian, seriously, I just want to get into my pajamas and go to sleep. I don’t want to talk about what happened the other night, yesterday or earlier tonight.”

Christian: “Ok.”

Peyton: “I mean it, I am glad that everyone is having a great time partying up and celebrating their huge wins, I not only didn’t win, I broke my engagement, slept in a drunken state to my best friends ex-boyfriend AND I was belligerent to Kelcey, which showed at RTG against Glory. I just need some time for myself.”

Christian: “Do you really?”

Peyton: “What is that supposed to mean?”

Christian: “It means that from here you could use a friend. Look, I am not trying to solicit anything, I was out with everyone else, because I told Kelcey I would join her, when I found out you were here, I came to see you because I was worried.”

Peyton: “You were worried? That’s sweet but…”

Christian: “But what, you want to pat me on the head? Ruffle my hair like I’m a kid, well I’m not. Despite what people think of me, I grew up the moment I watched my mother die to cancer, I had to ever since I was brought over here. I’ve learned a long time ago that I had to own everything I did. It’s why I told Kelcey, I even told Jennifer that what happened between us it was me, you’re not to blame. I….”

Peyton shook her head and from the look of things, it felt like there was a small kink in the armor she had put up…


Peyton: “… Christian…. Stop, just stop. Why are you doing that? It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t force me into doing anything, you didn’t take advantage of me, I was with Ali for a long time and not once did we ever have sexual intercourse, it had been a long time, and I was angry, hurt, frustrated and drunk. If anyone is to blame it is me. I consented to it, I shouldn’t have and neither should you, but I did and I’m sorry if that brought some heat on you, but this is my cross to bear, this is my problem to fix and with everything else going on, and all that jazz.”

Christian: “Well looks like we’re both blaming ourselves… I’m sure if you go now you could meet up with them because you should be with friends, not on your own. I’ll go back to my room, so no questions are asked.”

Peyton: “I appreciate the thought but I…. I…. don’t feel like I belong with them tonight. All I’ve did was have a late dinner with my dad, came back here and yeah, I’m ready to just go to bed, call it a night, fly back tomorrow and disappear for a month.”

Christian was concerned about Peyton, she was a beautiful, sweet, and vibrant soul who always meant well but had problems expressing her feelings and allowing things to build up over time. Christian had convinced himself that this was actually a cry for help, this time he gently pushed the door open and Peyton against her better judgement allowed him, turning and walking toward the couch again where she had the TV on watching the late local news….


Peyton: “Close the door behind you.”

Christian: “You’re actually letting me come in?”

Peyton: “Well one thing I’ve learned is that you Cannons are persistent; it’s why I always admired your father even when he was pulling that crap with Kelcey. Your dad is a lot like mine, it’s why I never really lost faith in him.”

: “Really? I think he would be relieved to hear that.”

Peyton: “With all due respect, I doubt he gives a rat’s ass about my opinion.”

Christian laughed a little while surveying the room…


Peyton: “What’s so funny?”

Christian: “You. I’ve noticed have been cursing a lot more recently, but I suppose that is beside the point. As for my old man he does care about your opinion, so do I.”

Peyton sits down, leaning back and kicking her feet on the coffee table, but Christian once he sits down grabs them…


Peyton: “What are you doi…… uhhhh……”

Christian: “You’re tense and need to relax a bit, that’s all.”
He starts massaging them as she slumps back, it felt so good, she wasn’t going to fight him off from doing it, even though she was not going to allow this to lead into anything else. She couldn’t do this with Christian, he was the son of Chris Cannon and stepson of Sienna Swann and her mentor, Kelcey Wallace, or something like that. She was not going to get involved any more than she had already….

Christian: “Does it feel good?”

Peyton: “Yes, it does, but I’m about to yank them back.”

Christian: “Why? I am not trying to do anything here, you are tense, I can see you’re upset, and I get it. Life has been shit for you love, these last few days can’t have been easy and tonight you lost the Adrenaline Championship in the first match of RTG which means you had that swelling in your head the rest of the PPV.”

Peyton: “I’ll be honest, I’m going to have to go back while we are on break and watch it over again, for I barely was able to keep my concentration on it.”

Christian: “Well for what it’s worth, I’m sorry if I played my role in that. Wasn’t my intention.”

Peyton: “I didn’t help, but it is what it is. I shouldn’t have let it get to me. I failed my dad, Kelcey, my stablemates, fans, everyone. I let all this shit get to me, all with Ali, I can’t believe that he would do that to me, I can’t grasp that he…. I’m sorry…..”

She caught herself before going off the rails, it was also a trait that had caught on with her recently that was bothering Peyton, it was starting to really hit her hard within. She needed to calm down, reaching over to a glass of flavored seltzer, sipping it slowly….


Peyton: “Don’t look at me that way, it is non-alcoholic.”

Christian: “Look at you like what?”

Peyton: “Like I’m some sort of Lush.”

Christian: “I wouldn’t think that.”

Peyton: “Mmhmm, So, let me guess, you came here to massage my feet and see how I am doing? I doubt that, what did you want to tell me?”

Christian: “You won’t want to hear it.”

“Well now I’m curious.”


Christian released his grip from her feet and took a deep breath…


Christian: “Look, Peyton, I don’t think it is any secret that you are a beautiful woman, and I am attracted to you. I have been for a very long time, I think Halloween proved that though I was way out of line then, we were both in relationships and I already apologized for it, but I will again. I know what happened between us the other night has you full of regrets, but I must be honest with you, I didn’t regret it and if I could turn back the clock, I’d do it all again.”

Peyton pinched the bridge of her nose to try and grasp what he was trying to say. It was late, she was tired, she was in pain and she had a really good foot massage…


Peyton: “Christian, you have to see it was wrong, and what we did was detrimental to our relationship as friends and to those around us. I was in a very vulnerable position, a very weak state of mind and I should have known better, but I didn’t and allowed for it to happen.”

Christian: “You make it sound like, it could have been anyone if it were me then.”

Peyton: “Honestly, I don’t know… I was in a terrible head space but I am glad that I saw you that night and we were able to hash out our differences, as I really thought very highly of our friendship, especially while Kelcey was in a coma. We really bonded and you are a great guy to talk to, and apparently give great massages too, but we can’t do this, I just got out of an engagement, before that I lost the love of my life to murder, my other ex I found out lied to me the whole time, I’m not exactly swinging and hitting homeruns, Christian.”

Christian: “Maybe you just need to find the right teammate, it takes time.”

Peyton: “Maybe, but while I figure that out, I need to be alone for a while, concentrate on the SCW, God only knows I’m going to drop in the eyes of management after tonight and I need to stay afloat, find a way back.”

Christian: “It doesn’t matter what they think, you are a star. They have something special with you.”

Peyton: “Am I, Do they, Christian? I defeat Jordan Majors for that said Adrenaline Championship, she is Main Eventing with Sienna Swann.”

Christian: “Are you saying you want to get your arse kicked by Sienna?”

Peyton: “Well the way things are going, no… But that won’t happen because I’m not on her level right now. I am in the same stable as Aaron Blackbourne and Owen Cruze, the latter is winning World titles left and right in a high profile match with The Wonderland, Aaron in a huge encounter with a Hall of Fame Legend in Shilo Valiant, here I am losing to grant it, one of the best out there, but my stock has dropped and I have allowed for everything outside the ring to interfere in it. Right now, I don’t feel like a star, I don’t feel like anything special I feel like a failure.”

“That is bollocks, you brought up our talks and the times we spent together with Kelcey. Some nights you fell asleep on my shoulder, and all I wanted to do was put my arm around you, comfort and make sure you were safe. What happened the other night wasn’t some drunken scurvish, it was real.”

She slowly shook her head, this time pulling her feet away and sitting up, she needed to make it clear to Christian was never going to be them, even if she wanted it to. Peyton was extremely confused, she didn’t know what to do, it was part of still growing up, when at one point she felt matured, but that was a lie she told herself, because for Peyton, it was hard for her to handle tough situations…


Peyton: “Christian, I like you, I will even admit that I am attracted to you which is so wrong on all levels.”

Christian: “Why?”

Peyton: “Because when I met you? Uh, you were sixteen. It can’t happen again; this is not happening again. Look at the bright side, we had sex, now you can go brag to all your friends about it.”

Christian: “Really!? Whatever Peyton.”

She knew the minute that came out of her mouth it was the wrong thing to say. Peyton lowered her head, closing her eyes for a second as she could hear Christian stand up and head to the door…


Peyton: “Christian…. I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry…”

He stood by the door with his back to her in deep thought himself, Peyton watched expecting him to leave…


Christian: “You want to know what the problem with you is Peyton, you’re afraid.”


Christian turned to look back at the beautiful Peyton who was a little confused by that blanket statement…

“You are afraid of letting people in after Ricky died and ever since then you have shut down because you think that everyone should be like Ricky. Jason Dillinger wasn’t Ricky, Alistaire Allocco wasn’t Ricky, I am not Ricky, we will NEVER be Ricky and until you get that through your head, NO relationship is ever going to work for you, none. I came here because I was concerned about you, am I attracted to you, yes. Do I want to be more than friends, hell yes! I felt a connection the other night even if you didn’t Peyton. You want to tell me it’s wrong, it’s fine but it felt right whatever means. I came here because I knew that you were taking this pretty hard and no one should ever have to go through that kind of shit, but I am being sincere here and you don’t believe me, so go ahead and feel sorry for yourself then, because I’m out!”

His words were harsh, maybe a lot harsher than he intended or what Peyton expected to hear. He started to move towards the door when…


Peyton: “CHRISTIAN!”

Her scream startled him as he quickly turned around and she was right in his face. Her eyes were starting to tear up as he leaned in and suddenly, they started to kiss passionately, before he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and almost slamming her against the wall. Peyton knew it was wrong, every fiber of her being was telling her that all of this was completely against everything she believed for just 48 hours ago she was engaged to be married and now this. She was vulnerable, another poor decision, one she would regret in the morning as they made their way to the bedroom.


The Next Morning


Her eyes slowly opened, naked body pressed against Christian’s who was already awake staring at her, brushing a few strands of hair from her face. She was already regretting what she had done, but there was no turning back the clock. Half smiling, Peyton looked him right in the eyes…


Peyton: “We shouldn’t have done this.”

“We did, and you fell asleep and slept like a baby. Again, I don’t have regrets, and neither should you.”

Peyton: “I’m glad one of us doesn’t. Come on, you have to go.”

“Let’s go down for Breakfast and then we can…..”

“Christian, no. You have to go, no one can find you in my room, so please, you have to leave, okay? Don’t make this any harder than what it is.”




Letting out a long, drawn out sigh, Christian gets out of bed and dressed. Peyton puts on a silk black robe and places her hair in a ponytail. After he gets dressed, they walk to the door where he turns to kiss her, but she blocks him with her index fingers on his lips….


Peyton: “Bye Christian, and please do not let anyone see you.”

“Yeah, yeah okay… gotcha.”


As he opens the door and walks out, another door opens where Owen and Jennifer step out. Jennifer and Christian lock eyes and gives her a sly wink. When Peyton steps out in her robe and nothing else, her eyes widen seeing her roommate and his girlfriend and the same dread as before began to fill her up inside… Jennifer storms out as Owen and Peyton share a glare before he turns to go after Jenni. Peyton goes back inside and slams the door closed, leaning against it, her eyes slowly shut knowing she screwed up again. She needed to get away from everything, hit the reset button, do something and first thing was first, getting back home on the next flight out. Knowing there was some down time coming, Peyton went back home later that afternoon to the Hollywood Hills where she lived with Owen Cruze, packed some things and headed out to Arizona to stay with her father for the next month or so until it was time to get back on the road in the SCW.


Ray Rice Home

Glendale, AZ.

3 Days After RTG


Most athletes would be happy with the performance she put out, but not Peyton, she should had been smarter and known that Glory would pull all the stops to get the Adrenaline Championship, a title that Peyton wore with pride. Whether it was the way it happened and how she lost or not, Peyton knew that right now her head was not in the game. Maybe her father would change that. After spending a day there, she sat outside by the pool in a white bikini sunbathing, her long sandy blonde hair hung down, nails polished white. Her father came out, in his battery powered wheelchair….


PeytonCastPic-RayRay: “Hey pumpkin, getting some sun?”

Peyton: Yeah dad, figured I should take advantage of the Arizona weather, might as well before the summer ends. Thanks for letting me come out here and stay with you for the next three weeks or so.”

Ray: “Actually Peyton, I wanted to talk to you about that and everything that has been going on with you, kiddo. I’m worried about you.”

Peyton: “Dad, I’m fine. It has been a rough couple of months, but I just need to hit the reset button and move forward. I have made a lot of dumb mistakes in my life, and I think for once I am starting to realize that maybe I am not as mature and well off as I originally thought. Nothing against you dad, maybe I just grew up too fast. A friend of mine had said that I don’t deal with things very well, I tend to sweep them under the rug and hope they disappear, and I think he is right.”

 Ray: “Peyton, there is nothing wrong dealing with situations at your own pace, some are not worth addressing right away and sweeping them under the rug is the best solution, just remember that no matter what happens, you don’t have to deal with it alone, and I think that is what bothers me about this the most, I mean sure you have Kelcey and Owen, and some others who live close but I want you think about something, maybe coming home.”


There was a slight pause from Peyton, she didn’t expect her father to just throw that out there so quickly, but he had made a point, things were not going the way she wanted, though she loved to live in Southern California, but had already started thinking about getting a new house or condo by the beach. There was so much going on out there, and maybe Peyton had burned some of her bridges….


Peyton: “I appreciate that dad, and I will think about it. I feel like, if I do, I’m running away from my problems and I don’t know if I am ready for that or not. Making mistakes is all part of growing up, you taught me that and I have never seen you run away from anything.”

Ray: “I hate to break the news to you, pumpkin, I can’t run away from anything.”

Peyton: “Dad!”


He starts to laugh some, trying to lighten up the mood with his daughter who he knows is hiding a lot of her feelings right now and putting up a front. She smiles, it was at least a moment for her to show off that beautiful feature of hers, in an otherwise really trying time….


PeytonCastPic3Peyton: “That wasn’t funny.”

Ray: “Then why are you laughing? Look Pey, you know I love you being around and let’s be honest, your old man isn’t getting any younger. Look at this house, four bedrooms, I could use my daughter around again, maybe see some of your friends, could be good for you, a fresh start. Can I be frank with you, without getting mad at me?”

Peyton: “Of course, dad. I won’t get mad, I promise.”

Ray: “I have always been a worry wart since the minute you moved out to LA and pursued your dream of wrestling. I accepted it because that is what you wanted to do, and though you were not perfectly honest with me that you actually dropped out of the University because of money, it took me a while to really fathom what you were going through, and all I kept thinking about was how I felt. It wasn’t fair to you, Peyton. All those times though, whether I was mad or disappointed in whatever decision, mistake or danger you were in, scaring the hell out of me watching and gripping the chair each time you compete hoping to God that you don’t break your neck, over the RTG Weekend and even at the PPV, what I saw? Wasn’t my daughter.”


Peyton’s eyes widen a little, she sits up, face to face with her father….


Ray: “Pey, you weren’t smiling, you were not happy, there was this feeling that for the first time in my life, I was actually afraid that you are going through so much right now internally, not willing to talk to anyone about it and instead fight yourself that it has changed you. That woman I saw in the ring, wasn’t you? It was like, you were going through the motions. Afterwards, when I talked to Kelcey she said you sat in the locker room quiet half the night, the other half you were in catering sitting by yourself watching the monitor and not even paying attention. Yet, every time I ever talked to Kelcey about you, she would tell me that Peyton was the first one in the arena getting ready for her match and the last one to leave, always a student of the game, even if you are not booked, watching and studying every match, but at RTG, which is the biggest event of the year from what you have told me and what I have seen, I didn’t see the excitement and energy. I know last year you were not on the main show, I remember how passionate and determined you were to be on it, and now that I see it, well…..”

Peyton: “…. Dad…. Please stop.”

Ray: “Peyton, you promised your old man not to get upset.”

Peyton: “I’m not upset dad, you’re right. You are absolutely right, and I hate it. RTG was supposed to be one of the biggest matches of my career, I was going to go in with my fiancé and both of us had plans to be victorious and then celebrate afterwards, throughout the weekend we were going to have fun with our friends and family, it was supposed to be such a good time, and it became the worst weekend of my life aside from day…… the day your accident happened and when I found out Ricky died. It changed me, dad. Ricky’s death, I never got over it and I think that I wanted Ali to take his place. I loved Ali, that wasn’t fake, but I think I convinced myself that Ali was the guy for me and I would be happy with him the rest of my life, when in reality, I don’t think I’m ever going to have a healthy relationship with anyone in my life, and when I finally broke it off, I lost it, Dad.”

Ray: “Pey, don’t be so hard on yourself and….”

Peyton: “No dad, I need to say this because you are the only person in my life who no matter what I have done, whether you judged me or not, you never stopped loving me.”

Ray: “Never and I never will, you are the most important person in my life and that is why I want you to move back with me, here. Get away from that shit, come here, get a fresh start. Stop making your old man worry.”


She lowers her head, almost submitting to the suggestion, when she looks back up trying to stay positive and fight off her mixed emotions….


Peyton: “It was slowly building up dad, the little things and his asshole dad didn’t help either. He tried so heard to break us up, he then did other things to me which I don’t want to talk about just top get on Ali’s good side. That part of it troubled me, but then he never wanted me to help him or meet his family, and when suddenly he had all these plans for us without even talking to me, after I went to buy a dress, after I was looking for a beautiful venue, he pulls this shit on me. I wasn’t having anymore of it and then, walking into RTG, I was so upset, and I tried dad, I tried to focus, and I am not going to make excuses, but you are right. I wish I could have a do over.”

Ray: “You can.”

Peyton: “How? No one will ever compare to Ricky. I lost the Adrenaline Championship and there is already a new challenger. I’m done dad. I have to get to the back of the line and let’s not even talk about how I reacted to the engagement break up, you saw how stupid I acted and embarrassed myself.”

Ray: “I already told you we are all entitled to make those mistakes. I have too, don’t beat yourself up over it and considering the situation you were in and state of mind, you may say is not an excuse, but there are times I have done the same thing, not the first time a person has been emotionally hurt then goes out to a bar and has a one night stand. I was a Fire Fighter before I had met your mom, trust me, I have had them too. I’m not saying and will never say it is okay or right, long as you learn from those mistakes.”

Peyton: “I don’t know if I have dad. This is why I needed to get away, I hurt people I care about with let’s face it, my selfishness, for that is what it all comes down too, being selfish. So many people are trying to help me, and I appreciate every bit of it, but at the same time, I in turn have pushed them away as well.”


Ray can see how beaten up his daughter was, in a very low point right now and this was really worrying him. They needed to get out, maybe go do something fun, not just sit at the house and talk about this, it would only make things worse, and this is supposed to be her vacation, time away from all that is going on just an eight hour drive away…..


Ray: “You want to get out of here?”

Peyton: “Huh?”


His daughter answered back, looking at him with a little confusion….


Ray: “Get out of here, you know, like let’s do something, I was thinking that maybe we head out to the Canyon, it’s only a forty minute drive from here, like we used to before.”

Peyton: “Dad, I would love to go do that with you, I think it would be fun but when we used to do that, you weren’t in that wheelchair.”

Ray: “First off, this bad boy has some pretty rugged off road tires, second of all, there are trails and paths we can take that will lead us about half way up, I mean we can’t go to the very top like we used to, but I can hold my own, come on Pey, what do you say?”

Peyton: “Are you sure?”

Ray: “I am positive, nothing would make me happier than to head out to the canyon with my daughter.”


Peyton thought about it for a moment before nodding yes and cracking a smile….


Peyton: “Okay, that does sound fun. Let me go get ready.”

Ray: “Take your time, afterwards we can head to the Diner, grab a burger or something.”

Peyton: “I’d like that.”


As Peyton gets up and goes into the house, Ray at least feels a little satisfied that he was able to get his daughter to go out with him and do something that he knew she loved to, even if she had reservations due to his condition, but he was determined to show her that it wouldn’t stop him. Ray though was still very concerned, reaching for his cellphone he stared at it for a moment or so before finally letting out a sigh and calling the number on his screen….

It rings….

And rings…..

Until a woman’s voice answers….


Voice: “Ray?”

Ray: “Hey Jo.”


It is his ex-wife, Jolene Sommers, the mother of Peyton….


PeytonCastPic-JoleneJo: “Hi, is everything alright, you usually don’t call me.”

Ray: “I know you are probably busy and shit with your work, but we need to talk about Peyton.”

Jo: “Peyton? I talked to her a couple of weeks ago briefly, is she alright?”

Ray: “I don’t know Jo, I really don’t know, that is why I was hoping that you would help me.”


There was a slight pause at the end of the other line….


Jo: “Yeah, of course. Is she staying with you right now?”

Ray: “Yeah, we are about to head out to the canyon. She is spending around three weeks here with me, maybe it would be a good idea to take a break and come here for a day or two, join us for dinner, talk to her, I think she could use that Jo.”

Jo: “I am in New Mexico right now for a conference, but I can be there tomorrow night, maybe see you guys the following day?”

Ray: “That would work, thanks Jo.”

Jo: “Sure. How are you doing?”

Ray: “Right now? I’m alright…. I am just fine.”


They continued to talk a little more on the phone before he hung up right before Peyton came out ready to leave, as he is hoping that maybe Peyton seeing her mother there too, will help in the situation, it was a long shot, but worth a try.


A Couple of Hours Later

Canyons of Arizona


Peyton was rather shocked that her father wanted to go up to the canyons, it was an activity they had done so many times over when he used to walk, before the accident. It was he, along with Rhiannon, Peyton’s older sister and her mother, Jolene, better known as just Jo. She remembered the good times, it seemed like so far away though, and now a distant memory. They couldn’t climb up the whole canyon, only where the wheelchair allowed Ray to, but they were at least able to go up a trail that led them to an elevated site. She was wearing jean shorts, hiking boots and a University of Arizona tank top. Ray was in jeans, A Fire Department t-shirt, baseball cap and boots. He wanted to get away and spend some alone time with his daughter, he could see that there was something troubling her, and it was Alistaire, it was Rise to Greatness, it was her decisions and how they affected so many others. He knew that she was always going to be her own worst enemy. They finally settled in and looked out at the scenic desert….


Peyton: “I forgot just how beautiful and peaceful it was out here. I remember all the times when you used to bring Rhiannon and I up here, those were so much simpler times, yet listen to me, I’m talking like an old lady. I don’t know though; I think getting here and seeing you go up that trail was pretty inspiring dad.”

Ray: “I don’t want to make you upset or anything, Peyton but I brought you up here for a reason.”

Peyton: “Upset? Why would I be upset?”

Ray: “Last time Ricky was in Arizona, he came out here with me, had a long talk about you, and everything that was going on at the time. I had no desire to come out here by myself or with anyone really, and that kid said, nope. Come on, we are going to the Canyon. It was early one morning, you were asleep, and I was really down on myself, he wanted to do something special for me. I have been up here a few times since his death, I feel this is the closest I am to that kid when I am at this very spot.”


Her eyes start to tear up some….


Ray: “Shit…. I didn’t want to upset you, pumpkin.”

Peyton: “You’re not. It makes me happy that you have these great memories with him, and they will never go away. I miss him so much dad…… I miss him so much….. that my life has never been the same since his death and I don’t know if I will ever get over it. Every time I think I do something draws me back, he would know what to do when I am in those types of situations. I never made mistakes when he was around, I felt perfect, gorgeous, loved, and I pushed him away due to games and trust. Everyone always tells me, do not live with any regret, or you will never be able to move on and yet here I am living with regret for I wish just for one moment I could turn back the clock to the day I walked away from him. After I realized what I had done, it was too late, we were supposed to talk that following night when I got back, we had already been talking and I was ready to take him back, dad…. And then he was murdered.”

Ray: “That must be a burden that is almost impossible to carry.”


She looks out into the canyon, not even wanting to turn and face her father, becoming a little fidgety, kicking some of the sand and desert clay around, before finally confiding in her father…


Peyton: “Dad, did you ever think about suicide?”


His eyes widen, tilting his head some, in utter shock and dismay that his gorgeous daughter who has always been happy brought this up. Ray didn’t know how to answer but he needed to be honest…


Ray: “A few times, early on after my injury. I didn’t know how to deal with things and well, it was a tough adjustment for me, but want to know why I never did?”

Peyton: “Why?”

Ray: “Because of you.”


She slowly looks over her shoulder at her father…


Ray: “I saw how hard you were working and struggling, giving up your latter high school and college years to care for your old man after Jo left and Rhiannon went to college as well, you stuck around and never abandoned me, why in the hell would I abandon you? So yeah, it was a tough pill to swallow, and the thought crossed my mind a few times, because I didn’t want to fight, I didn’t want to continue and be who I know I could be with your help. Everyone has a plan, Pey, there is a design in place, its whether we follow it or not. Please tell me you haven’t thought about it?”

Peyton: “There have been times I wondered what the world would be like if I never woke up the next day. I think about the cruelty and stupidity life has become, whether it be in my personal or professional life, I often think about how different this place would be without me….”

Ray: “Peyton, look at me.”


She now turns completely around and sees a single tear trickle down her father’s cheek….


Ray: “I know you are feeling that the world is shit, and the easiest thing to do is step away from it, say fuck it, let it go on without me. Well, let me tell you how the world would be without you in it. I wouldn’t want to go on either. You are my light in my darkness, you led out of some really bad and gloomy places during my rehabilitation to the point that all I wanted to do was fight to one day walk again and show you just how much that meant to me. I know you are hurting Peyton, I know that the world is not a better place without Ricky in it, and it has been over a year now and this is still how you feel which really worries me, but you have to fight and keep going. What happened with Ali, happened. It was better this way to get out of a situation before it became any worse. Losing a title, hell you will get it back, I was never worried about that. Mistakes, friendships, they happen, come, and go always Pey, but your life means more to me and this planet than you think. I’m not burying my baby girl. You’re burying me.”

Peyton: “Dad….”

Ray: “No goddamn it, no. This is not open for discussion, Ricky would have never wanted that.”

Peyton: “I….”


She starts to cry as Ray rolls his wheelchair over to her, grabbing at the handrails and starting to lift himself up….


Peyton: “….I just….. I just want to be half the person Ricky was, dad…… so I can see him again someday…..”


Suddenly he hugs her, as Peyton’s eyes shoot open realizing her father stepped off the wheelchair trying to balance himself, she quickly grabs him….


Peyton: “Dad!”

Ray: “If I gotta get out of this chair to save your life, I will and if I fall, I’ll crawl.”

Peyton: “Daddy……. I love you.”

Ray: “I love you too…. Pumpkin. Promise me, promise me that you are not going to leave me, that I will not be attending my own daughter’s funeral….”


She took a moment before finally saying it….


Peyton: “I…… I promise.”


Holding her father on the canyon, it was not what she had expected but for Peyton Rice, this was what she needed, a little reassurance from the one man that she did everything for. They have had their ups and downs, but one thing Ray never did was stopping loving his daughter. She needed to get away, spend some time with people who loved and supported her….

It was the only way.

That Peyton could start getting back on track and reminding herself there was so much more left to do.


The Few Days Later


Peyton couldn’t sleep, she had awakened up early that morning, came out and had made a cup of coffee, wearing shorts and a University of Arizona Wildcat t-shirt. Her long hair was in a ponytail, sitting with her legs crisscrossed outside by the pool enjoying the morning sun. She was looking at old photo albums and pictures of her and the family, remembering what a tight knit and loving one they were once, all before her father’s accident. Sometimes, this saddened Peyton, other times it angered her, but one thing Ray could see is that she was starting to become increasingly frustrated and short with everything. She didn’t know that he was already up, watching her from inside with his living in keeper, Margherita there, the very nice, and loyal Mexican woman was a family friend for a long time, she would come and cook, clean and take care of all his needs. She lived in the guest house outside in the back, a chance for her to always be there when he needed her. He watched Peyton looking through and reminiscing about the family, he could only imagine what she was thinking the entire time. Margherita could also see that there was trouble there, she handed Ray a cup of coffee….


Ray: “Thanks Maggie.”

peytoncastpic-margheritaMargherita: “Is Peyton okay? She doesn’t seem like her happy, jovial self?”

Ray: “She’s going through a tough time right now, engagement is off, lost a pretty huge match at the PPV, made some poor decisions that have affected her relationships. You know what that is, Maggie.”

Margherita: “Si jefe, all part of growing up, Senor Ray.”

Ray: “Yeah, but I am worried about her, more than I have ever been, and I hate the feeling. I wish I could do more, trying to get her to move out here with me, come home for a while until she gest back on her feet.”

Margherita: “I understand if you want to give her the guest house, I could move in with my sister.”

Ray: “Maggie, please. First off Peyton would kick my ass if I ever did that which I wouldn’t, you are a part of this family. There is plenty of space, she could have her room back, we never touched it after she left. It would be nice to have her here, when she is on the road, then I at least have a piece of mind that she is coming home, you know?”

Margherita: “Oh trust me, I know. It is always better when your hija is home, that is the way I feel when my Consuelo comes home too from Mexico. Just be with her, give her some support. I woke up at about 5 this morning, she has been out there for a couple of hours now looking at pictures in the album, on her phone, internet, she was even talking to herself about…..”

Ray: “…. Ricky?”

Margherita: “Yes.”

Ray: “Damn it, she misses him so much and I thought after a year or so things would get better, but they seem to be getting worse. I think the failed engagement had a lot to do with it too. Alistaire, that fucking guy and his father, I’d like to kick the shit out of him if I could kick.”


A small chuckle slipped from Margherita as Ray smirked….


Margherita: “You are crazy loco, Senor Ray. Breakfast for you two, juevos rancheros?”

Ray: “You know we love us some of those Juevos Rancheros, but make it for four, including yourself.”

Margherita: “Four? Are we expecting someone else?”

Ray: “Yeah, we are, and she will be here shortly.”

Margherita: “She? May I ask, are you dating someone else?”

Ray: “Me? No, no. Jo is coming over.”

Margherita: “Jolene!?”


Margherita looked extremely surprised considering she has never seen Jo step into the house long as she has been working for Ray Rice. Knowing that his ex-wife, the mother of Peyton was coming over, took blindsided her a bit, yet relieving….


Ray: “Yeah, I think that Peyton needs her mother right now too, they used to have a very close relationship before I pushed Jo away. I know that Peyton blames her mother for a lot of things but in all honesty, it started with me. Doesn’t make everything Jo did, right. Leaving me and the kids stun but, in the end, I think everything at least between Peyton and I worked out. I hardly ever hear from Rhiannon these days, so I just hope that she is alive and well, you know?”

Margherita: “I am sure that she is and….”


The doorbell rings just as Margherita was speaking, turning to Ray who nods. She walks over to the door and opens it, Jo is there in jeans, thong sandals and a white halter top with her sandy blonde hair hanging down, nails a glossy coating. She smiles….


Jo: “Hi Margherita.”

Margherita: “Senorita Jo! How are you, please come in.”


They hug as she escorts Jo to the living room where Ray sits in his wheelchair. It took a moment before they locked eyes, reminding each other of what they once had Jo tries to smile, leaning in and hugging Ray….


Jo: “It’s been too long. You look great.”

Ray: “It has been, you look amazing yourself. I hope that the drive in wasn’t too bad or long?”

Jo: “No, Albuquerque isn’t all that bad of a drive to here, but glad to see the old stomping grounds. Where is she?”

Ray: “Outside by the pool. Go talk to her, she has been going through some shit.”

Jo: “From what you text me, I see. Want me to do it alone? You do know that I am not her favorite person right now.”

Ray: “I know, but she NEEDS US both, Please.”

Jo: “Alright Ray, okay. I’m glad you called me. I…. I miss you.”

Ray: “I always missed you Jo.”


After smiling, she steps outside as Ray looks on and Margherita starts breakfast, hoping that seeing her mom will help some, give Peyton some comfort and knowing that people are here to help. Jolene walks over to Peyton who doesn’t realize she is there, sitting next to her as she turns, eyes widened…


Peyton: “Jo?”

Jo: “Hey Peyton. How are you doing, I see you’re looking at one of our old photo albums. Was that at Grand Canyon?”


Jo points at a picture of a teenage Peyton and Rhiannon with Ray and Jo standing by The Grand Canyon, smiling, tilting her head and looking to see how happy they were…


Jo: “It was, that was a good day….. a very good day.”

Peyton: “Yeah, it was. When Rhiannon slipped by the edge and we all thought she was going to fall but grabbed on to me and then you and dad pulled us in, she always had two left feet.”

Jo: “That, your sister is.”

Peyton: “Why are you here? You never come to see dad, you never come to see me, why suddenly do you show up? Did dad call you?”

Jo: “Does it matter, I’m here.”

Peyton: “It does matter, Jo. It matters to me because almost 6 years ago you left dad and I to fend for ourselves. Then Rhiannon bolted as well, we were left alone to fend for ourselves, no…. I was left alone to fend for him and sacrificed everything I had to do so.”

Jo: “I left abruptly, and I shouldn’t have done that, but Ray was being impossible at the time, he kept pushing me away, berating everything I did. He was a miserable bastard and it was hard for me to deal with that behavior. I don’t expect you to understand Peyton, I really don’t. It was a really trying time for your dad and I, should have handled it differently now in hindsight, all I can do now is move forward and be a mother to you and a support for your father.”


Peyton almost scoffed at what her mother was saying, but she was trying to be respectful at the same time, though for her it was hard, when thinking about everything that she had gone through after her mother walked out on her and Ray not even 6 months after his accident which changed her life forever. Jo knew her youngest daughter was upset with her; it was a very trying and emotional time which changed her life forever…..


Jo: “I know you are still mad at me and have every right to be, I can accept it, all I ask is that you give me a chance to be a part of your life now and help you moving forward. I don’t know much about the business you are in; it looks dangerous and your father seems to be worried about what has been going on lately. I….”

Peyton: “Did you even know I was engaged?”

Jo: “Peyton….”

Peyton: “Did you!?”

Jo: “No, I did not.”

Peyton: “Did you know that I have been struggling to be myself again ever since Ricky Octavius, that was the love of my life and best friend died over a year ago?”

Jo: “Peyton….”

Peyton: “No you didn’t. The last time I talked to you Jo, was about Rhiannon who had disappeared and went off on one of her cocaine and heroine benders in Texas until she ended up with some religious Gypsy Clan, other than that, have I had any phone calls or text messages? Have you checked up on me when I was kidnapped by Russian Mafia members out of my own home, drugged and woke up with them wanting to cut off my fingers and toes? No…”

Jo: “What!? When did this happen!?”

Peyton: “That’s my point, Jo! You had no idea if I would have been hit by a bus or not. You were too busy with your job, your beau and looking out for Rhiannon that you hardly ever checked on me and never on dad! He called you to come here, you didn’t call him, and had he not, you would have never came, but credit to you Jo, I am surprised that you are here, I will give you that.”

Jo: “Peyton, your dad is worried, and I am worried. You have every right to chastise me but please don’t shut me out, let us talk, give me a chance to explain. I want to be your mother, is it that hard to call me mom instead of Jo?”

Peyton: “It is, because you stopped being “mom” to me almost 7 years ago. I came out here to look at these pictures and remember how happy I used to be, the family I loved, the friends I cherished and adored, I needed to remind myself that for most of my life, I had a good one, when you left though, I needed to grow up fast, I never had the chance to go to Prom, finish my college studies, just enjoy life without having to work a bunch of jobs to keep us afloat and make sure dad had a roof over his head, even if his pension and disability covered some of the cost. THAT is when I needed my mother most, because like dad, you were not only my mother then…. You were my best friend…..”


She stands up and starts to walk away…..


Jo: “Peyton, please hear me out.”

Peyton: “I’m going to do the same thing you did to me, walk away.”


Without another word Peyton steps inside, looking at her father…


Peyton: “You shouldn’t have invited her.”

Ray: “Pey, give her a chance, she is your mom.”

Peyton: “Not anymore.”


Ray didn’t know how to answer back, as Peyton went to her room. Jo walks in a few minutes later with the photo album in hand, eyes teary-eyed, the severity of her actions hitting close to home. Ray and Jo gaze at each other before she finally spoke….


Jo: “I am so sorry for what I did to you and Peyton, Ray.”


And that was all he needed to hear. Even Peyton heard it as she was in the hallway ready to head over to the bathroom, slipping in and putting the toilet seat down, lowering her head so conflicted, she had no idea what to do, there was no way she could ever forget….

But could she forgive?

Right now, she didn’t know.







“I’m not going to lie; it has been hard for me to get any type of footing since Rise to Greatness. Maybe I am taking the defeat to heart a little too much, or maybe I am so passionate about this business and my success, this is the way I deal with the anger I have deep down inside, the frustration has been building for the last year or so, and finding myself practically non-existent, watching Alistaire Allocco “mentor” Alex Desoubrais Jr., can also tickle me the wrong way too. I really thought I found happiness with Ali; he made the rest of the crap I was dealing with rather tolerable. Again, maybe I jumped the gun on him, or again this anger has finally built up so much that it has started playing a part in my decision making, and while I watched Glory Braddock talk her garbage, while I listen to other vets like Christy Matthews spew their venom, and this sudden influx of old stars moving back into the positions they were in before they left, thinking of my last few matches with losses to Glory and Matt Hodges, I need to start thinking more about my approach, and this is why a few weeks ago I came out and I said the three most dreaded words for any professional wrestler when it comes to a match, the pinnacle of sadism, dangerous of any kind….

Elimination Chamber.

I know what I was getting into when I spoke those words. Sometimes in your life and career, we must make difficult choices, ones that I know personally I will regret, but what did that do? It set off a chain of events, which saw other wrestlers throw their names in the hat, knowing that this was the opportunity to make some waves and get the chance at a title, or to elevate their game to once again remind everyone just how hungry and talented we are. Rise To Greatness was supposed to be a defining moment for me, and it turned out to be the worst loss of my career, not by performance but by feeling and importance. I failed my fans, those who have spent so much time training me, to my friends, family, and myself….

I won’t do that again. Live and learn, that is all I can do now besides….


For Peyton Rice, this simple Arizona girl, living her fandom, it is time to bounce back, and I don’t know what is going to happen inside the Chamber, whether I am the first one in or the last one, doesn’t really make much of a difference for I am going to fight for my life and existence, that is it really, and it starts with making a statement, it ends as a reminder of what I bring to the ring and where I want to be….

A World Champion.

I know I have to take steps, well guess what? I am done taking those steps, instead I am ready to jump for my opportunities and if the Elimination Chamber is my hill to die on?

Then so be it.”




Diary Entry



PeytonCastPic4I keep on getting this sinking feeling that everything around me that has to do with my engagement sees, to be falling apart. I want to trust Alistaire in what he does and the decisions made, but I continue to get this notion that he is moving on without me being a part of it and I am just supposed to be okay with that? How does any of that make sense? I wish that things were different, of course, and maybe I am part to blame for all of this, as I have a tendency of allowing people to walk all over me but at what point do I finally say enough is enough? It’s already pretty stressful knowing the challenges I have ahead of me. I have never seen Glory Braddock more focused than I do now. I watched her beat Kelsai Adamson-Mason earlier tonight, and that was scary, to know just what she wants to do with me, the last thing I needed is to be worked up and caught up into this crap.

I keep telling myself that things are going to work out for the best, that Ali is going to do good and that I am simply overreacting. I wish I were though, because there are times, I want to cry about this. It’s not fair to me either, I don’t think he realizes how much he is hurting me right now, and thinks it is okay or he is just making dumb choices. There is no one here that wants to make this work more than me, but come on, seriously? I want to talk to my dad about it, but I don’t think I am even there yet with him as we continue to crawl back from the argument, we had back over me working for that escort service. I want to confide in him, but don’t know if it is the right time.

What am I going to do? I need to fix this, and I am wishing upon a star here, Ali needs to see my side of things too, but this is not about my life, this is about wrestling too.

I don’t know.

I really don’t.

I’m going to sleep, and hope tomorrow is a better day.











Life itself seemed to be good for Peyton Rice, the young and beautiful Adrenaline Champion was beginning to see that all her trials and tribulations were beginning to become a thing of the past. There were a few instances situations that Peyton fell into, and didn’t come out on top, but that was all part of the learning process, in an attempt to continue growing into her new role as both Adrenaline Champion and a role model that many girls could look up to. As Peyton continued to make her climb up the rankings, her mentor and manager, sometimes mother figure because her real mother was not always in the picture, Kelcey Wallace became the anchor to Peyton Rice, she was her guardian angel, and for Kelcey it was more than that, a way to repay Pey for being there for her while last year she lay in a coma. Peyton Rice now had to face Glory Braddock, a woman that is practically a legend and who could easily take the Addy title from Peyton, who has found her niche, and is riding it high but there are things that sometimes you cannot control and one of them was the wedding plans she had with Alistaire Allocco, her fiancé.

Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned.

It was a slow boil for Peyton, she was starting to see things that bothered her more and more, at first, they were cute nuances, nothing that can be seen as a deal breaker, she accepted them and considered it part of the package, where she never expected Ali to change, but she did expect for him to evolve from that and understand marriage was a two way street. It doesn’t always go the way you planned unfortunately and for Peyton and Alistaire, the engagement was cut off. It was Peyton’s decision, it could be seen as rash, or not thinking things through, but for Peyton, maybe it was all about that, and all she was waiting was for the trigger to finally give her the chance to react…

And react she did.



July 15. 2020

Washington DC.


Peyton found out her opponent for Rise To Greatness was Glory Braddock, and afterwards she had some things to say about the young upstart and the Adrenaline Champion. Peyton knew that Glory was not only one of her toughest challenges, she was a woman that could beat anyone at any time, and the circle of friends she kept, was one that could play a part on this too as they were never fans of Kelcey Wallace, the mentor of Peyton. The gorgeous Rice was also concerned about Alistaire and his match with Matt Hodges. Alistaire though at times had been acting distant, it was starting to build up slowly with Peyton. Alistaire was doing his own thing, whether that was intentional or not was a different story. After Breakdown, Peyton wasn’t tired, she instead slipped her feet into a pair of white sneakers, threw on some jean shorts and a cute halter top, put her hair in a ponytail and walked out on her own to the Lincoln Memorial. There she walked up the stairs, her long nails with the white polish text quickly, she was talking to Kelcey and smiled some, before sitting down at the stairs, enjoying the scenery of the bright lights illuminating the nations capital. After a few minutes, she saw Kelcey walking up, she was in jeans, thong sandals and a black blouse, her long hair was also ion a ponytail and nails polished a matte lavender. Peyton was thinking back to the week before, when she was having a blast with Jennifer Helms and Kelcey Wallace….

Buying a wedding dress…


Beverly Hills Bridal

Beverly Hills, CA.

One Week Ago


Peyton was so excited, this was her chance to start shopping for a wedding dress, even though her and Alistaire seemed to be having some issues. He was really messing up, not showing up on time to places, getting involved in other things and not really being able to spend time with his fiancé. There were other times when she felt he was cold, hiding things, but she wanted to keep believing, to know that her and Alistaire were still strong. Calling venues and getting quotes, she was setting up meetings with them, but wanted Ali to be a part of it, the wedding dress was different. Peyton stood in the dressing room looking at the four dresses she picked, looking at the price tags, she felt a knot in her stomach wondering if she overstepped her boundaries, as it was the suggestion of Jennifer and Kelcey to come here, it was the best in the area. In her underwear, nails polished white, Peyton put on the first, a form fitting straight long dress with no train. She stepped out; the sales representative was talking to Kelcey as Jennifer’s eyes widen….


PeytonCastPic-JenniferJennifer: “OH MY GOD! Get out of here, seriously! Kelcey!

Peyton: “Jenni, stop you’re embarrassing me.”

Jennifer: “Embarrassing you, uh how!? You are like one of the most beautiful women in the world and Alistaire has no idea what he has right now, lemme tell you girl! Seriously that dress is all you, and I am loving it all!


Kelcey turned to look at me, Jennifer had already made It aware to everyone in the entire city of Beverly Hills that the dress looked good one me. I did think it was cute, I really liked it for what it was, and I would love to wear something so simple and elegant like this, really shows off my curves, but a ten thousand dollar price tag is way too stiff…..


Kelcey: “That is incredible, I haven’t seen you in any of the other dresses but that one is just stunning. Try the next one on, but I think that Jennifer and I can both agree that this type of dress is probably what you want to go with. I had a train in mine, a vail, it was all crazy, but I loved it. What do you think, Peyton?”

PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTPeyton: “I love the dress, there is no question about it.”

Kelcey: “Do you even want to try a new dress?”

Peyton: “Can I talk to you for a second?”

Kelcey: “Sure love.”


Jennifer was just turning nineteen, I don’t know as a super model and EMERGE Champion would she understand the value of a dollar, the Helms are loaded and though Regan doesn’t flaunt her money, she doesn’t wear Walmart or Marshall’s either. We stepped away, Jennifer was seen talking to the sales rep, as I was kinda of embarrassed to bring this up but had to anyway….


Peyton: “Kelcey, I can’t afford this dress. I mean, I make a decent living wrestling for the SCW and being a champion and all, but an over 10K price tag is too much, and this was one of the cheapest, I saw a dress in the dressing room that was over 30K, I mean, we can go to David’s Bridal, I can get a nice dress for a maybe 2 grand the most?”

Kelcey: “This is your special day, right? Then do not worry about it. I hope that you only get married once, but that first wedding for both of you is going to be extra special. Don’t worry about the price tag.”

Peyton: “I have to, I don’t think I can afford this, I send half my earnings to my dad to support him right now, disability is chump change. I need to think about that. And ….”

Kelcey: “I wasn’t going to tell you this, I am paying for your wedding.”


Wait, what!?


Peyton: “Uh… wait, no! Heck no, Kelcey there is no w3ay that I am going to let you pay for my wedding, no way.”

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “I am, this is my way of repaying you for everything you have done for me. When I was in a coma, you were there, when I was lost, you were there, when I was drunk, watching old wedding videos, you took care of me, Peyton, you’re like the daughter I always wanted, I am not going to allow you to have a wedding and have to worry about expenses, this is also not up for discussion, period.”

Peyton: “I can’t accept.”

Kelcey: “You are going to accept, love. It is already done, I have taken out the funds, and I am not taking NO for an answer. Now come on, we have a lot of things to do, and getting you the perfect dress is one of them.”

Peyton: “I think I found it, yeah it was the only one I tried but I really like this dress a lot. I just can’t believe you would do that….”

Kelcey: “I have no problem at all doing that for my protégé and daughter, besides, you should be gleaming with happiness, do not let all the other stuff bother you so much, alright? Just worry about this. We have Rise to Greatness, and so much more going on, it is going to be an exciting time, alright?”


I couldn’t answer back anything else, I mean she pretty much already drew the line in the sand, so I had to abide by the rules. Nodding, I smiled because I was so appreciative of what she did, and that alone was enough to make my day. Maybe this was going off without a hitch who knows, but one thing I do know., I am really excited about it. Walking back into the dressing area, I smiled….


Peyton: “I’ll take this one.”

Jennifer: “It is amazing! See? Easy shopper.”

Sales Rep: “I will get her measurements.”

Jennifer: “I am so excited for you, seriously I am. Sometimes you find the dress and then the dress finds you, I think this one found you babe.”

Peyton: “Yeah, I think you’re right, I really believe it did, I am really excited.”

Kelcey: “We all are.”


It was a nice happy moment, helped me forget about all the negativity in the SCW. The Wonderland and Owen, what they did to Kelcey, Matt Hodges and Ali, the whole thing with me and Glory Braddock, sometimes it is extremely therapeutic to just be able and get away from everything. And now all I hope is that this wedding goes off without a hitch…..



July 15. 2020

Washington DC.


Peyton saw Kelcey approach her, as se sat down next to her, taking out a couple of waters, handing her one. Peyton nods and takes a sip….


Kelcey: “It’s a little humid out here love, I mean, I don’t mind DC, the monuments, the sites but when the bottom of my feet are already sticking to my sandals and I just showered? Yeah it is hot.”

Peyton: “I am sorry, I didn’t know who else to turn to. I am not very good at relationships and you seem to be the expert in them.”

Kelcey: “Look where I am currently, I am not an expert either.”

Peyton: “Okay Ms. Every Guy in the SCW wants to marry you.”

Kelcey: “That is not true….. okay maybe one. What are we getting at here?”

Peyton: “I normally would have just gone to your room, but I know you value privacy and on top of that, with everything going on with Owen, he needs your attention more than anyone.”


She could tell something was wrong, Kelcey Wallace has facial expressions for every mood she is in. This one I think is a mix of curiosity and worry. I didn’t want to alarm her, but after everything that had been going on lately with Ali, I was starting to get concerned, and it was more than maybe I was looking for reassurance from a trusted voice.


Kelcey: “I always have time for you, Peyton. What is going on? Is it Alistaire?”

Peyton: “Yeah, it is. When I first started dated him, he did these quirky little nuances, I thought they were cute, different, I respected his space, I knew that we were never going to have sexual intercourse while not married. For me I was fine with that, I liked him that much. But then, those nuances, he would stop for a moment, and then they would come back, or he started doing things like a single guy does that doesn’t have a girlfriend, like go out without letting me know where he went, he decided to go do something one night with family, I had no clue, and he then told me afterwards. Lately he has been going back to Rochester and I have been asking him to let me go with him, as his stepdad passed, I wanted to be there, but when it comes to anything his family, he shuts me out and now it is starting to become aggravating. It’s not cute anymore, Kelcey, he doesn’t get that he thinks and I’m sorry or that I am overreacting is okay, not it is NOT okay. It is starting to build up to the point that I am wondering if I should even get married and be stuck with it.”

Kelcey: “Let me ask you a question, first. Has he given you any explanation as to why he doesn’t want you going to Rochester?”

Peyton: “After I confronted him, he told me that he was having problems with his family, and they wanted nothing to do with him. I don’t know if that is true or not, I always believe Ali, I trust him, hoping that is isn’t lying to me in anyway, but I don’t know. He lives with Claire Bailey, his “Personal Trainer” and friend. I live with Owen, not really my place to chastise him, right?”

Kelcey: “Wrong. He knows Owen, he also knows that Owen is dating a beautiful former model and champion wrestler, if he thinks for one second that is the same thing, it is not. We don’t know this Claire, where she came from, who she is, you have a right to be concerned and ask questions, lover, you’re his fiancé and that is your ultimate right.”

Peyton: “Well, I don’t know, he gets very ruffled and upset, nervous and is not a very good liar so I have that going for me. It’s just weird, his father is a jerk, the rest of his family I have no idea who they are, I had Russian mafia drug and kidnap me just for Adam to act like a hero and impress his son, while they were ready to cut my finger off. I don’t know what I am getting myself into. Maybe I am trying to hard….”

Kelcey: “Too hard for what?”


Over the past few weeks, I had recognized that there was something I wasn’t telling myself, and instead trying to deny it. I was always an emotional person and it’s no secret that I have been riding that train for quite some time. Ali was the guy I fell in love with, but I had to ask myself, one question, was I trying to make him a void I was missing. He treats me great, but there is a reason that everything started to come crashing down. I could be overstating things, maybe even overreacting, at this point, I didn’t know….


Peyton: “… to make things work? This could be so totally unfair for Ali but at the same time, it’s not fair to me. I want to be a part of his life; I want to share moments with him. I went to get some quotes ad brochures from venues, I have a stack full of them along with caterers, wedding cake decorators, photographers, and florists. I want him to be with me on those, but it seems like he is off on his own doing his own thing and well…. It… I don’t know.”

Kelcey: “It hurts.”


I knew thinking about it, I was going to get emotional, my eyes started to swell up, the last thing I wanted to do was cry but here I am. I quickly dried my eyes, but Kelcey handed me a little hanky., I took it, and collected myself. I don’t want to cry about this, because deep down inside I believe in him, but the more it happens, the more I am becoming numb to it all…..


Kelcey: “Peyton, you need to talk to him. You need to tell him exactly how you feel and have it out. The last thing you want to do is marry a man that is already making you feel like this. You should be certain, Ready for anything, and that is why these little nuances and problems need to be dealt with now and not later. They will only get worse and that is the last thing I want to see.”

Peyton: “I know. I just….. I am not sure anymore, Kelcey.”

Kelcey: “Then if you have your doubts, talk to him first and do not go through with it. Right now you should be concentrating on the biggest title defense of your career, Glory Braddock is one of the best, I have watched her for years, and Alistaire needs to be focusing on Hodges. Maybe I will talk to him and….”

Peyton: “No…. please don’t.”

Kelcey: “Peyton, I am worried about you, alright, I don’t want any of this to just spring up and go sour quickly, that is not productive here. This is a huge event, we need to stay focused, alright? Talk to him, hash it out before next weekend, that way you have one less thing clouding your mind, alright?”


I finally mustered the courage to admit something to Kelcey, and this could be why all of a sudden, I am taking less and less, as I just can’t keep having this happen to me…


Peyton: “Can I ask you something and then give you a thought I had?”

Kelcey: “Always love.”

Peyton: “Have you ever compared your other relationships with other men you have been with?”

Kelcey: “I think we all do to a certain extent. I mean Chris, Scott, and Blake, I’ll use them for examples since they have been my last relationships. Chris was always strong and steadfast, he was a man that took charge when needed and had a sense when to do it right, he was a very good husband until all that stuff with Sienna went down. The downside, is Chris was easily hurt, he had a tough exterior but could be easily insulted or felt betrayed, and I think that was our downfall, I never really thought about my words and just said them, which ended up being a pretty fatal blow to our relationship. Scott is a very intelligent man, a gentle giant who is always thinking. He likes to be in control of things but when he loses them, it rattles him some, Chris didn’t get rattled, but the opposite, Chris wasn’t an analyst like his brother, he went right into something, never thinking about the consequence. Blake is a different kind of guy altogether. I call him the “Trial by Error”. Blake likes to settle, he is okay with something comfortable and easy, if it fits his lifestyle he takes it and adjusts, the only problem with that, is sooner or later, he realizes that this was not for him, but what I will say about Blake is this, he stands his grounds and ideals. Whether they are right or wrong, he is also very chivalrous, coming to the rescue, but see Peyton, every man you date has their upside and downside. One will be different than the other, it is a natural feeling, why?”

Peyton: “I compare everyone to Ricky.”


I knew that was going to get a reaction from Kelcey, who slid next to me, as I rested my head on her shoulder, holding her hand….


Kelcey: “That is unhealthy.”

Peyton: “I know it is, I wish that I could sit here and just realize how stupid and asinine that sounds but it is true, I hate it. But I think about him all the time, and what am I supposed to do. I wish that Ali had his traits, but he doesn’t, and I was willing to forego it, but now? I…. I don’t know.”

Kelcey: “Ricky will always be a special person, alright? Remember that, he will always be the one who was your first love, but now you have got to let it go, because nothing is going to change it, we both know that. Try to fix things with him. Alright?”


I let out a sigh and a surrendering nod, I had given up and that was alright with me, because Kelcey was right, this was something that could affect me in my relationships, there was no way that I could live the rest of my life hoping someone can be my late ex…. I am so stupid. We sat for about another half hour before heading back to the hotel, it was a moment of clarity, but my blood was starting to boil, and I was just hoping, that we could work things out.




It had finally happened; Peyton had broken everything off with Alistaire as he had prepared to have her meet all his side of the family. It was a bit of a shock that this was all happening at one time and it was supposed to be a surprise, but that was the hanger in all of this, Peyton didn’t mind the surprises, she actually thought deep down inside that it was cute in a way, but it had been something she has wanted for quite some time to do, meet his friends, family, acquaintances, so while this was appreciative at the same time it was very annoying for the gorgeous Sandy blonde haired Adrenaline Champion. There was already a huge challenge on the Horizon for Peyton, that didn’t even account for what else was happening. She knew that any distractions could be fatal to her chances of defending the belt against a veteran like Glory Braddock. For Peyton though, especially after what had happened when Kelsai Adamson-Mason faced Glory on the last Breakdown, she had taken notice. Peyton was mature, but her weakness had always been dealing with tragedy. Losing Ricky Octavius while she handled it well in the public eye, really took an emotional toll in private. Then came her love for Alistaire, the chance to build a new life after a few failed relationships. But was that the case again here, another albatross to her feelings and emotions, did she not trust Alistaire to do the right thing and was he right? Did her insecurities play a huge part in her decision to end the engagement when there was actually a moment with his injury and through the argument that maybe Peyton was blowing things way out of proportion? Can you blame her for feeling this way, can anyone really state that she was out of line and even paranoid when she was pushed to this? It seemed like the world was falling apart.

Now what was on her mind? What did all of this really mean?

The work she had put in, looking for places to have the wedding, the reception, the caterers and the wedding cake, photographer and flowers, Peyton already had started working on that, even her wedding dress that she went shopping for with Jennifer and Kelcey, what was that all about? The chance to reassure herself that everything was going to be alright between her and Ali….

And all she was doing was lying to herself.


Right After the Break-Up

Minneapolis, MN.


Peyton walked inside the hotel room, it was supposed to be shared by her and Ali. The Adrenaline Champion sat down on the couch, wearing jeans, slip on wedge sandals and white halter top, nails polished white and long straightened sandy blonde hair hanging down, her green eyes fixated on a pile of paper work and brochures that she had brought with her thinking her and Ali could talk about it. Instead she found out that he wanted to raise a family in New York without even asking her first. She was hoping to live in Los Angeles but was open to compromise, she just couldn’t live that far away from her father, on the other side of the United States. It seemed surreal, she didn’t know what to do, when Jennifer Helms came in, she was shopping for Peyton and her, wanted her to come along but Pey was with Ali. They shared a suite, Peyton didn’t move, flipping through the brochure of the venues….


Jennifer: “Oh hey girl, I did not see you there, I thought you would be with Ali or something, he was downstairs having an argument with the front desk agent, he looked pretty pissed. Anyway, I am glad you are here, so I bought us some bikinis, I know that it is Minneapolis, but I figured after RTG, we should go to a nice island and spend a few days, just the four of us and get away from this mess. This one here is a one piece but screams mid-90’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model with the Cheetah print, okay so here we go….”


Jennifer doesn’t get a response from me, it’s like I heard her speaking and then I didn’t. Before I knew it, she walks over and shows both Bikinis, the huge grin on her face slowly started to fade when she knew something was wrong as I couldn’t even make eye contact….


Jennifer: “Okay something is wrong, did you two have a fight or something?”


I didn’t say anything, instead I felt this anger coming on, and took a deep breath, when the sound of the ring hit the coffee table, Jennifer’s eyes almost fell out of her head, then back at me not knowing what to say, she was speechless….


Jennifer: “Peyton…… I am so sorry, what happened!?”

Peyton: “I ended the engagement.”

Jennifer: Why?”

Peyton: “Because I have had enough…. I simply had enough, Jennifer.”

Jennifer: “What did he do?”

Peyton: “What doesn’t he do, Jen? The same stuff all the time, and I finally had enough. It started with me running into his “roommate” earlier and she was a total bitch. Of course, Ali says they are my insecurities, I guess I am supposed to have those when my fiancé is involved, and he is living with a stripper. You know what…. “


I had enough, thrusting the brochures and everything for the wedding to the ground, I don’t care if it was a tantrum. I had a right to be upset, I had a right to be angry and lose my cool. How could he do that to me, after everything I have gone through him, all that I sacrificed…..


Peyton: “…. I can’t believe me. Everything that I did and goes around planning our future, he wants to have me live on a farm in Rochester and pop out like a dozen kids, then I am supposed to enjoy hanging out at the barn in the back like we are the Dukes of Hazzard. He made all these plans. Had everything figured out, went to venues and was making bookings didn’t even talk to me, all he had to do was let me in his life, and he couldn’t even do that!? Do you know how much shit I was getting for him!? It was awful, it was stupid, I don’t understand how I put up with it for so long, but this was not fair to me! I was ready top spend the rest of my life with him, but oh no, let’s forget about the other half of the engagement, and I tried to be understanding, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but every single chance he was getting all he did was screw up again.”

Jennifer: “You need a drink. Let me make you something, or maybe I should call Kelcey and….”

Peyton: “Don’t. I don’t need you to call Kelcey. I don’t want to be bothered right now, by anything! Maybe I will go for a walk.”

Jennifer: “Don’t go alone, let me go with you.”

Peyton: “No… no, stay here. Owen needs you. I’ll be fine. If you need to call me, I have my phone. I need some fresh air.”

Jennifer: “Peyton….. please? You’re like one of my best friends, let me do something.”

Peyton: “Jenni, it’s okay, I’ll be back later, promise.”


I couldn’t stay there any longer, I was mad, and I didn’t want to take it out on anyone. All I kept thinking about was the way it all ended, and how I could have handled things differently. He was trying to be sincere; he knew that it was a mess up constantly but how many times are you going to apologize for the same thing?! I couldn’t handle it anymore. Grabbing my things, I walked out, knowing that Jennifer was going to call Kelcey at some point, everyone calls Kelcey when something bad happens. As I made my way downstairs and outside, I head out to the park not too fat from the hotel. I put on my hoodie as I knew it would get cool there later, and just walked, not even paying attention to where I was. All I kept thinking about was the breakup, playing on loop over and over again…….


For weeks, I’ve been having doubts that I keep pushing aside but they keep nagging me. My gut is telling me to run, Alistaire. Run from you! Run from this! And I think, I finally found my answer to all those questions wrecking my mind,” Peyton turned to the side, stared forward, her thoughts churning inside her head. She nodded. “Alistaire. You’re a great guy. I do love you. But I don’t think you’re the one for me.”

Just like that?”

Sometimes you can fall out of love as quickly as you fall in. Yet I can’t continue this, I’m done, Ali. I’m done,” Peyton turned towards him. She frowned. She pitied him now, perhaps noticing her the anguish upon his face. His heart imploded in his chest. Chest pains followed. She thrust a dagger right dead center in the chest without a second thought. He shook his head in disbelief. Why was this so easy for her?

No, no. You’re wrong.”

I know I’m right.”

You’re overreacting,” Alistaire’s statement came out more as a plea.

I wish I was,” Peyton lowered her head. She turned towards the bedroom. “I, of course, will get a different room. We can’t share a room. Not after all of this.”

You’re breaking up with me? Like this? Right before Rise to Greatness?” Alistaire’s pain consolidated into raw anger. She hurt him gravely. He shook his head. “Just like that. We’re over?”

It’s how it goes,” Peyton seemed distant now as if her thoughts had gone elsewhere. She seemed like she was making a list, almost as if she was planning out dinner and trying to determine the ingredients she needed for a recipe.

You know what? Fine! I think you’re making a huge mistake, Peyton. I really do and I hope you realize what you’re doing to me,” Alistaire snapped back at her. She didn’t respond, simply adventured into the bedroom. Alistaire followed in as she was putting away her belonging into her suitcase. Alistaire slammed his fist down upon her bag. She seemed taken aback, perhaps even defensive now at the aggressiveness of Alistaire. “No! I’ll leave. You can stay here. I can’t even imagine spending a night in this room. Keep in mind that you’re tearing me apart.”

Well, I guess this is goodbye,” Peyton coldly stated as she looked past him. She then called out as he ventured to grab his suitcase. “Oh, and Alistaire?”

Yeah?” He clung to a shred of hope that she changed her mind.

I hope we can keep things professional between us at the shows.”

That infuriated him even more. He found himself speechless. At least, any words that wanted to come out of his mouth was nothing but vile. He rather bit his tongue; on the off chance that she might change her mind. He slammed his clothes into his suitcase, only bothered to zip it halfway before he went stomping out of the room and then the suite.


Was I wrong in what I did? Should I have given him the benefit of the doubt and accepted his apology even if he was planning this life with us somewhere else? I didn’t know if I was overreacting but I became so cold and distant, that it angered me so much, I wasn’t even accepting any explanations, it was to the point where I didn’t even care what the excuse was. I tried my best, I really did, and now I feel like I jumped the gun, but not like it was any easier for me, Claire acted in a very rude and condescending way when I was nice to her, Jesus Christ, I am nice to everyone! I don’t know what to do, I really don’t, I mean I broke off the engagement, did I make a mistake like I did Ricky? Oh my God, am I going to regret this. I felt my knees week, ready to buckle, so I sat down and took a deep breath on the bench, rubbing hands on my knees, just nervous…..

I closed my eyes, feeling like I was about to have an anxiety attack, thinking of what happened earlier with Claire…..


A Few Hours Earlier


There were a lot of wrestlers when it came to Rise To Greatness weekend, many of them stayed in the cluster of a few hotels. Unknown to Peyton Rice, Alistaire had invited a lot of people that Peyton never knew existed to throw them a little surprise party. The problem was that he made all these plans and didn’t include Peyton in it, and one person that she had wanted to meet for a long time was the voluptuous Claire Bailey. She was Alistaire’s roommate and friend, but she was the type of woman that wanted to meet Peyton, she seemed disingenuous but that could have been an act. Peyton was walking through the lobby, she had grabbed a mineral water and a Cliff Bar from the Micro Markey after her workout, in long tights, sneakers and a black tank to. As she started to head toward the elevator, she takes a turn, running into a red head, she slowly picks up the water she dropped and smiled…


Claire: “Sorry, didn’t see you there.”

Peyton: “No worries, it was an accident.”

Claire: “I want to say that you either look or sound familiar?”

Peyton: “I don’t think, we have ever met, my name is Peyton.”

Claire:Wait…. Peyton Rice, Alistaire’s fiancé?”


I looked at her kinds of curiously, I mean people would probably know me from TV, but it seemed like she was different, taking a general liking to me the instant she knew my name. I tried to be cordial and smile, extending my hand, where she slowly shook it….


Peyton: “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”

Claire: “Claire. I’m Ali’s roommate and trainer.”


I thought so, but I smiled and hugged her, trying to be friendly as I could…..


Peyton: “Hi! I mean we finally meet one another.”

Claire: “I know right, I always asked Ali when I was ever going to meet you, but he kept saying soon, and soon. Here we are finally. I can say this you’re adorable, I don’t know about this, you might be too good for Ali.”

Peyton: “Oh stop, He is a great guy.”

Claire: “Yeah, he is, just very needy, make sure that you have that in you.”

Peyton: “What do you mean?”

Claire: “Oh he loves you to boot, but sometimes he has this thing about being in love, that he as to put a ring on the finger to keep then, typical guy stuff, you know.”


If she was trying to turn me off from Ali, she was really going hard at it. I thought this was going to be pleasant and drama free, I didn’t not expect for her to be this way. It shouldn’t surprise me though, but now I am asking what their training sessions consists of, trying to keep my cool, because I was already upset with all of this, I smiled and nodded….


Peyton: “Right, right, of course. So, I am sure you have him ready for Matt Hodges?”

Claire: “Of course, he is ready, I had to get down and dirty with him, get those muscles going, because he can’t tackle a guy like Hodges lightly, we don’t want him to lose like you did, so trust me, I was all over him this week, and his knee is still tender, we can adjust all that and have some therapy sessions at night before he goes into RTG.”

Peyton: “Right … right, yeah we don’t want him to get outwrestled like Hodges did me, that is the last thing I want and of course. Getting ready for Glory Braddock is a tough one and well, I need to be ready for that too. Well, it was nice to meet you, I am sure that we will meet up again this weekend and have more…. Uh girl talk.”

Claire: “Oh, for sure, I am super excited about catching up, I see what he likes in you, a very nice and sweet beautiful woman. Just be careful though, nice girls finish last and we don’t want that to happen.”

Peyton: “Oh no, of course not….. never. Yeah, okay bye.”


She gave me some smug smile, and I walked off, trying to keep my cool and be nice was hard, that woman tested me but for Ali’s sake I would try to get along, but she already set the tone for me, I was already in a mood when I ran into Ali, and that was it. Claire was playing games and I wasn’t about to bite…..


Present Time


I sat there still thinking, then decided that I was going to the little Martini bar right around the corner and grab me a drink. Maybe a glass of wine or something, looked really nice and the type of place no scumbags would be in. I made my way across the street and entered, it wasn’t very full, I took a seat at the end of the bar, they had a bunch of Martini’s. A great selection of wine, but looking at that, I felt like the best thing for me would be a Lemon Drop Martini. The Bartender was cute, older guy, seemed to think I was attractive, and this is where my thoughts stop. He passed me the Martini; I went to hand him my credit card….


Bartender: “No need, the gentleman at the other end of the bar said he will pay your tab.”

Peyton: “Gentleman? What gentleman?”


As I look over, I see someone, but the sun is still shining through the window and I can’t really make out who it is. He then stands up and walks toward me, as he gets closer, I roll my eyes and shake my head….


Peyton: “Take my credit card, I will get my own drink, thank you.”

Bartender: “He insisted.”

Peyton: “I…..”


He sat next to me and smiled, looking all handsome in his shirt and dress pants, but a guy that was bad news since the last time I saw him, I figured he was here to watch his dad and Sienna wrestle, Christian Cannon. The last time I was with him was on Halloween when he tried to kiss me after he and Jennifer had a fight. This was when Kelcey returned unannounced and the shit hit the proverbial fan. After that he broke up with Jennifer, wasn’t very cordial either, but of course, he happened to be here….


PeytonCastPic-Christian2Christian: “Hey, I come in peace. You don’t seem very happy and I must admit, you’re not the kind of girl that goes to a bar and drinks alone. Everything okay?”

Peyton: “If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t tell you, besides, are you underage?”

Christian: “It’s Rise to Greatness weekend, they see wrestlers in here, they don’t card. Look, I was simply buying you one drink, that is all, after that I will leave you alone, but if you need to talk.”

Peyton: “Christian, you and I were good friends, I really liked you and felt like you’re a great guy until that crap at Halloween and the way you treated Jennifer.”

Christian: “I know, I made a huge mistake and I apologize. I wasn’t exactly in a good place that night, after I saw Kelcey, and I freaked out. It was a pretty tough time for me, but you knew that, we always spent a lot of time together with Kelcey at the hospital, I know you didn’t forget that, right?”

Peyton: “Of course I didn’t forget, you were my buddy, the guy who I played chess and cards with, had the milkshake and burger runs in the middle of the night. We supported each other during the whole scenario with Kelcey, but then you started changing, Christian. It seemed you were becoming more like your dad.”

Christian: I will admit, I was angry, breaking up with Jennifer, I handled it wrong, and what I did with you, I messed up also. I am happy that Owen and Jennifer are together, I was happy that you and Alistaire were getting married, though I will admit, I always thought you were too good for him, really too good for anyone.

Peyton: “Christian…. I appreciate that, I really do, I’m just having a really bad day, and I didn’t expect to see you of all people. I’m not being myself right now. I always thought you were a good guy, Christian, just disappointed in what you did and how you handled it.”

Christian: “I totally agree, so again, I’m sorry.”


I was not going to hold this against him forever, I am not that vindictive person, but at the same time, I’m not just going to forgive and forget either. I know who his dad and stepmom are, he is dangerous waters that is best not to swim in, but at the same time, right now I am having a drink, and someone to talk to could be refreshing, especially one that is not in my own inner circle.


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2Peyton: “Fine, fine… apology accepted.”

Christian: “Your finger.”

Peyton: “What is wrong with it?”

Christian: “Where is the ring? Aren’t you still engaged to Ali?”

Peyton: “It is a long story.”

Christian: “If you don’t mind me saying Pey, we have all evening to talk about it, if you care to share.”

Peyton: “I don’t know if I do, but I will say, maybe I was too good for him, maybe I wasn’t.”

Christian: “Then how about some good company, just a couple of drinks.”


I picked up my Martini and took a few sips, looking right into his eyes, for some reason, I was feeling a little rebellious right now and hurt, so sure, I think maybe talking about it and having a few drinks will not be so bad….


Peyton: “Sure, I guess we can have a couple of drinks, I have some time.”


I knew staying there, drinking some Martini’s and talking to a guy who obviously has a thing for me and is younger is a huge mistake, but sometimes, you just have to take a chance and be willing to make those mistakes.


Five Hours Later


Kelcey Wallace and Jennifer Helms, along with Owen Cruze stepped out of the elevator, Peyton didn’t show up to dinner with the rest of the Perfect Pack including Aaron Blackbourne, of course Alistaire wasn’t there either, after what Jennifer told Kelcey she didn’t expect him there. Kelcey was worried, she text Peyton consistently for the last hour but heard nothing. Kelcey and Jennifer walk inside, Owen goes into the bedroom as Jennifer see Peyton’s room closed, she slowly opens it to check on Peyton and she sees clothes strewn all over the floor. Jennifer sees Peyton’s bare leg and foot laying over the blanket, as Jennifer is about to leave, she hears some moaning, from a male voice….


Jennifer: “Peyton?”

Peyton: “What… uh….. Jennifer….. don’t turn on the light!”


It was too late, Jennifer flipped the light on and saw Christian sitting there next to me, he had no clothes on, I don’t even remember how we ended up in bed, I could hear a squeal before Jennifer slammed the door shut. I quickly rolled out of bed, threw on a robe and bolted outside though I was still really drunk, working off my pure adrenaline and not the title, as I came out, Kelcey was standing there arms folded as Jennifer had slammed the other door of her bedroom….


Peyton: “Jennifer… wait!”

Kelcey: “What the hell did you do?”

Peyton: “I…. I had some drinks.”

Kelcey: “With Ali?”

Peyton: “No.”

Kelcey: “Why is Jennifer so upset!?”

Peyton: “I…. don’t….. well…..”


Just as I was about to say something, here comes Christian fully clothed, I had never seen Kelcey’s eyes widen like that before, and I knew that this was not going to go over well with her….


PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “Are you fucking serious right now!?”

Christian: “Mom…. I can explain, don’t be mad at her, this is not her doing, we met up and had some drinks.”

Kelcey: “First of all, you are too young to be drinking! Secondly, I need to talk to Peyton right now. Christian, go back to your hotel room and make sure that when I come over in a little bit, you are there to talk, understood?”

Christian: “It was not her fault, you need to know that.”

Kelcey: “NOW, PLEASE!”

Christian: “I’m sorry, Pey.”

Peyton: “It’s okay, listen to her, and just go.”


We looked at each other, he had remorse painted all over his face as he left quickly I stood there, arms crossed, trying to keep my balance, when Kelcey glared right into my eyes, if looks could kill, I would be dead.


Kelcey: “What the hell!? Please tell me this is not what it looks like!”

Peyton: “We met up at the bar, he was there, so we had a couple of martinis. he brought me back here to make sure I get home safe; I was starving so we ordered some room service and I don’t know what else you want me to say….”

Kelcey: “You don’t know!? How irresponsible can you be Peyton!? You are at Rise To Greatness defending the Adrenaline Championship against one of he best wrestlers out there and you are fucking around with my stepson!?”

Peyton: “Don’t yell at me.”

Kelcey: “I heard about the day you had, I get it and I am so sorry that this happened but going out and getting drunk and hooking up with Christian is unacceptable! This is not how a Champion acts and this is not how a Champion treats the biggest event of the year! We have to get past what happened with Ali, but not like this! You’re smarter than this! You don’t mess up!”


After the last line, I lost it….


Peyton: “I am not Perfect like you!”

Kelcey: “That is not fair, Peyton, no one is expecting you to be, but you are one of the smartest women I know. I have never expected you to be perfect.”

Peyton: “Yes, you are!”

Kelcey: “No, I am not. What I expect from the Perfect Pack is proper conduct! Especially during one of the biggest weekends of the year. I was able to get Nathaniel back, what happened has been messing with my head and brought up some emotions I didn’t think were still there. This rollercoaster ride is too much. It is bad enough the shit I am going through with Owen and the Wonderland, I don’t need to have to worry about the one person I thought would be smarter than this!”

Peyton: “I can screw up once in a while and if that means I slept with your stepson then so be it! I tried to make that marriage work and he basically threw me to the side for his own goddamn ambitions! I am sorry if I wasn’t Pretty Perfect tonight! It’s not like you never screwed up either!”

Kelcey: “We are not talking about me! We are talking about you! I get it, what happened earlier is devastating, and I am sorry, but this is not the way to go about it.”

Peyton: “Because you’re an expert in the subject?”

Kelcey: “No, because I know better, I have some experience in the subject, Peyton.”



I stopped and realized what I had said, covering my mouth and closing my eyes, I started to tear up because I knew that what I did was hurt Kelcey more than anything. She had Nathaniel back home, but the guilt she felt about what happened to Chris and her had always overwhelmed Kelcey. Her nostrils flared up, staring at me, I was waiting for her to say something and instead, she turned around and walked out the door. I slowly turned into my room, closed the door and slammed on the bed, burying my face in the pillow, crying my eyes out until I passed out.





Peyton was ashamed of how she acted and what she did, hurting her relationship with Jennifer, betraying Kelcey’s trust, she didn’t handle things well and when alcohol was involved, it was worse. After Peyton had gone out, slid into the bar closest to the hotel, listened to music and had drinks, she ran into Christian Cannon, a man she knew all too well. He was also the former boyfriend of Jennifer Helms and son of Chris Cannon, stepson of Kelcey Wallace when they were married. Peyton was so embarrassed for what she did, getting drunk, allowing her inhibitions to get the best of her and sleep with Christian, that she quickly left the room and was downstairs working out.


An Hour Later

Hotel Gym


She ran on the treadmill, and just kept running, she needed to get everything out of her mind and concentrate on one thing, that was to defeat Glory Braddock. The gorgeous Peyton was in her black tights, sneakers and white sports bar, hair in a ponytail, little makeup. She just kept running and running not realizing that her father had rolled into the gym, there was only a few more patrons, she was so focused on RTG and trying so hard to put her mistakes behind that she finally caught him off the corner of her eye, almost losing her balance and falling, but catches herself quickly….


Peyton: “DAD!?”

PeytonCastPic-RayRay: “Don’t fall on my behalf, shit.”

Peyton: “Jesus Christ, I… you startled me! What are you doing here? I thought you were going out to the Hall of Fame Breakfast with Kelcey?”

Ray: “Yeah, my little baby is more important. I heard about the shit show with Alistaire. She told me what happened yesterday, why didn’t you call me?”

Peyton: “You were flying in late, I went to bed early, really didn’t want to bother you with my problems, truthfully, I was not feeling it dad. Seemed like everything was moving so fast, that I lost track of everything. This morning, has been awful so far too, I still am sick from yesterday.”

Ray: “You mean hungover.”


He knows me too well….


Peyton: “Yeah, that too. Dad, I screwed up, I seem to always screw up when it comes to my relationships and if you found out what I did last night, you would never talk to me again. I do not want a repeat of what happened earlier this year, I can’t go through that again, dad, I can’t. You not being in my life was the worse thing to ever happen to me, and if you think I used really bad judgment and made myself look like a fool, which I believe I did, then you wouldn’t understand.”

Ray: “Understand? You mean like get drunk, hook up with another fella? Happens all the time pumpkin, we are not immune to sadness, we are entitled to make mistakes and deal with it in our own way. Kelcey told me about it, because she was afraid of the same thing, but I need you to remember something Peyton, you don’t need to keep up appearances, it is okay once in a awhile to deal with a situation that is out of your control. No one is mad at you for going out drinking, they are mad at you for not reaching out, and when you are drunk, we all say some stupid shit.”

Peyton: “But us…”

Ray: “Us? What happened before was a shitty situation, I messed up, I screwed the pooch that time around, I should have been more understanding and I wasn’t. We are fine, there is nothing that is going to happen to us, I can promise you, no way in hell will I allow that, I’m not losing my kids again.”


It was very comforting hearing those words from him….


Ray: “Well, Kelcey was really upset, I hadn’t seen her like that, the argument you two had really shook her up.”

Peyton: “I disrespected her, for I shouldn’t have acted that way. She is like my mother now, and I treated her like garbage.”

Ray: “You recognize that, it is a start. Thing is, you have a huge opportunity this weekend to make your stand on the biggest stage of them all against one of the best, and now you need to push all of this aside and concentrate on that. What happened with Ali, he fucked up, plain and simple, he let go of the best thing that has ever happened to him. Unfortunately, now, you have some making up to do. Kelcey and Jennifer, who by the way is a really sweet girl.”

Peyton: “I know she is, and I probably ruined our friendship. She has been there for me whenever I needed her, I even hooked her up with Owen, and now I feel like I just thrusted the knife right in her back, and am frightened of even approaching her right now.”

Ray: “No you didn’t, but if you run away, then you may. These people are here to support you Peyton, we all do stupid shit that will bite us in the ass, but in the end, there is forgiveness out there to be given, you just need to seek it. Take a moment to talk to her, if you don’t it will not solve anything.”


He was right, I needed to make amends somehow but it was tough for me, I said some really mean things to Kelcey, I also hurt Jennifer who probably doesn’t trust me anymore, I really did screw up. Now I need to fix things, but the hurt is there, I have been thinking about Ali, what happened yesterday, and also what I did with Christian. I allowed by inhibitions to get the best of me and now I have to pay the price. I lowered my head and nodded, but my dad will always support me, no matter what which is comforting to know.


Ray: “Finish up, we can go to that Breakfast together, if you want, I would like to see it.”

Peyton: “Oh dad….I can’t, not after what I said to Kelcey and…’

Ray: “Save that part and tell her yourself, pumpkin.”


I didn’t get what he meant at first until just then the door open and Kelcey walked in, my dad nodded, telling me to go over to her. I slowly started to walk, didn’t know what to expect. I said it, not wasting anytime….


Peyton: “Kelcey…. I need to tell you something.”

Kelcey: “No you don’t, love.”

Peyton: “Yes, yes I do and I will do whatever it takes to fix this. I am so sorry.”

Kelcey: “I know you are. What you must be feeling right now is terrible and I will not add to that. Sometimes we get thrown a curveball and wonder why this is happening to us, and if I could fix it for you, I will, but I think that you already had that decision made in your head.”

Peyton: “I…. I supposed I did, huh?”


I never thought about it that way, seeing it now, maybe I had some sort of predetermined decision which needed a trigger, and yesterday was it….


Peyton: “But Christian…. that was never meant to hurt you or Jennifer, I swear. It just happened and now looking back, I am so ashamed, I feel so damn stupid.”

Kelcey: “Don’t be so hard on yourself. We love you Peyton, what happened with Alistaire is terrible news, what you did last night was poor judgment and you hurt a few of us, including me and Jennifer.”

Peyton: “I have accepted the fact that you will never look at me the same again.”

Kelcey: “No love, I’ve been there too. We all have, but if I can prevent you from making the same mistakes I made, then I will do that. Your apology is accepted, we are good, you don’t have anything to worry about there, but now you need to go talk to Jennifer, because right now, she feels really betrayed.”


I can’t believe I did this….


Peyton: “I’ll go see her now. I am so sorry…… I….”


I couldn’t hold it anymore, I tried all day yesterday and this morning, but it was too much, I broke down because I didn’t know if I had made the right decision or not. I held it long as I could, feeling like my entire existence was shattering into pieces before my own eyes. I couldn’t lose the respect of Kelcey or Jennifer, I didn’t want to disappoint my dad again. There are people who may not care what happens to them and their lives, what people think about them, but I do, and without them, I would be nothing. Ali is a good man, and I did love him, but damn it, I couldn’t take it anymore, and it scares me so much, because the last time I let someone go, they left forever….

And now I feel that way again.






Diary Entry



PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTI am so stupid, and there is no excuse for my actions and how I reacted. I guess it was months of boiling over that finally did me in. I felt like he thought messing up all the time was okay, no Alistaire, it wasn’t. It’s like a Jenga set, everything starts building up and then suddenly it comes crashing down. Shit, it wasn’t supposed to be like that, and here we are. Did I overreact? Sure, I probably did, and I feel bad for messing up all these plans he had, and instead this is what happens? I don’t know, I mean I guess I should have thought about things a little more than I did but was I going to continue getting hurt, or ignored?

And for the record, Claire Bailey is a bitch.

I don’t like condescending, snarky girls like her who think they can act all high and mighty especially at Ali’s expense but what could I do about it? Huh? Really, I had no answers for that. Working in such an environment, you are exposed to so much, we all tend to meet each other and there are a lot of relationships that come out of it, my last three have been wrestlers and now I am thinking to myself, it is time to break a break from the dating scene in general and just be single, I already pissed off one of my good friends and disappointed my mentor, I mean what more could I do?

Lose the Adrenaline Championship?

Of course, I could and yet this is the time I have been waiting for, to finally walk into Rise To Greatness for a THIRD time as a champion and defend it successfully, but this will be the toughest. I need to get these next 24 hours ready and set, concentrate on what is right and what is wrong, remembering I have a woman ready to kill me for the gold I hold.

I love Alistaire, I know that deep down inside he is a good person and genuine, but being the way, he is, was too much and in the end it was what did us in.

I’m sorry Ali…

It’s better this way.









The Stone Arch Bridge is a former railroad bridge crossing the Mississippi River at Saint Anthony Falls in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is the only arched bridge made of stone on the entire Mississippi River. It is the second oldest bridge on the river next to Eads Bridge. The bridge was built to connect the railway system to the new Union Depot, which at that time was planned to be built between Hennepin Avenue and Nicollet Avenue. The bridge was completed in 1883, costing $650,000 at the time. 117 Portland Avenue is the general address of the historic complex. Here is where we find the Adrenaline Champion, Peyton Rice, the young woman who will defend her title against one of the best in the world, Glory Braddock. For Peyton, it is all about the challenge and competition, but in recent days, her personal life seems to have fallen apart. Her engagement with Alistaire Allocco was broken off, she didn’t like the way it happened, but it had to, and Peyton is the type of woman that feels bad foe what she did afterwards especially if it hurt someone else, but to Peyton, she was also hurt which led to her decision making in the first place. Now she has to pick up the pieces and move one, find a way to put it behind her at least until after Rise to Greatness, the biggest event of the year and now with her biggest test as Adrenaline Champion one on one with Glory Braddock.

Kelcey has her ready, as she too has been going through an emotional roller coaster with everything that had happened earlier int the week. With Peyton entering her third RTG, she seems poised for another huge night, and continue to climb the ladder of success in the SCW. Things may not be going her way outside of the ring, but inside, she has the chance to erase some mistakes and get to the next step in her development. Kelcey has also been worrying and readying Aaron Blackbourne and especially Owen Cruze with everything that has been going on there and the Wonderland, but Peyton isn’t going to be a burden, she understands the fires burning all over and she is one, capable of taking care of it herself.

Walking on the bridge, Kelcey Wallace with her, Peyton wears jeans, thong sandals and white halter top, hair in a high ponytail and nails polished white, carrying the Adrenaline title. Kelcey is in jeans, purple halter top and matching slip on flat sandals, nails polished a matte lavender and long hair hanging down.




After a few moments, Peyton stops, she stares out into the water, with Kelcey standing by her, taking a second to digest all that has happened, turning to the camera and speaking in her cute girly tone…


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“At times I feel like I am always crossing another bridge in my life, never to cross it again, There are so many different memes out there these days and inspirational quotes that are used to pep someone up when things are not going their way. When I look back at the last year since Rise To Greatness in 2019, when Kelsai Adamson-Mason and I stole the show, it has been a constant reminder of how all can change so quickly, for better or worse and that other stuff. As a rookie in the SCW, but not wrestling as I spent most of a year in the UWA Cruiserweight Division and one full season in EMERGE as its champion, I had a feeling what the tough road ahead of me would be and entail. I consider myself lucky for one reason, I have an incredible support group with the best minds in wrestling to help and pick me up whenever I am down, answer any questions I have or give much needed advice. I think it is safe to say they are one of the reasons why I am still around right now and holding the Adrenaline Championship.

Wrestling and your personal life though, it is hard to keep one separate from another. Training at Ante Up Academy, meeting new people, being so involved, and entrenched in the business, it literally becomes your life. I know of many stars that have taken a step back and realized the business consumes them, I was warned of it, and usually there are these blurred lines that suddenly become really hard to determine and make out. The first part of my journey was an adjustment period, the chance to get my feet wet and really learn the ropes and everything that surrounded itself with the sport. Getting acclimated with a new venture and career choice can be tough at times, but I learned a ton from my dad, as he was always a fighter, so I could never let him down. After the incredible success I had in EMERGE and the UWA, it was time to come here, and honestly, I was scared to death. It really says a lot about a company which harbors the best wrestlers in the world, they do not play around, always putting out the top talent and I wanted to be a part of that, no shame in being scared or nervous.

And when I had my first taste in SCW at Rise To Greatness a few years ago defending the EMERGE Championship against Kandis, I wanted to experience it again. Here I am but with it, the road to get here was very difficult, and I don’t know if I have ever been the same since. I’m young, there is a lot of room for me to grow, but I like to think I am more grounded than most, a person who learns from her mistakes and misjudgments, for I have made many, and some have had dire consequences. I love the SCW, this is my home and I admit, it was a rough start, until I won the TV title where I finally found my place. After I lost it to Aaron Blackbourne, I found myself in a little rut again, but picked up the pieces and moved forward, and winning the Adrenaline Championship from Jordan Majors who was on fire a the time and still is with a high profile match against one of the best in Sienna Swann. It turned it all around, I felt that confidence again and was able to really put all back into perspective….

And an incentive to take this title all the way to RTG.

Being back with Kelcey Wallace has been huge for me, aligning myself with friends makes me feel right at home. In my personal life, I lost my first love and best friend, Ricky Octavius, a hard pill to swallow and I haven’t been able to get over it and never will. I never took a break, I didn’t take a step back, I continued to move forward because that is what Ricky would have wanted me to do. I try to honor him every time I step out into the ring and look forward to the challenges presented in front of me, because I draw a lot of my strength from him. It is hard though yet being able to continue in his memory has really changed my perspective.

I was also engaged.

Life on the road can be lonely, we meet people, start to feel them out, not that way, you know what I mean. We become friends and then much more, but at the same time, when your heart is in the right place, but your mind is not, we come to rash decisions. Alistaire Allocco is a good man and a great wrestler, I know that he will show Matt Hodges a thing or two, something I was not able to, that’s fine, we live, we lose, we learn, and we get right back up and try it again. Matt Hodges along with so many other great wrestlers I have faced since coming here have prepared me for this, the chance to meet Glory Braddock one on one for the Adrenaline Championship and knowing her ties, this match will get quite interesting.

The question now is, am I up to the task to defend my title against the self-proclaimed “Best in the World”? With everything that has been going on with me behind the scenes, and the life I chose as a wrestler, I knew there would be challenges like this which people would look to test me as both a wrestler and a champion. I know this much, my life as a whole has been this whirlwind since the last RTG, and I will never forget this past year, but one thing I promised myself and those who have faith in Peyton Rice and have stuck with me this whole time…

When the odds are against me, I don’t disappoint, and I am not going to let them down…

I can’t and won’t.”


Peyton takes a deep breathe, the young champion has had a very hard week in her personal life, but now it is time to focus all of her energies on the biggest match of her career, at Rise To Greatness, where she faces Glory Braddock and the British Bombshell doesn’t think too highly of Peyton or Kelcey Wallace. Peyton is ready, she looks at the title over her shoulder, then back at the camera and speaks….


“I think a lot of us in the business put so much weight on our success and define it all on the biggest PPV of the Year. We see this as the last show, the finale to many great feuds and stories, and the start of new ones, the end of the chapter, a new season and beginning that we look forward to doing, but as many wrestlers who win, there are many who lose and must stew, waiting for their chance to prove themselves, they must question the motive, style and result.

Why did this happen?

The question doesn’t always lie in the result, it could be in your actions, words, or approach. I see that often because EVERYONE wants to win at Rise to Greatness, no one wants to lose. For us though, at least someone like myself, I want to entertain, put my best foot forward and not allow the distraction in my personal life get in the way. I understand now that I’m going to live with a lot of regrets and consequences, I may not be the best to let things go, and lately, I have changed. I’m not as patient as I used to be, it could be more of a growing feeling that has been stacking up slowly for months. I get frustrated more and more, which a lot could be my fault, see, I have certain standards and used to ways I have become accustomed to, which doesn’t always translate to being the most rational person when it comes to things I don’t like. I try to be everyone’s friend; I will not disrespect a wrestler here because we are all in this together. That doesn’t mean I will like or be a huge fan of them, which is why there is competition and we settle this in the ring. That is not always the method in most cases, as there are many who care not for the career or well-being of others, we saw that with Ali and Matt Hodges, or the Wonderland and Owen Cruze, at a time when we should be looking forward to this PPV, with Fan-Fest, the Hall of Fame, Pre-Show and the RTG itself, it has become such a huge weekend for the SCW and the end of another great year.

And that is where I am at now.

I want to end this right, after starting off on the right note, doing it for Ricky and moving on to bigger and better things, the Adrenaline Championship means the world to me, and I say that a lot, I know, but why? Because these titles signify something, they symbolize you’re the cream of the crop and it shows, which brings out the best in everyone, including one who doesn’t need to because she is everyday at the top of her game, Glory Braddock.

It was tough wondering who my opponent would be, for I was ready for any challenge, credit to Kelcey Wallace who has me ready at all times and after a few bumps on the road including Taking Hold of the Flame and a couple of Breakdown’s ago, I simply need to not look back in the rearview mirror and continue on concentrating on what thing…

A Legend in the ring.

I am excited to see David Helms compete for the World Title, the matches are all Main Events but as I enter Minneapolis, the Adrenaline Championship is on the line and my challenger has so much experience on me, it is intimidating. This time though it will be a little different, I won’t be feeling the same, as I have to do what is best for me, which I don’t, I think about the feelings of everyone else and always neglect mine. I am not using my past, the struggles and triumphs I experienced or the pain and agony I suffered, they will not be my crutch, they can’t be, for I will not walk into the biggest night of my career and fail due to my own insecurities. I believe in myself; I need to start believing in my choices and decisions to better my life even though right now it doesn’t feel this way. Time always had a funny way of working, with a promise I made this time last year, I would be on the Main Show, I would be going after or defending a championship and finally I would be against one of the best wrestlers in the world, period.

Now I am here, what I do with it is all up to me, for I asked for this, working hard every single day, sacrificing so much of myself to do so, that shortchanging me now is counterproductive. Nothing is forever, things will evolve, change, or take a turn, but whatever path I have been put on, I will continue to fight and survive. Glory Braddock poses this next test for me, a woman that makes and break careers, needing to take the challenge head on. My father is going to be there watching, my friends, mentors and trainers will be there too, some in their own encounters. We could see a Supreme Champion crowned at Rise to Greatness, so titles change hands, but I want to give you the fans and every single competitor including Glory a stark reminder…

I am just like you.

A wrestler, a girl who was a fan first and someone willing to dig deep inside herself and bring out more than what you have seen. This is my time to shine, and in doing so defeating a World Renown athlete. I won’t let you down, give everything I have and when this is all over, you will know that Peyton Rice put on a show, on the biggest stage of them all.

This is the moment I have been waiting for, as a little girl sitting at the front of the TV….

And now I’m there….

I made it dad, I made it!”


A small smile forms on her face, probably the first time she has all weekend. Thinking about her dad being there, going up against a woman who has been a champion so many times. Glory Braddock is all over the map, and now Peyton can prove herself against Glory. She takes a second, to look back at the camera while Kelcey nods….


“The Best In the World?

I would never take any issue in calling someone that if I knew that there will always be someone better that comes along, this is the beauty of professional wrestling, but for Glory Braddock, she thinks that I made a mistake, why? Because I accepted her challenge? I decided that it would be an honor to step in the ring with a woman that has done It all in the sport on the Biggest Stage of this company? Okay, so that was a mistake? The fact I have Kelcey Wallace by my side as a mentor, is also a mistake, Kelcey who has accumulated the best and this is no lie, win loss record in the history of the business and could step in the ring tomorrow and become a World champion?

Okay, that was a mistake, too?

Finally, I need to be ruthless and cutthroat, and this is the one that I have the biggest issue of them all with, no you don’t. Do you know why people, fans from all over the globe acknowledge you, Glory Braddock as simply the best? They respected your approach. The Best in the World defeats all comers in WRESTLING, what we were trained to do. The Best in the World welcomes NEW challenges, the Best In the World wants to see the sport evolve with young talent that they can help pattern, learn and leave their legacy with. The Best in the World, doesn’t mock or scoff at challengers, they don’t belittle athletes like me and Kelsai-Adamson-Mason or Jordan Majors, instead they guide, nurture and teach them the tools to be successful, for they one day could be where you are at.

The Best in the World?

Is someone like Kelcey Wallace.

Glory Braddock, what you are is a self-entitled successful woman who has allowed HER fame and press to get to your head, not mine, I haven’t reached those levels. When you had a few shortcomings last year, the Main Event at RTG for example, where Alistaire won, you couldn’t handle the fact that a young talent like that could walk out as World Champion. Time and time again, if you had one hiccup, all you had to do Glory is show us why you are The British Bombshell and why you can walk out a winner in the eyes of the fans and the wrestling community, but instead you allowed these mishaps drive you to start taking shortcuts….

That doesn’t sound like the Best in the World with all due respect.

That sounds like the Most Desperate in the World.

It is quite disparaging to see women like you and Syren so keen on protecting your spots, that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to hold them down, out of neglect and selfishness. Instead of being a role model to someone like me or Kelsai, because yes, I saw what you did to her, you would rather put us down, insult and protect the pedestal you’re standing on. I believed in the spirit of competition, and I was naïve when I came here, I thought that veterans and those who paved the way for youngsters like myself, were willing to bring us in and teach us the ropes, not try to destroy our careers. What Rise to Greatness means to me, Glory Braddock, to step up on stage for the first time on the main show, with the Adrenaline Championship, testing myself against you, and if I fail and lose this title, then it was because on that night, you were better than me.

See though, Glory, much as I respect the wrestling ability, able to choke people out, be at the top of your game, what you have done to your legacy, is tarnish it. Don’t you want to be remembered as the woman who was one of the best in the SCW? Or the bitter and self-absorbed bitch who thinks looking down at everyone else like Sienna Swan is cool?

Let me tell you about SCW, Glory.


I am not carrying some Riot title and talking all kinds of crud on Twitter about what a great champion you are, this is the SCW and last year you Main Evented the event that people like Regan Street have not, but Kelcey Wallace? THREE TIMES. That was an honor and instead you sit there and do it as a spouting match with Syren because both of you have the same catchphrases, how petty.

Well Glory, I am not the best in the world, not even close, I ma a just a woman that loves what she does and tomorrow night will go out there in front of millions and fight for her survival and defeat a legend, but I won’t do it because I am better than you, I’m the underdog, I’m going to do it because I never forgot what the wrestling business is all about like you did and threw it away for self-preservation.”


Peyton turns to the title, she then looks at the camera, holding it up in the air, as Kelcey looks on and nods…


“At Rise To Greatness, some will rise and some will fall, but when this is over Glory Braddock, you will still be considered one of the best in the world, and after I walk out as Adrenaline Champion, I’ll be that gal, who’s not just another…

“Pretty” face.”


Peyton glares into the camera with her green eyes, ready for the biggest challenge of her career. Kelcey smirks as Peyton then winks.










The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot monument in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Clad in stainless steel and built in the form of a weighted catenary arch, it is the world’s tallest arch, the tallest man-made monument in the Western Hemisphere, and Missouri’s tallest accessible building. Built as a monument to the westward expansion of the United States, and officially dedicated to “the American people,” the Arch, commonly referred to as “The Gateway to the West” is the centerpiece of Gateway Arch National Park and has become an internationally recognized symbol of St. Louis, as well as a popular tourist destination. The Arch was designed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen in 1947; construction began on February 12, 1963 and was completed on October 28, 1965 at an overall cost of $13 million. The monument opened to the public on June 10, 1967. It is located at the site of St. Louis’s founding on the west bank of the Mississippi River.

Built as a monument to the westward expansion of the United States, the arch typifies “the pioneer spirit of the men and women who won the West, and those of a latter day to strive on other frontiers.” The arch has become the iconic image of St. Louis, appearing in many parts of city culture. In 1968, three years after the monument’s opening, the St. Louis phone directory contained 65 corporations with “Gateway” in their title and 17 with “Arch”. Arches also appeared over gas stations and drive-in restaurants. In the 1970s, a local sports team adopted the name “Fighting Arches”; St. Louis Community College would later (when consolidating all athletic programs under a single banner) name its sports teams “Archers”. Robert S. Chandler, an NPS superintendent, said, “Most visitors are awed by the size and scale of the Arch, but they don’t understand what it’s all about … Too many people see it as just a symbol of the city of St. Louis.”.

Here is where we find the Adrenaline Champion, Peyton Rice along with Kelcey Wallace. Coming off a loss to the Hall of Fame veteran, Matt Hodges with a wrestling move, there was nothing sneaky or slimy about it which Peyton can both appreciate and at the same time hard on herself for allowing it to happen, but one thing she does realize, this is Matt Hodges we are talking about, there is no shame losing to him. Now she needs to throw that behind her, though the feeling of failure has really come down hard trying to honor her fiancé, Alistaire Allocco after what had happened the previous week. Now she has Konrad Raab, another dangerous individual and with only a few weeks left before Rise to Greatness and not knowing who her opponent is, has her on egg shells, so she needs to have a good showing here against Raab and not trip into the biggest PPV of the year. Wearing jeans, thong sandals and a colorful form fitting short sleeve top, long sandy blonde hair hanging down and nail polished white, Kelcey behind her in jeans, open toed ankle boots, a purple halter top, hair in a half ponytail and nails polished a matter lavender, the Perfect Ten stands behind Peyton as the camera starts to record…




Carrying the Adrenaline Championship over her shoulder, Peyton looks up at the arch before turning back to the camera and speaking in her cute, girly voice…


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“The famous St. Louis Arch, the gateway to the West as what they call it and for someone like me, the chance to continue venturing out and elevating myself to the next level. I chose this place for one reason, sometimes we don’t see the clear passage in front of us, we need something or someone to guide us, those lost could look upon this monument and know exactly where they are. I am going to be straight and honest with you guys, I lost. I don’t have any excuses, nor would I ever make any up for it. I was angry going into the match, for what happened with my fiancé, Alistaire Allocco, when Matt Hodges faked his knee injury, or at least played it up, then tried to hurt Ali so they could have an even playing field? This is the part that really upsets me, for I could have done something about it, if anything fight for the honor of my fiancé, and simply put, I muffed it up, didn’t live up to what I should have done and we all know that I am my own worst critic, all I want to do is keep improving so that I can hang with these legends considering so many are returning. In order to do so, I can’t allow what happened at the last Breakdown happen again, not on the road toward Rise to Greatness….


I hate feeling like this after a show, where I didn’t get the job done, the sense of failure, not so much for a match but what had happened to my fiancé, Ali the week before. They tell you the good guys always win, and there was a time when I passionately believed that if you follow the rules and do everything right, they would. Today, I don’t feel that way and yet, I can’t fault Mr. Hodges, he wrestled the match and caught me, and now who knows? Maybe if I survive RTG, he could be the next in line after his match with Ali for an Adrenaline Title shot. I feel a bit defenseless right now, like I can’t protect the man I am going to marry.

It’s Ricky all over again.

A few weeks ago, it was Kelcey also, what good am I, when there is no follow through?

Therefore, I have a message for you Mr. Hodges that I want you to listen to loud and clear. Last week, you caught me on the victory roll, you went out there and beat me with wrestling, nothing more. You made a point that you’re the best technical wrestler in the world, and I was able to see that first and foremost, in the ring and experience it. BUT and that is a big one, if you think that Matt Hodges has seen the last of Peyton Rice? You’re mistaken, sir. You’ve become my measuring stick. After all this crap going on with the Wonderland, I wanted this bad. It’s okay though, I brought the fight, you brought the experience, and withstanding what you did to Ali, I cannot disregard the competition and how my match ended. Congratulations Mr. Hodges, we WILL meet again, and I promise the results will be different. For now, though, I know that Ali is going to bring his “A” game to Minneapolis, show the entire SCW that while you’re the storied past? The Perfect Pack is the inspiring future.

I can’t dwell on that loss though, I am the Adrenaline Champion, and I need to remember I have a title to defend come Rise to Greatness, against who? I have no idea, hopefully I will find out tomorrow night. Time to move on to the next match. We win and lose, this is part of the game, I was beaten with a wrestling move, I can’t be mad at it, even if I don’t like the man, I can at least respect his ability in the ring. One of the true natures of this sport though is learning as you go, what you make of it, is what stands out most. For me, I admire wrestlers who come out and fight, they don’t care about records, they love the sport and constantly become inspirations for the younger generation with a no quit attitude and good manner. One man who doesn’t get enough credit for that is Konrad Raab. Here is a gentleman who comes to work every single day and punches in, ready to compete. He may win some, he may lose some, the true measure of this man though is in his heart of competition and I cannot say truer words. While I was extremely disappointed to lose to Matt Hodges last week, I was super excited to learn my next opponent would be Mr. Raab…

And come Breakdown, it will be an honor to step in the ring with him.”


The beautiful Peyton Rice smiles, proudly holding the Adrenaline Championship and while this is a non-title match, Peyton is looking forward to face a man she respects, who has always shown up to fight and done whatever he can to survive. Konrad is in his fifties, Peyton finds that to be awesome, he is still like a kid in a candy store, just like she is, but to go in with an expectation of being a clean fight lowers her stress. She turns and looks to the camera and speaks, Kelcey looks on….


“I am the first to understand trial by error, I know what it’s like to find something that sticks, maybe you just need to be yourself, though for Mr. Raab, I see someone who is still searching for his true identity in the SCW, and threw his age, while impressive, he can surprise anyone with his quickness. Mr. Raab though hasn’t always had good times in the company. It wasn’t but a year ago he was feuding with Regan Street in part with Xander Valentine and Damian Angel. Yes, the same Damian Angel who too had quite an unhealthy obsession toward me which I will admit, distracted, and cost me some matches. That was a time earlier this year I am proud is over, so as we head into the biggest PPV of the year, I meet a man who I still feel at times is trying to find who he is and what he stands for, the one thing he knows for sure?


Konrad Raab is an example of someone who loves the sport, I think in many ways he still has some fears to overcome, issues in confidence, and I know exactly where he is getting at. Mr. Raab, you are a veteran and it would be disrespectful of me to just talk about you or myself, so instead I would like to address us. Sir, I was a young gal out of Arizona that wanted to be an SCW Superstar, I loved watching it when I was kid, so when I was accepted to Ante Up Academy to train, it became a dream come true, one that I was in complete and total shock. We have an opportunity not many other have or can get. Think about this Mr. Raab, imagine all the wrestling fans out there, and only about 2% of them will ever see inside the ring, that is not a lot sir. When I travel the road with this great company, I count my lucky stars, thinking to myself where would I be? As I was learning, I became afraid of reaching this plateau of the SCW. I didn’t know if I could compete with the top-level talent, so for over two years I wrestled in the UWA and EMERGE.

In hindsight, it was the right move for me.

What I find disturbing though Mr. Raab, is just how much talent you have, and yet when it comes down to executing, I think those mild insecurities hold you back some. In many ways, we are a lot alike. I have seen how hard you are on yourself after a loss, I’m the same way. Sometimes I beat myself up so much, Kelcey here needs to slap me upside the head so I can knock it off.”




“It’s true.”


“See, Mr. Raab, even she would tell you. Some people go really tough on you too, I have heard what they say, they do it to me too, I simply ignore it. Instead Mr. Raab, may I share some knowledge which could be super beneficial for you, go out there and do your thing. I have learned to zone out all the negativity, stay positive when it is so hard to do. I love this sport as much if not more than you, I want it to be about competition, two people going out there and wrestling, showcasing their talent, showing, and displaying why SCW is the best. That is not always the case, you have become victim of it, even had different personas to show how you feel, a form of expression.

Here’s the thing sir….

Take a good look at me, this is who Peyton Rice is IN and OUT of the ring. I am not a gimmick; I don’t act differently when I am away from the spotlight or the SCW. I have always been genuine with every person I have encountered, every competitor I have wrestled, or fan I signed an autograph or taken a picture with. I wear my heart on my sleeve and am deeply passionate about what I do. I don’t need to wear a mask, hide my identity, or have some dark or superhero persona triggered by something terrible happening or a repressed memory like you which makes you dangerous, never knowing who is going to show up to the ring, but I have the utmost faith in the world that you sir, are going to be the same Konrad Raab who has been wrestling his soul out for so long here in the SCW and not some Black Ice or something else.

I have always believed in the saying, to each their own.

I respect you and you do the same for me.

Now we come down to the truth though, the sum of what everything here means, and for us it is momentum. For me, I know that I will be defending the Adrenaline Championship at Rise to Greatness against an unnamed challenger, a win by you over me could spell it Konrad Raab. The possibilities are endless and I need to have that monkey off my back from last week, if I lose here I lose any little momentum I have left and that could spell a lot of trouble for me. As for you sir?

Win there, and that is a huge statement for the booking committee with just three weeks away from RTG.”


Peyton knows that she is a little under the gun right now, losing as a champion is never a good thing, so she needs a good showing and even a huge win over Konrad who is always at his best, a gamer in the ring looking for a huge win. Peyton understands this could be a trap match, so she is ready for anything. Pacing a little, Kelcey knows how hard this lost shook Peyton, it was more about honor and Ali than anything, it wasn’t a normal lose, this one was personal, but a win here with Raab would put her back on track for RTG. She turns back to the camera and speaks…


“There is no question, I want to face the Iceman at his best, and I feel like right now that is exactly what I am getting. What Mr. Raab and I need to do is put all distractions behind us and concentrate on the match at hand. Mr. Raab, with all due respect, I want you to know that I have every intention of coming out the victor. Without a question of a doubt, you will bring everything to this match and I welcome it, but after last week, I need to go out there and not just be better than you sir, I need to be better than me. I saw what Kelcey and the rest of the Perfect Pack went through in recent weeks, and I know that you have seen it too, much like your issues with the Damron’s. Tomorrow night though is not about any of that, instead it is about two great wrestlers who love this sport to go out there and put on a showcase of talent for the fans and the superstars alike. With the influx of new and returning talent, it is more important than ever now to evolve, stay on my toes and pick up the pieces, don’t let it bother me and move on to the next challenge and this is one I have come to appreciate for I know that deep in my heart, Mr. Raab wants the same thing I do….

A fair fight.

You and I are both on the same page, we both are well aware what is at stake and what we want, which is why we are going to tear the house down. But Mr. Raab, your anger issues, everything that you think is a hindrance to you, black them out, we don’t need that here, I am not your enemy. Mr. Raab, instead I am your opponent and the competition. If you are able to beat me, I will shake your hand and ask to give you a title shot against me at RTG….

…. But I can’t allow you to beat me sir, or I will be failing myself, my fans and this woman standing next to me, my mentor. Let us go out there and show them what a wrestling match is all about Mr. Raab. Bring everything you have, because I promise, you will need it. Just remember one thing, no matter the outcome, when that match is over, I want you sir to forever remember one thing, you went up against a woman who is looking to do more than just exist in a world of giants….

I will continue to climb the ladder to the very top with each bump and bruise, win or lose, setback or triumph, proving time and time again….

Peyton Rice?

Is not just another “Pretty” Face.”


Brushing her hair back some, she looks into the camera and smiles, holding up the Adrenaline Championship. Kelcey cracks a smile and nods, supporting her protégé and knowing she is ready to bounce back on the road toward Rise To Greatness….








Diary Entry


PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTIt’s happening again, it seems like since this is Rise To Greatness season, it gives everyone a right to attack others without any warrant. I thought it was bad enough when I saw what Giovanni Aries did to Mr. D, I could see the emotion on Kelcey’s face, as he is like a father to her. Something had to happen, had to give. I didn’t think it was going to end well from the start but I had hoped it could be resolved, shame on my for thinking positive, I should seriously become a pessimist, that way I don’t have to live half my life in disappointment. My life recently has been having some little ups and downs, it seemed like everything was leading toward my dad and I never speaking again, luckily for me that all came to a pass, and we are talking again, so just when I think, great! The pieces are starting to come back together, Ali starts giving me what I feel is the cold shoulder. I don’t know, but I get the hint, he doesn’t ever want me to go up to Rochester, New York, he doesn’t want me to meet this Claire Bailey though I know what she looks like now, I do keep tabs with EMERGE and see the promotional stuff down there, so now I get why.

I can’t think like this, though, I need to trust him.

After what happened tonight, I can’t get to sleep, I even drank a couple glasses of wine after Ali was attacked by Matt Hodges and Kelcey was attacked by Giovanni and here I am lying on the couch of my hotel room staring up at the ceiling wondering what am I going to do about? I have been told a thousand times over about the way wrestling works, the wolves in sheep’s clothing and it sucks, making it hard for me to trust anyone in the industry, how is that fair to me? To people like Kelsai? Owen? Aaron? Even Ali? It’s not and that is why I hate feeling like this, why I want to just scream from the top of my lungs and pretend that this is really not happening, as the biggest event of the year is upon us, just a few weeks away and I can’t walk into this mindset.

My dad told me a long time ago, that my good nature is both a blessing and a curse.

At some point something is going to happen, and I need to realize that when it does, it will test my meddle, courage and most of all critical thinking. Ali is asleep in bed after all the meds for his injury today, I need to concentrate on taking care of him no matter what is going on. I made sure Kelcey was okay down the hall but what am I going to do? What am I supposed to do?

At this point, I don’t even know and that is what scares me most.







Since winning the Adrenaline Championship, things have been on a rise for Peyton Rice, it was a struggle when she first started 2020, it was a pretty rough start, but after the Trios Qualifiers and tournament, things began to slowly look up. Peyton was starting to get back on track, a huge win over Kelsai Adamson-Mason at Retribution started the Chain Reaction, and when she faces Jordan Majors after she had won the Championship against Marie Jones and Asher Hayes, it was at this time whether she had Jordan’s number or not never mattered, the fact was she had become the Champion, her second title in the SCW. After this, even with problems in her personal lifer with her dad and getting black-mailed by the Dowling’s, Peyton was able to put it together with the help of friends and family, start training harder and build even a stronger relationship with Kelcey Wallace, then it happened, she was asked to marry Alistaire Allocco, it had become a dream for her, never thinking she would fall in love again after what happened to Ricky Octavius last year which the anniversary of hos death was a few weeks ago. Peyton then with the help of Kelcey, was able to fix her relationship with her father, Ray though the young Rice and her old man were still trying to work things out.

Everything seemed to be going so well, and then a few weeks ago, things started to hit a snag before and after Taking Hold of the Flame. Peyton was proud of being involved in the match, lasting 45 minutes to her was awesome, but it wasn’t enough, Peyton will always be her own worst critic and that was definitely a part of it. It was her first Flame, and she intends to be in many more, but coming back the next day, she wanted to accompany Alistaire to Rochester, NY., and join him for the funeral of his stepfather, but Ali didn’t want her there which upset Peyton, but she tried not to show it. After that, she met with an intoxicated Kelcey Wallace who admitted she was cleared to compete, but needed the say by the SCW board, choosing not to, she didn’t want to steal the spotlight from the Perfect Pack.

Since then, career wise, Peyton had a huge win over Tommy Valentine, taking away his chance at becoming a Supreme Champion. Everything seemed to be looking in the up until Mr. D was attacked, and Peyton knew hos much that affected Kelcey. From there it went downhill, they wanted to stop The Wonderland but Kelcey this time was attacked, glass fragments in her face, a few stitches thanks to a shattered picture with she and Mr. D on it connecting. Then right before, Matt Hodges faking a knee injury or at least playing it up more than it was, attacking her fiancé, Allistaire with the crutch to his right leg, then a chair and finally a figure four around the ring post…

Peyton has had enough.


Little Rock, AK.

After Breakdown


After a hospital visit and being released, Peyton, Owen and Aaron took care of the walking wounded. Kelcey’s injuries were not as severe, she was stitched up and sent to her hotel room by the EMT’s at the arena, Alistaire though needed to get checked out and had x-rays taken to make sure that nothing was broken, but he did suffer some damage, just nothing that would keep him out too long. After helping Peyton bringing him back to the room, Peyton cleaned him up, she made sure her fiancé was washed up well and ready for bed. She looked exhausted, drained, and she too hadn’t showered. Wearing jeans, a Yellow Submarine t-shirt and flip flops, her hair in a ponytail, the makeup she had from her match and nails polished white. She grabbed some water as Ali laid in bed, knee rapped up and leg bandaged. She had some pain pills in her hand the Doctor prescribed. Sitting next to him after kicking off her flip flops, she helps him sit up…


PeytonCastPic4Peyton: “I need you to sit up babe so I can give you these pain meds and you need water, you must be parched, I haven’t seen you drink anything since we went to the hospital.”

Alistaire: “I’m not taking those pills. I’ll drink some water though.”

Peyton: “Ali, now is not the time to be defiant and argumentative, the Doctor ordered you to take this and the last thing I want is for you to be in constant pain and not able to sleep. Just appease me this once Ali, please, I am your fiancé the last time I checked, and I want to make sure you’re okay. I don’t want to go through this, not after tonight.”


I knew that Ali wasn’t a pill popper, I get it, but this is totally different. He was in visible pain, and after what happened to him tonight and then Kelcey later in the night. I was livid and upset. I didn’t want that to show in front of him, though. He couldn’t see me get emotional, this time I needed to be strong for him. Things seemed to be falling apart, I didn’t know what else I could do. We stared at each other for a moment before he finally took the pills and drank the whole bottle of water, I handed him, dabbing the sides of his cheek from the overflow, impatiently drinking quickly….


PeytonCastPic-AlistaireAlistaire: “Thank you.”

Peyton: “Now lay back, you need to get some sleep.”

Alistaire: “Are you coming to bed?”

Peyton: “I will soon, want to shower and freshen up, I also need to call Kelcey really quickly to make sure she is okay, though Owen is with her. I’m sorry this happened to you Ali, it’s not fair. None of what happened tonight or last week was fair. See? I am starting to get upset, I need to soak in the bath or something. I put some Fig Newtons on the nightstand, you haven’t eaten either, last thing I want is for you to get sick taking meds on an empty stomach.”

Alistaire: “I’m going to be okay, and when I am, I will take care of Matt Hodges that is a promise.”

Peyton: “Well, apparently I get him first next week.”


As it slipped my lips, realizing I shouldn’t have said anything, I stopped myself too late. I could see his face turning a beet red, as Ali never wants to see me in harms away. I sat down again, trying to calm him down…


Alistaire: “NO! You are not going to face him, you are not! I….”

Peyton: “First off, you need to calm down, okay, you’re not helping the knee. Secondly, I can take care of myself, Ali, I get it. He is a very dangerous and talented wrestler, he is obviously looking for any means necessary to take out the competition, maybe I am on the list I don’t know, what I do know? I am not backing down, Ali. I am going to wrestle him, fight… whatever it takes. I need you to concentrate on getting better.”

Alistaire: “No! He is going to use you to send a message to me, not happening!”

Peyton: “It is happening, if you are cleared then be there with me, Ali but we are not going to argue about it. You need to get some sleep, then tomorrow we catch a flight back to my place, so I can take care of you until you’re okay to walk.”

Alistaire: “Wait… California?”

Peyton: “Yeah, my house. IS everything fine?”

Alistaire: “I can’t, I need to head back to Rochester, still have a lot of things going on and loose ends to tie up with my step-family.”

Peyton: “Okay, I understand, so I will go to Rochester with you. I’ll take care of you there, no biggie.”

Alistaire: “Uh… no… no. You need to take care of Kelcey and be there for her, don’t worry, I will be fine, I have people there that can watch over me.”


I want to trust him, but there is this sinking feeling that he doesn’t want me to ever go up there for some reason. Could be due to his family, or maybe this Claire Bailey gal he lives with, I don’t know but now I am starting to feel like he is hiding something, and it is wrong to think that way. I need to trust him, but I have questions. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything, maybe I should…..


Peyton: “So you don’t want me to go with you to Rochester, right? And you don’t want to come to LA either, right? Why am I starting to get this feeling you are either hiding something or you’re not telling me something I should know because right now I am starting to get the sense, you are ashamed of me or are….”

Alistaire: ”No… no… it’s…. it is nothing like that. I am not ashamed of you Peyton, how could I. I just need to get some things straight there before I have you come out there, please understand. I want to come to California with you, and I probably should, but I will be alright, I am not alone, Claire will make sure I follow Doctor’s orders and I will call you every day. Kelcey needs you, please don’t take it any other way.”

Peyton: “How can I not, Ali? It just seems to me that you don’t want me to see the other side of your life. I want to meet your family, we are getting married, don’t you think it is a bit odd, that we are going to have a wedding, ceremony, rehearsal dinner, shop for wedding dresses, I even wanted you to help me look at venues but that……”


My eyes started to tear up some, I couldn’t hold it anymore, I was getting so worked up and aggravated, I just couldn’t take it anymore…


Peyton: “….. that asshole had to go and do this to you!? Do you know how I am feeling right now Ali!? I feel like dirt! Like I couldn’t protect the two people I love most in my world that are not my dad in ONE night! ONE NIGHT!!!”

Alistaire: “Peyton please….”

Peyton: “NO! I am sick of this shit! I have had enough! I am not going to question myself anymore, I am not having doubts of who I am, I want to stand up for us and you’re afraid that I am going to get slaughtered by that aging, self-entitled maniac! Matt Hodges doesn’t run our lives, Ali! The Wonderland doesn’t dictate what we do! And it you don’t want me to know your family and trust me when it comes to seeing where you live and meet this Claire lady, then shame on you! I need a bath…. Just, eat your Fig Newton’s, drink your water and get some sleep.”

Alistaire: “Peyton… wait!?”


I couldn’t keep the conversation going, it had to stop, or it was escalating. I started to lose it, becoming too much because NOW I knew this time, I had to take a stance and do something! I’m not some floor mat people can walk over, and NO ONE will take advantage of me! Not Matt Hodges, not the Wonderland, not even my friends or fiancé! I felt bad, I really did, Ali was hurting but enough was enough. I stormed into the bathtub, undressed, and soaked in the bath with some hot water and bubbles, feet pressed against the walls of the tub, closing my eyes….

Before I started to cry….

…. So, the only thing left to do?

Was submerge myself underwater and pretend this isn’t happening, until I come back up for air.



Toronto, Ontario



Peyton knew that this was coming, and after talking to Kelcey Wallace the next morning at the hotel directly after Breakdown, she pleaded to come, she wanted to be there and felt like her mentor could go there alone. Peyton was worried about Alistaire but he was able to fly back to Rochester, where again he didn’t want her there which was troubling her more and more, this time to the point, she was ready to just hop on the plane there and see what the hell was going on between Ali, his family and this Claire Bailey. She couldn’t think about that now though, she needed to be there for Kelcey as they headed out to see Mr. D, and check on his condition. Kelcey had already spoken to him after the incident, Mr. D was like a father to her, there was no way that she would ever allow the actions of Giovanni Aries toward him go unpunished. It was a quiet ride in the Uber, Peyton had on cream bell bottom jeans, a white sweater, matching closed toed heels and black halter top, her long straightened hair hung down, nails polished white. Kelcey was in baggy black dress slacks, open toed platform heels and a matching long sleeve loose halter top, her long sandy blonde hair was in a half ponytail, nails polished a matte lavender. She had a few stitches on her face and some small cuts that looked to be healing. Kelcey seemed nervous, she had an envelope in her purse, she and Peyton were going to stay the night, arrive in Ottawa early for the next Breakdown, the luggage was in the trunk, make a day of it, and have dinner with Mr. D. Peyton finally broke the silence…


Peyton: “Thank you for letting me come with you.”

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “Sure love. I didn’t how I felt at first about it, but I guess it is alright. Besides, maybe tit is best I didn’t come alone. I don’t want you to worry about me though, alright? Take care of Alistaire, I am actually surprised that you came with me and not stayed caring for him.”

Peyton: “He didn’t want me to.”

Kelcey: “What?”

Peyton: “He went back to New York, had some loose ends to tie up he said, just seems to me like he doesn’t want me around. I felt bad too, because I also wanted to make sure you were okay.”

Kelcey: “I was fine, Owen made sure I was in my room. Selena showed up at 3am after I was dead asleep, we talked for a while, she ended up staying with me that night. I felt bad about it, but at least she came to see me, I could tell she was taking things hard, yet Selena has always been an emotional person, I can appreciate it. As for Alistaire, think it is that woman who is living with him?”




PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2Peyton: “I don’t know, maybe but I want to trust him, I need to. I am engaged to the man, so yes, I don’t think I really have any choice in the matter, right?”

Kelcey: “We all have choices, but yes, stick with your man, though that advice coming from me is shallow at best. Everything is going to work out, alright?”

Peyton: “Okay… I think so too.”

Kelcey: “Now, about Hodges, you can’t go into the match guns a blazing, he is expecting it, we need to keep the strategy the same, kill him with your speed. I have a feeling, he is not going to be able to keep up, Hodges might have exaggerated his injuries, but where there is smoke, there is fire. I think he is injured, just not as severe, expose it. Tire him out, he’s not nimble like he used to be.”

Peyton: “After last Breakdown, I don’t know what to expect. I don’t know what he has planned, it makes me nervous and….”

Kelcey: “Peyton, no. Do NOT be nervous, be Peyton Rice, the Adrenaline Champion, alright?”


She was right as usual, I needed to be myself, what brought me to the dance, after all the adjustments I have made, this is exactly where my head needed to be. He was going to toy with me, well good. Let him. I wasn’t falling for it….


Peyton: “Alright.”

Kelcey: “Good, we are here.”


Arriving at Mr. D’s place, it was really nice, gated home with an old Victorian feel to it. I was a little overwhelmed, I had never been to the boss’s house before, though really Sasha is, he is still the guy behind the scenes. Kelcey looked extremely excited to see him as we paid the Uber and made our way to the front door, where we were greeted by Mr. D, understandably, there was private security around the house, I don’t blame him. Mr. D and Kelcey hug, for an awful long time, how could see how close they were, she really did say he was a father to her…


Kelcey: “I missed you do much.”

Mr. D: “Me too, it is great to see you Kelcey. Peyton, I am so glad you came, please come in.”


Mr. D was always nice and respectful to me, when I first came to the SCW, he told me that I wasn’t some model or beauty queen, I was beautiful but recommended I should be me and no one else. I took that advice and it worked. This was the first time I ever saw Mr. D without a suit on, still looked dress casual in his slacks and polo shirt, He had tea and some snacks already set up, sitting outside in his awesome garden…..


Kelcey: “This looks great.”

KennedyCastPic-MrDMr. D: “Thanks, my late wife would have appreciated it. How is your face?”

Kelcey: “It’s okay, it could have been worse, but luckily I didn’t get a piece of glass in my eye or mouth. Minor cuts, a couple of stitches, it will heal in time. How are you doing?”

Mr. D: “Every day is a new one. I am getting better, I took a beating, still feel sore but I think I will survive but unfortunately had to hire some private security in case, you never know with that lunatic.”

Peyton: “Why not fire or suspend them, sir? I mean they were already suspended, except Gio, an attack on you? Those are grounds for termination. Even what Mr. Hodges did to Ali, this is out of control and needs to stop.”

Mr. D: “I have allowed Sasha to make those decisions, she is more than capable of doing so. After what happened to me, I have been there before, I understand the mental state of The Wonderland, I also know they are, and I hate to say this, good for business. That was until they attacked Kelcey last week, I was ready to call Sasha and tell her to terminate their contracts, but that was until I received your text.”


Text? My head swivels right to Kelcey who sees me from the corner of her blue eyes…


Peyton: “Text?”

Kelcey: “Yes, I had a feeling this was going to boil over to an indefinite suspension or termination, I begged him not to.”

Peyton: “I don’t understand?”

Mr. D: “This is what I always admired about Kelcey, her fight, and unwillingness of taking an incredible opportunity from you Peyton, Aaron, Alistaire and now with Owen at Rise to Greatness possibly. She is a woman who wants to settle things in the ring, and she has the upmost confidence in her Perfect Pack, something I admire.”

Peyton: “They should be reprimanded.”

Kelcey: “Not everything is black and white, Peyton, there are many shades of gray in situations like this, that is what I am trying to teach the four of you. We were attacked last week twice, Mr. D the week before, there will be a comeuppance, that is why we are here.”

Peyton: “Why?”


We stared at each other for a moment, before she seemed to sigh, regretfully. Taking the envelope out of her purse, she handed it over to Mr. D. He too looked a bit confused….


Mr. D: “What is this?”

Kelcey: “Open it, please.”


Rather than saying anything, I grabbed a cup of tea and some cookies, they looked delicious and I was starving. It took a second for Mr. D to open the envelope, opening up what seemed like a stack of papers. He proceeded to read, Kelcey decided to grabs a cup of tea herself…..


Peyton: “What is going on?”

Kelcey: “You’ll see, just please open it.”


Glancing back at Mr. D, after going through a few pages, his widened eyes surfaced over the top of the paperwork. He looked a bit shook, surprised. Was it……


Kelcey: “I haven’t had an episode in 9 months. Stem cell research, I was a guinea pig, Scott Cannon had all the connection, the funds to give me the best doctors and scientists, pumping experimental drugs and examinations all this time I was gone. Then last month, I was given the clear, I was in remission. I am fine.”

Mr. D: “That…. that is impossible.”

Kelcey: “Olek, look! The paperwork read every bloody line if you must love, but this is true. I told Peyton this, but I had said I would not step back in the ring, and take away from the Perfect Pack, I would not. Then the past two weeks happened, and I couldn’t sit on it anymore. There was no way I was ever going to sit on that again. I am sorry Peyton, but things changed when that lunatic attacked Mr. D and then me.”
I was shocked, didn’t know what to say. She did tell me what was going on in a drunken rant, but I took it with a grain of salt. My palms and feet started to sweat, like Mr. D, I too was in pure astonishment that she was cleared by her doctors…


Mr. D: “What are you saying, Kelcey?”

Kelcey: “I want back, I want to add a competitor’s contract to my clause.”

Mr. D: “No way. I cannot in good conscience do this, what happens if it comes again?”

Kelcey: “Then I will work through it.”

Mr. D: “No. Kelcey, it broke my heart to see you wrestle like that the last five months of your career, I do not ever want to experience the fear of something happening to you the minute you step in through the ropes, I cannot do it.”

Kelcey: “You have to.”

Mr. D: “I do not, Kelcey.”


He was ready to sign off on it, as the desperation started to become more and more apparent, Kelcey trying to convince him but Mr. D was right even I remember watching her last handful of matches, cringing at every move. She still managed to win them all but a few, and as I see Kelcey in the best shape I have ever seen her before, it may mean something, but in the eyes of Mr. D, not enough….


Kelcey: “I need this, it was taken away from me, I have the chance to make thing right, to fight alongside of them when I am called to do so, I will not let those wankers victimize the young talent in the SCW. Do it. Approve the return, give me a chance to do what I couldn’t a few years ago. You know I can.”

Mr. D: “Talk to her Peyton.”

Peyton: “I don’t know if I can talk her out of it, Mr. D. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

Kelcey: “Do you remember the last day I wrestled? New Years Eve, the last match of 2017. You said to me, that I will always have a place on the SCW roster and if I could ever step in the ring again, you would be the first to welcome me back with open arms? Those were the last words before I walked out of the arena forever. Welcome me back with open arms, please?”


Mr. D frustration threw the paperwork down at the table, stood up and paced, I didn’t know what he was going to say or how he would answer back. I sat in silence waiting until he finally stopped, picked up the papers, and glared into the eyes of Kelcey…..


Mr. D: “Damn it Kelcey.”

Kelcey: “Please…. do I have to beg?”

Mr. D: “I…..”


Looking over at me, I nodded. Mr. D was reluctant but knew that he had two choices, yes or no. The world No was never an option….


Mr. D: “Damn it…… yes, I’ll sign it.”


She sunk into her seat before standing up and hugging Mr. D. I wasn’t expecting this, and I didn’t know what she had planned for it, but Kelcey promised never to let it interfere with us, our careers, opportunities and plans…..

This was not about her; it was about what was right and Mr. D. I understood, I just didn’t know if I agreed. It was more fear to what could happen than what will. It was never about what lengths Kelcey would do to protect her family and friends….

It was to what cost.


Later That Night


It had been a long and exhausting night. Peyton sat outside in the balcony looking out at the City of Toronto, the CN Tower in the distance. She had on shorts, a t-shirt, barefoot with a glass of wine. Kelcey was inside, she could hear her talking on the phone with someone, probably Scott Cannon, Peyton wanted nothing to do with that conversation after Scott attacked her and Owen on Twitter. She kept sipping her wine, remembering what a man very close to her once said as she was training, for she felt down, it didn’t have to come to this, maybe had she done more for Ali, warned him about Hodges, but instead, all she could do was watch her fiancé scream. She could hear him as she sat quietly on the chair, not the city bustling, just that. Then the glass shattering on Kelcey’s head, she didn’t see it until it was too late. Peyton looked, scared maybe for the first time since she has been in the SCW. Nervous, while she had dinner, the young beauty felt sick. She sipped her wine some more and closed her eyes….

She could remember his voice…


Ante Up Academy

Summer 2016


After another great work out, Peyton in her tights, wrestling shoes and sports bra, her hair in a ponytail sat at ringside, sweaty, trying to cool off and drinking some water. Ricky Octavius walked up to her, making sure she was alright.


PeytonCastPic-RickyRicky: “Going hard I see, Pey, you need to slow down babe, I saw all the stuff you tried to pull, you’re light years ahead of everyone here, even me, be careful, alright?”

Peyton: “You’re like my dad, worry too much, jeez. I am fine, I can do those things, I feel comfortable when I am in the ring, relax, alright?”

Ricky: “You say that a lot.”

Peyton: “Say what?”

Ricky: “That I am a lot like your dad, that doesn’t exactly endorse me, you know?”


He always had a way of making me smile, hopping off the ring apron, I planted a kiss on his lips and winked, wanting him to feel comfortable and not odd. It was more that he had the mannerisms of my father, I think he and Ricky would hit it off if they ever met….


peytoncastpic-peytonfbPeyton: “Well, if you ever meet my dad, you’ll see but one thing….”

Ricky: “What is that?”

Peyton: “Dude, I would never kiss my dad like that, ewwwwww.”

Ricky: “Well you know, I didn’t mean it that way and…. Speaking of dads, Coach Helms wants to see you in the office.”

Peyton: “Coach does? What did I do?”

Ricky: “No idea, he just gave me the very David Helms voice and said, “Hey Kiddo, can you get Pey to come to the office, I need to have a word with her.”, type thing. He didn’t look mad or anything, but you may want to go talk to him.”

Peyton: “Okay, I will be right back.”

Ricky: “I’ll wait for you, In N’ Out Burger later? I think we earned it.”

Peyton: “You’re on.”


Ricky can be deceiving at times, he was trying to be cool and not make me panic, though was always something comforting about Ricky, I always felt safe around him. Making my way up to Coach’s office, I walk in, he is standing there in his training gear….


Peyton: “Coach? You wanted to see me?”

David: “Hey kiddo, come on in, close the door please.”

Peyton: “Sure, is everything alright?”

David: “It is, we need to talk for a second, please sit down.”


Sitting down, I was feeling a little nervous as his demeanor was quite serious….


David: “Well, how have you liked it here?”

Peyton: “I love it, that is why I felt like I needed to stay an extra, few months maybe longer to hone my skills and be ready for the big time.”

David: “Yeah, that is why I asked you here. We need to talk, kiddo.”


Oh My Gosh, what did I do?


Peyton: “Is everything alright?”

peytoncastpic-davidhelmsDavid: “Yeah kiddo, it is. You’re ready, I don’t want you here anymore because of that, you’re wasting time, these kids can’t hang with you anymore Pey, so I either hire you as a trainer, or I let you go and spread those wings. I have contacts in SCW, UWA, GCW, take your pick, whatever you want, they have all seen your tapes, they are all willing to hire you on the spot right now.”

Peyton: “But…. I…..”

David: “Scared?”

Peyton: “Well… yeah.”

David: “I remember when I first started wrestling, I was nervous, scared shitless too kiddo. As you get older though, realizing it is more than just a job, but a lifestyle, you find that niche, who you are, what is deep down inside resonates and becomes this larger than life character. For some it is a gimmick, but for many, wrestling is an extension of who they are. What I see in you is a very trusting person, who sees things in a positive light, it is a rarity these days Pey, but the business can be very cutthroat. It can be a very scary place, but I want to assure that you have all the skills to succeed in any promotion you decide to choose.”

Peyton: “I appreciate the vote of confidence coach; I just don’t know if I am ready. You say I am, maybe it is my fears and then you use words like Cutthroat, how?”

David: “Wrestling is a sport, some do not see it that way, for them it is a platform and a vessel to go out and hurt people or preach their beliefs, use it to promote their propaganda. There are people in the sport that legit want to end careers and brag about them. I will never try to paint this grim portrait of what wrestling is, that is a small percentage, but like the wild west, there are the Good and the Bad guys, I know what side you will be on Peyton, though others will see that want to stop you, for no other reason than unwarranted hate or ego.”


He was trying to help, at the same time Coach Helms was scaring the crap out of me. I didn’t know how to respond, but if he deemed me ready, how was I going to react? What would I say? Or do? At some point I needed to remember he had my best interests at heart. I nodded, I needed to pursue my dreams, but what he said….


Peyton: “Coach Helms?”

David: “Yeah kiddo?”

Peyton: “Is this the Price We Pay to be successful in wrestling?”

David: “Sometimes Pey, yeah…. Sometimes.”


Sitting back in my chair it seemed like those words continued to echo in my mind…..

The Price We Pay…..


Present Time


Opening my eyes back up, he was right four years ago, and I should have listened to him then, yet I wanted to believe it was people acting out in certain ways to get opportunities and noticed, that was not the case, men like Matt Hodges and Giovanni Aries were just that, using the SCW as their platform not for competition, to feed the over inflated egos most denied. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep out here, the cool air felt good on my face and feet, sipping some wine when I could hear Kelcey from inside on her phone, she was talking pretty loud. Standing up, I opened the sliding glass door, leaning against the entrance, she was pacing back and forth, the bottom of her feet was going to get rug burn and she was not sounding happy. She seemed to be on that burner phone I found on the coffee table the night Kelcey passed out, was it Blake Mason? Every time she runs her fingers though her hair, she is agitated….


Kelcey: “What are you talking about the engagement is off? God damn it Blake….”


The engagement is off? Taylor and Blake? Oh my God, what about Owen!? I was trying to understand what was going on here, as Blake Mason was talking pretty loud as well but couldn’t decipher the words…


Kelcey: “Blake, listen to me, you need to go back to Taylor and tell her you’re sorry. Tell her this was one huge misunderstanding, and everything will be fixed…. No, Blake, No! You are not giving up so easily on this, please!?”


As I watched Kelcey’s demeanor change from anger to sadness, she sat on the couch, burying her face in the palm of her hand while still talking to him….


Kelcey: “It’s not that easy and you know it. Everyone can call it semantics, but there is a lot going on right now. Scott, Chris, Sienna, Taylor, Bree…. Yes Bree! It is not easy to forget the history here, love.”


I could tell he was talking now, as she sat there quietly, still not noticing that I was listening to the conversation, at least her part of it which was concerning, I hadn’t seen her this upset sober in a long time….


Kelcey: “You damn well know that is not true, Blake. I have always been accused of this. Look, we can talk about it when I see you in Ottawa and no, I don’t need personal protection and security, if Gio wants to go after us or me again, so be it, I will be ready. Tell me, please just promise that you’ll try?”


Kelcey wasn’t getting the answer she wanted. Shaking her head, sighing, curling her toes, all signs she was getting more and more frustrated….


Kelcey: “Don’t say that…. I told you not to…… damn it. I need some sleep, I’ll call you tomorrow and we can talk about it more, alright? Good…. Yeah, I know…. I do too. Goodnight.”


After she hung up the phone, Kelcey threw it on the coffee table, clearing my throat, I took another sip of my wine, startling her, sitting up and looking at me like she has seen a ghost…


Kelcey: “How much did you hear?”

Peyton: “Enough. Kelcey, I would never pry into your personal life, it is none of my business, but I also know that’s a burner phone Blake gave you, I saw it sitting on the table after you went to sleep at the house a few weeks ago. He and Taylor broke off the engagement? Maybe this is a bad idea.”

Kelcey: “What is a bad idea?”

Peyton: “All of this Kelcey. I understand that you want to be back in the ring, I cannot imagine how you felt when it was taken from you, right from under your feet, but look what is going on? The Wonderland, Matt Hodges, Chris Cannon, Sienna Swann, Xiomara Diaz, Bree Lancaster, they ALL will have a bullseye on your back! They will want to make an example of you and I am not saying that you can’t beat them, but look at the ramifications right now? Blake and Taylor split!? What about you and Scott!?”

Kelcey: “What does this have to do with Scott, love?”

Peyton: “A burner phone? You have been my mentor and given me the best advice ever, this is not going to end well for someone, there are going to be some hurt people.”

Kelcey: “You don’t know that.”

Peyton: “The hell I don’t!”


I didn’t mean to yell, her eyes widened, standing up and getting right up to my face, I screwed up but needed to make a stance….. it is the Price we Pay…..


Peyton: “I lost the love of my life because I pushed him away! The difference between you and I, he is dead! He is dead! And I can never look him in the face and tell him, I AM SORRY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I WANT TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER! I don’t get that chance, but you do! You get the opportunity to fix things! Make it right and get a second chance at life in the ring which many do not! I know Kelcey Wallace, “The Perfect Ten”! I also know Kelcey Wallace the mother, the loving partner and most of all the mentor! You need to do this for the right damn reasons Kelcey! But this!? If it is what it is, then just do it!”

Kelcey: “If it is what!?”

Peyton: “Do you love Blake!?”

Kelcey: “This is ridiculous, I am going to bed, I am not having this conversation.”


She started to walk away, I was going to bite my tongue but instead, I spoke out and maybe I shouldn’t have….


Peyton: “You still love Chris.”


She stopped, slowly looking over my shoulder, her eyes narrowing, I have never seen that look from Kelcey toward me before….


Peyton: “I saw the old footage of the wedding you were watching that night.”

Kelcey: “I will always love Chris…. He is the father of my child and no matter how much I want to hate it, I cannot. That is the bane of my existence Peyton, that I have always been in love with two men, one that hurt me physically and the other emotionally.”

Peyton: “So you do love Blake?”

Kelcey: “Yes, are you happy now!?”

Peyton: “Kelcey…..”


As she stormed off, I pleaded with her one more time….


Peyton: “Kelcey, I am sorry! I just don’t know what to do anymore and I don’t want to see you get hurt again! I cannot ever forget the moments I sat in the hospital staring at your lifeless body wondering if those beautiful blue eyes would ever open again! I almost sacrificed my career but most of all…. I was with you when Ricky died.”


Kelcey again stopped, this time lowering her head, I didn’t know how she was going to react, turning around with tears in her eyes, the scarred up face from the picture smashing over her head, the flashes of the sounds, they wouldn’t stop, but neither was I and my love for her like she was my mother….


Peyton: “I lost everything that day and tried to patch it up with where I am now. I love Alistaire, but I don’t know if he loves me that way anymore. I have allowed myself to be discouraged and soured for the love of my sport, wrestling thanks to the likes of Hodges and the Wonderland. I am nervous about this match on Breakdown and I have no idea if I will ever find happiness again because at one point, I had it all….. and I threw it away.”

Kelcey: “No, you didn’t Peyton, I did. If I could go back and change some things I have done, I would. I know though that I cannot, and this is the cross I bear, love. The one I carry to my own crucifixion and if that means that I get one more chance in the spotlight to end things the way I WANTED and not how I had to? Then I am going to take it. Alistaire loves you, he just has a real shitty way of showing it sometimes. Don’t give up, you will always beat yourself up about Ricky, don’t. Do you know how many times I think about the day Blake belittled me in the middle of the ring? It was in that moment my heart broke and look at him now? I was always right about him, not Bree or Sienna or any of the many girlfriends and wives he has had, I was always right. As for Chris? One sentence pushed him to Sienna. Nobody’s Perfect and coming from me that’s a lot.”


I didn’t say another word, instead I looked away and tried to fight back the tears, but I couldn’t. I could feel her warm embrace, lips touching my forehead. I felt safe in her arms, as everything else seemed so far away. Matt Hodges was going to be tough, I needed to get into the right frame of mind before Ottawa, because if not, he would murder me. I kept thinking about Kelcey getting hurt, Alistaire subtly pushing me away, this entire trip and the choices we both made, at the end, he was right…

He was always right.

This is The Price We Pay.







Diary Entry



PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTI had a feeling, things were heading into this direction, I can’t be mad about it, though I wish there would have been another way. Having mixed emotions is tough, on one hand, I want this to happen, on the other, Kelcey deserves a second chance, though I don’t think this is what she wants, but more a chance to close out some unfinished business. On the other, is it really due to that or out of necessity, pulled in by the actions of someone else? I am still trying to understand everything right now, as after what happened to Ali, I am facing Matt Hodges next week, I’m not stupid, maybe a few years ago I would have walked in blind to this match, oh no. I get it, he is going to try and hurt me to send a message to Ali.

I don’t hate the SCW or this business, I try not to hate anyone, if I am being honest, yet this has gone to far and the limits to my emotions are being tested right now as we speak. Wrestling is my life, this is what I chose to do, I don’t care if people think I am some wallflower or a dreamer, there is a reason why I am the Adrenaline Champion and hopefully carrying it with me going into Rise to Greatness. This week though has been tough, to really concentrate on what I have coming up, with all that is surrounding me now. Going to see Mr. D, was really cool, I hadn’t seen him in a long time and to see that he is in good health was important especially for Kelcey. I could see the passion in her eyes, the way she loves this business, it is why I always knew she was the one to mentor me.

But now, I must look at the reality of things and how they are perceived.

Who we are as wrestlers in the “Perfect Pack” as they like to call us is in danger? The influx of former talent that was around when I was a teenager, the old school guard who wants things to be the way they were back in the day and don’t want to evolve, or those who are self-entitled and still think the SCW is theirs to play with has become a bit monotonous. Not everyone can be David Helms or Kelcey Wallace, wrestlers who love what the SCW has created as being the greatest company in the industry, no, instead it is all about them.

Now, I must evolve in order to survive, to make it in the SCW, to show just why I belong here and have the right to hold this Adrenaline Championship, that while these names are legendary in stature, they are NOT the standard anymore, we are.

I hate that it has come to this, I really do, but now is the time to make things happen, and it starts on Breakdown.

I can’t let them win….

I can’t.








The Canadian War Museum is Canada’s national museum of military history. Located in Ottawa, Ontario, the museum covers all facets of Canada’s military past, from the first recorded instances of death by armed violence in Canadian history several hundred years ago to the country’s most recent involvement in conflicts. It includes major permanent exhibitions on wars that have been fought on Canadian soil, the total wars of the twentieth century, the Cold War and peace support operations abroad, and Canada’s history of honoring and remembrance. There is also an open storage area displaying large objects from the Museum’s collection, from naval guns to tanks, from motorcycles to jet aircraft. The exhibits depict Canada’s military past in its personal, national, and international dimensions, with emphasis on the human experience of war and the manner in which war has affected, and been affected by, Canadians’ participation. Much of the Museum’s public exhibition space is devoted to its Canadian Experience Galleries. These displays demonstrate the effect that war has had on Canada’s development and the role Canadians have played in international conflicts. Their content is a mixture of about 2,500 objects from war art to armored vehicles, as well as audio-visual displays and many hands-on activities. As well as the permanent galleries, the museum provides a changing program of temporary or focused exhibitions, plus public programs, and special events.

The CWM also houses the Military History Research Centre, a leading library and archival research facility, and a collection of about 500,000 artifacts, including uniforms, medals, weapons, war art, aircraft, military vehicles, and artillery. Besides exhibitions, the Museum also supports educational outreach such as Lest We Forget Project.

The Museum originated in 1880 as a collection of military artifacts in the possession of the Canadian federal government, organized by militia officers of the Ottawa garrison. Its first facility was a series of rooms in the Cartier Square Drill Hall. The collection was later adopted by the Public Archives of Canada. The Canadian War Museum was officially established in 1942. The collection of war artifacts gained its own dedicated facility in 1967 when it moved to the former Public Archives building on Sussex Drive in Ottawa. That location was too small for the Museum’s growing post-war collection, most of which was eventually stored at a west-end Ottawa warehouse known as Vimy House.

Here is where we find Peyton Rice, and she is alone, Kelcey is not with her. Instead she wanted the Perfect Ten to continue healing her wounds which were minor from last week. Peyton ventured out on her own, looking up at a huge tank, wearing ripped jeans, black slip on wedge sandals, a black halter top with her long sandy blonde hair slicked back in a high ponytail, nails polished white and the Adrenaline Championship hanging over her shoulder. In her eyes, this is a war she is about to enter, with Matt Hodges, the Wonderland and anyone else that has ideas of trying to take down the Perfect Pack. She takes a second to collect her thoughts as the camera starts to record…




Peyton sighs, turning toward the camera with her beautiful face, speaking in a girlish, cute and sweet voice…


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“The song “War” by Edwin Starr I think sure depicts what it is good for, absolutely nothing and yet in the world today it seems like we are always at war, though this time within principles, choices, race and religion. It has been a battle long fought, the firing lines our very streets, even our homes, where we watch senseless violence and killing. How many lives have we lost in war, millions, and still today those fights rage on with no end in sight? When I first came to the SCW, I was extremely excited to be part of the greatest organization in the world when it came to wrestling, I knew that I could hone my craft against the best and one day be a champion. Some these days call that an ego trip, nonsense or simply needing a prize, vindication for all the hard work put in. They want you to think that what happens in the ring and in your career is meaningless, we are all just puppets, pieces on a chess board looking to be eliminated one by one. This is the sensical and neurotic views of a few men, maybe many in this company, an element I never took into consideration when joining, because for me, I am the type of woman that actually believes there is decency left in the world, that people still have a better part inside of them that doesn’t come out like they’re a bunch of assholes. Sorry if I cursed, but right now I am pissed off and for me to get to this level, it is major. See, ever since I was training, this has been my dream, to be an SCW Superstar.

Not a model, that was a side gig to pay the bills and make ends meet.

I always like to think big, to know that I can come into this company with the very best and hold my own. I’m not stupid or naïve by any stretch of the imagination, matter of fact, I have had to grow up really fast the last few years and see what the underlying truth is in the sport I love. “Love” seems to be the theme of the day. Some may say that half the roster is out for themselves, they want to succeed in their own right and do it by stepping on many heads as possible. I seriously do not know what to expect with all these names coming back from the past, but I can see the writing on the wall, as the “Perfect Pack”, which they like to call us, are a target simply because we represent the future, a change in this company and industry, yet again though, many forget that at one point there were here, young talent that has already broken out, just needing that extra push….

And when it came down to it….

We flourished against the hall of famers, the alumni who have been held in high standard, it was a vision that Mr. D saw when he was running the SCW, a company that would showcase new, old and established stars. This is why me, Alistaire Allocco, Owen Cruze and Aaron Blackbourne to name a few have earned our spots, WE BELONG HERE in the SCW and no one can take that from us. There are those who hate what we stand for, guess what, no surprise, we feel the same way. Thing is, the Perfect Pack isn’t some group that is trying to instill change, we are not Cancel Culture, we don’t want anyone to conform to our beliefs and ways, we will not beat you up or attack someone if they disagree with who we want to be….


That’s right, a pure intention, what we get paid to do, what the fans come to see, Wrestling, period.

As I continue to progress and climb the ladder, proud to be the Adrenaline Champion, I notice more and more entities that really don’t want the future of the SCW to flourish, instead they rather take everything for their own, forget the rest and hurt us one by one, thinking attacking Mr. D will scare us, or smashing a glass picture on Kelcey Wallace will sway or make us run off mindlessly like ants without their Queen?

No, all you have done is awaken a sleeping giant and given us resolve.

A tie into War, pun intended.

Which is why the Wonderland has done the unthinkable, and they are arrogant, cocky, waiting to cowardly strike again, just like Matt Hodges. Where did all the men go? Those like my father who were brave, never running away from fear and if he ever had an issue with anyone, he would be right up to your face and deal with it. Not now, we have a bunch of opportunists who want their name at the very top, because that is where they once were….

Well, like everybody else?

You’re going to have to earn it….

And I’m not some pushover, I have been here long enough to know how this works….

…. News flash, it won’t.”


Peyton takes a deep breath, walking around the tank, she now is up to a cannon. Her hand brushes on the top of it, looking at the enormously powerful machinery. She knows that this match coming up is going to be a war and even as Adrenaline Champion, she is the underdog against a man who has been legendary in the SCW, Matt Hodges. Peyton is nervous, but she walks in with a lot of fire, determination, and drive. She turns and speaks….


“With Rise To Greatness right around the corner, what kind of man starts to fake knee injuries especially someone who has been held in high regard in the SCW for so many years? It is bad enough that we have to deal with The Wonderland, trying to destroy wrestling under the twisted mind of some psychopath, but looking at Matt Hodges, I don’t know what is worse? Seriously, was it necessary to fake an injury? What to garner sympathy? Attention? Put my fiancé on an “even playing field”? If you wanted to wrestle Alistaire all you had to do was ask, like a real man. I know about your ventures back in the day, I used to watch SCW then when you were wrestling some of the legends of this sport, even considering you as one, Mr. Hodges, but then this? I get that you wanted to make an impact, cementing that no one forgot who Matt Hodges was, and honestly we were given a taste of it when you returned, the SCW was excited, everyone rolled out the red carpet, and even trendsetting as others reappeared right after like Cid, Holly Adams and more. The SCW started to see a renaissance of the old school, those who were pillars and building blocks for wat it is today, paving the way for wrestlers like me, Owen, Ali and Aaron, we are grateful for that, never forgetting where we came from and who was there to open the doors so that we could walk through and get our chance, our moment in the spotlight.

Thank you for that Mr. Hodges….

And that is about as far my praise is going, because what you did to Alistaire was downright sick, and WE are tired of it! I came with great expectations to this company, I am here to compete against the best, which is exactly what this match is, though it should have been more about us as competitors and less about me defending the honor of my fiancé and putting myself in the line of fire, for I expect you to try and take me out, Mr. Hodges, I can see it in your eyes that is exactly your plans, use me as a message to Ali, trying to destroy my dreams as well of defending my Adrenaline Championship at Rise To Greatness. Here is the thing though, Mr. Hodges, you are not facing Peyton Rice, the wrestler, you are not going to be in the ring with the Arizona girl who grew up watching the SCW and dreamed one day that she would be here, on television, PPV’s and doing what I had only hoped would happen. You’re facing a woman who has grown tired of megalomaniacs like yourself who think they can throw their weight around because they were cool back when I was still playing with a doll house. I trained a long time for this, but see, I know what it is like to have it bad. I don’t know where you went after your last match in what, 2014? I wasn’t even training then; I was taking care of my father who has an accident saving lives. All I ever wanted Mr. Hodges is for people to respect and understand one another, there is a story that we all have to tell, we all have a right to be a part of this, but instead “You Want it All”? All? What about me? What about Ali? I would love to see my father walk again! I would love to see an SCW where we salivate over competition and want to improve, better ourselves.

I want a world where there is no injustice, racism, and wars.

Or skullduggery, trying to play coy and cute toward me in a very condescending and insulting way, nice try Mr. Hodges, but you don’t know the first thing about love, unless it is yourself.

As many would say to me though, unfortunately that is a pipe dream. I am stepping into the ring with a LEGEND, yes, I recognized that sir, start acting like one! Look, time heals all wounds, Mr. Hodges, I understand that you went into early retirement as the body started to break down, which is why this knee injury was very believable and we actually felt bad and sorry for you, seeing a man who was trying to get back to form, who was outstanding in Taking Hold of the Flame finishing in the top five, a match where you have already won and set the standard, this is what you should have been though, Mr. Hodges, THAT EXAMPLE so we could follow, where you show the next generation how it is done, but instead you didn’t, all you taught us is that you’re a bitter old man who rather take away from everyone to preserve his own ego and throw away any little integrity he has. Is this the kind of father you want to be to your children? Husband to your wife? old

Don’t answer that, I know I’ll be disappointed.

My dad can’t even defend himself anymore and yet he is more of a man in the wheelchair than you will ever be! I had to grow up fast Mr. Hodges and learned one thing….

Life gives you choices, the ones you choose are what makes a person, I made mine a long time ago, and I see you have made yours…

And there will be consequences with those, sir.”


The fire is now starting to come out on Peyton Rice, she has had a lot of things happen to her before, but this has taken the cake. The attack by Matt Hodges on her fiancé was simply the prelude to what happened later to Kelcey and Peyton can’t stand it anymore. She wants to beat Hodges, this is about more than just a match or even revenge, this is about the survival and preservation of her beliefs in wrestling. She walks over to some soldier’s gear, looking at it for a moment before speaking….


“So many people like to talk about sacrifices, every wrestler has made some, but I will not be some sacrificial lamb to the slaughter, I won’t let you, for I am constantly reminded of this night. I can’t get over the noise the crutch made on Ali’s knee, and then the chair, but that wasn’t enough, was it? The figure-four on the steel post as well, you wanted to END his career, it was completely malicious, and I should hate you for that, instead I feel sorry. Does it have to be the story of the grizzled veteran who thinks he must injure people to get back to the very top? No. Mr. Hodges, I have been told by the best there would be times like this where I need to reflect on the here and now, how I will respond to situations that frankly could be out of my control. Then I need to come to the conclusion; will all of this change me? In one night, I saw my fiancé go down and then my mentor, a mother figure, and what was I supposed to do? I started getting blamed on Twitter that is was my fault this happen, I don’t need anyone to tell me this, I already knew it was my fault, because I didn’t see it coming, maybe it was my rose colored glasses which still thinks that some people would never go that far. We are supposed to learn from our peers, the men and women who created this place, the names that are forever engraved in the annuls of history, but no. I came here with some rough years on my personal life which made me stronger, and here I thought I could be ready for anything….

And I was wrong.

Those peers taught me one thing….

I will never become them, like you Mr. Hodges.

What is there left for me to do? Simple, I walk into this match with one purpose, it is not to just win, no I need to survive and take on one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the last two decades, and many may say Mr. Hodges has lost a step or he’s not as nimble or quick, while that maybe my forte and strength going into this match, speed, which I could run circles around most of my opponents, I know that Mr. Hodges doesn’t want to have a clean fight, he is looking to hurt me, send a message, make a statement, whatever it is that makes him smile, for if he can go as far to fake a knee injury to only try and hurt Alistaire, then I can only imagine what he will do to me. Mr. Hodges, it doesn’t have to be like this, people will respect your legacy more if you can still hang with the roster of today and the up and coming stars who wish they could accomplish half of what you had done in the SCW….

But you rather destroy the dreams you once had too sir in others to make your existence relevant again and mean something. I can agree with the title you have given yourself, WORLD CLASS. That is not a lie, we look at your past accomplishments, what you’ve done in such a short time back from your return, isn’t this what you want your legacy to be, instead of greed? Well, you’re a World Class Ass in my book, and you’re going to see why I hold the Adrenaline Championship, why I won the Rookie of the Year in 2019, why I was the second longest reigning TV Champion of all time and finally why I fight to the very end! I have had my hiccups, wins and losses, sure, I was trialed by fire at one point, seeing my friends go down, the people I love get hurt at the hands of egotistical ruffage like yourself that doesn’t think about the impact this does on your kids, or those who look up to you, the ones that mark out in the stands when you walked out from hiatus, but that’s fine! My career is in a place where I am starting to elevate myself to the next level and I don’t care if you want to try and stop me! You’ve done enough to the Perfect Pack; the Wonderland has done enough to the Perfect Pack and now?


I didn’t start small and finally amass the courage to enter the SCW to fail. Whatever you believe, those that think we are greedy or full of egos, it doesn’t matter, for while you may be World Class and a man who “Wants it All”? I am a woman who is willing to sacrifice herself by paying her dues until she WINS IT ALL. I am angry, furious but also focused and Mr. Hodges, you’re going to see in front of the awesome Canadian crowd, this is not just a battle, nor will we see love not war….

I beg you to try and take me out, it will take everything you have. For this is not a story of star-crossed lovers…. Instead it is one that If you’re not careful, the future Hall of Famer, Matt Hodges will see?”


She arches her eyebrow, holding the Adrenaline Championship….


“That Peyton Rice?

Isn’t just another “Pretty” face.”


Glaring into the camera, her green eyes narrow, biting down on her jaw, ready for the match of her life…..








Diary Entry



PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2The road heading into Rise To Greatness is here. Another Breakdown in the books and I am cuddled up in bed ready to count sheep, I am really tired today both physically and mentally as a lot has been going on. Gosh where do I start?

Taking Hold of the Flame was a great experience, even though I really didn’t get to do what I wanted. To be in the ring with all those superstars was special, competing with the best. My number was eight, not exactly the best but it gave me a chance to go out there and compete for like 45 minutes is what I was told. Jordan Majors was out there for like 80 minutes, double my time, I’m sure she found that as a victory over me again, she seems to be petty when it comes to things concerning us. Anyway, it was also very cool to have my dad there, watching the whole thing unfold. I didn’t get to finish. Was eliminated by Xander Valentine, could have been earlier but Owen caught me as he was entering.

I wish I could have helped Owen and Alistaire more, I think it was the biggest regret I had in the whole match.

The biggest thing coming out of the weekend was my father visiting me, I know that Kelcey was the one who went and talked and convinced him to come and see me. I was pretty happy about it all and I think moving forward we need to start building our relationship more, it is going to take time for him to trust me again, see me for the woman I am and not the one he thinks, all I ever did was try to help him, I would never do anything like that again or then some. Having that connection, being able to talk to him and share my experiences is what really was missing from my life. Now that I think about it, I have lost a lot in the last year, and with the anniversary of Ricky’s death now, as he had died a few weeks before his body was found on June 20, 2019, the emotions are starting to resurface again, it was a really bad time in my life and if I am honest with myself?

I never was able to get over it.

I don’t know if Alistaire realizes that or not, recently he has experienced tragedy in his life too with the death of his stepfather. I wish I could do more for him, he definitely needs me right now and sometimes I don’t know how to be that rock for him, he can be complex at times, probably the most infuriating part of it all. I must be there for him, even if deep down inside I am an emotional wreck. Things are not always rosy and with a title defense in a week against Coach Tommy Valentine, I need to be on my game, because if I am not?

I won’t be Adrenaline Champion come Rise to Greatness.

Time to get some sleep.









Taking Hold of the Flame lived up to it’s hype, there were surprises and the winner came out of nowhere and took the Flame, that being David Helms, a person who is very important in the life of Peyton Rice, he was one of a few coaches that gave her the opportunity and for him to finally win after coming out of retirement was a special moment for everyone especially in Newark, New Jersey, his hometown and state. For Peyton though, she had lasted over 45 minutes, it was her chance to show off some skills as the Adrenaline Champion, finding herself in a hot mess and being thrown out by Xander Valentine, the almost 7-foot monster. Peyton was content but not happy with her performance, feeling like she cheated herself and let down Kelcey. While she was impressive, there were others who had better success, like Jordan Majors who it seems like they have this little rivalry going. For Peyton though, she needed to put the even in the rear view, it was a great experience, her first ever, and lasting over 45 minutes is not too shabby at all for the young woman.

She was on the Road toward Rise to Greatness and as Adrenaline Champion, this was her time to be able to walk into the biggest event of the year with a marquee matchup. That is of course if she was still champion, and Peyton was going to be tested.

At least on a personal level it seemed like everything was okay. She and her father, Ray were on speaking terms again, the engagement with Ali was going great though with the death of his stepfather, Richard Herr, things seemed to be pretty difficult for Ali, though he was disguising them pretty well, at least leading into the Taking Hold of the Flame. A win for him and Main Eventing, Rise to Greatness again would have been a great feather on his cap, made him feel better, but Allocco wore a heart on his sleeve, he was very open and emotional when feeling like needing a release. Peyton was worried about him, wanting to make sure that everything was going to be alright.

The problem was….

They weren’t.


Taking Hold of the Flame

The Following Morning

Newark, New Jersey


It was a very quiet evening, Peyton, Ray and Ali had a late coffee and some snacks after the event. Peyton wanted to go celebrate with the Helms clan but with her father there, she felt like her time was needed there. Ali had been quiet, she knew he was grieving, could tell that it really hit him hard, so all she could do was be supportive of him. Walking out of the bathroom, she had on a white silk robe, towel over her head to dry her hair, with nails polished white. She was sore, bruised up, fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow, as did Alistaire, yet she was concerned. He was already dressed in a Polo button up shirt, khakis and dress shoes, his bags all packed up and ready to go. She smiled, sitting down next on the bed, watching him get his things together.


Peyton: “What are you doing?”

PeytonCastPic-AlistaireAlistaire: “Packing, I need to get back to Rochester, it is a good five-hour drive.”

Peyton: “Awesome, I’ll come with you and catch a flight back in a few days to Arizona and stay with my dad.”

Alistaire: “Wait, Pey, I need to do this alone.”

Peyton: “You shouldn’t be alone, Ali. Not after what happened to Richard. Besides, I would love to meet your family, I know it is under excruciating circumstance, but I would really like to be there for the funeral and all.”


His father’s funeral had already passed the other day, Alistaire had already buried the man he called a stepfather, at the same time had a falling out with Zeke and Joanna, his stepsister and cousin as they decided to leave Ali along with Claire Bailey, Peyton knew none of this….


Alistaire: “That is not possible right now Peyton.”

Peyton: “Why not Ali? We have a week off, I would love to come with you to New York, I want to pay my respects too, I am your fiancé, don’t you think that I should be there?”

Alistaire: “It’s not that, the funeral already happened.”


Peyton was taken back a little by that revelation, she didn’t understand how all this happened so fast and she wasn’t even aware of the funeral which would explain his nonchalant attitude when he arrived to New jersey and met her father. She knew that Alistaire was going through a lot, but she didn’t expect this at all. Peyton in many ways felt hurt, a little betrayed, she was sitting there trying to stay calm and keep her emotions grounded, didn’t want to add to the already volatile situation she thought was starting to slowly simmer in the room. He continued to pack, giving her a cold shoulder and while Peyton has dealt with Ali’s emotionally mood swings before, the feeling of going through hell with him at times, including the kidnapping, the accusations he made, everything that has come up and down, there were more good times then there were bad. She sighs, looking at Alistaire…


Peyton: “It happened already? Did you not want me there? Are you trying to hide me from your extended family?”

Alistaire: “No, not at all. I just didn’t want you in a situation that we could avoid. It happened quickly and I really don’t want to talk about it.”

Peyton: “Ali, don’t shut me out here. I want to help, I want to be here for you, we are going to spend the rest of our lives together and I think that we need to have an open line of communication, right? I know how much you are hurting right now with Richard’s death, you were there for me even if it was awkward when Ricky died, let me at least come with you, I can meet Joanna, Ezekiel, even Claire, I mean I would love to meet your roomie slash trainer here.”

Alistaire: “Now is not a good time, Peyton. I seriously need to get back on the road, I will call you when I get there, maybe I can travel out to California after Breakdown, we can hang out for a few days.”

Peyton: “I would like that, I made arrangements to go tour some wedding venues out there.”


He seemed a little annoyed, maybe Peyton was rushing things, or it could be that it was all happening in the West Coast, which suddenly clicked in Peyton’s mind…


Peyton: “Wait… is this about it on the West Coast? Ali, we can talk about it you know, but it seems like you don’t want me to come to New York and meet any of your family.”

Alistaire: “Now is not a good time, Pey.”

Peyton: “Then tell me why Ali, I can help.”

Alistaire: “I can’t right now, but I promise that I will later. Please, just trust me here.”

Peyton: “Okay… fine. I do want to meet Claire.”

Alistaire: “May I ask why?”


He was a bit rash and snappy about it, Peyton tilted her head and now she was starting to get annoyed….


Peyton: “Because she is your roommate and trainer, you know mine, I would like to know yours, since we are engaged, I think that is a piece of info I would think is important here.”

Alistaire: “Don’t get upset and I will set something up but not now. I need to get back to Rochester and fix a few things, I don’t want you there right now until it blows over. I have had a very difficult time with this and ask for privacy.”


She reluctantly nodded as Alistaire kissed her on the cheek…..


Alistaire: “I love you.”

Peyton: “I love you too.”


As he walked out the door, he opened it to find Kelcey and Ray there ready to knock. Alistaire was walking out with his bags, as Ray smiled…


PeytonCastPic-RayRay: “Everything alright, Alistaire?”

Alistaire: “Yes sir, just need to get back to Rochester, take care of some family matters is all, recently had a death in the family. We will talk again soon.”

Ray: “Sounds like a plan, have a safe trip.”

Alistaire: “You too. Bye Kelcey.”

Kelcey: “Yeah, bye.”


The Perfect Ten turned toward Peyton who just shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her clothing….


Ray: “Everything alright?”

Peyton: “Yeah dad everything is fine. He’s going through some personal problems is all, I understand. I wanted to go with him, but I can at least spend half the day with you before heading out. You and Kelcey, I know Owen, Jennifer, Aaron and Liane are all waiting for us downstairs for breakfast. Let me get dressed really quickly and I will be right out.”

Ray: “Take your time.”


Peyton heads into the bathroom with her clothes, and heads out to get dressed, he slowly turns to Kelcey who looks down at him while in his wheelchair….


Ray: “Tell me about this Alistaire kid, I am still trying to figure him out.”

Kelcey: “So am I Ray, so am I.”


They wait as Peyton gets ready, she stands in the mirror looking at her own reflection, thinking about the conversation which just happened. She keeps telling herself to trust him, that is all, just trust him and things will blow over, but the Rice intuition says otherwise, and it’s not exactly making Peyton happy….

But more suspicious.






While things were a little rocky with Alistaire, Peyton was used to him sometimes being odd, different and not always in touch with the way he handled things, this was part of the charm of Alistaire, but she was offended, it did hurt her when he didn’t tell his fiancé about the funeral, and just went, never mentioning anything. When she wanted to go to upstate New York and be with him after Taking Hold of the Flame, he outright had said no, he didn’t want her around all that mess, but she was starting to think this was more about Claire Bailey. Peyton though was trusting, she was going to believe in him, last time she let that trust go, the young Rice lost Ricky Octavius forever. Peyton had already started looking at venues for them to be married, but most importantly, she was already looking at places to move in together and try to get him away from New York and start a life with her in the West Coast.

To Peyton, Ali needed this.

With a huge match coming up against Tommy Valentine as well, Peyton had to direct her focus on a multitude of things, With her father back in her life, she at least had that figure presence, whenever she needed, always turning to her father. It was a little concerning and it plagued the back of her mind about Ali, but she was very good at staying positive and having no concern, he did put a ring on her finger. Peyton on this day set up a little lunch date with Kelcey and Jennifer, hang out with them and then start looking at some venues, even places to live. She loved hanging out with Kelcey but had noticed that after Taking Hold of the Flame, she too was acting a bit distant. It wasn’t a cold shoulder by any means but more less talkative, giving short answers, not texting her as much, and then on this day, things seemed really odd….

Because Kelcey Wallace never showed up to lunch.


Santa Monica, CA.


3:00 PM


Lunch was great, the Corner Bistro had some awesome California Spa Cuisine, a great place for two women like Jennifer and Peyton to dine at. She had received a text from Kelcey that she couldn’t make it, feeling a little under the weather. She knew that Scott Cannon was out of town in San Francisco over the weekend, so Kelcey was by herself and that concerned her. Peyton was looking at one of the venues for the wedding, she had a House Shopper in hand too, wearing jean shorts and a white halter top, thong sandals and nails polished white with her long Sandy Blonde hair hanging down. Jennifer was in black shorts and a blue summer top, her long hair hung down, a glossy coat on her nails as she looked around very impressed at the beachside venue, where they could get married outside and have the reception in doors and have access to the Laguna and the Pier. Candace, the planner is showing them around….


Candace: “The entire floor plan is yours, the room separates into three different ballrooms, but if you like, depending on the size of your wedding, all three become a grand ballroom. As you can see the view of the ocean, the sand is right outside, a perfect place for pictures. I am going to guess you two are actresses. Maybe Models?”


Peyton and Jennifer look at one another before giggling, they both nod at the same time…


PeytonCastPic-JenniferJennifer: “Something like that, yeah.”

Candace: “You both look very familiar.”

Peyton: “Our faces have been on a billboard or two.”

Candace: “Ah! See, I knew it. Anyway, there is a stage there for a live band or a DJ, we also provide a menu with five different packages, and have an incredibly talented cake designer out of Malibu, all included in the package.”

Peyton: “Really? Wow, this really sounds awesome, what do you think Jenni?”

Jennifer: “I love it, personally.”

Candace: “Great! Well, I am sure that your fiancé would love to stop by and see the property along with everything we offer, I am going to give you my card and all the pamphlets which include the packages and menu, then we can set up another walk through with….?”

Peyton: “Alistaire.”

Candace: “Yes, Alistaire. Then we can really sit down and talk about all the amenities.”

Peyton: “Wow, yeah this sounds great. We love the place and I am sure Alistaire will too, when we get a chance hopefully in a week or so, as he is out of town, we can swing by here and you can show us around again, he would really like that.”

Candace: “So would I, it was such a pleasure to meet you Peyton and Jennifer.”

Peyton: “Yes, same to you, thank you so much for your help, I will call you soon.”


The two ladies shook hands, Peyton and Jennifer walked out, the young Adrenaline Champion was quite impressed with the venue, but in the back of her mind she was worried about Kelcey. It took them about 45 minutes to get home with some traffic. Jennifer was going to hang out with Owen, Peyton didn’t know if they were headed to Jenni’s loft in the city or she was going to stay here. As she pulled into the driveway, Peyton made her way to the front of the house…


Jennifer: “Hey, where are you going?”

PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTPeyton: “I’m going to take a walk up to Kelcey’s, only about three quarters of a mile up the canyon.”

Jennifer: “Let me at least drive you there.”

Peyton: “No, I’m okay, I want to take a walk, have a little me time. Why don’t you guys have the house to yourselves, hang out, do something fun.”

Jennifer: “We had planned for you to be with us, are you sure?”

Peyton: “He needs you right now. He loves you Jen.”

Jennifer: “I love him.”

Peyton: “Sometimes, I’m jealous at the love you two have.”


Jennifer didn’t know what to make of that statement. She was going to respond but instead just smiled as Peyton turned and slowly walked up the Canyon road….


Twenty Minutes Later

Scott Cannon’s Home


Peyton knew that Scott was out of town, he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow afternoon. Peyton knocked on the door a few times, no one answered. She could hear the TV on though, it was rather loud, sounded like she was watching a wedding or some sort of ceremony. Peyton tried to open the door, but it was locked, so she used the key Kelcey gave her. She walked in, the curtains were closed, lights were one, it was already around 6 pm. As she walked into the living room, she saw some Chinese Take Out boxes on the coffee table, it seemed like the whatever she was watching quickly changed to wrestling. Kelcey sat there wearing baggy long sweats and an Elvis T-Shirt. Her long sandy blonde hair hung down, bare feet rested on the table, toe nails polished a matte lavender. Her blue eyes widened, turning toward Peyton. She noticed a half glass of red wine in her hand and an empty bottle sitting next to her, looking a little flushed. There was a plate of Chinese cuisine in front of her, looks like most was eaten. There was a burner phone sitting on the coffee table too, she found that quite odd…


PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “Pey? What are you doing here?”

Peyton: “I was worried about you. You have been acting the same since Taking Hold of the Flame and when you didn’t show up today knowing how important your opinion is to my decisions, I became worried. What is going on here, Kelcey?”

Kelcey: “Nothing, just felt like staying home today, haven’t been feeling good.”

Peyton: “Is it your Parkinson’s?”

Kelcey: “No… no. I am okay, it is more just going through a phase, I guess. I was going to open another bottle of wine, I’m sure you would love a glass of Merlot?”

Peyton: “Sure, I would like that. Kelcey, how much have you had?”

Kelcey: “Oh, I probably started drinking at ten this morning. Come sit down, if you’re hungry, I ordered from the Panda Inn, there is some pork belly mango and walnut salad, crispy beef, lo mein and garlic eggplant. Don’t be shy, there might be a few spring rolls there.”

Peyton: “I…. I don’t want to impose.”


As Kelcey stands, she stumbles a little to the kitchen and grabs another bottle and glass, along with a plate and chopsticks….


Kelcey: “You are the last person to ever impose in anything, understood?”

Peyton: “Yes, ma’am. I was really worried about you.”

Kelcey: “I’m sorry I scared you, one of those days where I just wanted to stay home and be by myself.”

Peyton: “I can leave and…”

Kelcey: “No. Please stay, the night even unless you have plans.”

Peyton: “I can stay and I….”


As Peyton was talking, she noticed the match that was on the huge 80-inch screen. Her attention suddenly floated to TV. Kelcey was staring right at Peyton, when her eyes shifted then narrowed…


Peyton: “This was…..”

Kelcey: “Broken Beliefs, the last time I won the World Championship. I defeated Vixen Cain.”

Peyton: “I remember watching this while in the UWA.”

Kelcey: “IT was my last great match.”

Peyton: “No… you had more than these that year.”


Kelcey doesn’t say a word, she prefers silence over speaking, and sipping wine after pouring Peyton a glass, the cling in a toast. The match mesmerized Peyton though, her eyes were glued to the television….


Mr. D looks confused as he turns and starts to move towards the back. Selena then heads to the ring. Cain throws Kelcey down. Cain turns and runs at Selena and Selena tries to block the shot, but Cain nails her with a forearm. Selena falls back, holding her ribs. She rolls over. Kelcey grabs the SCW World Championship and glances back as Cain turns around and Kelcey nails Cain with the World Title belt. She slides it out of the ring, right in front of Jason Phillips. The crowd erupts in cheers.

Sharper: “Kelcey! She just nailed Cain with the World Title! Turnabout!”

Knots: “Disqualification!”

Sharper: “Referee is down!”

Mr. D turns back. He looks confused as Selena looks up and Kelcey checks on the official who starts to turn over. Cain slowly rolls over and gets up, half dazed. He turns and Kelcey runs at him and nails him with the Perfect Ending. The crowd cheers. Kelcey drops down. The referee turns.




The crowd roars and the bell sounds. Mr. D then walks back towards the ring. Selena slowly gets up, wincing. Mr. D walks over to her and Selena just says “Sorry” before getting up. Kelcey turns and looks around as Phillips places the title back onto the apron.

Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, and NEW SCW World Champion, Kelcey Wallace!”

The crowd cheers. Kelcey turns and grabs the SCW World Championship and looks at it. She then leans down in the corner, the adrenaline wearing off as she holds her arm. She looks around and notices Selena Frost backing to the back, holding her ribs.

Sharper: “Kelcey Wallace back on top of the world here in SCW! Even with the arm, Cain looking to attack her with the gold, Selena Frost with the assist and making sure Cain wouldn’t do whatever he had planned and Kelcey didn’t hesitate!”

Knots: “She used the World Title to win it! She hit him!”

Sharper: “Cain did too. And I guarantee she’d rather take it as she did than by disqualification. Kelcey had her reasons. Selena had hers too. I still wonder what D is thinking. But one thing is for sure. Cain is no longer champion. Kelcey Wallace is and she’ll see what awaits her at Fatal Fortunes on Breakdown! That’s all from us. Good night everyone from Newark!”

Kelcey Wallace looks around as her music plays and the crowd cheers. She then holds the title up as she favors her arm. The crowd cheers some more as we slowly fade to black…


She pauses the TV….


Kelcey: “I didn’t want to say anything when we went to Taking Hold of the Flame, but that was the last time I was in Newark, New Jersey before a couple of Sundays ago. In that very building was the LAST time I won the World Championship. It’s hard to reminisce some days, thinking what could have been had I not lost three years of my career. When we walked into the building, before anyone was there, I walked out to the ring, I thought about my win at Taking Hold of the Flame, then I thought about that night, when I walked out as World Champion. I remember the cheers of the crowd, how I felt hoisting the World Championship again….. and then I stopped it.”

Peyton: “Why?”

Kelcey: “Eat please.”

Peyton: “I am….”


Peyton starts to fill her plate up with some things. She starts eating, turning and looking back at the TV….


Peyton: “Why?”

Kelcey: “I have my reasons. No point in talking about them now, we all have our problems, right? Some more severe than others but I refuse to take away the spotlight off you, or Alistaire, Owen and Aaron. Instead I have the memories I can hold on to. Sit here with a glass of wine and good take out and enjoy my triumphs.”

Peyton: “Is this why you didn’t want to get out of the house?”

Kelcey: “No, this is not why, but if I want to close and board myself up and watch reruns when I meant something once, then it is my prerogative.”

Peyton: “You still mean everything.”

Kelcey: “Did you watch that just now? When I used the chair to win the World Championship? Why didn’t you say something? Wasn’t it cheating? Wasn’t it going against everything I am teaching you and the boys now? This is exactly what I am talking about Peyton, sitting here wondering if I am truly the right person to lead you four. Do I really need to be back in the SCW? Or is it just a distraction with a damn custody battle which has been made public? Being in Newark, watching David Helms win in his own hometown, gave me the rush, the feeling once again that I could step back in the ring and do it again, but at what cost? MY own well-being? You and the rest of the guys career? I could easily block you all and I already did that once with AJ Helms and that other cunt not too long ago. That moment was there was magical for me and I had no remorse using the belt to do so.”

Peyton: “That was different Kelcey….”

Kelcey: “Was it? We have both said it, love. Two wrongs do not make a right. I failed you guys at Taking Hold of the Flame. I failed Aaron in winning the World Title, I failed you, Alistaire and Owen in the actual Flame, and here I am sitting wondering if my presence is only making things worse or if they are making them better. Do you really need me or not? I was a three time World Champion, I won the Flame being the first woman to ever do it, but as I stood watching Bree holding up both of those championships, I thought to myself, I could step in the ring and take them from her, once she beat Aaron and I shouldn’t even remotely have those thoughts in my head if I am going to properly train and lead you four into battle. So yes, I sat here and watched some of my old matches, even the last one with Ace Marshall at Rise to Greatness where I looked absolutely pathetic and lethargic. The matches with Selena Frost where I knew I could beat her especially on this night right here if it wasn’t for bloody Cain. My life has been full of regrets, I hate it because this is about YOU. II think of this time last year when I was in a coma and you missed out on The Flame, ask myself, what could have been then? I am trying to put my head around it all Peyton but sometimes I can’t come up with any answers and so I sit here sipping wine and wondering what am I going to do with the knowledge I have.”


Peyton started to come very concerned with Kelcey’s demeanor, she knew a lot of it was the alcohol talking and that she didn’t really know what she was saying, but at the same time people speak the truth when they are angry or drunk, she seemed to be both. Peyton didn’t want her to feel this way, her green eyes staring at the paused picture of Kelcey holding up the World Championship in Newark…


Peyton: “You are my mentor, my teacher and most of all a mother figure, a woman that I admire, love and cherish so dearly. I wish I could be half the person you were not only in the ring but outside it too.”

Kelcey: “No you don’t Peyton, you’re doing a fine job by yourself, I envy your positivity, everything that you stand for, which is why I hate to watch you upset, seeing you sad and angry over trivial things. Allow the business and all its backstabbing and rule breaking get to you, love. Then I think of all that I did when I was in Monarchy or even here, in this match. How I allowed myself to fall into the trap and here I am mentoring you.”

Peyton: “No… no. You had your reasons and while I may not agree, this was not out of malice or malevolence, this was out of survival, we all know how big of an ass, Vixen Cain was, there is no denying it whatsoever, Kelcey. He was just that, you did what you had too, but you’re right, it wasn’t right, you know that. I have to ask though; what information are we talking about?”


Kelcey said nothing, instead she sat back on the couch and sipped her wine. It took a minute before her blue eyes narrowed some, she didn’t even look at Peyton when she asked her the question the young Rice didn’t expect….


Kelcey: “Are you willing to do what I just did to preserve the Adrenaline Championship and walk into Rise to Greatness with it against a man who knows your every move, who trained you since the infant stages, who will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to take it from you? Tommy is not the man he was once, Peyton, I hope you know that going into Breakdown.”

Peyton: “I…. I do. I hate it, but I do.”

Kelcey: “So are you?”

Peyton: “If I successfully defend the title, then I need to do so with the same set of skills he taught me. I can’t compromise who I am, even you told me that.”

Kelcey: “I did, but why listen to me, when you know that I wouldn’t do the same?”


That caught Peyton off-guard, she didn’t know what was going on with Kelcey, maybe these were feelings she had tucked away deep down inside and they were finally being released. Peyton wanted to make sure that her mentor, the woman she loved and adored dearly was okay. She was starting to worry more and more…


Peyton: “Because I know the woman sitting in front of me right now, wouldn’t do what she did back in 2017. It was a trying time for you, this was all after the Blake Mason crap you went through. He and Bree put you through hell, you had to come back stronger than ever and eventually get your revenge on Bree and on Blake. Kelcey, you are everything I ever wanted to be as…..”



Peyton’s eyes widen, taken back some by Kelcey’s outburst….


Kelcey: “You don’t want to be me; you need to be YOU. Don’t you see, I have been given news just the other day and I am sitting here, wondering what the hell I am going to do with it, because if I choose one way, then I betray everything that I have said and done for you and the boys. If I choose the other, than at one point to I just let go and let the doves I have in my little cage fly and let the bricks fall where they may? People like Aries and Bree, they will always make fun of or question Perfection, they don’t and will never understand what it means to us, reaching a level that we feel, in perception is perfect, and yes there was a time once when I did want to be Perfect, where I wanted to be untouchable, those days are long gone, they will never be here again, but again at what cost?”

Peyton: “Cost, what is it!?”


Peyton’s voice finally raised as she was starting to get frustrated and angry….


Kelcey: “I have been given my medical release!”


The young Rice froze. Slowly putting down the chopsticks and grabbing the glass of wine, her hand shaking, nervously drinking it all and placing it on the coffee table. Kelcey looked away, her eyes were starting to tear up some. Peyton was confused, she would have thought this is what Kelcey wanted, but instead it has become a decision that she has played with for some time….


Peyton: “I…. I am so happy for you!”

Kelcey: “I was this bloody close to entering Taking Hold of the Flame as a surprise entrant, this bloody close but I thought about YOU, about Alistaire, Aaron and Owen, I couldn’t take it away from you guys, I couldn’t focus on me, this was and will always be about you. I see all these old-timers coming back, blasts from the pasts and all I can do is sit here with sweaty palms and feet itching to step back into the ring and test myself one more time. I can’t do that to you guys, I can’t.”

Peyton: “Kelcey, we will support you in any way, promise.”

Kelcey: “No, it’s settled, but I will be surprising a lot of people if I need to get physical, that is for sure.”


In a way that brought a smile to Peyton’s face but there was a lot more going on with Kelcey than just being able to return to the ring. There was almost a sadness to her demeanor, Peyton couldn’t exactly pinpoint it out. She was watching something earlier; she couldn’t figure out what it was. She wanted to ask….


Kelcey: “So that’s it, sorry about that.”

Peyton: “No, it’s fine. I really missed you today looking at the wedding venue, I would like you to come when Ali is able is take a look at it.”

Kelcey: “He’s going to hurt you.”

Peyton: “What? I beg your pardon?”

Kelcey: “He’s going to hurt you Pey. He’s too perfect, like Chris. Men like him have this ego, they are proud individuals who need the support of a good woman to feed them constantly how great they are, it is a narcissism they play off people like you and me, the ones willing to believe, to trust them unconditionally.”

Peyton: “I thought you liked him, Kelcey? That is a shitty thing to say to me. I was having a good day and…. I need to go.”

Kelcey: “Peyton. Is he hurting you now emotionally?”

Peyton: “Things are a little tense, but I think that has more to do with the death of his stepdad.”

Kelcey: “Shutting you out.”


Much as Peyton wanted to disagree with Kelcey, it was the truth, but she had a plan, try to convince him to move in together, stay with her out here amongst friends and family, she wanted to have Ali see the other side of things and get him away from New York. She looked at Kelcey and reluctantly nodded…


Kelcey: “And then you blame yourself, thinking over and over again what did you do wrong to cause it.”

Peyton: “Yeah, I do.”

Kelcey: “That’s the thing Peyton, you did nothing wrong love. Do you know how many times a day I regret calling Chris, Silas Mason? I sit here often, at least once an hour wondering where I would be right now had I not treated Chris like this, knowing what he has said and done, yet deep down inside I ask myself, why did I say that? Why did I not just give him the benefit of the doubt, why did I let that bitch take him? Every single day I think that to myself and the LAST thing I want is to see you go through the same torture. I want you to think long and hard about this engagement, because once your married things become much more difficult to handle. Now I find myself in the middle of a custody battle with my son, who they named Nathaniel and I can’t even change it to what I want because its not like I am adopting a fucking a dog. I don’t even know if I am going to win, and instead I will be the one who lost the husband, the son and everything else that wen with the life I made my vows in.”

Peyton: “Kelcey… I trust Ali to make the right decisions, even if he has a hard time dealing and expressing his emotions. As for Chris, don’t blame yourself, he made that choice without thinking twice about it. I don’t; think he has any remorse. Soon, you and Scott will have Nathaniel here, with you.”


Kelcey sits up, running her fingers though the long strands of sandy blonde hair…..


Kelcey: “I don’t know if that is possible, too Peyton. They were right.”

Peyton: “Right about what?”

Kelcey: “I did try to kill the baby in an emotional rage before Regan stopped me…. and I regret that too every day since. I’m not perfect… I’m anything but.”


Peyton sat there in silence; she couldn’t believe the revelation that Kelcey told her. Before too long, Kelcey started to cry, Peyton quickly sat next to her, holding her tight. She continued to cry for a few moments before she went silent. Her head resting on Peyton’s shoulder, realizing she had passed out from all the drinking….


Peyton: “Kelcey?”


She groaned some, Peyton helped Kelcey to her feet and escorted her to the bed. She laid her down and covered her up, kissing Kelcey on the forehead, running a few strings of hair from her face before heading back downstairs. She sat on the couch, staring at the burner phone, she picked it up and looked at it, the number on it seemed familiar, was it Blake Mason? Nah. She shook her head and put it down before Peyton poured herself another glass of wine and stared at the paused footage of her match for a moment, before she looked at the remote and hit the “Back” button, suddenly she sees the recording from her wedding with Chris, and then it dawned on Peyton, they recently celebrated an Anniversary, it would have been 6 years. Peyton starts to watch….


Taylor wipes some tears from her face as Scott hands her a hanky, she turns to him and smirks….

Kelcey and Chris stand side by side while the wedding guest look on…..

Father O’Reilly: “”No other human ties are more tender and no other vows more important than those you are about to take. Both of you come to this day with the deep realization that the contract of marriage is sacred as are all of its obligations and responsibilities. Chris Cannon, please turn to Kelcey and giver her your vows.”

Chris turns to Kelcey and holds her hands…..

Chris: “It can take a lifetime for some people to find that one person they wish to spend the rest of their life with, I can say without uncertainty that am blessed having found you so soon into mine. Just the thought of you when I wake makes my heart skip a beat, staring at you now with our friends and family here today knowing we’re about to become husband and wife? This is our perfect moment. On this day as I look into your eyes I give to you my heart and my soul, Kelcey Martika Wallace. With this ring I give you my promise that I shall walk with you, hand in hand wherever this journey we’re about to undertake guides us. In doing so, I promise to help shoulder any and all challenges, for together we are stronger than we ever could be apart. Ever since we’ve gotten to know each other like we do now, you’ve called me your rock and well to me you are my everything. From now and forever I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust, these are my vows to you, my perfect ten… I love you.”

Kelcey’s eyes tear up, Taylor tries to hold back more tears and extends her hand for Scott to give her the hanky back…..

Father O’Reilly: “Now Kelcey please give your vows to Chris.”

Kelcey’s warm smile and face tell it all as she holds Chris hands….

Kelcey: “Chris, you are so many things to me, and I am sure you will be many more in our life together. No one is truly perfect I have learned that, but with all your strengths and weaknesses, and with all of mine, together we ARE perfect. You complete me in more ways than I could have thought possible. I knew before my heart did that, we were made for each other. Now my heart has caught up, and the joy that I feel from the love that I have for you is incomparable, and I know that you feel the same because your love radiates from you and surrounds me in warmth. Because of all these things, I want with all my heart, to be the best person I can be for you. I will love you forever. I will laugh with you when times are good, and I will lift you up when times are hard. I will be the joy of your heart, and I will be the food of your soul. I promise to wash away your tears with my kisses and hold you with passion. My affection will know no bounds. With this marriage I give to you my body, my mind, my soul, my ENTIRE BEING.”

Now Chris, who tries to show no emotion becomes a little engulfed…..

Kelcey smiles as they turn to Father O’Brien……


As Peyton watches, her eyes swell up in tears, thinking about the heartache Kelcey has gone through and the toll it has taken, and then she thinks about herself. Peyton begins to cry, wondering if she is making a mistake…..

Maybe Kelcey is right.






The Following morning Peyton slowly crawled out of the bed, not to wake Kelcey, she had a rough night and was still sound asleep. The sun was barely coming up, Peyton slipped her feet into the sandals and walked out. She ended up walking about half a mile home, the air was a bit cool, the birds were just starting to sing. All she kept doing was looking down at the ravine, the tragic thoughts of Ricky were still haunting her, because this would have been the day his body was dumped there. It was a memory she wished wasn’t so embedded in her head but like Kelcey was thinking of her anniversary, this was the one where Ricky was taken from this world. Peyton was going to stay strong though, not think about it, instead later on go pay her respects to him at the cemetery. As she arrived back at the house, she was surprised to see Owen Cruze sitting out in the back sipping a cup of hot tea. Owen was an early riser but for Peyton, she always was one that tried to get an early start of the day. She also was very contradicting with her thoughts, holding on to everything that she saw Becca do in the room, steeling from Owen. Peyton was already knee deep with so many other issues, totally unaware of the “sexual tension” brewing between her fiancé and his “trainer”, Claire Bailey. Again….

Peyton needed to show trust.

She stood outside the house for a moment, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. What happened with Kelcey last night was eye opening, in many ways it also hurt too, this was one of those times where she wishes Ricky would show up behind her with a blanket to warm her up and tell Pey that everything was going to be alright. Unfortunately, that was not the case.


The Following Morning

June 14, 2020


Peyton walked into the house finally, she tried to be quiet and thought Owen would have stayed with Jennifer last night. As she passes him from behind, he slowly turns around, seeing Peyton barefoot tiptoeing across the wooden floor, he smirks as she sighed when caught. She walked outside and sat next to Owen as he passed her some tea…


Owen: “Stayed at Kelcey’s last night?”

Peyton: “Yeah, Jennifer asleep still?”

Owen: “Yeah, didn’t want to wake her. Is Kelcey alright?”


Peyton wanted to tell Owen last night but felt like maybe that was not her place. She didn’t even know if Kelcey would remember half the things she said to her anyway and wanted to keep that their secret. Peyton nodded and smiled before sipping the tea…


Peyton: “Everything was fine. We hung out, ate Chinese Take Out, drank a lot of wine and watched old wrestling videos, nothing special, we both ended up passing out pretty early, it was relaxing, you two?”

Owen: “Same. Had a nice quiet night. Oh, hey by the way, I have something for you.”

Peyton: “What is that?”

Owen: “Here….”


He stood up, and went inside the house for a moment, bringing her an envelope. She looked at it a bit strange before opening it up and seeing a check for 3 million dollars…


Peyton: “What is this?”

PeytonCastPic-OwenOwen: “The money you paid off Warren Dowling.”

Peyton: “How….?”

Owen: “Don’t worry. Kelcey and I took a trip to Arizona, I am sure she already told you.”

Peyton: “Actually she told me nothing.”

Owen: “Oh, well yeah we went. She talked to your dad and I took care of Warren.”

Peyton: “Owen….. you and Kelcey did that for me?”

Owen: “That’s what friends are for. He won’t be bothering you again.”


Again, Peyton became a little teary eyed, knowing the great friends she had in Kelcey, Jennifer and Owen. She didn’t know what to say, smiling and nodding as he smiled. Peyton stood up and gave him a huge hug, kissing him on the cheek as Jennifer walked in, rubbing her eyes….


Jennifer: “Hey, get your hands off my man.”

Peyton: “Caught!”


The three shared a laugh, and a little tea early in the morning. It was a nice way to start as Peyton headed upstairs to lay down and sleep a few more hours. Just then her phone buzzed, it was a text from Kelcey.

“I’m sorry about last night. I don’t remember all of what I said but I know I messed up. Please forgive me and if you want to talk about it, I am here.”

Peyton smiled and text back…

“I love you no matter what, Kelcey. I will call you later and we can catch up.”

She responded….

“I love you too, thank you.”

Peyton laid the phone down and crashed for a few hours, because she knew the rest of the day was going to be hard…..


Five Hours Later


Peyton wore a black sundress and some wedge slip on black sandals. Her long sandy blonde hair was straightened. She showed up to Ricky’s memorial, on the anniversary of his death. She stood there for a moment before laying down a blanket, she had in hand his favorite brand of whiskey he loved to drink, poured a shot of it and placed it on the Tombstone along with some flowers and a picture of her and Ricky taken a few months before he passed. She took off her shoes, brushing her hair back…


Peyton: “Hey you. It’s been a year since you left me, and I am here trying to figure out how to live my life still and I don’t have all the answers. I know that you told me to move on, that was always you though Ricky, telling me to move on and never look back, right?”


Peyton looks down at her engagement ring, twirls it a little around her finger before letting out a sigh. She is in touch with her emotions, she is also done lying to herself. Peyton wants to be happy, she wants to be in love with someone special who would treat her right, and she still believes that Alistaire is that person, but he will never be Ricky and that is what she is having trouble dealing with more than anything right now…


Peyton: “I took your advice and I tried to move on, yet everyday all I do is think about you….”


She starts to cry, trying to hold her tears back, fighting being emotional but with what has been happening recently, it is hard. Peyton takes a second. Clearing her throat and drying her eyes….


Peyton: “I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry and here you are making me break my promises. Kelcey, Owen and Jennifer tell me all the time that I need to continue living my life without any regrets, and yet I can’t because my stupid decisions pushed you away and I lost the love of my life. I am trying so hard Ricky to get past all this and when I woke up this morning, I looked at Kelcey who was sleeping peacefully, thinking of all she went through and she told me that you were the one, two years ago…. And I didn’t listen….”


She starts crying again, looking at the engagement ring, a tear falls on the diamond, as Peyton again tries to compose herself. The gorgeous Rice has hut internally for a whole year, she may act at times like she had gotten over Ricky, but that is a lie. She again composes herself…


Peyton: “Ricky, I got engaged to Alistaire Allocco, he is a good man and he treats me right. In many ways he reminds me a lot of you. Now before you start dumping rain on me, he isn’t you, but he is the kind of guy that I know I can trust. I want to be a good wife, Ricky, I want to one day be a good mother and that person you always saw me as and not who I really was. I don’t want to disappoint you in anyway and I feel like I have, because no matter what anyone says, I will always blame myself for leading you down this path and never looking back. If I could give anything for you to be here right now so I could be in your arms and here you tell me I love you one more time, I would do it all, rewind the hands of time and take back anything stupid I did to cause this because no matter who I am with, they will NEVER be you.”


She reaches over and grand the shot of whiskey….


Peyton: “You are my soul mate; you will always be my true love. I’ll see you again one day, because as much as I hate to say this, this ring should have been yours.”


Trembling, she takes the shot of whiskey before hearing something behind her, she turns and sees Kelcey standing there with tears in her eyes. Jennifer and Owen there as well, both of them also sobbing…


Peyton: “How long have you guys been standing there.”

Kelcey: “Long enough love.”


Upon hearing that Peyton starts to break down, Kelcey kneels and embraces her as the young Adrenaline Champion finally let’s out all the emotion, she had bottled up inside for over a year. Jennifer hugs Owen as he tries to fight off the tears but a few trickles down his cheek….


Peyton: “I miss him so much….”

Kelcey: “I know, we all do.”

Peyton: “….. so much….”


She can’t stop crying, as Kelcey glances over at Owen and Jennifer, they both nod as The Perfect Ten holds her tighter, in sadness, celebrating the life of the one-man Peyton Rice will love eternally….

… and forever miss.





Diary Entry



PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2I have always been a very emotional person; I don’t think I have ever denied or swayed from that term. Wrestling has become my life; it is the one thing I excel at. Making some pretty poor decisions throughout the years has cost me at times, I am learning to deal with those in a timely manner and with the friends I have, it has helped a lot. Ali seems to be a bit distant since the death of his stepdad, maybe it is time that I have the conversation with him about moving in together, I think that would be awesome, he could be here with me instead of hauling all the way to New York. This Claire girl sounds nice but at the same time, I really don’t know anything about her, should I be nervous?

I would think not.

I’m not the jealous type, I put trust on people and when I lose it, things like what happened to Ricky are because I lost the faith I once had in the person and never gave them the benefit of the doubt. I really messed up there and going to his grave earlier, I couldn’t control myself, I cried so much, it was I think all the frustrations I have had recently which finally came out, feeling like Ricky would understand. I’m nervous about this title defense, in a way I think I let Giovanni Aries get in my head a little which Kelcey could see, and speaking of her, I had never seen her like that before. Without Scott around, what would have happened had I not gone over? Kelcey is not a drinker, so for her to get that bad had to do with a lot of thoughts and guilts she had been harboring inside. The thought she told me about the baby while she was pregnant, freaked me out. The emotional duress she was going through all this, she never once mentioned that and now thinks it had resurfaced and she is never going to get her kid back is pretty deep and intense. It was a side of Kelcey I had never seen.

Vulnerability like that.

She questioned herself and the way she was leading us. I don’t know how much of the conversation she remembers, the morning after Kelcey seemed fine but embarrassed, asking me what she did and I said nothing, I lied to her when I shouldn’t have, but with everything going on, her secret was safe with me. Kelcey and my friends accepted me for who I am and the mistakes I made; I cannot judge them on faults alone either. This is what I probably needed though, a dose of reality.

They took me out of a situation I couldn’t handle, the money is wired back to Jordan, I am still worried about Ali, I feel like he is being a bit distant, hoping it is all a phase, and finally my dad is back in my life, which we need to take baby steps.

But something yet still bothers me about all this, and it’s Kelcey.

I’m going to make sure that everything works out for her…

Even at the sacrifice of my own interests.

I’m off to bed.







Bricktown is an entertainment district just east of downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States. It was formerly a major warehouse district. The major attractions of the district are the Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark, the navigable Bricktown Canal, and the 16-screen Harkins movie theatre. Bricktown Entertainment District includes some 50 square city blocks bounded between the Oklahoma River on the south, I-235 on the east, Deep Deuce District to the North, and the Oklahoma City Central Business District to the West. The general boundary of the Bricktown Core Development District (also known as Upper Bricktown) is as follows: An area bordered generally by the BNSF Railway; Reno Avenue; Centennial Expressway; and the railroad right-of-way between Main and NE 1st.

The district is administered by the Bricktown Urban Design Committee which was established by the City of Oklahoma City to oversee modifications to the buildings and new construction within the district. Downtown Oklahoma City Inc. (an arm of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce) is charged with maintenance and operations of the district and oversees promotion alongside the Oklahoma City Tourism and Visitors Bureau. All entities are united with the ultimate goal of preserving Bricktown’s historic ‘warehouse district’ flavor while allowing modern entertainment, commercial, retail, and residential development to flourish.  The district contains a number of public sculptures and murals, including a monument to the Oklahoma Land Run. The Centennial Land Run Monument, a large bronze sculpture by artist Paul Moore, is at the south end of Bricktown Canal. It commemorates the Land Run of 1889, which marked the opening of the Unassigned Lands area to settlement. This area is now a city park, open 24 hours a day, year-round, and there is no admission fee. An annual Bricktown Art Festival is held in mid-July.

Here is where we find Peyton Rice, the current Adrenaline Champion and a woman that has a lot to prove and looks to bring the title with her come Rise to Greatness. She knew that there were going to be challenges ahead, this one for sure is one, against a man she knows all too well, one of the coaches that trained her to be a wrestler, Tommy Valentine, one half of the World Tag Team Champions. Peyton has been waiting for this moment, and it just so happens that her fiancé is wrestling Kandis, Tommy’s partner and girlfriend on the same card. Peyton looks to come out victorious and head into RTG with the belt but that is easier said than done/ She stands on the walkway of Bricktown with Kelcey Wallace behind her. Kelcey is in jeans, open toed heels and a purple blouse, her long sandy blonde hair hanging down, nails polished a matte lavender. Peyton is in red jeans, a tight long sleeve floral top and thong sandals, her nails polished white, long sandy blonde hair straightened and hanging down, the Adrenaline Championship over her shoulder as the camera starts to record…




She takes a second, her and Kelcey quietly converse some before she turns and talks to the camera…


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“Bricktown is a very cool place, the kind that many come to hang out and eat at restaurants, do a lot of shopping and can take in the culture of Oklahoma City. This is one of the perks of being a professional Wrestler for the SCW, the travel around the world. So guys, Taking Hold of the Flame came and went, the first Breakdown on the Road toward Rise to Greatness also has passed, we saw a lot happen there including some matches being shaped up for the biggest event of the year, but there is one person right now who is in limbo, me. Let me start by saying, that it was an honor to compete in The Flame for the first time, a HUGE congratulations goes out to one of my coaches in Ante Up and a man who was responsible for training me for this business. It was a story book ending for David Helms, with his wife Regan right there, to celebrate with him. I was really happy to see it, and at the same time disappointed that it wasn’t me, Alistaire Allocco or Owen Cruze. We saw Jordan Majors last around 80 minutes, kudos to her, as we did have something in common, we were both “Kissed By An Angel”. We also saw some very talented wrestlers show off why they are the cream of the crop in the SCW, including the Cannons. All that aside though, while I may have lasted over 45 minutes, I still think I let Kelcey, my friends, family and especially my fans down, but I promise that I will continue to learn, improve and do better because this is only the beginning for me. Rise to Greatness is such an important event, the culmination of what you have done for the last year and while I was the Main Event of the Pre-Show in 2019 where no doubt, Kelsai Adamson-Mason and me tore the house down for the TV Title, there was a little of that competitive spirit that wanted to be on the main show. With that all happening though, it is another chance for me to look forward to once again hopefully this time being a part of it on the main broadcast….

But my feeling is in order to do so? I need to have this Adrenaline Championship in tow but after seeing what I am up against, this could be in grave danger as I face a man that I know all too well, another one of my coaches, who I have teamed up with in the past, and he has always been there to help me when I needed guidance early in my career, a living legend in Thomas Valentine. As I have been paying attention, both as a fan and wrestler, I keep up with everything going on in the SCW. A few days ago, Giovanni Aries and I had a little spat on Twitter, I know he has had the same with Kelcey, though she wasn’t as nice as I. He brought up some pretty valid points, and one was if I felt vindicated holding a title, if this Championship like the TV belt I held last year, defined who I was and if I needed to be Peyton Rice.

The answer is no, the wrestler doesn’t need the title for it to be important, the title needs the wrestler. How they conduct themselves, treat it, defend and respect its tradition, those who held it before me, this is what makes a Championship like the Adrenaline, TV, US, Tag, World so very important. I don’t think Gio will ever get that….

But Coach Tommy does.

He is a man who has been around a long time, he is the epitome of SCW along with the returning David Helms, Matt Hodges, Infamous, Kelcey Wallace, Regan Street and others who have paved the way for stars like myself to have a chance to be a part of something so special, the greatest array of talent under one roof. It is NOT easy to win a title here, so for me to have two under my belt seem pretty special. Now though, comes the test, I beat Jordan Majors at her BEST to win this Championship, then in turn defeated a game Kandis and Scarlet Gray during Fatal Fortunes defending this without knowing who my opponents were pulling double duty that night, also in a tag team match with Valeria Garcia. Now on this Breakdown, while Ali is going one on one with Kandis, I will be in the fight of my life with a man that knows me move for move…

Because he taught me them.

And I am both nervous and excited about the chance to prove myself against my old teacher.”


Kelcey knows just how important this match is for Peyton, she sees how ready she is to defend the Adrenaline Championship and get the chance to walk into Rise to Greatness with it around her waist. She takes a second, looking down as they walk, she stops though, Kelcey listens carefully as Peyton turns to the camera and speaks….


“In the anniversary of Ricky Octavius death, there were three people that he and I agreed were what represented the sport we loved most. David Helms, Tommy Valentine and Matty Stone. They were our lifelines, the teachers who nurtured us, showing us everything from wrestling holds to ring psychology, all of it was taught and it made me the wrestler I am now. Ricky and I used to joke about who our favorite trainers were, I always liked Sir Matty, he and I would escape and get chiliburgers all the time. Ricky loved you, Tommy. I am talking directly to you now coach because I want these words to resonate, there is a need here for you to understand how I feel going into this match and is much more than competition, it is personal. Coach Tommy, Ricky admired your grit and honestly, you had this love for the sport that no matter when the chips were down or you were flying high in the sky as a champion, nothing was ever going to bring you down. That passion, heart and drive you showed in the SCW week after week inspired us to go out there and compete. Do you remember Taking Hold of the Flame in 2017? Ricky was in it, one of the best performances I had ever seen, he attributed it all to your teachings, that is how powerful your words were Coach Tommy….

It was a lasting influence you had on us.

After Ricky passed, I saw how you felt, no matter what was going on in the SCW and who you were wrestling against, I saw the REAL Tommy Valentine again, the guy who loved this business, his students in Ante Up, we cried together when he was buried, you hugged and told me that everything was going to be okay and we would remember him for the great man he was….


By turning on your best friend over words said in the heat of a moment for a huge tag team, match?

Over common wrestling hyperbole?

Regan Street is Regan Street, it isn’t like you and Kandis went soft on her either, there were a lot of words said, some may have hurt all parties because of how personally close you guys are all but at what price Coach Tommy? The Next Level? Ante Up Academy where we look up to you three guys as the Kings of Wrestling, a place I call and will always see as my home? I refuse to believe you’re this selfish ass that we see on TV, who is blatantly trying to destroy David and Regan, stop her from becoming a Supreme Champion and almost costing David the Taking Hold of the Flame win in his hometown, why?


This upsets me and look, Kandis and I have had our feud and there has been some professional heat between us both, she has pinned my shoulders to the mat in EMERGE, I have defeated her at RTG and Fatal Fortunes, we are no strangers to each other here, but I don’t hate Kandis, and whether she dislikes me or not, that’s her issues not mine. Stick and stones, Coach Tommy, it is what this is all about. There is no love loss between Kandis and myself, I know that she will be looking to put my fiancé down just like you are looking to do the same to me but at the end of the day I respect Kandis as a competitor and so does Regan, we don’t have to like each other but purposeful malevolence is NOT what I ever thought I would see from you and her toward Regan and David?

Forcing him to choose between his best friend and his wife? No, no!

Making this personal when it didn’t need to be, you two were like brothers! No, scratch that, you ARE brothers and for me to see this breaks my heart and this is HOW YOU HONOR RICKY’S MEMORY, BY PISSING ON HIS GRAVE!?”


A bit upset, Peyton steps back for a second, taking a deep breath. Kelcey rubs her shoulders some, trying to calm her down. She whispers something in her ear, causing Peyton to nod. Kelcey then turns around and clears her throat for a moment before she speaks for the first time…


PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2“I know better than anyone, what it is like to turn your back on best friends and family. Tommy, David, we have known each other a long time, competed in the ring, made some incredible moments that are still talked about today. When we get in these scuffles and feuds, sometimes we forget the people it affects most. I know I did. Peyton Rice is a woman of honor and integrity, there isn’t one malicious bone in her body, something I wish all of us were. That is not the case, she is a rare breed, and nothing has torn her apart more than watching the dissolve of The Next Level, what will follow?

Ante Up?


Are we going to judge and base everything on our significant others who are doing their jobs as wrestlers to say what they want and promote the match? Peyton isn’t stupid, she’s not blind to this Tommy. She is fully aware of the threat you bring and what you will do to take the Adrenaline Title she fought so hard for, where she wants to proudly defend it at Rise to Greatness and to you it becomes a mere accessory, No Tommy, that is not going to happen on my watch love….

Not going to happen because while you taught her so much, you didn’t teach her everything, flower.”


Kelcey’s blue eyes glance over at Peyton who whispers the words, “Thank You”, collecting herself as she now is in the right frame of mind, looking into the camera with her beautiful green eyes. She takes a second, adjusting the Adrenaline Championship before speaking.


“If Ricky were here, he would be very disappointed in what has become of you Coach Tommy, but like Kelcey said just now, I’m not waking into Breakdown blind or deaf. I see the writing on the wall and there is nothing more that both you and Kandis would want then to defeat Ali and I in separate matches and then desecrate the title I hold proudly right now in some celebratory debauchery. This is how far you have gone down, coming from a man that used to tell us how important it was to be a champion and the respect you needed to show the title for it was a reflection of yourself and look at you now. Everything that you have taught us, was a lie. Why? Because of Kandis? Don’t even say it was the SCW and it started to go by, this phantom disrespect, and you had to evolve, for if there was anyone that defined the word consistency, Tommy it would be you. See, I can’t let you take this Adrenaline Championship, for then I go against everything that I set myself to accomplish. You’re one half of the tag team champions, you’re basically dangling that title like a carrot over Regan’s head, well this title here is mine….

And Ricky as my witness, with Kelcey standing right here, I made them the promise I would defend the belt at the biggest show of the year and the grandest stage of them all. I am sure you’re salivating at the fact of becoming a dual champion AGAIN within a few months, and watching me eat crow, throw it in my face, when I was one of your best students and that’s it, Coach Tommy….

I’m going to personally teach you what you taught me, make sure that you remember just how good I was then and now. There is no doubt in my mind that you can take this from me and then all my dreams to have a moment so meaningful by defending one of the top titles in the SCW at RTG is gone, would break my heart, and then I would again sit here wondering what is next….

Well this time, I am not walking into Breakdown without any doubts Coach, I will not think about anything other than defending the title against one of the greatest wrestlers I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and training after, but has completely lost his way. This moment forward, I’m not calling you Coach anymore, having already shown all of us that you don’t care about what made you the respected man and icon you were. Ante Up is life, it is about bringing up the greatest talent in the world up to this stage one day and seeing them succeed. Ricky, Greeny, J-Dilly, me and so many others from that class who made their mark one way or another, it was ALL because of you, Tommy Valentine. Standing with your family, that is who we were. ONE BIG FAMILY. Now that is over, and I know what I must do moving forward. Tomorrow night, I will walk in as Champion and leave as Champion. I cannot concern myself with what plans and aspirations you have toward Regan and David, you will NOT USE ME as a message or a ploy to get back at them, NO! Instead, it is my turn to teach you a lesson, Tommy….

One of humility, where the student puts down the teacher, and let the entire SCW know full well just how accurate you trained us and how I respond to the way you have become. If you don’t change for the sake of your friendship, then do it for those who idolized and looked up to you like Ricky and me. This Adrenaline Title? Is coming with me into Rise to Greatness. I’m too close to let you or anyone else ruin it. I hope that one day Tommy, you’re able to see what you’ve done and the bridges that have been burned. It never had to be this way…

… but you made it this way.

I hold the last piece of YOUR puzzle, to grasp what you have been holding hostage from Regan, the Supreme Championship and how fitting that YOUR student will do the same to you because a Hellcat will reach it before you, Tommy if I have anything to say about it. And so when we wrestle, we go out there, putting on a show, deep in my heart, whether I hate it or not, I know you’ll do everything in your power to take or steal this from me. So, I will you send you the same message I did back in 2016 looking at you right in the eyes Tommy when I was told by Coach David and Matty along with yourself that I was ready for THIS.”


She brushes her hair back, looking at the title for a moment before turning back to the Camera as Kelcey looks on….


“Giving you the same answer now, I gave back then.

 I am not just another “Pretty Face”.”


Her green eyes narrow, holding up the Adrenaline Championship as Kelcey stands in the back, a smirk cracking from her lips….











Diary Entry



PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTTalk about a lot of pressure, Taking Hold of the Flame is here and there are so many wrestlers going all out to make their statements heard, this is no joke and in many ways I am a intimidated a little, because I have never been in this type of match. I have been so preoccupied with my engagement with Ali and just having a great time as Adrenaline Champion, sometimes I forget just how big a weekend this is as the Road to RTG begins, like WOW.

I am really happy though, for the first time in a long time, the only thing missing is my dad. I thought he would stay mad at me for a little while but now this is getting to the point that I am really starting to get upset just thinking that I may have lost my dad forever. Yeah, it sucks, I am trying to stay positive in that aspect of things, but it seems like nothing is really working right now. I try not to listen to others opinions on matters of my father, it’s not me trying to be a bitch about anything, I just feel like no one knows him better than me, I am the one who took care of him, who watched over while he was recovering from his injury.

Wrestling is my life and having Kelcey there has helped me out so much, I don’t even know what to say anymore. She has been my savior and a huge reason that I am the Adrenaline Champion. She has reassured me of my belief there are good people in the sport, there are those who want to see the good guys win once in a while and not the warped sense of what is good or bad like some people, who try to twist the narrative. Kelcey said something on Twitter that caught my attention and made my heartbeat like really fast.

That I was going to win the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal?

Yeah, that is a huge feat no question about it, but wow, yeah those are some pretty loft goals. I need to stop doubting myself, I do this a lot. There are so many people right now that want knock me off my perch, take the title I have, at least I have Ali and Kelcey, Owen and Aaron to fall back on when things don’t always seem to go our way. Can I just say that Newark is a different kind of town? Though I must admit, the food here is delish and New York is right around the bridge, I would love to go visit Time Square!

Okay, I have to stop getting so excited over writing in a diary. I’m lying in bed, feet are nice and warm under the covers, Ali is in the other room watching TV, Kelcey seems to sleep early these days, she always says that eight to nine hours of sleep is essential to success.  I should probably follow suit and call it a night.

Because this is going to be an extremely long weekend.







Kelcey Wallace had been pushing Peyton Rice to the limit, she wanted her ready for the Taking Hold of the Flame match, long as Peyton went in there and did her best, that was all she could ask for. Peyton was focused even though she had so much going on in her personal life including the engagement and the issues with her father, where the young Rice told her father that she was indeed an escort and lying about staying in school to make ends meet when her father was paralyzed from the waist down. All Peyton wanted to do was help, she wanted to survive and take care of her dad, but he didn’t like being lied to, he didn’t appreciate it at all. So, he went off on Peyton, and hasn’t talked to her since which has really broken her heart. She feels now like she has lost her father forever, all these moments she wants to share, from the engagement to her Adrenaline Title win to finally her partaking in Taking Hold of the Flame, all of it, she wants to share these experiences with her dad….

Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Peyton knows that she needs to move on, continue to fight forward, show the entire SCW that she can push through, become one of the top stars in the company and do it right. Peyton has a lot of support, people that love and respect the young Rice. She has made mistakes in the past but learned from them all, and now she continues to climb the rankings with hard work and dedication. It has been tough though, mentally draining, at least she has Alistaire to fall back on, Kelcey and her friends. Now though she gets to do something that she never has, enter the Taking Hold of the Flame match because last year she missed it due to Kelcey and the mentor remembers that. It is why she is pushing her to limits, and even if Peyton doesn’t walk out as the winner…

She went in there and tried, that is the most important thing right now.

Kelcey had her train harder and harder, this time she was in the ring with her, at Ante Up Academy, Kelcey was a monster in the ring, fast, here muscular toned figure was the best anyone had seen in years, wearing short tights, kneepads and wrestling shoes, a sports bra, just like Peyton. David Helms watched from his office in interest, as Kelcey and Peyton sparred. They finally stopped, both were sitting on the apron, catching their breath, sipping some water.


Ante Up Academy

One Week Ago


Peyton let down her hair, breathing heavily, she was sore, it seemed like Kelcey was getting stronger and stronger by the day. She knew that Kelcey wanted to get back into top physical form, nothing was more apparent. Yet Kelcey was using all her energy for Peyton, Owen, Aaron and Alistaire, she saw the future of the sport in the palm of her hand. Her energy was all into the young talent of the sport. Kelcey turned to Peyton, catching her breath….


Peyton: “You are getting stronger and stronger by the minute Kelcey, I have never felt that way before wrestling you.”

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “Stop it love, everything is alright. I am just trying to get in better shape, to be more a help with you, Aaron, Alistaire and Owen. I am kind of sick and tired of being weak, you know. It has been a long time, a year now since this all happened.”

Peyton: “I know, I can’t believe how long it has been and so fast. I am just glad that chapter of our life us over.”

Kelcey: “Yeah, well not really, the big fight is yet to come and can’t really avoid it now with Chris and Sienna with my son. The biggest thing I want to emphasize with you right now love is that this is your first Taking Hold of the Flame. You were not in it last year for a reason, that being me. I hated the fact you missed it to care for me in a coma, while I appreciate the sentiment, knowing that you lost out on the show really bothered me. When I found out about all the things I lost out on, sometimes I feel like what you went through because I wasn’t there was all my fault. I made a commitment to you and I was weak, I allowed things to get to me, I put my own health at risk to get Chris a child and now look, I don’t even get to see him anymore. I don’t want that to fall flat one what we have done as a team, I looks at you as my own daughter, wish I could have a kid so smart, beautiful and bright.”

Peyton: “Thank you, but I’m not that smart. After what I did with my dad, the choices I have made, earlier this year I let a bunch of stuff get to me, yeah I don’t know, without you and the boys, I would be so lost right now.”


Kelcey shakes her head, turning toward Peyton….


Kelcey: “I am okay to admit this, but I am extremely overprotective of you, Peyton. I hate seeing you hurt, trying to handle things on your own, all bottled up. You have family here, I would hope that you consider me family and if you ever want to get away, stay over at my place, I have plenty of room, I would love to have you there so would Elvis.”

Peyton: “Thank you, I will take you up on that offer for sure. I can say this, I am nervous about Taking Hold of the Flame, I mean I don’t want to fail.”

Kelcey: “Pey, you’re the Adrenaline Champion, a far cry from a failure love. Besides, that match is the hardest to win, I want you to be successful, but I will not be upset or look down on you if you didn’t. I don’t worry about things like that. I won it, I was lucky, the first female to ever win it, but I never was able to duplicate it again. One day, maybe you will get the chance to go out there and shock the world, it could be this year, I am just glad that I am able to see it and stand by your side, for I will be making it up to you for the rest of my life.”

Peyton: “No… Kelcey, no way. I mean I wanted to be there with you, I felt like I had to, never leaving your side, I was not about to not be present, I couldn’t.”


The Perfect Ten brushed a few strands from Peyton’s face, there is nothing that makes her happier than to know that Peyton was that dedicated to her, she would risk and give up everything to sit by her side. That is something which could never be duplicated. Kelcey wants to make sure that she does everything within her power to make sure that Peyton is successful.


Kelcey: “I am going to tell you this, no matter the circumstance, I will be there for you Peyton, if you need something, I am here and I will not allow you to be upset, mad, etc. That is why I questioned Alistaire a lot, why I was weary at him first, though a lot had to do with Adam Allocco. He is a good kid, seems to really love you, I like that about him, just be careful.”

Peyton: “Alistaire is fine, he is harmless. Mr. Allocco is a different story, I don’t know about him, he has done some really crazy things that has ne questioning all the time, but oh well. So anyway, I try not to talk to Mr. Allocco very much, he can be rather erratic.”

Kelcey: “Yes, and that is an understatement. Tell me something, how are things with your father?”


She shrugs her shoulders, almost defeated…..


Peyton: “Same, I can’t believe that he hasn’t called me or anything, he hasn’t even answered or replied to my texts. I wish that I could just talk to him and he would listen to what I have to say but he is so upset with me, I don’t know what else to do. Now, Ali is having an old friend move into his place, some girl.”


Kelcey’s eyebrow arches some…


Kelcey: “What is that about?”

Peyton: “She is supposed to train him, an old sparring partner or something, so she is now his roommate back at his place.”

Kelcey: “Does he know that he could train and spar with you, us even? That to me makes absolutely no sense. What did you say to him?”

Peyton: “Me? Oh nothing, I was okay with it, I mean I live with Owen Cruze of all people, if I said anything it would be hypocritical and I just don’t want to open that can of worms right now, you know?”

Kelcey: “Of course, I get it love, I just find that a bit odd. Well, if you need anything then let me know, I don’t want this to get out of hand, even if it helps moving out of Owens, getting your own place or coming with me, either way we will figure it out.”

Peyton: “Yeah we will. I’m going to go change, so we can get out of here.”

Kelcey: “Alright love, I will be here waiting.”


As Peyton Rice heads to the locker room, Kelcey starts to untie her wrestling shoes, she then pulls them off and her socks, slipping her feet into flip flops, packing up her stuff when she turns to see David Helms with a smirk on his face…


Kelcey: “Oh hey love.”

peytoncastpic-davidhelmsDavid: “Hey Kels, how are you?”

Kelcey: “I am fantastic, what about you?”

David: “Living the dream.”

Kelcey: “Aren’t we all.”

David: “Can I ask you a question and you answer it honestly?”

Kelcey: “Sure, what is it love?”


He seemed a little hesitant at first but then sprung the question on her anyway….


David: “I have been watching you in the ring train Peyton and others recently, you are fantastic and in the best shape of your life Kelcey, I cannot deny it. Are you planning a comeback? Or using this to help Peyton and the boys, or having them help you get back?”


Kelcey chuckles and pasts David on the chest…


Kelcey: “I know that you and I never really were the best of friends or got along, we were both in a time that were on separate pages and when you retired, I was in Monarchy. We had some situations like Best of the Best for Example, but that was a long time ago. I can appreciate what you are doing for the kids here, this place is magical, David. I salute you but to insinuate that I am using those kids to get me back into ring shape so that I could compete is insulting.”

David: “You know that I didn’t mean it that way, Kels.”

Kelcey: “No, you did but again that is alright. Personally, I am going to share a secret with you since the fad these days are people coming out of retirement or retuning from long hiatuses. Well, I am in the best shape of my life, and I have been cleared by specialists, all I need to do if I choose so is go visit Mr. D, tell him to give me an examination by his Doctor’s and when they clear me, I can step back into the ring. I will say this much, RTG season is here…. You never know.”

David: “That is good to hear, amazing even. Peyton is a good kid. She never left your side last year.”

Kelcey: “I know, and I will live the rest of my life repaying the young woman, until then, I am going to take her to the very top.”

David: “I like to hear that.”

Kelcey: “Even over you. Have a great day, David.”

David: “You too.”


It was a bit tense between David and Kelcey, he turned just as Peyton came up and was ready to walk out with The Perfect Ten….


Peyton: “Bye coach!”

David: “Take it easy kiddo.”


He continued to look on, watching Peyton and Kelcey leave the premises together. He knew something was up and now he has all the answers.





Kelcey Wallace had seen enough, after talking to Owen, he too reached the boiling point. Kelcey and Owen both arranged a trip to Arizona, no one knew what they were doing, taking a quick chartered flight in the AM and be back by dinner. Kelcey seemed to be extremely upset over the way Peyton had been feeling, she was thinking it would hinder her ability to be at her best in the SCW and that was not fair to the young woman who had been busting her ass to survive in the SCW and her first year was up and down though she had a TV Title reign that almost broke the record including defending it on the RTG Pre-Show last year. Kelcey wanted more for her though, she wants to see Peyton take the title into Rise to Greatness and beyond. She wants to see Peyton succeed, show just how much she has accomplished since having issues at the Trios Tournament and Day of Infamy. Kelcey though was through seeing Peyton upset, there was the one piece missing and it needed to be corrected before anything. Owen also wanted to help fix things but for a different reason, her being harassed by Warren Dowling, the man who used to run the escort service and was trying to blackmail her and luckily before it came out, Jordan Majors was able to lend her the money, or practically give it to her after their wild boat ride with Ace Marshall and Asher Hayes.

This was not some trip for luxury.

Meanwhile, Peyton wanted to spend some time with Alistaire. He had a friend moving in, Claire and of course Peyton lived with Owen, she couldn’t really say anything about it because to her it would be very hypocritical. She had no clue what Kelcey and Owen were doing, instead Ali and she went on a hike up the hills, they wanted to get away from everything, take in some trails, relax and just enjoy each other’s company.


LA National Forest

One Week Ago


They held hands, walking up to the peak, stopping and looking out at the beautiful view of the mountains. She was in awe, wearing shorts, sneakers, ankle socks and a white t-shirt with cap. Ali was in shorts, a blue tee and sneakers, they stood together side by side, admiring the beauty…..


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2Peyton: “I love it out here, Ali. It’s so peaceful and quiet, the air smells so good up here too. I mean seriously, I could do this every day.”

Alistaire: “Me too, though I could do anything with you. We are going to be in our first Taking Hold of the Flame together. I feel like this is going to be special. I missed you there last year.”

Peyton: “We had just started talking then, I thought you were cute, it was fun. Then all that with Kelcey happened, then Ricky, it was a bad summer. Since then though it has been pretty great. The engagement party, all of our friends there, kinda sucked that we were robbed of the tag team match, but I think that overall, we did pretty good as a team.”

Alistaire: “We did., I really had a lot of fun and it was something different. We know a lot of great people.”

Peyton: “We do. Listen, Ali, I know that you don’t want to talk about this, but I think that we should, be on the same page going into Taking Hold of the Flame.”

Alistaire: “Pey, I think all will be alright, we don’t need to talk about it anymore. What…..”

Peyton: “Ali. Wait. It is not alright, because there could be that moment when it is you and I facing each other and….”


Alistaire didn’t want to hear it, he stood up and started walking away from her. She looked a bit confused and followed him….


Peyton: “Ali wait…. What is going on? Seriously? We are just talking strategy, that is all. I am not trying to upset you, alright but we are an engaged couple in the Taking Hold of the Flame and we could be targets , we could also be facing each other and I wanted to say to not hold back. I would NEVER hold it against you of the timing was there and you could take the elimination and….”

PeytonCastPic-AlistaireAlistaire: “NO. Peyton NO. I don’t want to talk about it because there is no scenario that works here. I don’t want it to come down to us, I am NOT going to take the shot and eliminate you. I will not do it, not now or ever. We go there and compete. Whoever wins, wins but WE are not going to fight.”

Peyton: “Baby, I don’t want to fight you, I would never try to eliminate you either unless it was just the two of us left, Ali, it’s okay, it could happen and then what? Will you just trust me here? This is part of the game.”

Alistaire: “Not my game.”


In a way, Peyton was impressed and turned on by his chivalry and guile, Alistaire was being a true man in this case, which really excited Peyton though she knew things could go south and quickly. It was such a chaotic match, for both, but it wasn’t just that, Alistaire was feeling emotional about a lot of things. This was the icing on the cake. Peyton hugged him from behind, reassuring her fiancé that everything was going to be okay….


Peyton: “I love you, okay?”

Alistaire: “I know…. I love you too.”


They continued their embrace, and unbeknownst to Peyton, there was something in the works and she had no clue what was going on, but Kelcey and Owen had decided to take a trip to Arizona….

And fix a few problems.


Glendale, Arizona

Same Time


Kelcey and Owen sat in the plane as it was landing, the ride was short, they only talked about O-Cru business and the Tag Team titles, how things had become quite complicated but all would be solved this next week. The gorgeous Perfect Ten was in jeans, black wedge slip on sandals, a black halter top sleeveless, pull over, her hair was slicked back in a ponytail, nails polished lavender. Owen was in his O-Cru shirt, jeans and sneakers. Kelcey looked visibly upset as Owen tried to inquire…


PeytonCastPic-OwenOwen: “Are you having second thoughts? You seem upset?”

Kelcey: “I have a lot on my mind, I also feel like we shouldn’t have to do this, but that young woman, makes some decisions to help her father and life situation and gets shit on, it seems like all the good people are the ones this happens too. I’m tired of it, all of it. Peyton doesn’t deserve this, no one does.”

Owen: “You go see her dad, I will take care or Warren Dowling.”

Kelcey: “Just be careful, we do not know what that mans is capable of, he already extorted three million dollars from her that she was given by Majors.”

Owen: “I get this feeling; you are not a big fan of hers.”

Kelcey: “Majors? I didn’t like her response to Peyton winning the Adrenaline Championship. That young woman is going to be eaten alive by Sienna Swann if she is not careful. She is making the mistakes I am preventing Peyton from making. From you too, but you’ve been in SCW long enough to know how it works and beaten Sienna. She won’t forget that Owen, especially with your ties with me now.”


Owen knew that, the revenge train of Sienna Swann was going to dock sooner or later at his station. That was part of her game, and he could see that Kelcey was starting to be more and more concerned. Bree going up against Aaron, there was so much going on at this PPV, but he saw Kelcey’s point, she wanted Peyton’s head cleared, focused on the prize…..


Owen: “You know that we can take care of ourselves.”

Kelcey: “That is not the point. There is a reason I became your manager, and that was to protect the sanctity of professional wrestling, giving you guys the chance to go out there and win some titles. Without ever having to worry about interference or people like The Wonderland and Beauty Factory. Owen, I have so much more to give to this sport, and I want to do it through you, Peyton, Alistaire and Aaron.”


The door of the plane opens as the captain and crew start to deboard. Kelcey gets up, grabs her things, Owen escorts her out as they look around at the Arizona desert….


Kelcey: “We meet back in two hours.”

Owen: “Two hours.”


They go their seperate ways. Owen finds himself heading to the Dowling’s little office they have in downtown Glendale. About twenty minutes have passed before Owen walks in, he sees Tessa Dowling there sifting through paperwork, she recognized from pictures with Peyton….


Dowling Office


Tessa stands up. She is wearing a red dress, black pumps, she sees Owen and approached him cautiously, thinking this could be trouble….


PeytonCastPic-TessaTessa: “Owen Cruze?”

Owen: “Yeah that is me, you must be Tessa.”

Tessa: “I am, how can I help you?”

Owen: “I need to speak with Warren, your brother, right?”

Tessa: “Yes that is correct, my brother. Can I ask why?”

Owen: “Where is he?”

Tessa: “Well, he is….”


A voice can be heard coming from the back, it is that of Warren’s…..


Warren: “What the fuck, who is out here Tessa? Oh, hey I know you.”

Owen: “Warren?”

PeytonCastPic-WarrenWarren: “Yeah, what’s up kid? Is Peyton now sending people to talk to me? You know, if she has something to say to me kid, tell her to come and do it herself, because I am not in the mood to listen to your bullshit. I gave her an option, just saying, that she has choices, and now those choices are gone. Anyway, the door is where you came in.”

Owen: “You extorted three million dollars from her.”

Warren: “Oh, is that what she told you? Did she tell you that she owed me all that money for what I lost when my biggest money-making whore decided to quit on me? Wait, she lives with you, right? OH I bet you see the peep show every single night.”

Tessa: “Warren! Stop it.”

Warren: “Chill out Tessa. This kid came all the way out here to come and defend her or some shit? Look kid, I am impressed that you took the time to do this for her, she has really been a ball buster but don’t let that pretty little face and tight ass fool you, she is a lioness. You can hear her roar….”


Before Warren Dowling could finish his sentence, Owen threw a right hook so stiff, it almost knocked him over Tessa’s desk. She screamed running to check on him when Owen stood over Dowling, cracking his knuckles. Warren scrambled to get up, he could feel his jaw go numb before looking up at Owen….


Owen: “I came here to talk, not to listen to you run down my friend, a woman that has been through a lot lately and you have the audacity to take money from her that she doesn’t have? At this point, I reckon nothing is going to come out of this meeting except me kicking your ass unless you shut your mouth and listen to what I have to say.”

Tessa: “Listen to him Warren.”

Warren: “I think…. He fucking broke my jaw.”

Owen: “Good, because I am going to be a nice guy and let you pick the next thing I am going to break.”


Warren’s eyes widen as Tessa tries to plea with him to just listen to what Owen has to say before Owen follows through on his threats….


Ray Rice Home

Glendale, Arizona


Kelcey Wallace had arrived at the house of Ray Rice, Peyton’s father. She had a big falling out with him, it all happened when the Dowling’s tried to get money from Peyton, threatening to tell her dad about the escort job she once held. Tessa even started dating him which is what pressed Peyton to tell him the truth and that is when they had their falling out. Ray Rice was outside, he was trimming his roses and other flowers, Kelcey walked in through the side gate, he looked surprised to see her, but knew why she was there….


PeytonCastPic-RayRay: “Well, holy shit, look what the cat dragged in, the very beautiful and lovely Kelcey Wallace.”

Kelcey: “Hello Ray, it has been a long time.”

Ray: “It sure has, can I offer you a drink?”

Kelcey: “I am fine, thank you.”

Ray: “I must admit, you look fantastic. I don’t know if anyone has told you that before, but wow, I am impressed, you must be working out a lot.”

Kelcey: “Something like that, Ray we need to talk.”

Ray: “I knew that was coming, what did Peyton do now.”


Kelcey folds her arms, her head tilts a little more out of shock for his response than anything. She stares him down with her bright blue eyes….


Ray: “Did I say something wrong?”

Kelcey: “What Peyton did? Are you seriously asking me that right now? What Peyton did? Have you been following anything about your daughter recently or are you still acting like a stubborn asshole?”

Ray: “Whoa, now slow down perfection, I didn’t mean anything by that but when you find out that you daughter has been lying to you for years and she is going off as an escort sleeping with a bunch of old rich men, bothers me some.”

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “Bothers you Ray? How do you think she feels, did you ever for one second think about what this is doing to her? How she had a breakdown in front of me and her friends because she was afraid to confide in us about what was happening to the point, she kept it all in and made herself sick? She was crying herself to sleep every night Ray because you wouldn’t answer her calls or texts. One night after she was finally asleep, I read a diary entry that was wide open on the side of the bed, all she talks about was wishing her father would answer the bloody phone. Look, love I get it, you’re angry and no one want to hear that their daughter was in that type of business, where she would come home every night and vomit, soak in the tub for hours due to the fact she felt dirty sleeping with those men but they paid thousands of dollars so she could take care of you. Did she buy herself new clothes? A new Car? Anything? No, she spent on the mortgage, groceries, medical expenses, that is why she took that job Ray, to protect and care for you.”


Shaking his head, Ray turns the wheelchair around, trying to get away from Kelcey…


Kelcey: “So that is your answer? Turn your back on me and the truth? What is the matter with you Ray!? Your daughter needs you right now, the biggest piece of her life is gone, the only reason she even existed is gone. All she ever talks about is her dad and when I started to watch her self-destruct, sitting at home moping, drinking a lot more wine, staying in her room a lot, sleeping, that is when I knew that something was wrong, and the day she exploded on her best friends, it was then I knew it had something to do with you.”

Ray: “I have a right to be mad.”

Kelcey: “Yes, you do have a right to be mad, I cannot argue that point. You also have the right to be a good father to a daughter I wish I had. She is genuine, Ray. You raised a good kid and if something happened to her, you would regret it for the rest of your life.”

Ray: “And you have experience in it?”

Kelcey: “When my father died on my wedding night, as I sat on his lap. And there isn’t a day that goes by Ray, where I wish I could look him in the eyes and tell him how much I loved him. My mother too, in a car accident, taken way too soon. You may have lost the feelings of your legs, don’t lose your kid.”

Ray: “Kelcey…. I am sorry to hear that.”


She walks over and stands in front of him, pulling up a chair and sitting down, grabbing his hand…


Kelcey: “She would die for you; I think we both know that now. There has been a lot that has happened. She won the SCW Adrenaline Championship a few months ago, and the first thing she said was she wished you were there to celebrate it with her. She tries to call, text, everything and you never answered back, why!?”

Ray: “I was angry.”

Kelcey: “Did you know that she is engaged?”


His eyes widen….


Ray: “I…. no. To the Alistaire kid?”

Kelcey: “Yes, to the Alistaire kid. He wanted to personally come to see you and ask for her hand in marriage, but of course, you were not around. These are important moments that she needs you to be here for. All you think about is what she did in that escort service business, forgetting she sacrificed her latter high school and college years to take care of you. I want you to think about that and what she has gone through this entire time. Ray, Peyton needs her father.”

Ray: “She lied to me, and then the lady I was seeing lied too. All this was one big lie and I couldn’t take it. I have been hurting for quite some time now. Do I want to talk to my daughter, yes but Kelcey, she looked me right in the face and lied to me all those times when this was going on? I thought she was going to school, a lie, I thought she was working at the diner, a lie.  It was lie after lie and I couldn’t handle that. I was disappointed, and angry because she also knew about Tessa, and let it happen. I actually thought I had met someone that gives a shit about a cripple in a wheelchair, I was wrong.”

Kelcey: “And ostracizing your daughter for making a choice which pushed her morality all in the name of taking care of her father, that was wrong too.”


Kelcey stands back up, she reaches into her pocket, and throws an envelope on his lap. He looks down, opening it up and seeing a plane ticket there, THoTF front row pass and hotel reservation….


Kelcey: “Next weekend is Taking Hold of the Flame, one of the biggest events of the year. Peyton missed it in 2019 to take care of me while I was in a coma. This year we have been training very hard to prepare her. This is a big moment for her, win or lose, doesn’t matter. I think it would be nice if she saw her father there to support her. Cheers, Ray.”

Ray: “Wait, did she know you were coming?”

Kelcey: “No.”

Ray: “Why?”

Kelcey: “Because I love her like if she was my daughter, too Ray. She never left my side, stood with me the entire time I was helpless, protected me until the day I opened my eyes. She sacrificed everything and kept her head up. I wasn’t there when Ricky was killed. I have missed a lot of time with her. Peyton has already reminded me of how was, she deserves better, Ray. I hope to see you in Newark.”


Kelcey leans in and kisses him on the forehead before slowly walking out the side gate and to her car. Ray sis there for a moment, looking down at the tickets, closing his eyes and thinking of his little girl.


Thirty Minutes Later


Kelcey is already inside the plane, she is running her foot and reading some news articles on her iPhone. Still waiting for Owen to show up. After a few minutes, he arrives, she glances over at him as he hands her a leather zip folder. Kelcey opens it up and looks across at Owen who sits there looking away. Kelcey sees his hand, grabs it, examining his bruised knuckles…


Kelcey: “Owen?”

Owen: “I did what I needed to. He isn’t going to be bothering her anymore.”

Kelcey: “Are you okay?”

Owen: “Yeah, I am fine. How did it go with you?”

Kelcey: “About as good as it will be, have to wait and see.”

Owen: “Thank you.”

Kelcey: “For what love?”

Owen: “Caring about us, going out of your way to help us. I see what you did for Peyton, that means a lot to us.”

Kelcey: “Well Owen, you all mean a lot to me, stood by my bedside, fought my wars, time to give back. I’m exhausted, wake me when we land.”

Owen: “I will.”


As Kelcey leans back and takes off her sandals, closing her eyes, Owen stares at his knuckles, glaring back at Kelcey, all he can do is smile.


LA National Forest

Same Time


Peyton kept trying to reach Owen, there was no one at the house, then she tried to call Kelcey, she didn’t answer either, I guess everyone was enjoying the nice day before all the festivities started with Taking Hold of the Flame. Ali was standing on a rock, looking out far as he could, she stood up and walked over to him….


Peyton: “If you stand there too long a huge hawk is going to land on you thinking you’re a huge tree and build a nest.”


He quickly jumps down; she starts to laugh a little before kissing him….


Peyton: “I was joking you know?”

Alistaire: “Yeah but just the thought was enough to deter me. Anyways, are you ready to go back down?”

Peyton: “I am, I am in the mood for tacos.”

Alistaire: “That sounds pretty good. Seems like something is bothering you.”

Peyton: “Just weird, I have been trying to get a hold of Owen, he hasn’t picked up his phone all day. I then called Kelcey, she didn’t pick up her phone either. I guess they are out and about like we are.”

Alistaire: “I’m sure there is a perfectly good explanation to all of it, but like you said, it is a beautiful day out and like us are probably enjoying it. I am happy that you have someone like Kelcey around, she is very protective of you.”

Peyton: “She is. We hit it off right away the first time we met, and I really enjoy having her here to support me. I need it especially with my dad and the issues I am having now. So, I have a question?”


As they make their way down the hill, they hold hands, Alistaire turns to Peyton….


Alistaire: “Sure what is it?”

Peyton: “When we get married, where are we living?”

Alistaire: “Huh, I never thought about it.”

Peyton: “I vote for Hawaii.”

Alistaire: “Oh really? Why?”

Peyton: “I’ll wear coconuts on my boobs and a grass skirt.”


His eyes widen as she starts to giggle. Another moment where Peyton can be herself with Alistaire, without a care in the world, as things have been in motion, and in the Taking Hold of the Flame there is the chance they could meet each other and if that were to happen….

What would they do?





The time was ticking fast, Taking Hold of the Flame was almost there. Peyton was in her hotel room relaxing in New Jersey. She wanted to go see Times Square, they arrived a few days early to get all that done including the fan festivities leading up to one of the biggest events of the year. Peyton Rice was ready, whether she was Number One or Number 40, she didn’t care. All she wanted was the opportunity to compete, to get the chance to make an impact. She watched Owen lose the tag team titles with Blake Mason, that was not the way it was supposed to happen and seeing the rift between David Helms and Tommy Valentine grow simply shattered her. Peyton couldn’t worry about any of this, even the troubles with her father, the blackmail, all the things that were haunting her, she needed to concentrate on the positive and forget all about the negative. She was starting to dose off, worked out early in the morning, she had on jeans, a white halter top, bare foot with her nails polished white and long sandy blonde hair hanging down. She was about to write on her diary, the iPad sitting on her chest, her eyes slowly closing…

Peyton’s Hotel Room

Newark, New Jersey



As Peyton waited for Alistaire to come back so they could head out to Times Square, she was ready to take a nap. There was a knock on the door. Peyton’s green eyes slowly opened. She took her time to get up and walk over to the door….


Peyton: “Ali, did you forget your key?”


She opened it and froze in shock. Her eyes had widened as Ray Rice in his wheelchair, wearing his jeans, Fireman’s leather jacket, t-shirt, boots and cap sat there as she literally started to tear up seeing him, but didn’t even know how to react as she wasn’t sure how he got there, how he knew where they were staying, or why he was even there. There was an awkward silence for a moment before Peyton slowly back up some, confused on how to respond to this, he was the last person she expected to be standing in the doorway of her hotel room….


Peyton: “D…. dad?”

Ray: “Well shit, how are you doing pumpkin?”

Peyton: “I… what are you doing here?”

Ray: “Well, I was hoping this old fool’s daughter who has been acting like a royal ass would let her old man in so they can talk.”


Peyton’s eyes start to tear up, nodding before allowing him to roll in. She closes the door behind her, walking over in front of her father she sits on the couch. She doesn’t know how to react, instead nervously fidgeting around, still wondering how her father found where she was. Ray clears his throat and looks into his daughter’s eyes…


Ray: “I remember when you were a little girl, always full of life, energy, charisma. There was never a time you didn’t have a smile on your face. Every time I look at you, I see that innocent little girl.”


Tears start to drop down the cheeks of Peyton….


Ray: “All I ever wanted to do was protect you, Peyton. From the day we had you in the hospital until now. When I had the accident, hurt my legs, lost the ability to walk, I felt like I couldn’t protect you anymore, and suddenly you were protecting me. I never wanted to grasp it, I lost a lot of who I was in those coming months, pushed people away, even you. Yet you stuck around, when everyone else abandoned me. Even though all that, all I ever saw was my little girl. All I ever wanted was for you to have the best life possible and be happy doing whatever it is you love to do most. I was hoping that OI could provide that, but I couldn’t, yet you did, sacrificing your life as a high school kid, when you should have been having out and going to prom, no working the late shift at the diner to make ends meet, or having to drop out of college to support your old man, and finding good money, even if you had to do it in a very embarrassing and unconventional way, thinking about my daughter with those men….”


Now Ray’s eyes start to tear up as well, as he pauses for a second, lips quivering….


Peyton: “Dad… I am so sorry….”

Ray: “It was tough to accept that, because again I look at that beautiful little girl. Part of me, doesn’t want to let that go, and I think of the horror and the questions you were having about yourself and why this was happening in the first place, must’ve been too much. Here I am pissed off about you lying to me, that I never thought about how difficult it was for you.”

Peyton: “I shouldn’t have done it.”

Ray: “We can agree on that pumpkin, but you did, and we can’t turn back the clock now, we can only do what is best and move forward. The thing is, I was wrong, sure I have a right to be mad, not like what I hear and expect better from my daughter, but at the same time, I can’t be a stubborn bastard who can’t see past the fog and know that this all happened because you were trying your best to keep us afloat and survive when I was confined to this wheelchair. The one thing I always promised you and myself that I would always be your father, never miss anything important and be there for you no matter what. I didn’t do that. I fucked up and I put you through a lot pain, I abandoned my little girl and for that I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me for the way I reacted when you told me the truth.”

Peyton: “Daddy…. You don’t ever have to ask me for forgiveness, I am sorry I lied to you, I am sorry I did those things when I shouldn’t have, I was scared we were not going to make it. Years later I paid the price and now, I don’t know what is next, but what I do know is I need my dad in my life, more than anything.”

Ray: “And you have it.”


She didn’t say anything else, crying she sat up and hugged her father, after so many months of frustration, Peyton let it all out. Ray held her tight, he was not going to let go of her, never again. The door opened, Alistaire walked in, he stopped, shocked to see her dad there. Peyton quickly stepped back, and smiled, wiping her tears…


Alistaire: “I am sorry, did I come at a wrong time?”

Peyton: “No…. no…. you came at the right time Ali. This is my dad, Ray Rice. Dad, this is….”

Ray: “Alistaire, my future son in law.”

Peyton: “How…. How did you know.”

Ray: “I’m your old man, I know everything.”


Alistaire and Ray shake hands, the father of Peyton brings him in closer and smirks….


Ray: “Yes.”

Alistaire: “Yes?”

Ray: “You can marry my daughter.”

Alistaire: “Well… uh thank you sir!”

Ray: “Anytime. Now where is this Adrenaline Title you won? I want to look at the Championship belt my daughter is wearing.”

Peyton: “You know about that too? Sure dad, let me go get it and I am glad you are here.”

Ray: “Me too, I’ll be sitting front row watching you on Sunday.”


Her eyes again widen, smiling as Alistaire nods in approval. Peyton goes into the room to get the belt, while Ray pops out his iPhone, he sends a text to Kelcey simply saying “Thank You”.

Kelcey is in her room, she is still in a robe, barefoot with her long hair down and nails polished lavender, the laptop is open. She receives the text, smiling, hoping that things are now in a better place for Peyton and Ray. Taking a deep breath, she picks up the phone and dials, waiting for an answer…..


Kelcey: “Yes, Dr. Lloyd, you called?”


She listens before nodding….


Kelcey: “Thank you so much.”.


Kelcey hangs up, placing the phone on the table. She gets up and walks to the mirror, staring at her reflection for a moment before cracking a smile, the only words that come out of her mouth….


Kelcey: “Perfect.”







Diary Entry



PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTI was going to write earlier but started to fall asleep on the couch, it has been pretty mentally draining for me these past few months, that I think you just need a day to relax the body and remember we are only human. I do a lot of crying, sometimes right to sleep, which helps me a lot with that state. I am trying to cope with things the best I can and then something really big happened today, my dad showed up at my hotel room! I was literally shocked; he was the last person who I thought would be at my doorstep! Just to see him was amazing but then to know that he came here all the way from Arizona to talk to me and try to work things out. Was even more of a surprise! I think he understands now why I did things, took the initiative to make our lives better even if that meant doing things I never wanted, or he wouldn’t approve.

I’m not a bad person, I never want to intentionally hurt anyone. I think for me it all comes down to who we are as people, individuals, and daughters to our fathers. They are here to protect us at any cost, I get that. Seeing your little girl in trouble, acting in a way that might be detrimental to our beliefs but with no malice ever intended. I never tried to hurt my dad in anyway, I was trying to protect him best I could. My father is a proud man who wants what is best for me, I get it. He is overprotective, maybe it is because I am the only one who stuck around to be with him after the accident, I don’t know but he sees how much I love him, the sacrifices I am willing to make to help him and make sure that we survive, because you see, my dad and I, we were always a team and I don’t know what I would do if I lost him forever and for a while I thought I did.

My dad and I have a lot to work on, I don’t think we are anywhere near where we used to be, that is true, but earlier today was a start and I can’t be any happier. The one thing though is how he knew, which means someone told him and I could only think of three people, Ali, Owen and of course Kelcey. Ali doesn’t really know my dad, so I can almost rule him out though he wanted to ask him in my hand in marriage which he did earlier, that was so sweet. I could see Owen too, he is the kind of guy who would take charge, considering he sees me moping all over the house.

Then there is Kelcey.

The most likely, and if this was her doing, then I owe her even more than I do now. I don’t know how to repay her, she has become a mother to me, someone I can trust and love, and that is why I am going to fight my ass off at the Taking Hold of the Flame…

For her….

For me…

For all those who believe….

Miracles are true.









South Mountain Reservation, covering 2,110 acres, is a nature reserve on the Rahway River that is part of the Essex County Park System in northeastern New Jersey, United States. It is located in central Essex County, New Jersey, within portions of Maplewood, Millburn and West Orange, and borders South Orange, between the first and second ridges of the Watchung Mountains. Carved from wilderness at the end of the 19th century, designed by Olmsted Brothers, and developed over a few decades, the reservation has changed only slightly through the years. Preserved primarily in its wild state, woodlands abound in a variety of hardwood trees, and tall hemlocks tower above streams, creeks and ponds, and waterfalls. Higher points, such as Crater View, offer vistas of the New York and Jersey City skylines, Elizabeth, Union Township, and Staten Island.

In 1860, wolves, bears and cougars were observed in the area, and there was a bounty on them. In 1896, John Durand, the son of Asher Brown Durand, described the mountain that includes South Mountain Reservation a wilderness, as it probably existed at the time of Hendrick Hudson, a primitive forest abounding with deer and other wild animals and traversed by streams alive with trout. Game was plentiful—partridges, quail, woodcock, rabbits, squirrels of every species, raccoons and foxes; while occasionally a hungry bear that had trespassed on the farmyards in the vicinity would be tracked to its den and shot.

The reservation was built from land purchases begun in 1895. It took a decade to untangle the deeds and assemble all the lands at South Mountain. Before he delegated design of the Essex Parks to his stepson’s firm, Frederick Law Olmsted visited the newly acquired reservation. He regarded it as some of the most beautiful and promising terrain he had ever seen anywhere. The design of South Mountain was finalized by the Olmsted Brothers in stages over the years. A good deal of construction work trails, footbridges, shelters, etc.—was carried out by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s. Here is where we find the gorgeous Peyton Rice along with her mentor and manager, Kelcey Wallace. Peyton, the current Adrenaline Champion is very excited about this opportunity to come into the Flame and get the chance to Main Event Rise to Greatness, for last year she didn’t get the chance to, opting to sit by Kelcey’s side while she suffered from a coma after child birth. Since then, things are a lot different and Peyton ahs been on a roll since it all started. She is ready to make a statement, try to do her best in winning the Flame. She wears jeans, black hiking boots and a black formfitting long sleeve top, ball cap with her sandy blonde hair coming out of the back of the cap, her nails polished white with the title resting on her shoulder. Kelcey is next to her in black leggings, ankle terrain boots and pull over red fleece shirt, her long sandy blonde hair hangs down, nails polished lavender. The camera starts to record….




Peyton takes a moment, before speaking in her cute, adorable voice….


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“We are in such beautiful country, never really knowing the wondrous sites that you find when traveling with the SCW. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic in my life, both personal and professional. I am starting to get a handle of things and Kelcey has really helped me out a lot along with all my friends and support, I am so grateful to all. Now though I embark on a journey that I have never been on, Taking Hold of the Flame. A few weeks ago, Alistaire Allocco and I teamed up for the first time and it was awesome, not to many times do you get to form a team with a person that you love and are going to spend the rest of your life with. Now though we will be in another match again, this time in the biggest match of the year where 38 other wrestlers will compete, the luck of the draw is in place with what number you get, and that right there makes it so unpredictable. It is both nerve racking and exciting. This will be my first, as last year due to unforeseen incidents beyond our control, a woman that I look up to as not only a mentor but as a mother figure to me, Kelcey Wallace had her son, complications that led to her being in a coma. I couldn’t leave her side; I was not about to come and wrestle when I was so afraid what would happen to her. This time though, she is here with me, in the best shape of her life, ready to lead me, Ali, Owen and Aaron to the promise land, and two of us will be competing against each other in the Main Event at Rise to Greatness. I know deep in my heart Aaron Blackbourne can defeat Bree Lancaster and walk out as World Champion.

He has worked so hard for it.

This though is about 40 wrestlers and fate will determine where they come in, and with one huge battle, there is going to be simply chaos. Kelcey was the first woman to ever win the Flame, and I would love to make history like she did one time. I am never going to make any guarantee, instead I am going out there and wherever and whenever my number is called, run down to the ring and take part the 2020 version of it. Even after this, the road begins to RTG, this time with a goal to be on the main show, have this Adrenaline Title and defend it against anyone, but if I win then that changes everything. Wat I do know is there are a lot of people in this match for different reason, we all have our desires, honestly I want to compete, test myself against practically the entire roster, there are going to be monsters, wrestlers, freaks, Queens, Angels and one Jordan Majors who I am sure one of her goals is to eliminate me from the match, just so she could brag about it. I personally am not looking for any targets, I see everyone in this match as a threat even the surprise ones.

This contest is going to do one thing, test us all. Show off our strengths and expose our weaknesses.

You could be number one, and need to have the stamina to survive at the end, or you could be number forty, being the freshest wrestler in the ring and have the advantage, bit the beauty of The Flame? Big wrestlers have a slight advantage, yet you don’t need to be a Hall of Famer, the Best in the World a World Champion to win this, because anyone can come from behind, hoist your legs up over and watch you tumble, feet first touching the floor and you’re eliminated….

Which gives someone like me a chance, my speed with work well in the sea of humanity.

There must be a strategy, the smartest wrestlers always find a way to make to the bitter end. When you look a the roster, when we see the who’s who in the match, in order to make it to the Main Event of RTG, one thing is for certain, you better be at you’re A-Game…

And right now, I am at the top of mine.”


Kelcey looks over and winks, proud of Peyton and what she has accomplished so far. The reigning Adrenaline Champion has been at her best recently, she looks forward to competing this year after sitting last year. She saw Alistaire win, so happy for him and he has a great chance of doing it again. This time though Peyton is there and will he have to choose. She turns back to the camera and speaks…


“With all the terrible things going on in the world and here at home, people are looking for something to cheer about. They don’t always want to listen to the gloom and doom, they don’t need to always see the liars, cheaters and backstabbers get their way, sure we can’t always stop them from getting what they want, but we need to try a little harder. I look at Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann, two people who are pretty much the Public Enemies, want to make a statement, some have even said they may go after Ali, Owen and myself, due to the ties with Kelcey. We have friends, we have foes, but I cannot emphasize enough that it is every person to themselves. Chris and Sienna know, a married couple in a match that can only have one winner. That includes Alistaire and me, what would or could happen to either of us if we were the last two left? Some could say chivalry was alive or dead, I don’t believe in that when it comes to wrestling. I want him to wrestle me hard like he would anyone else, there is no hard feelings here, I rather him give me everything he has and eliminate me than to chum up and take it easy, what does that prove to me? To Alistaire?


Guys, listen, Kelcey has been going hard on the training, she is preparing me for the unknown, and that is what the match is, so many variables, there will be bodies flying all over the place, the chance to get hurt is greater and now I find myself as one of the smaller competitors in the event, someone like Xander could pick me up with one hand and throw me to the third row. Giovanni Aries is no fan of Kelcey and Owen, I am sure he will be targeting me, Jordan is always a threat, she wants vindication, there is Selena Frost who would love to be a World Champion again and Gavin Taylor, a man that wants this title back that I hold, making big splashes like an invigorated Christy Matthews and Syren who has always wanted to get another record breaking World belt under her banner. The list goes on and on but all of it is dependent on ONE factor….

The number we choose.

That could make all the difference in the world.

Let me be transparent with everyone here, I have busted my butt since 2016 when I first joined Ante Up Academy. I used to watch this match; it was my favorite of the year. We would all get together and sit around the TV, rip up numbers and draw them form a hat and that that was your wrestler. Even as students. It was a spectacle, Coach David would set up a huge screen and we would watch, some of us I remember would dream about entering this match, like myself. In 2017, Ricky Octavius entered, and he finished final 8, it was such a huge rush and moment for him. When he came back from the show the next day, he had a smile ear to ear for that was more than just an experience for him, it was the prestige of competing and going up against the very best in the world. I told Ricky that one day he and I would be there, last two and we always laughed thinking of all the different scenarios.

The Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal was the highlight of his short career.

I will never forget the gleam in his eye.

Now it is my turn, I get the chance to do what he did three years ago, I am now throwing my name in the hat, and I’m not going to stand here and claim anything, I will not look you in the eyes and say, I AM GOING TO WIN THIS! No, as there are no guarantees in life. I will leave the boasting to Syren, Sienna, Giovanni and others. There are some legendary veterans who care coming back and I get to test what I have learned and picked up so far against Matt Hodges, Josh Hudson and David Helms. The one thing I can say honestly is that I am not afraid of what comes, where I enter or who I have to face up against. I have trained so long for this chance, and it is finally happening. I would love to win, but that is not in my hands, it is that of fate. The only thing I can promise is you get my dedication, desire and passion shown. There are no hidden agendas here, I am in it for the love of the game…

The competition and the opportunity to continue proving myself to this company and my fans, making this woman sitting next to me proud. I am not entering this to ruin Jordan’s chances or exacting revenge on Kelcey’s behalf to The Beauty Factory, I want to walk into the ring when that buzzer sounds, hearing the roar of the fans as my heart beats, fast, ready to enter a match that sink or swim, I know I participated in, making history.

And no matter what happens, I win.”


Her attitude is infectious, that is one of the things that draws Kelcey to Peyton. It is about her fighting spirit, the chance to be a part of this huge match. But the meaning hasn’t fallen on deaf ears. Peyton wants to do more than just place, of course she wants to win, but most of all make her father and Kelcey proud with her performance. Peyton looks back at the camera and speaks….


“Many take my kindness for weakness, they thought I was too nice or a pushover, that many of the things wrong in the company would hit me hard, and while the last one might be partly true, I learned pretty quickly how things work around here firsthand, i was a victim of it too, it’s hard not to be when you are an SCW Superstar. Don’t get me wrong, I am coming to fight, I want to take The Flame, there is no question about it. There are plenty of wrestlers that will use this for their own gain and if I get anything out of it? Is that I am able to stop those who would use it as a springboard for their own selfish reasons. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of listening about the Lizard Kingdom, they are the “Best” in the World this, or the “Best” in the World that. Forget revenge, or trying to get one on another over petty professional jealousy. You want the fans and your peers to respect you? Than do it in the ring, with what you have and walk out with The Flame, that is how you prove to be the best, Kelcey did it, and so many others have too including my fiance, Alistaire.

As I accomplish my goals, I leave absolutely no doubt how I did it, the right way.

Whether it is The Wonderland or Infamous, The Connection, the Bandidas, it doesn’t really matter, because for so long, I wondered if I belonged here. Walking into Retribution I was pretty beat up. Then stepping into Cold Blooded, I was a lot more confident, I knew I could go in there and win against one of the hottest wrestlers to date, no doubt. It all came down to believing in myself, to knowing that I did belong, and I could zone out all the negative aspects of the sport and build upon them. Well The Flame is the ultimate goal, no one can say you didn’t earn it if you’re the last person standing and that is huge.

See me though?

There is more…

I have my father sitting in the crowd watching his little girl compete. After the last few months, having some issues with my dad, it is nice he is here and I only have one person to thank for it, the same person sitting here,  I have this wonderful perfect soul and beautiful woman that couldn’t be here with us last year and I couldn’t do it seeing her in the state now by my side again. This isn’t just for me or for entertainment, this is for my dad that believed in my dreams, who supported them even when he was scared half to death thinking I would be killed with the moves I perform in the ring. This is for Ricky who sacrificed his life to save another and is looking down on us right now smiling and ready to cheer his friends on. This is to all the Ante Up Academy students who continue to aspire and one day become SCW superstars or anywhere around the world that if you put in the hard work and the dedication, anything can happen! This is for Kelcey Wallace, Hall of Fame Wrestler who broke the streak and showed why women can win this thing too….

And finally?

This is for me.

Where one year ago I was having trouble adjusting here, didn’t know if this was the path I wanted to take and now hold one of the most prestigious titles in the company and now as I enter Taking Hold of the Flame, I will be a highlight Reel, I will give you moments to remember, and whether it is win, lose or draw, you are going to be talking about this match and Peyton Rice for a long time, that is a promise! Over the top rope, one by one, until there stands only the winner….

And I will do what I can to be that ONE.”


She turns to Kelcey who winks and nods. Peyton then slowly shifts, holding up the Adrenaline Championship….


“Teaching thirty-nine other wrestlers that?

Peyton Rice is not just another “Pretty” Face!”


Tilting her head, she gives out her adorable smile while Kelcey glares into the camera and mutters the word….
