The gorgeous Peyton Rice has been on anything less than a roll after Rise to Greatness. She had committed herself back to the career that she had for a while started to lose concentration in, outside forces played a huge part in it. Her personal life started to fall into shambles, her engagement was called off days before Rise to Greatness, her mother came back into her life and she wasn’t having any of that, suffering from the death of Ricky over a year later, then came her suicidal thoughts because she felt that there was no grip on her life to the point she basically was forced to move out of Owen Cruze’s home after her fallout with Jennifer, thanks to her poor decision making after the Alistaire Allocco split. Things were going awry for the young Rice, that this past year thinking about her triumphs and tribulations in the ring losing some big matches to some of the top talent, she found herself at a point where she needed to make a move or get lost in the shuffle, Peyton did exactly that with the announcement of the Elimination Chamber, but the road to get there after the biggest event of the year and all that was leading to it became another journey she needed to embark in, find herself immersed in a voyage to not only the Main Event scene but Championship Gold as well, and with the tools to get there, Peyton has become driven, focused and most importantly confident, staying with Chris Cannon helped a lot. They were able to heal off each other, it was a chance for them both to fix their problems, or at least support themselves in doing so. 

Peyton also found a budding friendship in Hunter Isaacs, and he too has been a fresh air for her in times when she has found herself trying to get through some of the pressure she puts on herself, but when the Elimination Chamber came, and she walked out victorious, it was the shot Peyton needed and the reminder she was good enough to be one of the best in a company that was full of the greatest talent in all of wrestling. The challenge of Christy Matthews came next and that was a good test for Peyton, to see if she was indeed ready to step up to Xander Valentine, which many were surprised that she picked over Glory Braddock, but Peyton had her reasons she wasn’t revealing yet. After defeating Christy, Peyton knew what the next step was, but before any of that was supposed to happen, Kelcey Wallace challenged Sienna Swann to a match, and Owen instead of fighting it, decided to make it a tag team match, against Sienna and Giovanni Aries….

Peyton was not happy.

She cared too much about the well-being of her mentor, she saw what has happened to her already and was on edge, this was simply going to add more to it already….

This was not the way things were supposed to turn out.

Thanksgiving Day
Glendale, AZ.

When Peyton arrived at her dads, she was under the impression it was going to be just the two of them and possibly Margherita. That is how it had been for the last few years, as they are basically all they have of each other and nothing seemed likely to change, especially after everything that happened just before and after Rise to Greatness. However, with that said Peyton knew that Hunter really didn’t have any family to spend Thanksgiving dinner with. She knew his father had passed away and she didn’t know much about any other immediate family, something which hadn’t been brought up in conversation as of yet. There was the option for Peyton to stay with the Cannons and Kelcey, Hunter was included in the invite too, but he didn’t wish to outstay any kind of welcome. Chris Cannon had already been incredibly good to him with the work he was paying him to do on the house, invading their thanksgiving felt too much in his eyes.

Peyton could relate to that which was why she wanted to head back home and be there for her father because at the end of the day it was a tradition which was important to Peyton and Ray Rice. So, she wasn’t sure why she asked Hunter to come with her to Glendale, but she knew deep down it felt like a good thing to do. It was the time of giving after all, this was certainly a thing that Hunter would be thankful and would give her time to get to know him better. Now with a long journey ahead of them Peyton and Hunter had left California late in the night, the two opted to drive to Glendale instead of fly, it would give them more time to talk and get to know one another and the idea of a road trip sounded like a lot of fun. Hunter took the night shift while Peyton slept, with the road ahead relatively empty he looked over at her curled up in jeans and a sweatshirt, her shoes on the headboard, bare feet hanging off the chair, her nails polished white and hair hanging down over her face. Thanksgiving was supposed to be around noon, they would make it with about two hours to spare. He was distracted, seeing her sleeping peacefully or was she….

Peyton: “If your eyes are on me sleeping, then who’s eyes are on the road?”

Hunter: “What? Huh…. Oh, I am paying attention, I just looked over for a second… You didn’t seem that was comfortable the way you were laying in the seat, that why you’re awake?”

Slowly sitting up, she stretched some and sat upright, looking out the window while yawning….

Peyton: “…I was comfortable, I’ve been awake for the last twenty minutes or so… Looks like we made some good headway, I’m impressed it looks like you do know how to drive.”

Hunter: “Yeah… Wait, hey! I know how to drive!”

Peyton giggled a little which brought about a smirk on the lips of Hunter…

PeytonCastPic-HunterHunter: “If you want to crash some more, I’m okay with it. Give me some Bon Jovi to listen to, and I can sing it all night long, I will never fall asleep driving.”


Hunter: “…Oh come on, don’t tell me that you little miss who owns a Rolling Stones t-shirt doesn’t know who Bon Jovi is!?”

Hunter laughed, Peyton shrugged her shoulders innocently yet mischievously….

Peyton: “I’m kidding, of course I do… They sang that one song…. What was it now… Welcome to the Jungle, right?.”

“…Oooh you are so killing me right now…”

She started to giggle again, knowing now that would work him up a little. Of course, Peyton wasn’t sure if inviting Hunter at the last minute was such a good idea, in all honesty they barely knew each other, but with that said they did get along well. His initial plan was going to spend Thanksgiving alone, and while she had the option of staying in Southern California and sharing it with Kelcey, possibly the Cannon brothers and others, it was always about her father first….

PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot2Peyton: “Am I?”

Hunter: “When it comes to music, yes even if I know you’re just screwing with me.”

Peyton: “To be fair you make it easy for me.”

Hunter: “Guilty there…”

Hunter keeps his focus on the road while Peyton looks out at the scenery she can see in the black of night. She lets out a small sigh while in deep thought about something which Hunter catches…

Hunter: “Everything okay?”

Peyton: “Yeah just thinking about what to say when we arrive at my dad’s is all.”

Hunter: “
He’s gonna love seeing you back home I imagine.”

“It’s not that…”

“Then what is it then, is it me?”

Peyton didn’t want to say anything, it was her idea to invite him but still was a little concerned about what her father would think…

Hunter: “Yeah it’s me…”

Peyton: “I mean you are in the car with me heading to Glendale to have Thanksgiving Dinner with me and my dad, two months ago, I didn’t even know you.”

Hunter: “If it helps tell him you felt bad for punching me in the face.”

Peyton: “I bet that will go down well. Hey dad this is Hunter, he’s here cause I thought he was spying through my window so hit him and the only logical choice was to invite him to dinner…”

Hunter: “Hmm… When you say it like that I can see your point… Then why not tell him it is my magnetic personality and….”

Peyton began to laugh while reaching around to a bag which was behind them to grab a bottle of water. She cracked open the bottle and offered one to hunter which he accepted which she put into the drinks holder.

Hunter: “Well just tell him the truth, that you felt sorry for me because otherwise I was going to be sitting by myself sat on a beach while strumming my guitar in front of a campfire… Actually, now that I think about it, why am I here?!”

Peyton: “Oh stop it, no you were not, and this wasn’t about feeling sorry for you. I really didn’t want to see you spend it alone. These two months have been fun, and you are my friend and I enjoy your company.”

Hearing those words put a smile on Hunters face as he picks up his bottle and takes a swig.

Peyton: “Besides if I’m honest, between my dad and I, with Margherita always cooking like she’s back home, she makes enough food for twenty people.”

Hunter: “She a good cook then?”

Peyton: “You have no idea, one of the best. She is a sweetheart, a real angel, a god send for my dad especially after the accident. I don’t know what he or I would have done without her back then.”

Hunter: “That’s good to hear, it’s always important to surround yourself with people you can trust.”

Peyton: “I couldn’t agree more. Which I guess is kinda telling because I’ve let you in that circle now.”

Hunter: “I know, which you realize this is a huge step in our relationship, right? Bringing me home to your dad?”

Peyton: “Bringing you home to dad… C’mon it isn’t that big a deal…”

“Oh I dunno… I think we are talking some big steps, here.”

Hunter began to smirk a little which Peyton at first didn’t notice, however even when she did he was making a valid point…

Peyton: “Ok please stop before you actually begin to make me nervous…”

Hunter: “Sorry… If it’s any consolation I am actually kinda nervous to meet him. You only ever get to make one first impression and I don’t think I could live it down if he punched me as well…”

Peyton couldn’t help herself but laugh, it put her mind at ease which is what Hunter had gone for.

Peyton: “Look don’t be. My dad is not one of these fathers who is going to be loading a shotgun when we walk in through the door and then act like he is about to shoot you while giving you the third degree about how much of an angel I am.”

Hunter: “Well that’s good to know at least.”

Peyton: “Yeah, my dad is really down to earth, he has always had a good connection with my boyfriends… and friends… So, don’t worry, because I told him you were some homeless dude who showed up at Mr. Cannon’s home and we brought you in after feeling sorry for all that luscious hair you have, I told him I donated all my hair products to you.”

Hunter sarcastically laughs….

Hunter: “Ha Ha…. Funny. I see how it is, you get some sleep into you and suddenly you wake up a stand up comedian, one that is telling jokes which are actually funny! You know I actually like this Peyton; I think she needs to make more appearances.”

Peyton: “She is actually trying, and I guess I am feeling more comfortable around you… You know when you’re not staring at me sleeping like some weirdo.”

Hunter: “Oh my god I wasn’t staring…”

Peyton: “You totally were.”

Hunter: “I wasn’t.”

Peyton: “Then why are you blushing?”

Hunter: “Well now that you ask, It’s actually the beginning of heat stroke in the desert…”

Hunter kept his eyes on the road hoping that would work but obviously it didn’t, he was blushing a little…

Peyton: “It’s 60 degrees right now, you are so full of shit.”

Hunter: “Okay yah got me boss, I’m not a good liar.”

Peyton: “No, you’re not, and that is what I like that about you. Keeps us honest. Seriously though, I am happy you came with me to my dad’s house for Thanksgiving, I really am. I’ll admit I had some reservations at first, but the ride has been fun and well, sometimes it sucks when it is just me and the dog which is back with Kelcey now… After getting used to Bear I think I will need a new dog when I eventually find a place of my own.”

Hunter looked over, a smirk on his face….

Peyton: “Just so you know that was NOT a Christmas idea just F-Y-I.”

Hunter: “No… of course not. Not at all.”

“Hunter, I’m serious. I don’t want you buying me anything alright. You work hard for your money, and I respect that, which is another reason I enjoy spending time with you, when you’re in the business I’m in it’s hard to watch those you trust or love get corrupted by it all… What you do is refreshing compared to my other friends.”

“Well this is kinda awkward then…”

Hunter chuckled a little to himself a little uneasily…

Peyton: “What is?”

Hunter: “What if I told you, that I was thinking about maybe training to become a pro wrestler? I mean just thinking about it right now…”

Hearing that Peyton’s heart sank to her chest, just thinking about the idea of this sweet, guy who has a heart of gold being influenced or manipulated by the business? She didn’t like the idea of that at all, she has seen it in her, even Ricky Octavius at one point, wrestlers like Kelcey Wallace and Chris Cannon as well, the thought of him going through that possible experience as well, was too much. She quickly shook her head…

Peyton: “Why? Aren’t you happy doing what you’re doing at the moment?”

Hunter: “Yeah, I am… It was always my dad’s business though you know, and while I am good at it… Sometimes I think about what if there was something better out there for me, you know?”

“Unfortunately I do… But you have to understand that something like this is a long and arduous road, it took me a year and a half just to be ring ready, another three years to get up to the SCW. With Ante Up closed, I don’t know what else to tell you other than what you are doing I think is great as it is. I wouldn’t change a thing to be honest with you, Hunter. Don’t do it for me.”

Hunter: “I wouldn’t be doing it for you, it would be for me. To do it for anyone but myself would be stupid wouldn’t it? But I sense you’re against the idea and understand why. It was just a conversation I had with Mr. Cannon a while ago after he caught me back flip off the roof to the beach.”

“Yeah and… I’m sorry what!? You did what now?”

Hunter laughed after seeing the look on Peyton’s face…

Hunter: “I was on the roof one day and didn’t think he was around, couldn’t be bothered to climb a ladder so back flipped off the roof to the sand… Nothing I haven’t done a hundred times before and…”

Peyton: “I can’t believe I didn’t know that… I thought Chris would have told me something like that…”

Hunter: “I asked him not to, so don’t blame him yeah? But if you don’t think it’s a good Idea, then I won’t look into it anymore.”

Peyton: “What? No…. no Hunter it’s not that. I …. Never mind, do whatever you think is best and makes you happy, I don’t have a right to state otherwise.”

Hunter: “No, but you have a valuable opinion that matters to me, is that so bad?”

Peyton: “No it isn’t, I just don’t want you to think that I am trying to control the narrative in your life, I just….. I have seen the business corrupt some of the best people I have ever had the honor of being associated with, that is including me and even Ricky… I just couldn’t bear to see that happen to you too Hunter.”

Hunter nods.

Peyton: “I will tell you this much, the business changed me. I don’t particularly like it, but at the same time, I had to mature and accept the world as we know it. It’s not just the fucked-up politics anymore, Hunter. It hits home.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Peyton: “I don’t know, I guess I mean… maybe this is one of the reasons the loss of friends like Ricky have hit me so fucking hard, or when Kelcey was in the hospital, or seeing Chris go off with Sienna Swann… I thought better of how people are or were, hence why I challenged Xander Valentine, something needs to change yet I am just one woman, a very small one at that which has no business being in the same ring as him…”

Peyton lets out another sigh before falling back into the car seat a little more, she has a lot on her mind and some of what she said while aimed at Hunter isn’t necessarily something she believed wholeheartedly would happen to him… All of a sudden Hunter pulls over to the side of the road, Peyton looks a little surprised as he puts the car in gear, turning to her….

Peyton: “Why are we stopping?”

Hunter: “Because I needed to tell you that’s bullshit.”

Peyton: “What is?”

“That you believe one person can’t make a difference or change. One person can, it always starts with one person. These ideas of change and actions don’t just pop out of thin air after all.”

Peyton: “Well no, it’s just…”

Hunter: “We’ve all done something we regret, it’s what makes us human Peyton. You live n learn after all, it’s how we grow. You might think you’ve changed, other people might think you’ve changed, but so what? I’m positive there are some little girls right now finding the courage to stand up to their bullies because of you. Every action you do, people pay attention. I know it’s why I was attracted….. maybe I shouldn’t have said that…. What I meant to say was….”

She grabs his hand….

Peyton: “No… I am actually glad you did because what has attracted me to you besides that fabulous hair, is the fact you are so open, so honest and so real, Hunter. Those are qualities that we don’t see much in people these days, and I appreciate you telling me these things, I really do…”

Peyton smiles as she looks at Hunter, the way he carries himself reminding her of someone else…

Peyton: “Look I’m sorry if it sounded like I’m being selfish, I care about you, and all I am doing is looking out for a good guy, that’s all.”

Hunter: “So you like my hair, huh?”

Peyton: “It’s fantabulous, and I know many girls who would be jealous, maybe even me just a little bit… But as much as I like sitting on the side of the road talking if we don’t get on the road and are late for Thanksgiving, my dad is going to run you over with his motorized wheelchair and let me tell you something, Hunter, it’s fast and it hurts…”

Hunter: “That sounds awful.”

Peyton: “Oh, it will be. But seriously though, if you decide to wrestle, I’ll always have your back, I may not be happy that you are exposing yourself to this, but you know what I mean… I think.”

Hunter: “Right, don’t wrestle naked… got it…”

Peyton: “That isn’t what I meant…”

Hunter: “I know… What did I ask you the last time we hung out and you questioned me?”

Peyton: “At the Hollywood sign?”

Hunter: “Yeah.”

Peyton: “You asked me to trust you.”

He points at her and winks, before squeezing her hand, putting the car in drive and heading toward Ray Rice’s house.

90 Minutes Later


As they arrived at her father’s house, she noticed a Lexus SUV parked in the driveway, Peyton already knew whose it was, it belonged to her mother, Jolene, but everyone called her Jo. While sat in the car Peyton stared in silence as she was a bit confused by the sight of it, Hunter easily picked up on this, and knew something was troubling her. He wanted to make sure that it was okay he was there, didn’t know how her dad would take a stranger coming with her, but in all honesty that was the least of her worries. Peyton sighed, shaking her head a little disappointed and a little annoyed while yanking the suitcase out of the trunk which fell to the ground with a thud.

Hunter immediately rushed over to help as she pinches the bridge of her nose trying to think…

Hunter: “Is everything alright, Peyton?”

Peyton: “Yeah, yeah…. It’s just peachy.”

“Okay, there wasn’t any sort of sarcasm behind that at all.”

Peyton: “It’s fine… Seriously it’s fine…”

Peyton begins to walk towards the house however Hunter didn’t buy what she was peddling right then. He hurried after her after grabbing his hold all and tapped her on the shoulder, she turns to look at him…

Peyton: “What? Ugh… Sorry… What is it?”

“Honestly, I would love to know what I am walking into right now.”

: “Nothing.”

“C’mon now Peyton, you can do better than that. We arrive and everything suddenly changes. I know we’re just friends but, despite that this is my first time meeting your dad….”

Peyton: “…. And Jo.”

Hunter: “…Jo?”

Peyton: “Yeah… The lady who gave birth to me. The woman who owns that SUV…”

Hunter: “Oh… Wait your mo….”

Peyton quickly cuts him off….

Peyton: “… don’t call her that please.”

Hunter: “Okay… I’m sensing maybe I shouldn’t be here… Should I just go check into a motel and then maybe, I don’t know, eat dinner at the Waffle House? I wouldn’t want to intrude if there is gonna be fireworks.”

Peyton: “What? No. Look, I am going to be on my best behavior, it’s just there is a long history between Jo and I, something I don’t like to talk about much and if I’m honest she was the last person who I thought was going to be here.”

Hunter: “I see, maybe she is just popping by to say hey?”

Peyton: “Maybe… She shouldn’t be here. You see she left my dad and I during a very difficult time in our lives and it took a real toll on me Hunter, but you know what? The more I think about it maybe it is good you come, you can keep me in check, I will just go with the flow, the last thing I want to do is get you into a very uncomfortable situation.”

Hunter: “That is appreciated, but seriously, I can leave, and go if you want….”

Before finishing his sentence, she grabs his hand, slowly pulling him away from the car and toward the house. Peyton was not going to allow this development to make Hunter feel any more uncomfortable than he already did thanks to his nerves, she wanted him to be a part of their Thanksgiving, and maybe he was right, if she was lucky her mother was only there to visit and nothing more. Peyton continued to pull him as he grabbed the rest of the luggage….

Peyton: “… come on….”

Hunter: “If you pull any harder, you’ll have a weapon to take to the Pay-Per-View with you…. Jesus, Xander stands no chance compared to your brute strength!”

Peyton: “See!? Don’t fuck with me dude.”

Hunter managed to wrestle free of her grip and stands there a moment looking at Peyton, she was clearly riled up by her mother being here…

Hunter: “You need to calm down.”

Peyton: “I’m calm.”

Hunter: “No you’re not, take a few deep breaths because you don’t want to go in there with this anger.”

Peyton: “What anger? I’m fine seriously come on, do not worry about anything, I promise, everything will be alright. If you want me to trust you, then please trust me. It’s a two-way street isn’t it?”

Hunter: “Okay…. Okay I trust you.”

This was the first time that Peyton was bringing someone home for her father to meet since the days of Ricky Octavius, she didn’t even take Alistaire Allocco to Glendale though she wanted to. It was a little complicated at times because there was just a lot going on between her and her dad at the time and didn’t want Ali to be involved in that hot mess. Of course, she was nervous, because deep down inside while she was protecting her emotions, she also really liked Hunter a lot and didn’t want to ruin whatever this was… Peyton arrived at the door which was already unlocked and walked inside, she could smell the turkey and all the fixings already. She smiled while turning to Hunter who nodded, he was quite impressed as he looked around, what he liked most, the Rice family was not rich socialites that lived in a huge manor, they were normal people. There was a sound ahead of them as a door opened and Margherita left the kitchen and immediately squeals in delight as she greets Peyton and Hunter, she was so glad to see them, excited they arrived and on time….

peytoncastpic-margheritaMargherita: “Ah, you are here preciosa!”

Peyton: “Hi Margherita! How are you?!”

Margherita: “Oh you know me; I am all the better for seeing you!”

Peyton: “It’s great to see you again, you’ve been busy i bet It smells so good in here!”

Margherita: “Always busy in this household, you know this! But tell me, who is this handsome young man?”

Peyton: “Oh this is Hunter, he’s a friend who had nowhere to really go for Thanksgiving so invited him here.”

Margherita: “Aww, she has a heart of gold this one, please come in, and leave the luggage there, I will take them to your rooms later.”

Hunter: “You know you’ve probably been cooking all morning haven’t you, I can take the bags up to the rooms.”

Margherita: “Oooh, Peyton I like him.”

Peyton: “I knew you would. I hope we are not too late, hit a little traffic and Hunter has the bladder of an eighty-year-old man.”

Hunter: “Wait…. That was yo…… yeah that was me, guilty as charged.”

Peyton turns to him and winks. Margherita is just excited to see Peyton and they made it there safely. She looks around but doesn’t see her father inside the house….

Peyton: “Where is dad?”

Margherita: “He is outside, with your moth….”

Peyton: “You mean with Jo?”

“Yes, yes of course. Jolene…”

Peyton: “Did she arrive this morning or something? Is she staying for dinner?”

Margherita didn’t give a confident look when asked that, instead tried to deflect which both Peyton and Hunter caught on to..

Margherita: “Maybe you should go outside and say hi to them, take your friend too so he can meet your papa.”

Peyton: “I will, but now you are making me nervous…”

Margherita: “Peyton, it’s Thanksgiving, you know it is time for family and this is important for Ray.”

She knew that Margherita was right and took a deep breath before being startled when grabbed her by the hand surprising her a little, as he smiled to Margherita and then to Peyton, trying his best to make her feel a little more comfortable before they went outside. Margherita smiled before leaning into Peyton and whispering in her ear…..

Margherita: “I really like him.”

Peyton: “Yeah, he’s not too bad. Okay, come on.”

Margherita hugged Peyton once more before the two headed out to the back of the house through a hallway before reaching a set of glass doors which led outside…

Hunter: “She seems nice.”

Peyton: “Who Margherita? She’s the best. Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever will be, can’t help feel a little nervous.”

“So am I, trust me…”

“Well in that case let’s hope I can control this eighty-year-old bladder…”

The two shared a light laugh with each other before walking outside where they saw Jo in her jeans and cut off top, Peyton’s mother was a former model and a real looker, she was sitting by Ray as they were laughing, having a drink together. She looked like she had been there for a bit, was wearing no shoes, and her hair was down, Peyton had her green eyes as she looked over and saw her…

Peyton: “Here goes nothing…”

PeytonCastPic-JoleneJo: “Oh my god, Peyton!”

“Hey! There she is!”

Peyton: “Hi dad….. Jo.”

Ray: “Give your old man a hug.”

Hunter noticed that Ray and Peyton embraced, but she and her mother did not, there was obviously a big rift between the two and he didn’t want it to get caught in between it instead opted to standing there quietly awaiting to be introduced….

Ray: “Wow look at you, every time I see you it looks like you’re get more n more beautiful. That California sun doing you a world of good isn’t it, sweetheart?”

Peyton smiled hear that, there was a moment where she wouldn’t get that kind of loving praise from her father who was always her biggest fan. He then turned to look at their guest…

PeytonCastPic-RayRay: “So who is this stud then, didn’t realize you were bringing a rock star with you?”

Peyton: “Oh, yeah, this is Hunter…. This is my dad, Ray and Jolene.”

Jo: “Please call me Jo, everyone else does! It is a pleasure to meet you, Hunter.”

Ray: “Shit, he has better hair than you Pey.”

Peyton: “…Dad!? You did NOT just say that.”

Ray: “Pleasure to meet you Hunter.”

Ray laughed while they shake hands, Hunter nods….

Hunter: “Thank you sir for having me over, I appreciate your family’s hospitality.”

Ray: “Any friend of my Peyton’s is a friend of ours. Besides, I finished cleaning my shotgun by the way, so it’s nice and ready just in case.”

Peyton: “See? I told you.”

Hunter: “You did warn me. At least it would be quick I suppose.”

Ray: “Oh no, it’ll long and painful.”

Hunter: “…”

Ray: “Ah, I’m just screwin’ with ya man. You are in good hands here, Hunter. Mi casa es su casa, so please feel at home. Dinner will be in about an hour, why don’t you two wash up, and get ready.”

Peyton: “We would love too, why don’t you shower first, and I will follow, gives me a chance to talk to my dad and Jo, catch up a little.”

Hunter: “Sure. I’ll take the luggage to the rooms too.”

Jo: “I can show you the way, not a problem.”

Hunter: “Thanks’. See you in a bit Peyton.”

They two share a nod before Jo heads back into the house with Hunter following, Peyton turns to her father, a bit confused about all of this with her mother while her dad watches Jo walk away… He is quick to give his daughter his undivided attention when she interrupts his thoughts.

Peyton: “How does she know what rooms we are staying in?”

Ray: “I wanted to talk to you about that Peyton but wanted to wait to see you in person before doing so.”

Peyton: “Well I’m here now.”

Ray: “That you are sweet pea. I’ve been meaning to talk to you because it’s definitely an important talk, but you had that tour of yours and I didn’t want to distract you.”

Peyton: “Ok, but none of that is explaining why she is here.”

Ray: “Why don’t you take a seat you know I don’t like it when you stand over me like that.”

“Like what?”

She said it with such a tone she immediately stopped whatever else she was going to say.

Ray: “Like THAT. So, let’s sit down and talk as Hunter seems like a good kid and I don’t want him to feel awkward by hearing us all yelling.”

“Like I do? First off, I was surprised she was here, then I realized she is wearing clothes like hanging around the house, I don’t see her suitcases or purse.”

Ray looked to be getting a little frustrated with Peyton now, the loud sigh escaping his lips a telling tell.

Ray: “You going to sit your ass down or what? The last time I checked, I was still your damn father even if I don’t have the use of this legs.”

Peyton: “Fine…”

Peyton took a deep breath and walked over to the table Ray and Jo were sat at, finally Peyton took a seat…

Ray: “Thank you, was that so hard?”

Peyton: “No, but now you got to understand Dad, I am not stupid, I can put two and two together, but I want to hear it from you first.”

Ray: “Alright. I’ll cut right to it then, Jolene has moved back in with me.”

Her eyes widen, shocked to the core that her mother and father are living together, this had to be some sort of arrangement, it had to be some sort of mistake…..

Peyton: “I don’t understand.”

Ray: “What is there not to understand pumpkin? Jo and I have been talking since the end of the summer when she came over to talk to you, I felt like maybe I shouldn’t have said anything yet because well, look how you are reacting now, can’t even call her mom.”

Peyton: “Do you remember what she did to us, dad?”

Ray: “I thought about it every day Pey, but I never stopped loving your mother. Sure, it hurt and it was one of those things that I didn’t know if I could ever get over.”

Peyton: “And what you have now is that it?”

Ray: “I’m too old to hold grudges darling, I’d rather enjoy life than wallow in self-pity. Is there a chance she could do it again? There is always that but since she has been here the last three months, it was like before the accident. Jo has changed and so have I. You are quick to blame this all on her and Rhiannon….”

Peyton: “Don’t even get me started on her.”

Ray: “She is still your sister, Pey just like Jo is your mother.”

Peyton: “Yeah, unfortunately.”

It looked like Ray was about to respond but opted to bite his tongue…

Ray: “Why are you so unwilling to at least give it a chance and try to fix things? I didn’t expect this from you, seriously. I thought that maybe Thanksgiving would be the chance to bring us all back together. We extended the invite to Rhiannon too, but we never heard from her.”

Rolling her eyes, that was expected when it came to Peyton who was not impressed or surprised at her sisters actions, but her dad and Jo together bothered her more than it probably should have, though she needed to keep her cool and try her best to get along for the sake of her father and Hunter, that still didn’t mean she wasn’t going to let it be known how she felt…..

Peyton: “Rhiannon not showing up, why am I not shocked?”

Ray: “Okay, what do I have to do to convince you to try and help me work this out, this is extremely important to me, and I am not getting any younger. We had some bad years, but now I want to see them come through and hopefully make up for some lost time is that so wrong? Jo is the love of my life, she always was, it is hard living with just Margherita, Pey. I pushed Jo away too, it wasn’t just her and I hope you remember that.”

Peyton: “I don’t excuse her for leaving us, dad. I know you acted like an asshole at times, you also were just paralyzed and going through depression. It’s totally understandable why you were like that. But you know you are asking me for a lot to try and fix things with Jo and…”

Peyton could feel that Jo was standing behind her, turning around, she nodded, overhearing her daughter, as Hunter was getting showered upstairs. Peyton sighed, and instead of dealing with it, she stepped away from the chair and walked past her….

Jo: “Peyton, wait. Can we just talk about this, please?”

Peyton: “I feel grimy right now, having been on the road for almost twelve hours… I need to clean myself up, I’ll be ready for dinner, dad.”

“Okay Pey… We’ll see you both in a bit.”

The young Rice didn’t say another word and instead walked inside. Jo started to tear up a little, frustrated that Peyton wasn’t even trying to work things out, or at least come to some sort of agreement…..

Ray: “Give her a chance to come around, she just needs a little time.”

Jo: “I am giving her all the time she needs. I don’t blame her for how she feels, Peyton has a right to hate me.”

Ray: “No, she doesn’t, but she has a right to feel some animosity. She had to grow up fast when you left Jo, if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have survived…”

“I know and that is why I will give her all the time in the world. I’m sorry for what I did, Ray. I truly do mean that if I could turn back the clock, I would…”

Ray: “I know you are, and so am I. Come on, let’s go help Margherita set up for dinner.”

She smiles, pushing the wheelchair inside and toward the kitchen. Upstairs, Peyton has taken off her sneakers and socks, sitting at the edge of the bed Waiting for Hunter to get out of the shower. Her long hair hanging down, running her fingertips across her scalp in deep frustration and annoyance. He opens the door with the towel wrapped around his waist, his hair wet and for the first time Peyton had seen his physique, which was impressive….

Hunter: “The Shower is yours and …… are you okay?”

Peyton: “Yeah, I’m fine, dinner is shortly, I better shower, you better left me some hot water.”

Hunter: “Peyton, if you want to talk…”

Peyton: “Hunter I am fine, okay. Get dressed, your chest and abs are….. distracting enough. I need to get into the shower.”

Hunter: “Your parents are back together, huh?”

As she is grabbing her towel and change of clothes, toiletry bag, she shrugs her shoulders and starts to walk out but stops…

Hunter: “I know it isn’t my place to say anything but from what I see your parents are happy, that should mean something.”

Peyton: “My life changed forever when Jo left my dad and I, I can’t just turn the switch and be okay with this, Hunter. I want my dad to be happy, but I just don’t trust her.”

Hunter: “Well maybe you need to, someone has to take the first step.”

Peyton: “I don’t need to do anything, end of discussion. Now excuse me…”

Hunter: “Okay, maybe you don’t, but let me tell what it is like losing your father and never getting the chance to show him just how much you loved and appreciated him. I understand you were hurt by her, I can relate my mom is somewhere in New Mexico I think… But what I’m trying to say is…”

“God damn it, Hunter.”

Hunter: “What?”

She turned around, glaring right into his eyes….

Peyton: “I didn’t know I would have my own Jiminy Cricket here, Ricky would have said the same thing.”

“Sorry, you’re right I’m just a guest here. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

Peyton: “Don’t be.”

She walks up to him, placing her hands on his bare chest, taking a deep breath before leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips….


Thirty Minutes Later

They all sat around the table, there was a huge Thanksgiving spread, looking at one another, before sitting down, Ray grabbed Jo’s hand who took Hunter’s, he reached over to Peyton and she to Margherita….

Ray: “I want to give thanks to my family and friends and honored guest for being here with us. There is nothing that I want more than to spend this time of year with the people I love and new ones to welcome into our homes. Jo?”

Jo: “I want to give thanks for getting a second chance with my husband.”

Ray smiled as he kissed the top of Jo’s hands, the eyes shifting to Hunter who looked to be in deep thought…

Ray: “You got anything to be thankful for son?”

“Yeah… I want to give thanks to the opportunities I’ve been given recently. I’ve had the chance to meet new people and make new friends and forging new connections with people…”

Jo: “That was sweet. Peyton do you have anything to be thankful for?”

Peyton looked down, as Ray saw but tried to play it off. Peyton was going to be in for a long night, but a reserved one. For the sake of Hunter, and the great dinner they were about to eat, but sooner rather than later, this was going to be addressed with her mother….

Peyton: “Yeah, I’m thankful for…”

Just it wouldn’t be tonight.


Two Weeks Later
Hermosa Beach, CA.


After a very hard-fought match with Christy Matthews, what was next on the docket, the match with Xander Valentine, and it was coming, she needed to be prepared and Chris Cannon noticed just how hard Peyton was pushing herself. Every morning at 6 AM she would be outside as the sun rose practicing her KATA, in the afternoons she was in the gym working out or training in the ring. He was starting to get a bit concerned as she was pushing herself to brinks even, he knew had limits. He too was getting ready to face Regan Street and Selena Frost, for a shot at the World Tag Team titles, which to him was definitely an opportunity that he cherished to have, and with Lucas Knight, there was a lot of history there between the two as in he and Regan. Selena as well with Chris, on all accounts it was a very personal match, but his concern was on Peyton and he needed Kelcey to know about it. Kelcey thought maybe it was just a prime example of maybe Peyton overworking herself, or was it something more underlying, she didn’t know for sure but whatever it was, it was definitely alarming. Chris walked out into the sand, in shorts and a tank top with a cup of coffee, Peyton was in her marine green yoga tights and top, her hair in a ponytail, barefoot. Bear was walking out with Chris when he approached her, already talking to Kelcey the night before about a few things….

Chris: “You’re like a machine, love. I don’t know if I should offer you some water or an oil change.”

Peyton stopped for a moment and smiled as did Chris. He was incredibly proud of the competitor Peyton was turning into even if he was concerned about what she might be walking into at Last Laugh.

Peyton: “It’s the biggest match of my career. I need to be ready.”

PeytonCastPic-ChrisChris: “Preaching to the choir love. I have been in the ring with him before, so has Trinity and Kennedy so if you need to pick our brains at all we’re all there for you. Xander is a beast but he is not unbeatable. Stick to what you know and everything else should fall into place.”

Peyton: “I will, promise.”

Chris: “So other than training like you’re about to take on the biggest supervillain in SCW history, how are things? Was your Thanksgiving good?”

Peyton: “It was eventful if nothing else. It was good fun though, Hunter being there was a nice addition.”

Chris: “Yeah he’s a good guy, couldn’t believe I caught him back flipping off the roof like it was the normal a few weeks back.”

Peyton: “I know right? He told me about that, mentioned you talked to him about wrestling?”

Chris: “Yeah guess I did do that but he never really give me an answer.”

Peyton: “Seemed like he might be interested, he was talking to me about it over Thanksgiving.”

Chris raised an eyebrow curious now to hear how that went.

Chris: “How’d that go?”

Peyton: “I may have not painted the picture he wanted to be honest. I’ve seen this business do so much to change people and I really didn’t want to see that happen to him.”

Chris: “Yeah, I know what you mean. So I take it you like him then?”

Peyton didn’t say anything at first, but she did nod to confirm that she did… there was a silent approval between the two since Chris liked Hunter as well.

PeytonCastPic-PeytonSHOOTPeyton: “That’s enough about me though, I heard some commotion last night, I didn’t want to leave my room, wasn’t going to disturb you, saw a car out front I don’t recognize. I know It’s none of my business, just wanted to make sure that you are okay?”

Chris: “Ha, yeah I am fine love. I had a friend come over last night, she is still sleeping upstairs. Look, that is why I came out here, as well as for other reasons too. I don’t want you to be surprised if you see her, she came to me in confidence about something I already knew last night, and just the fact she did spoke volumes to me. Besides, she is a very good friend and we have been…. “close” in the past.”

Peyton: “Chris, you don’t have to explain yourself to me, I am not here to judge, I have always had respect for you, and I consider you a great friend.”

Chris: “I appreciate that love. You’ve been a great friend to me as well.”

Peyton: “Yeah, even when you were Sienna, and all that stuff happened, you never once judged me either. Even now after all I have done you never once were the type who knowingly saw the mistakes I made with your son, you could have told me to go to hell, instead you helped me more than you will ever know.”

Chris: “I know that Peyton, besides the business with you and Christian wasn’t any of my business. You’re both adults at the end of the day. Hell, I am the last person to judge anyone, but I am allowed to be concerned, about a lot of things like I can tell that you are not a big fan of Kelcey getting back in the ring.”

Peyton didn’t want to say anything, but he already had his answer when she didn’t immediately respond. Lowering her head, he placed his hand on her back supportively….

Chris: “Hey, it’s okay to feel that way, I feel the same to be honest with you. But you know Kelcey always has to fight the good fight.”

Peyton: “I know it’s just I have seen her in the hospital enough, I cringed every time that she stepped in the ring, Giovanni has already hurt her twice, he is stalking Mr. D’s lady friend and what was those pictures that they are insinuating that Kelcey and Mr. D were….”

Chris: “None of that happened, they were just trying to get a rise out of people.”

Peyton: “I know that but the point I am trying to make is this, Sienna and Gio want to hurt Kelcey. Owen can handle himself. I know Kelcey can too, I just can’t get the thought of her in the hospital again and the last time wasn’t even wrestling related, it scares me, Chris. I have to concentrate on the biggest match of my career, and worry about my mentor’s safety, because I will probably be in no shape to help out after my match with Xander.”

Chris: “Yeah, about that, it is what I wanted to talk to you. You’re concerned about Kelcey and it’s warranted, she is concerned about you.”

Peyton: “Why? Because of Xander Valentine? Do you know why I chose him?”

Chris: “Why? He eliminated you from Taking Hold of the Flame, didn’t he?”

Peyton: “That factored into it but it is not the reason why I did it. I could have gone after Glory, the safer pick if you ask me, when it comes to my physical well-being sure. We would have had a wrestling match though the last time we faced, she cheated, so I’m sorry if I’m not going to put all my trust in her, I never will. That woman changes her attitude like the seasons.”

Chris: “Then why Peyton? Ricky?”

Peyton: “No, he had nothing to do with my decision, though if he was here now, he would probably slap me upside the head and ask me what the hell I was thinking choosing Xander. I did it…. Because of Kelcey.”

Chris looked on a little perplexed at her answer, he didn’t know what she meant by doing it for Kelcey. Looking over at Bear, who tilted his head, he then turned back to Peyton, she could see in his face that he seemed a little confused by it….

Chris: “Kelcey?”

Peyton: “2013, I sat on the floor of my bedroom watching Kelcey win the Elimination Chamber at Under Attack, later that night Blitzkrieg won it and the World Championship, and I thought that Kelcey was going to be killed. Kelcey though wasn’t, she went into that match with the undefeated monster and won her first World Championship, it was on that day, I made the decision to become a wrestler because she was like my idol, my hero. I know that I can beat him, Chris. Yes, he is dangerous, one of the most violent and unrelenting men in all of wrestling. I watched how he manhandled Regan and Trinity, they are women who are Hall of Famers, I know what he can do, but I also saw someone like Alexis Quinne surprise him. Selena Frost, Regan, and Kennedy. I want Kelcey to see that what I learned from her I can use it to make her proud of what and who I have become.”

Chris nods and lets out a small sigh after taking a sip from his coffee…

Chris: “Peyton, I was with Kelcey when all that happened love and she lost half of the Perfect World because of Blitzkrieg, do you know how much that affected her because you only see so much on T.V? It was to the point that she almost quit the business. She went missing because of it and I had to fly to Scotland and convince her with Harmony Fisher and Shawn Mason to come back to the SCW, for she was ready to leave permanently.”

Peyton: “Really?”

Chris: “Yes, it was one of the first times she truly began to come to terms with the idea that maybe she wasn’t perfect. But you won’t really hear about that in the history books, people see what they only want to see or remember. Blitzkrieg was a monster, but he was controlled by a man who had his own intentions. Xander is a monster who no one controls, and he has a purpose with his own intentions and I’m not saying that what you want to do is not noble and the right decision, what I am saying is Kelcey has always been on another level and she was filled with resolve to push through the darkest of times its what made her so inspirational to others. Peyton….”

Peyton: “No, I get it. See, you don’t have to tell me Chris that Kelcey doesn’t think I have any chance in winning. You don’t need to tell me that anyone does, even Regan tried to talk me out of it the other day, because of her concern for my health and career. While I appreciate the gestures, I am not a fucking kid anymore and I wish people would stop treating me like some damsel in distress!”

Chris: “Did I ever say I didn’t believe you could defeat Xander?”

Peyton: “No, but I know you were thinking it. Because everyone is.”

Chris: “On the contrary, I was thinking the complete opposite, the night is called the Last Laugh for a reason, right? I mean we both could come home with Championship gold after Sunday, because you see, maybe I am sick of getting the short end of the bloody stick. Maybe I want more. Regan is practically family, but she knows what has to be done on both ends. I think that you have a hell of a bloody shot to win the United States Championship, far better than I ever did but you have to go in there with a clear mind. Don’t worry about Kelcey, don’t worry about me, worry about yourself, and wrestle your match, your way. Do not let him dictate the match, let him come to you.”

“It’s hard not to worry about Kelcey though you know, what if she has another fainting spell like on the yacht in the ring?”

Chris let out an audible sigh, turning to look at the water and the sun rising on the ocean like glass….

Peyton: “What is it?”

Chris: “She’s not going to have another fainting spell, Peyton.”

Peyton: “
You can’t be sure, none of us know that for certain.”

Chris: “I do Peyton.”

Peyton: “How? Is there something that you are not telling me, because if there is then I should know about it, Chris.”

Chris: “Stop getting worked up and calm down.”

She let out a frustrating groan, placing her hands on the hips, pacing a little, the sand getting in between her toes now, she was obviously at her boiling point, and it has been building up for months about Kelcey. Worried sick, she didn’t know how much more she could take…. She hated being out of the loop of things.

Peyton: “Just tell me.”

Chris: “Kelcey didn’t collapse because of motion sickness or dehydration, after they did blood work for toxicology there was evidence that she…. She was drugged.”

Her eyes widen….

Peyton: “…What? Drugged?! How?! By who…”

Hearing that revelation sent Peyton thoughts into overdrive as she tried to think back to the party, it didn’t take long to come to a conclusion of her own…

Peyton: “Sienna!? It was Sienna wasn’t it?”

Chris: “They found traces of an anti-depressant Sienna uses to sleep, it had to be her.”

Peyton: “Why that bi….”

Before she could finish though, Peyton stopped as the sliding glass door in the back open and a tall figure walked out, her hair was down, she wearing one of Chris’s shirts and underwear, Peyton couldn’t believe her eyes as she was staring at Xiomara Diaz whose modesty was protected by merely one button of the shirt which left little to the imagination….

Peyton: “What…..”

“Peyton, Let me explain…”

Peyton: “Explain!? You just told me that you think Sienna purposely made Kelcey sick, and yet you are what… Sleeping with her!? I wasn’t going to judge, but this changes fucking everything!”

Chris: “Xio didn’t know what happened, she wasn’t privy to any of it all she knew was Kelcey wanted to talk to Sienna to discuss Nathaniel and the future.”

“And you believe that?”

Chris: “Yeah I do, she has never lied to me before and has no reason to now. She came here last night to tell me she thinks Sienna drugged Kelcey, but I already knew, and she just confirmed it for me, despite what you think of her Xiomara doesn’t always agree with Sienna. She is a good person. I trust her.”

Peyton: “Wait…. You and Her? Sienna?”

Chris: “It’s complicated, I’m going inside to cook breakfast, join us.”

Peyton: “I…..”

Chris: “Hopefully I’ll see you in fifteen. Come on Bear, let’s go mate.”

Peyton was flabbergasted and shocked, she didn’t know how to respond to Chris, that alone was a stunner for her. Watching him walk back inside, kissing Xio before stepping in, the sultry Puerto Rican and Peyton locked eyes for a moment before she went inside. Pacing around, trying to catch her breath and all the information she was taking in was sensory overload. Peyton wanted to get back to her workouts, she had to be ready for Xander Valentine, she needed to be okay in case Kelcey and Owen needed her, but at the same time, she had to keep an open mind and lately she hadn’t. Slowly grabbing her things, Peyton walked back inside. Chris was in the kitchen, Xiomara was sitting on the bar, turning around to face her…

PeytonCastPic-XiomaraXiomara: “Good morning munequa.”

Peyton: “Uh… Good Morning.”

Xiomara: “Look, I know this seems weird but….”

Peyton: “Seriously I don’t need an explanation., this is between you and Chris, I’m just the girl renting a room right now.”

Chris: “No, you are not Peyton. Besides, you are a part of this, like I said Xio and I…..”

All of a sudden the door opens from the garage, Kelcey Wallace walks in unannounced, wearing jeans, slip on sandals and a purple blouse, her nails polished a bright red, long sandy blonde hair hanging down, she stops, noticing that Xiomara is sitting at the bar, Peyton’s eyes again widen….

Kelcey: “Oh…. I didn’t know that you had company…”

“Kelcey!? I didn’t know you were coming over; did you call? I am making some breakfast, care to join?”

Kelcey: “I… no, thank you I’m alright. I….”

It was obvious something was on Kelcey’s mind as her eyes would shift between looking at Chris and then looking at Xiomara dressed barely in a shirt and his shorts…

Xiomara: “I can leave, it’s okay.”

PeytonCastPic-Kelcey2Kelcey: “No… no…. I wouldn’t want to intrude… I came to see Peyton anyway.”

“Kelcey, is everything alright?”

“Yeah… yeah everything is fine, I’m only going to be a few minutes, but thanks for Breakfast offer, I appreciate that.”

Peyton opens the sliding glass door as both women step outside, closing the door behind her. Xiomara glances over at Chris….

Xiomara: “I shouldn’t have come…”

“No, Xio, I am glad you did. It’s just weird and we are all trying to get on with our lives, right?”

“Sure papi. Long as Sienna doesn’t find out I am here.”

“Right…. That’s the last thing we need.”

As Chris continues to cook, he looks out the kitchen window to see Kelcey and Peyton walking out toward the beach, he sighs a little wishing that Kelcey hadn’t come over and seen Xiomara there, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He didn’t expect her there, normally she’d call but this time she never and it seemed that she was a bit off, not really sure what her intentions were, maybe she was there to see Peyton, but he knew Kelcey better than anyone….. There was a reason she came.

Outside though, Kelcey folds her arms, looking out at the ocean, her eyes seemed to get a little teary-eyed which Peyton catches….

Peyton: “Are you upset because of Xiomara being here?”

“No, I shouldn’t be. Chris and I need to get on with our lives, things have changed in recent years. I am surprised a little by that. I didn’t think he had something going on with her, but that is his choice, not mine.”

“I understand, that still doesn’t mean you have to like it.”

“I don’t like it, Peyton. I hate it. I know that Xiomara is a businesswoman, I have known her a very long time, and she is a good person, but money talks and bullshit walks with her, hence why she helps Sienna anyway possible that she can. And after the Halloween Party….”

Peyton: “She didn’t know apparently.”

Kelcey’s eyes widen and turns to Peyton as she wipes away a tear….

Kelcey: “Chris told you?”

Peyton: “Yeah, this morning, he was trying to put my mind at ease as I was worried about you…”

Kelcey: “Great. Look, Peyton, I can tell you’re not happy that I am getting back in the ring with Sienna and Gio, I get that, but you need to trust in my abilities. You need to trust in Owen’s too.”

“It’s not about trust, but since we are on the subject, look me right in the eyes tell me that you trust me against Xander.”

Kelcey: “I don’t trust Xander.”

Peyton: “That doesn’t answer my question. I can defeat him, Kelcey.”

Kelcey: “That is not the point.”

“Yes, it is.”

Kelcey: “NO IT IS NOT!”

Kelcey screaming at her startled Peyton, bouncing back a little as Kelcey was now flustered, there was obviously something else bothering her, as even Chris could hear her yell. He quickly turned off the hob and went outside as Peyton stood there quiet….

Kelcey: “I’m sorry…. But you don’t get it. Do you think I wanted to step into the ring to face Sienna and Gio!? No, I did not! I wanted for you, Aaron, and Owen to shine, but they forced my hand, and the last straw was when you were almost killed after the Elimination Chamber. Do the names Shaya Blackley and Robert Joseph Kelly ring a bell, Peyton!?”

Peyton: “Yes…. They were apart of Perfect World.”

Kelcey: “Yes… They are two people I cared deeply about. RJK and Shaya were thrown into a trunk and the car was rammed into the wall by Blitzkrieg, after that RJK never wrestled again, as for Shaya I have no idea what she is doing now. But that isn’t what is important, this is because after that moment I almost left wrestling after that. It was the price I paid for challenging Blitzkrieg and winning the Elimination Chamber and if you think I didn’t catch that you’re taking the same road I did, then you give me no credit!”

Peyton: “Kelcey…. I….”

Kelcey: “No, you listen to me. Since RTG you have been full of piss and vinegar, rightly so, I will never deny that but at the same time you have started to lose the one thing I admire about you most, the faith in this sport. Look at me, I lost my way once, I became everything I hated and look where it took me. You are the best of us, you haven’t allowed this sport to change who you are much as you think it has and I know it has tried a lot this year alone. Look at Chris and I, our marriage failed because of this fucking sport!”

Chris is speechless standing by the sliding glass door. Peyton glares at him for a second, before back at Kelcey who now realizes that he was standing there behind her this entire time…..

Kelcey: “It’s true. See, Peyton, unlike RJK and Shaya, I lost them, forever. They are gone, and never will they come to wrestle again, that much I know but if something happened to you like it did to them? I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself. Xander will kill you if you’re not careful, that is what I am worried about because…”

Peyton: “I will take care of it, you don’t have to worry.”

Kelcey: “I do worry because you’re not listening to me.”

Peyton: “I can handle myself!”

Kelcey: “YOU CAN’T WIN!”

Peyton froze the minute Kelcey said that, realizing the words that just came out of her mouth, it was gut instinct and pent-up emotion, because while Peyton was so worried about Kelcey and her match with Gio and Sienna, what she didn’t realize was that Kelcey was more concerned about Peyton, all she could do was think about what happened to her friends, even to Chris when he was taken out for a long time by Blake Mason. She slowly closes her eyes and lowers her head….

Kelcey: “I didn’t mean it that way.”

Tears started to trickle down the cheeks of Peyton as Kelcey tried to hug her, but she pushed her away and stormed inside even bumping into Chris who looked back at Xio as she nodded and walked back upstairs. Chris closed the door and walked outside to where Kelcey stood, arms folded and looking out to the ocean…

Chris: “What is going on, Kelcey?”

Kelcey: “I fucked up that is what. I shouldn’t have said that to her, I believe in her more than I believe in myself right now. I’m just so afraid of something bad happening to her like what happened to Shaya, to RJK, to you. I can’t do this, it was a mistake coming here, and it was a mistake coming back to the SCW.”

Chris: “What are you talking about, how can I help you if you won’t talk to me?”

Kelcey: “How do you think I feel seeing you with her. I don’t care how you live your life, Chris, but of all people Xiomara!?”

Chris: “What’s that got to do with anything?”

Kelcey: “Your brother had a conversation with me last night and I’m sure he is going to tell you about it, but he basically said that he and I are better off as friends than anything else, because his true love is Taylor Chase.”

Chris: “What?”

“I know… The irony I found in that was astronomical. But you know what, I came here to talk to you about it, I needed an ear to vent, for these days I don’t know what the hell to do anymore, and all I can focus on is Last Laugh on so many levels.”

Chris stood there dumbfounded by what he was just told by Kelcey, Scott actually did it, what was he thinking?!

Chris: “Kelcey… I…”

Kelcey: “So you can imagine what I’m feeling right now, especially knowing that despite my best effort to reach out to her, Sienna tried to make me sick and possibly even kill me… Then I see her here and I’m thrown through a loop and…”

Kelcey looked like she was about to cry all over again, emotions running high in the Perfect Ten and Chris wasn’t sure what to do… He wanted to pull her in and hug her tightly, it’s what he would have done when they were married but now things were different. They were two very different people or so he thought… He approached and rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezes it reassuringly, in a moment of weakness Kelcey rests her hand on his and loses herself in it before shaking her head and pulling away…

Kelcey: “Sorry… I understand this is complicated for everyone, but If you want to take Xio’s word for it, then fine. I need to talk to Peyton.”

Chris: “Let her cool down, then talk to her. As for my brother, I didn’t know he was going to do that.”

Kelcey: “Now you do. I need to go, please tell Peyton I’ll call her later.”

Chris: “Kelcey….”

Kelcey: “Don’t….. please don’t.”

She starts to walk away as Chris stands there watching her leave through the side gate, he didn’t know what to make of it, the pressure was getting to Kelcey. He wanted to chase her down, tell her to stop and stay, talk things out, but he didn’t and instead he walked back inside, where Peyton was upstairs sitting in her bed, Xiomara was getting dressed in his bedroom. Chris walked in where Peyton was…

Chris: “She knows you can win; Kelcey is afraid for your safety and blames herself for all that has been happening to you lately.”

Peyton: “I know she does and It kills me that she feels that way. I can’t fail.”

Chris: “You won’t, love. There is room for only one failure here, I have that covered.”

Peyton: “Chris, I need to tell you something…..”

Chris: “Tell me later, I need to talk to Xiomara.”

He turns and leaves the room. Peyton lies back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about all that has happened since Rise To Greatness, and in that very moment, all it took was a moment to understand that this was her make or break moment, it was her chance to become a United States Champion, and show both Chris and Kelcey….

That she could indeed do the impossible.


Glendale, AZ.


Arriving a few days early to spend with her father, since the Last laugh PPV was in her hometown, Peyton came ahead of everyone else, Hunter wanted to come along, and she honestly enjoyed his company. They hadn’t really done anything but hang out, which in many ways was a blessing in disguise because whatever this was between them was going at a very slow pace. Peyton was outside watching Hunter help her dad out with some stuff in the backyard, some brush, fixing the fence, a few other odd jobs that would really help Ray a lot. This was definitely the chance for them to get to know each other better, even though Peyton didn’t know what she wanted out of the relationship, it was going by slow and she was content with it. After a very tumultuous Thanksgiving and what had happened in the last few weeks, there was a bit of tension among Peyton and the people she loved and cared for. Her father was worried about her safety, so were many others but she didn’t care, all Peyton wanted was to be ready for Xander Valentine. What she didn’t know was that her mother was behind her, wanting to talk. Wearing jeans, sneakers and a long sleeve pull over University of Arizona shirt, with her hair hanging down and nails polished white, she watched Hunter and Ray working on the fence when her mother walked in…..

Jo: “Hey…”

Peyton: “Hey, I didn’t know you were behind me.”

Jo: “Sorry. I see your dad and Hunter are starting to get on well. He’s a good guy, I like him a lot.”

Peyton: “Yeah, me too. Alright, I’m going to the market I’ll be back later…”

Peyton turned to leave but Jo stepped into her path

Jo: “Can I come, I need to pick up some things?”

Peyton: “I won’t be long, I’ll go alone.”

As Peyton was about to leave, grabbing her car keys, Jo followed her outside….

Jo: “Peyton, it has been months now, why won’t you talk to me? How can we fix this if we don’t open up some sort of dialogue which doesn’t include you ignoring me every chance you get.”

Peyton: “What is there to talk about Jo? You and dad are working things out, I am happy for you two, what else do you want from me? I have been cordial, the last thing I wanted was for Hunter to feel uncomfortable, so I have done what I can to keep the peace, I mean, I don’t know what else you want from me?”

Jo: “Your time. I want my daughter back.”

Peyton: “My time, for what, Jo? We know how the conversation is going to go. You can apologize to me, explain why you did it, and I will have to accept it and move on.”

Jo: “Peyton I love your father and I want this to work but we both agreed that it will not unless you are on board one hundred percent.”

Peyton sighed and brushes some hair from her face…

Peyton: “Great so it’s on me then, is that what you’re telling me? Just like it fell to me when you left us.”

Jo: “Peyton…”

Peyton: “No, it’s fine I’m on board. You changed my life when you walked out those doors, and never looked back to see if I was going to be okay. I had to drop out of school, I worked in places I would never be caught dead in, did things for money just so I could support dad and keep the house. I even went with a couple of hundred dollars in my pocket to Ante Up in Southern California to become a professional wrestler, I had to lie to dad about what I was doing, he hates it, thinks I am going to end up paralyzed like him, which could happen come Sunday if I’m honest. If you want be on board with this, fine if you want me to forgive you like he has I don’t know. I can’t just turn off the switch after the hell I have been through since you left our lives.”

Peyton didn’t have to say much more, instead getting to her car….

Jo: “I’m sorry for the hell I’ve put you through, I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you need me the most….”

Peyton: “Okay, fine. Are we done now?”

Jo: “Not until you listen to me, I am not going to make any excuses here. I was weak, your father was going through some tough times and I should have been more sensitive to his feelings, but I couldn’t take the abuse anymore verbally, and now in hindsight, I should have never walked out on my family, especially you. It was not fair that I quit being a mother and a wife to you and Ray, even Rhiannon, for I blame myself as a result of her behavior and what she is doing these days, but my hope is to bring her home. I am not saying that I deserve your love or forgiveness, Peyton. But I want you to know, the day you were born, I knew that you were going to be something special.”

Peyton stood there silently listening to what Jo had to say, some of it actually getting through the armor she had put up lately…

Jo: “Your dad and I could see it in your eyes, and we worry, what you do is dangerous, and we have seen the size of the man you are facing, no matter what happens though, I can be proud to say that is my daughter right there. I know that you can’t call me mother, I deserve that, but before you leave, just know that I am here to make up for my past mistakes with your dad. And I will spend my entire life if I have to trying to make things right between you and me. I love you Peyton. Please don’t ever forget that.”

She turns to leave and go back inside. Peyton standing by the car door, sighs, trying to speak but no words are coming out until she finally can….

Peyton: “Come on, hop in we can kill two birds with one stone.”

Jo: “…Really?”

Peyton: “Yeah, why not.”

Jo: “Okay.”

Peyton and Joe get in the car and drive off, Ray and Hunter could see them both pulling around the block, Peyton, and Jo wave as they do the same….

Ray: “What the shit…..”

Hunter: “Did we miss something Mr. Rice?”

Ray flicked some of the paint on the brush at Hunter before shaking his head.

Ray: “Cut that Mr. Rice crap, kid. Call me Ray.”

Hunter: “Yes sir.”

Hunter very respectful to people he was still getting to know, and when it came to Ray Rice, he was the most important of them all right now when it came down to Peyton. Which was something Ray could tell and respected as well.

Ray: “Tell me son, did you talk to her about doing that with her mother?”

Hunter: “Who Peyton? I may have given her a little perspective of things…”

Ray: “Thank you. Beer?”


Hunter was finally starting to feel like he was welcomed into the family, and the relief of seeing Peyton and Jolene together heading to the store was a reassurance. Now all he had to worry about was her safety, because like everyone else, she was facing a monster, and everyone was worried….

Not that she couldn’t win but survive.

But Hunter would be there, front row and center to watch…


Camelback Canyon
The Following Day


Peyton had made the climb like she has done a hundred times over. She went with Hunter, though he was still making his way up because she had asked for some time alone. It was a special place for her father and she, but it was also the place where Ricky told her that he loved her for the first time. It was hard for Peyton, but as Last Laugh approached and the end of the year, Peyton needed to clear her head, and finally do the one thing she never thought she would be able to do….

And that was let go.

As Peyton looked out into the desert in her black track suit, she held a selfie of the two she downloaded and printed in her hand. She sat down on the ground and starts to dig a small hole; it was the exact place they kissed after pronouncing their love for one another.

Peyton: “Hey Ricky, I know you can hear me, remember this place, I was just up here with dad not too long ago, and I admitted to him that I had thought about ending it all, just so I could see you again, and then it came to me, you’d hate me if I did that… I have struggled so much lately, and even in death you have become my rock, but also my burden and I think you knew that already because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have ever sent Hunter…”

Hunter makes his way to the top and stops a stone’s throw away from Peyton, listening to her talking to Ricky. Her back is turned…

Peyton: “It’s funny, because I never thought in a million years I would meet someone that was like the spitting image of who you, sometimes and I know this sounds stupid, I actually think he is you, it’s like you were cut from the same cloth… Don’t get me wrong I know he isn’t but has the same traits and that means so much to me because you were always so honest and real with me, just like he is…”

Peyton can feel a tear beginning to form and wipes it with her thumb…

Peyton: “I couldn’t ever picture my life without you Ricky, and it never will be, because you will always be in my heart and your memories will live on forever, but I know you have been wanting me to do this for a while… I know right, you are looking at me wondering what the hell I was thinking challenging someone like Xander Valentine, but listen, I am going to do the impossible, I am going to win this. I don’t know how, but I am. I’m going to make you proud of me after I pushed away like I do so many people. I have not let Hunter in, but I’ve decided I am giving him a key to the door, I can’t screw this one up, Ricky.”

Peyton begins to smile a little now, Hunter standing there taking in all she is saying…

Peyton: “I am going to do it for you, you want me to be happy, and I promise that I will do my best. Before I go through with it and say goodbye, I want you to know something….”

She goes into her pocket and takes out the engagement ring that he was going to give her, kissing it gently and placing it in the hole she dug up, covering it with dirt along with the photograph…..

Peyton: “The answer is and always will be yes. Now I have to go and be with him. I love you Ricky…. Goodbye.”

She stands up and turns around seeing Hunter there, tears start to trickle down her cheeks, she nods as he walks up to her with a huge embrace…..

It was time to move on…..

Only gone, but never forgotten.









Glendale, Arizona, the home of Peyton Rice and a chance to wrestle in front of her family, friends, peers and those fans who see her as a hero to their city. There is some added pressure to the young Wildcat and prodigy of the state. Peyton found one of her favorite places to hang out today before her huge match tomorrow against Xander Valentine for the United States Championship, the perfect spot where she and her father always went, even as recently right after Rise to Greatness where they had a long, and very informative talk where he realized that his little girl was hurting. Camelback Mountain was very special to her. The English name is derived from its shape, which resembles the hump and head of a kneeling camel. The mountain, a prominent landmark of the Phoenix metropolitan area, is located in the Camelback Mountain Echo Canyon Recreation Area between the Arcadia neighborhood of Phoenix and the town of Paradise Valley. It is a popular recreation destination for hiking and rock climbing. Two hiking trails ascend 1,280 feet to the peak of Camelback Mountain. The Echo Canyon Trail is 1.14 miles, and the Cholla Trail is 1.4 mi. Both trails are considered strenuous with steep grades. The hiking path has dirt, gravel, boulders, and some handrail-assisted sections. The average hike requires a round trip time of 1.5 to 3 hours. The Praying Monk is a red sandstone rock formation which is used for rock climbing. Located on the northern slope, the formation resembles the silhouette of a person kneeling in prayer. It rises approximately 100 feet and the eastern face has several permanent anchor bolts for attaching a belay rope. This time she came with Kelcey Wallace, she wanted to show her a piece of home and with it, seeming to be a little therapeutic, the chance to share what she loves, most importantly what she grew up with and a stark reminder what is at stake with this huge match she has coming up.

Peyton knows what is at stake, most importantly, she knows that this could be an encounter where she could get hurt, where Xander Valentine can go out there and use her as a message to Regan Street. Peyton is not going to allow that to happen, and instead she wants to put all concentration on what is there in front of her and why she chose to go against him instead of Glory Braddock who she matched up better again, but Peyton is not here for the easy payout. The gorgeous Rice was in black tights, hiking boots and a long sleeve cut off tight top, her long hair was slicked back in a ponytail and nails polished white. Kelcey was also in purple tights, boots and a form fitting long sleeve shirt, her hair was down, nails polished a bright red. She stood in the back, she too had a huge match with Owen against Sienna and Giovanni so it was a question of how much could she play in Peyton’s Match….

Rice didn’t expect her to be there, but if she were, it would be to neutralize Artemis.

Peyton looks into the camera as the recording begins, Hunter Isaacs is the man behind the camera.




Peyton looks around, enjoying the sight, before turning toward the camera and speaking in her cute and sexy girlish tone…


PeytonCastPic-PeytonShoot3“This whole journey since after Rise to Greatness has been so surreal and I could end the year right with the biggest win in my career. The Elimination Chamber was the platform I needed to even get this opportunity, and it was I who made the choice, and many had been asking me why Xander Valentine, especially now, when I could have challenged Gloria Braddock and tried to win back the title she stole from me. I look at the woman behind me, who at times has been tough, at others compassionate, and study her career, Kelcey Wallace never did things easily, she always had the big matches, she came to wrestle against the very best and made a career out of it. It is no secret that I am nervous about her stepping into the ring again with Owen Cruze against Sienna Swann and Giovanni Aries, but like she has told me so many times over, I need to concentrate on what I have sitting in front of me and that is the chance to become the United States Champion and yes, I feel like this is going to be my make or break of 2020. I want to set myself up, for I have had a rough road in recent months, yet I showed a veteran like Christy Matthews that I can defeat the big names. Wrestlers like Glory, Ace Marshall, Matt Hodges and others, exploited me for my willingness to never waver, they capitalized on my weaknesses, and I learned a lot from that, but the process of wrestling is always a learning experience so I must believe things are only going to go up from here, and looking at what is ahead for me, I am terrified, I am shaking in my boots at the possibility of what could happen to the woman that I love and cherish most, in Kelcey. As for me, well I just need to do my best, and if that is not good enough then so be it, but I have this feeling that it will be. I need to stay positive and remember that even though I have had these huge ups and downs, I always find a way to right the ship, surrounding myself with loving people and family who help each other is a testament to it and all I can ask for…

Because for once, I feel like myself again.

I have been home back in Glendale for a few days now and I don’t think I have ever been this nervous about a match in my entire career. Part of it has to do with Xander Valentine, the other part has to do with Last Laugh taking place in my hometown in front of my parents, friends and family who have come to support and cheer me on, there seems like a lot of pressure that I am putting on myself and it is the only way I would want it. I knew that when I had a choice between the Adrenaline and the United States Championships, that whichever choice I would have made was going to be difficult no matter what. On one hand, I could have gone after Glory Braddock, but in all honesty, this would have been more revenge minded than anything. Sure, I would love to get a win back from her especially after she took away my moment cheating at Rise To Greatness, but I cannot be petty like that, I need to be a professional and think about my future and the titles at stake.

The United States Championship would be the next step in my quest to one day hold the World Title which is my ultimate dream, yet for me, like Regan Street once said, the one who holds the Championship makes it, and she did that with the United States Championship, she wrestled the absolute best and arguably for a while it was that title which was most contested and wanted, a testament to who she is, and I want to be like that, the proud women who stood before me with the belt, which is why when I made the choice, I looked at one man, that was Xander. To be truthful, I wasn’t even thinking about Last Laugh, or it being in my state of Arizona and my hometown, I was so concentrated on making the right choice for me, that I surpassed all that, and when it started to sink in, then the realization of what I was getting into is what hit me like a ton of bricks.

This monster could destroy me on my own soil.

I cannot go in thinking like this, and Xander Valentine, I am not Regan or Selena, the women you have pointed your ire and hatred toward. I can see this ending very badly for me, thing is though Xander, I knew that coming into match, it was the risk I had to take as a professional wrestler and a member of the SCW roster….

… one I was willing to.”


With a slight sigh, Peyton looks over at Kelcey who nods, they had their little disagreements here and there, but everything is back on the same page and it was Peyton who realized that Kelcey like her is simply worried about her safety. She looks back at the camera to speak…


“Xander, I know that you think I am weak, brave and probably stupid all at the same time. I am like a fly on a rhino’s ass when it comes to you, swat me off and focus the grand prize, The Hellcat. I want to apologize first and foremost, because I know that you would have more than likely been given the match with her, then you two could settle everything and be done with it. There is a respect there between you and Regan, I know there is no way that you feel the same about me, and again, I can accept it. What you are very good at Xander is pointing out the obvious, our flaws. I saw how you tore Selena Frost up, one of the most decorated women in this sport, tried to prey on her feelings toward Regan and vice versa, getting into her head, I guess to an extent it worked, making her sister in arms watch her choked unconscious, this could be my fate too, there are so many different scenarios which play in my head and none of them end good except for the one where I somehow defeat you. See, this started long before Taking Hold of the Flame, though you ended my night and the chance to Main Event Rise to Greatness, I don’t forget that, picking me up like I was a bag of carrots and launching me was pretty crazy, showing just how strong and powerful you are.

Yes Xander, I am scared of you, I think most wrestlers are, but I use my fear as a motivator, it gives me goosebumps thinking there is another chance for me to step into the ring with a Hall of Famer and take from him one of the biggest prizes in all of the SCW. I look at Kelcey as inspiration, though I will be honest, she hates the reasoning behind my choice. I watched her win the chamber seven years ago, I was still in high school, and when she went on and ended Blitzkrieg’s undefeated record, much like you at one point had one, it was at this very moment I decided I was going to be a wrestler. I’m not trying to mimic what Kelcey did, not in the slightest, if I could accomplish half of what she has done, I will be a success. It doesn’t always work out the way we plan though Xander, I chose for it to be my turn to slay the monster, to come up and try my best to be the one to take the title from you, not living vicariously through Kelcey, but instead making my own path, because this little holding pattern I have been in the last few years in the SCW was getting tiresome. I am here watching wrestlers that came after me or I have defeated getting the top billing, II had to do something, which is why I claimed the Chamber…

And now look right into your eyes and test me against the most dangerous man in professional wrestling today.

Don’t for one second think I am some dreamer, the men and women you have faced in your career are a plethora of Hall of Famers and legends, my name doesn’t compare to them, for I am nowhere near what they have done, but that is the caveat to all of this Xander, I am another victim to you, a chance to send a message to Regan Street, one of David Helms prized students at Ante Up Academy, and you would love nothing more than to practically wipe the mat clean with my face, sure as Artemis looks on and smiles, but Xander, we are on my turf, I can’t allow this to happen, I can’t just let it all become one big massive failure in front of my people. They see me as hope, more than I see myself admittedly but still, there is no way I can break it, yet again though, I understand sometimes those things are out of my control.

I have screwed up a lot of stuff in my life, there is nothing less I expect then for you to exploit it, matter of fact I would be disappointed if you didn’t. I was engaged to Alistaire Allocco, I should have handled the situation better. I pushed Ricky Octavius away and looks where he is now, it seems like I am good at making mistakes, this could be another of them, and still, it seems like each one have strengthened my resolve. See, Xander, I in good conscience cannot look into this camera and talk about how big my heart and desire are, the determination to go into this match to win. I have the courage to step into the ring with a monster like you Xander, knowing the consequences to my actions, but one thing I have learned is life isn’t always going to be fair. We lose matches, loved ones and battles in and out of the ring.

I know this…

… and physically you are imposing, but mentally, you see me as nothing more than an annoyance…

And I plan to capitalize on that.”


Kelcey nods as Peyton paces some to the edge of the Canyon, taking a deep breath, knowing the battle ahead, and where the focus of Xander is, she has seen the messages, she knows what he can do, and now it is her turn to test the skills she has acquired against the monster. She turns, glaring into the camera with her green eyes….


“Could this be an opportunity lost, sure. Don’t think I didn’t watch you try to hurt Mikaela Street and Dylan Howell, Konrad Raab, and others just to send a message to those you despise. I get it Xander, this has always been your game of intimidation and it works. I am right now, not going to lie for the sake of trying to look poised and ready, but if I knew that I was going into every match winning, then why compete. See, Xander, you must be stopped, I am not physically able nor willing to take you out, but winning the Championship is a start, slowly chipping away at the stronghold that you possess. Every single superstar in the SCW has a defining moment in their careers that pave the way to their rise. Kelcey Wallace’s was Blitzkrieg, after that she was a Main Eventer until she retired. Sienna Swann was Kennedy Street, Regan was Syren, I could go on and on where every single athlete that has laced a pair of boots has come in to the SCW and made it be known that they were all going to have their moments. I lost mine at Rise To Greatness, I made it back at Under Attack, but while this is a title defense for you and a chance to chew on my bones before the big prize, this is the biggest match in my career and this alone should worry you, because I am looking right at you Mr. Valentine, with nothing but truth here, wanting you to know I am pulling out every stop that I have, I will go beyond limits I never thought to harness, for if I am going to go down to you, it will be in a fight and when this is all over, you will look at me with respect….

…. Because this 5’8” 120-pound gal from Glendale, Arizona in front of her hometown with the crowd sternly behind me will see not a David versus Goliath story, not this is too cliché. They will see a Peyton Rice versus Xander Valentine tale which tells how I persevered and did the absolute impossible. I have been extremely hard on myself, sometimes giving up on what I loved most in this sport. Dealing with so much the last few years, my eyes have opened up and in the last year, I have always felt empty, there was something missing, and maybe it was my passion and love for what I do, because the business and those in it have disappointed me with their actions and words. Xander Valentine, there wasn’t a second from the minute you tried to attack Selena’s family to Regan’s to even the fans who surround the ring, that I do not fear you would do the same thing to my dad and others at ringside…

… This is why you have always been the most dangerous man in all of wrestling. It is my turn now, and I don’t need to stand here looking over the desert, a special place for me as a kid and feed you some bullshit lines about how I am going to beat you on good will alone, oh no Xander….

…. If I win it won’t be a miracle or even a shocker. An upset, sure, I can go with the underdog story here. Instead, what will lead me to victory is the one element everyone forgets when challenged with an obstacle where the odds are not in their favor.


This is why I came to the SCW, to be the best wrestler I can, and no fear, anxiety, jitter, and dismay are going to change it. Bring your worst Xander, and when this is all over? You along with this entire roster will see a new United States Champion….

For like I have said a thousand times over, Peyton Rice is not just Another Pretty Face.”


Her eyes narrow as Kelcey walks up behind her, caressing her shoulders……


“I’m home.”


Peyton winks while Kelcey smiles.